This Cheat Is Too Much Chapter 485

Looking at the woman who was shaking, but still holding a sword, William couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

Infected by something in Kieran's eyes, he couldn't help but recall the heroic end of "Saintess".

In the future, this guy died when he was "burning". In order to protect the people of Holy City Midora, he was dragged to death by several thousand-thousand demon Legions. The dragon was dressed as a candied fruit stick by the fearful Demon King, and was directly nailed to the top of the Holy Court of Light.

It was penetrated by a huge hair-throwing spear, and the wound was not small, but the bloodstains under the two corpses were pitiful, which did not match the huge wounds.

Because they can shed the blood from the body, they have almost drained the blood in the previous fierce battle, and the last moment is completely fighting with will.

At that time, in order to maintain the operation of the body, Kiran even gave up the introduction of Divine Kingdom, and directly used the secret technique to burn off most of his soul, resulting in the possibility of not even throwing into the Netherworld River, the scene Simply magnificent.

In other words, after this guy died in his last life, he even offered flowers to her grave.

Well...Although I was hesitant about scolding or spitting, after all, the fake news she gave was so outrageous that she almost killed herself by deleting her account, but in the end it wasn't because of this guy. At the glorious moment, I forcibly held back and didn't vomit.

So this life has to make up for it!

Recalling the tragic situation in his previous life when he returned to the pre-liberation overnight, William's eyes immediately narrowed.

Mad, I thought you were careless at first, but now I see it, and it is a special plot against from beginning to end!

I have good intentions to report... to tell you that someone intends to subvert the Holy See, but as a result, he is plotted against, even if you can't say bad, you owe me this spit!

Just as William was about to pounce, the system's prompt rang for a long time.

[The woman in front of her eyes flashes with inexplicable rays of light]


What the hell? Why are you bubbling?

[Sturdy, press forward! ]

[Resolute, there is no life or death! ]

[The eyes that resolutely go to death,

the pure and pure will, like the clear fire ignited on the ice field, make your heart extremely irritable, and even faintly burst into a touch of the same kind of fire. An unnamed fire! ]

This... I mainly want to hammer her over, and then fiercely spit, the "rollover" accident that I haven't happened yet at the festival, or change to a nameless water in my mouth Bar?

[Looking at the guy in front of you who will not retreat even if you die, your handsome face is still indifferent, but the back of the hand holding the weapon has bulging veins, as if you want to hold the extremely hard holy relic alive. Broken in general! ]


Crushing with bare hands... Your difficulty is a bit too much...

Try to grasp the clutch [pull] Mia's knuckles], William silently hooked the head, did not attack immediately, but continued to stand in place, ready to wait for the second system in his home to finish.

[Faith, will, dreams... Laugh less! When you were five years old, you already understood the emptiness and falsity of these things! In the face of real power and power, these seemingly beautiful things are worthless at all! ]

Five years old... When William was five years old, what happened?

It must be a big deal to let yourself see the hypocrisy of the world at the age of five and embark on the road of embracing the darkness?

William frowned, still didn't expect a major event to happen.

The only thing that can barely get along with it is probably practicing the stick technique for an afternoon, and then carrying the stick to Harry, trying to bring down his own father with a sap, Let the name of William Vankin be heard in the whole family...

As for whether the goal has been's barely half completed, when he was hanged by Harry and slapped hard for two points, Although the name didn't resound through the family, the cries did resound through the entire family...

Hiss~~~ Although it can't be considered a stupid thing, but thinking about it like this, I feel ashamed and uncomfortable!

William couldn't help shivering when he recalled this, feeling a little scared in his heart, and thanked Queen Your Majesty for taking him out of the "den of thieves".

The bloodline in Vankin's house is poisonous, and a group of poisonous people get together is poisonous. child, but don't bring it to Harry!

When he began to think about the child's future education, the system's joyousness gradually reached Peak.

【How can the flowers growing in the greenhouse and the fry floating in the water tank know the cruelty of the world? stupid woman! Let me break your naivety! ]

[Looking at the opponent who is unable to withstand a single blow, you raised your chin arrogantly and moved towards her slowly hooking your fingers]

【In these eyes Your brilliance is too scorching, destroying your good mood, you decide to teach her a profound lesson, let her understand the vainness and powerlessness of faith, and let these clear eyes be stained with thick dust that belongs to you alone haze! ]

Infected, belongs to me, thick, sizzling...

In William's sudden realization, Chung II system imposing manner threw away the specific task content majestically.

[Faith is just vain, strength is eternal]

[Limited time task]

[Defeat the bruised enemy as soon as possible, the specific reward depends on the defeat time, The faster you defeat your opponent, the higher the task evaluation and the richer the reward]

I see, do it quickly!

William's eyes narrowed, and he moved towards the wobbly Kieran and rushed over, feeling that he might be able to get other rewards at the highest level.

Because physique is not Saintess's specialty in cutting black, she was definitely not badly injured by repeated blows, and there are at least 30 wounds all over her body that ooze blood, and the wound on her thigh is even more bloody. As noted, her thin gauze trousers were flushed bright red.

In her current state, it's a bit of a stretch to say she's dying, but it can really be regarded as being hammered to death. Out of ten lives, at least five or six have to be taken.

And all the wounds on her body, except for the thigh knife, were all made by William. Because of the nature of the [Pain Spell], every wound is releasing unimaginable pain.

As an experienced Candidate Saintess, the reason why she lost consciousness just now was probably forcibly painful, until now her sword-holding hand is trembling slightly...

In any case, no matter what. No matter how you look at it, this guy is simply courting death when he comes back. I am afraid it will be difficult to even make a decent counterattack.

However, the reality is always a little more outrageous than the plan. At the moment William rushed up, Kiran, who was shaking like a quail, stabilized his body.

In William's amazed eyes, the corners of Cie Hei's Saintess's lips curled slightly, and his empty left hand turned slightly toward him, something that William was quite familiar with suddenly appeared on his chest.

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