This Cheat Is Too Much Chapter 476

Tsk, nasty squinting, that guy was already black after he cut it open!

After recalling the grievance and entanglement with "Saintess", William stared at Melanie in front of him with a black face, squinting his eyes and said:

"Speak well! Let me Seeing you squinting, prepare to wear that thing around your neck for the rest of your life!"


Although she didn't understand how her squinting annoyed him, Mei Lanny still sensed the seriousness in William's words by relying on a woman's instinct.

If he sees him squinting again, even if he doesn't really let him wear a collar for the rest of his life, 80% will be cleaned up by fiercely.

"No squint, no squint, why are you shouting so loudly?"

The female vampire muttered unconvincingly, while her bright and intelligent eyes widened from her heart. , her eyes slightly dodged, and said:

"Although I misled you a bit before, the strength of that woman Kieran is indeed strong. As a Dragon Knight, she is far from ordinary seventh rank professionals. Compare.

I advise you to let me go. How about following me to the Holy Empire to hide? (By the way, I will be my old lady's exclusive servant, help me clean my shoes every day, and have to be taken by me. With a small whip, oh he he he )"

Although William didn't know her subtext, he still sensed some harboring malicious intentions from her evasive sight.

He immediately squinted his eyes and asked back:

"Why should I go to the Holy Empire with you? Although the Blood Race Council's means are not weak, they can't deal with the control of the whole on the surface. The Holy See of the country, right? They are willing to take such a big basket for you?

even more how as a Saintess...well, it doesn't seem like it is now, but the resources that that squinting woman can mobilize are already huge It's amazing, as long as she really wants to find someone, it's only a matter of time before you and I are exposed."

Melania looked at William in amazement, a little surprised at his understanding of the situation of the Holy Empire The familiarity of her, and then replied indifferently:

"It's not a problem what you said. Although you know the Holy Empire, you don't know the woman."

Crooked After thinking for a while, Melanie raised her little hand and gestured.

"Hey! Have you ever seen that kind of cat on the grassland, uh... a big cat with black and yellow stripes all over its body that looks like it's running with a [light spirit technique]?"

William raised his eyebrows slightly.


"Yes! That's the name."

Melanie nodded, with a smug expression:

"They are just ordinary wild beasts, but they run faster than First Rank professionals. If they are willing to chase hard, as long as the prey enters their line of sight, there is no possibility of escaping, but... "

"But they also consume a lot of physical strength when running, so they often only chase a few hundred meters. When they find that their prey is not slow and their physical strength is sufficient, they will think that the gain is worth the loss and give up decisively..."

William stood up, looked at Melanie condescendingly, and said lightly:

"You mean to say, that squinting woman's character is like a cheetah, there are too many What needs her to do, so she will only 'chasing' the prey a little, and once she finds that it takes too much energy, she will resolutely give up because of the mundane tasks?"



Facing William's forcible "cutting the beard", the look on Melanie's face quickly changed from complacent to depressed, and her cute little face was flushed red.

"Yes...that's what I meant..."

How dare you show animal knowledge in front of people who have watched "Animal World"?

William hehe smiled, sat back at the table, raised his legs, and commented indifferently:

"What you said is basically correct, that squinting is really innocuous. I can't take advantage of the early character, but I'm afraid not this time."

Huh? why not?

Melanie was stunned for a while, then she looked towards William with some understanding, and said with a wrinkled face:

"You this bastard! What happened?"

How can it be called a wrath? I personally killed a wantonly slaughter's female warlock, obviously it was a chivalrous person, right? It's just that the spills of war are not very harmonious.

William calmly took out the manuscript of the "Devil Codex", and quickly shook the cover facing Melanie's big eyes twice.

I have to say that big eyes are good. Although the female vampire is locked by the [Forbidden Source Collar] of the seventh rank, she can still see the cover with her ancestral bright and intelligent big eyes. name on .


"The manuscript of three generations of Popes!!! Are you crazy!!!"

Two little tigers were shocked by this thing Tooth was trembling, and Melanie's bright and intelligent eyes revealed a strong sense of panic for the first time.

Although not many people know about the Codex Codex, but she is also a member of her Wright family. She recognized this thing at a glance, and instantly understood what William meant.

She asked with a look of shock on her face:

"Bastard! Didn't this thing get robbed by a sixth rank warlock? Why is it here with you? You know what it means How much trouble did he cause?"

"That warlock escaped from the Holy Empire and wanted to build a 'flesh altar' in Penkeluo City, but I killed him. This thing is the result of that war. Goods, as for how much trouble..."

William waved his hands indifferently and said, "Do you only know the trouble now? Use your brains, and ordinary things will alarm the Candidate Saintess?"

Enraged by his attitude, Melanie stomped her little leather boots angrily, raised her hand tremblingly and pointed at him, opened her mouth several times, but did not say anything. He gritted his little white teeth angrily, turned his head and left.

"Where are you going? Aren't you going to trade with me?"

Facing William's calm inquiry, Melanie turned her head and said angrily:

"I'm crazy to care about you! In order to take back the manuscript of the three generations of Popes, that woman with wild ambition will definitely by fair means or foul! Now even if you beg me, I will not care about you!"

"Tsk , she is a ruthless woman."

William raised eyebrows and said solemnly: "It's a pity that I always love you so much, but now the big brother is in danger, and when we need people to join forces to fight the enemy, as a good younger sister Are you going to run straight away?"

"Bah! Shameless! Who is your younger sister? And you have the face to say that you 'pain' me?"

Mei Lan Ni stopped and said angrily:

"I put my words here, I, Melanie Roger, even if you suck your ass and eat Daisy's black bread until you die , I will never join hands with you!"

"Don't you hurt you when you hit 'pain', but it's just a little too extreme~"

faced with a face The resolute Melanie, William smacked his lips at first, and then added with a slightly raised corner of his mouth: "Also, don't say it so deadly, it would be embarrassing if you change your mind later. ."

Amid Melanie's sneer, William took out a large wooden barrel from the space ring, placed it on the wooden floor with a bang, and said with a smile:

" Come, take a sip of the good stuff in it, and I promise you'll change your mind."

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