This Cheat Is Too Much Chapter 457

After the half-blood giant was taken away by the black boy, the rest of the prison sighed.

Twice to gain hope and twice to disappointment, it really made them feel a little uncomfortable, and they lost the interest in continuing to talk, and the dim cell suddenly fell into deathly silence.

After an unknown amount of time, a surprise cheer rang out, breaking the silence in the cell.

The gray-skinned elf stared at the opposite cell in surprise, and while twisting wildly like a caterpillar, he growled in a low voice:

"Ralph! Pants! Hurry up and take off your pants!"

The remaining eight people looked over one after another. After seeing what was on the dwarf's waist, they grabbed the special fence and said in unison:

"Take off your trousers! Ralph! Take off your trousers!"

Facing the insane demands of his companions, the dwarf subconsciously clamped his legs, then felt a little tingling, and lowered his face in confusion. Head, just saw the very leather belt around his waist.

In order to tighten the leather armor and hang the off-hand weapon, this strap is lined with two thin iron sheets in addition to the cowhide for shaping. The left edge of the weapon is slightly worn.

When Thori covered his mouth just now, the dwarf struggled twice. And the sharp edge is flashing a faint cold light against the candlelight.


"So you are the leader."

Looking at the indifferent half-blood giant in front of him, William raised his eyebrows and took out a The reward order, with a more indifferent expression than him, asked:

"Your mission should be to hunt down her, where are the rest? Also, the real leader of your squad is in Where? Why didn't I come with you?"

Looking at the familiar bounty in William's hand, the half-blood giant was silent for a while, then shook his head and said:

"No, there are only ten of us here this time, I am the leader of this team, there is no one else."

Tsk! It seems that a dead duck's mouth is not only the nature of human beings, but giants also have this problem...

William shook the head, staring into the eyes of the half-blood giant:


Although [Dragon Hunting Crossbow] combined with [Dragon Sleeping Stone], coupled with your complementary control abilities, are indeed enough to kill the female warlock, but the things in her hands are so important, Holy Church will definitely not just send a group of fourth rank.

According to their habit, at least a sixth-rank or double-fifth-rank professional is required to cover the bottom line, and with the female warlock's past record, there is a high probability that the powerhouse of the seventh rank will be directly sent to the battle. "

In the half-blooded giant's gradually stiff face, William said sincerely:

"You should answer my question honestly, after all, you are from the most powerful Holy See in the continent, I don't want to use excessive means to extract a confession, lest it make things irreparable, this is also for your own good."

Looking at William who said "I'm thinking of you" in front of him, The half-blood giant smacked his lips wordlessly.

This guy's "you're still...well, after all...I don't want to, lest...for your own good" This is a standard Holy Church special sentence for persuading surrender, and he has said it to others. I don't know how many times, did't expect also listen to others talk about this stuff.

The half-blooded giant shook the head with a complicated mood, and said calmly:

"I don't know what you're talking about, and I won't reveal any information."

William eyebrows raised with a speechless face.

"Since you didn't say anything, what are you doing here? Are you here to chat with me?"

"I'm here to persuade you to give up your resistance."

When he said this, the half-blood giant's calm face showed a little embarrassment.

He met William's surprised eyes, and hesitantly persuaded:

"You still... you better hand over the copy of the [Demon Codex], obediently and honestly, and Let's go get guilty.

After all... um, because you have a good relationship with Falan's three True God Cult clubs, and we don't want to... don't want to use too aggressive means to avoid... so as not to make things worse The trouble is irreversible...this is also for...the best result for you..."

Looking at the man's playful gaze, the half-blooded giant who has always acted prudently, rarely realized that The taste of shame.

It's not that he doesn't want to change his rhetoric, but this set of rhetoric is really too much, and he has been proficient in the bones, and although this rhetoric has just been used by others, it is indeed logical. The stakes are clearly stated, and other statements may not necessarily be used in this way...

"It is impossible to lead the crime, and it is impossible to lead the crime in this life."

William happily hooked the head, took out the manuscript of the [Devil's Codex], and lightly tossed it in his hand.

"I not only read the above content, but also learned the warlock sequence recorded in it. You should know what will happen if I go to confession, right?"

The half-blood giant was hesitating for a moment. For warlocks that often trade with demons, of course, there is only one way to deal with them within the Holy See, and that is to be slowly purified by the holy flame of light.

In other words, under the energies of a large amount of attribute hedging, the pain was burned to death.

For this kind of person who devotes himself to the darkness, the attitude of the Holy See is absolutely without any compromise. Even the previous generation of Saintess of Light, because of falling in love with a dark creature, was rejected by contemporary people. The Pope himself captured and burned alive, how could the human being on the opposite side be an exception?

"It's fine if you don't answer. Your expression has already given me the answer anyway."

William laughed indifferently. Don't really care about this.

In the eyes of Holy Church, the unbelieving mages of the Arcane Empire are also people who should be burned to death, but are they not alive and well?

And there are many dark creatures that are as taboo as warlock, but the Holy Empire that is most keen to fight dark creatures is the base camp of dark creatures.

The Blood Race Council, the werewolf clan, and the two remaining demoness schools all have roots in the Holy Empire, and are entangled with a large number of middle and lower-class nobles, and there will even be a dark creature in the future trying to get in on the throne ...

Stroking the cover of the Codex Codex, the smile on William's face not only did not subside, but instead grew stronger.

If there are very few taboo people, it is indeed very dangerous, but everyone is blatantly crossing the line, so I am not a major event.

After all, contemporary popes are all "favouring", secretly letting go of the half-human, half-vampire granddaughter, and turning a blind eye to her dangerous behavior of trying to subvert the Holy See, if not for "reporting" Meilan Ni, maybe she'll be able to... er...

When he recalled this, William sat up suddenly, his face extremely speechless.

I seem to know why the Holy Church's reputation was never going up...

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