This Cheat Is Too Much Chapter 248

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Noticing William's gaze, Dame realized that he was using a bit of strength.

As if being electrocuted, she quickly retracted the arms that hugged William's waist and abdomen, and instead used her two long legs to clamp the little whites tightly, trying her best to keep her balance on the galloping horse.

Feeling the tighter thighs in his palms, William gave a silent thumbs up in his heart, then retracted his hand and touched his lower abdomen.

That piece of wet clothes is a little cool under the night wind, but apart from this, there is some quite familiar feeling on my belly, like... a shadow?

Stretching out his hand and rubbing the crumpled piece of clothing, William only felt a chill in his palm, as if he had plunged into a clear lake, and really touched some intangible substance, but it really existed. s things.


"Huh?" When his name was suddenly called, Dame looked a little flustered, like a student named by the teacher.

"What's the matter?"

William patted her leg reassuringly, looking thoughtful and asked, "When did it happen?"

After hearing his question, Leonard, who was on the horse's back, pricked up his ears instantly, this... Am I really going to be an uncle? But although her fate trajectory is not clear, it is obvious that there is only one instead of two?

"What... what time?"

Jessica looked at William in confusion, and asked back in confusion: "William, what are you talking about? Why didn't I listen? Do you understand?"

So you don't know it yourself.

Seeing her ignorant appearance, William grabbed her wrist and tugged, leading her to dig into his lower abdomen.

Leonard stared wide-eyed who noticed this move, although I joke about it recklessly, is it a bit too much for you to do this to my face?

Jessica's pretty face blushed even more, she clenched her fists quickly and stretched out her other hand to push William's back.

"You...what are you doing? Leonard is...still there!"

Although she said so, she put her palm on William's broad back When I got up,

for some reason, the strength of my body suddenly lost a lot, and the pushing and shoving action seemed a little perfunctory.

Too much! Do you think I am dead?

Leonard silently looked at his elder sister's humiliating performance, and called the head gave up the idea of interrupting the cheating couple.

This quirky broken horse, as expected, I am the superfluous one.


Glancing sideways at Leonard, who stared at him, William stretched out his other hand, one by one, renewing Jessica’s clenched fists. He broke it open, grabbed her hand and reached into his lower abdomen.

"William...William...I think it's a little early..."

"It's not early."

William shook the head and said: " Twenty-six or seven-year-old fourth rank is already too late compared to those real geniuses."

"I think... this kind of thing is actually thirty years say fourth rank??? "

Dame broke free from his snarky thoughts and looked at William's profile astonished.

"You mean...I...I'm fourth rank?"

"Feel it yourself." William shook the head, pushing her arm towards him Sent deep in the abdomen.

At this time, Jessica also realized that something was wrong. According to the current angle of her arm, her palm should have completely penetrated William's body.

But now not only did it not pass through William's body, but it seemed to be probing into the shadow plane, and even felt that with a little force, the whole person would burrow in and make a direct jump to the shadow plane. .

Suppressing the idea of "getting into" William's body, Dame asked in surprise: "This...this is?"

"This is [shadow trail], The Innate Ability of the fourth rank [Dear Commander]."

Feeling the cold infiltration of the palm all around, William looked thoughtful and opened the occupation panel, and found the occupation tree belonging to the shadow sequence.

[Dark Commander]

[Employment conditions: pre-professional Dire rider is at full level, the mount Dire enters the growth phase, shadow attribute affinity (medium), willpower attribute Higher than...]

[Not allowed to take office]

It's a bit strange, it's actually the Lord's Will and Legion's [Dark Commander], according to Dame's attributes and personality, generally shouldn't be Is it the agile [Dark Knight] or the more offensive [Shadow Raider]?

Pressing the doubts in his heart, William took the initiative to stop Xiaobai and turned around and said:

"Jessica, there is still time now, you should familiarize yourself with the [Dear Commander] first. Let’s not have any problems in a while.”


Dame nodded with joy, rolled over with two long legs and dismounted, walking slowly and hard on the ground After a few steps, he left two neat rows of footprints.

William squinted his eyes, even at night, those small footprints were a bit too "dark", these dark and deep marks, like a portal connecting reality and a certain Illusory World, through With a quirky mysterious feeling.

“xu lu lu ~”

At this moment, the little whites snorted and took a few steps forward slowly, imitating Jessica.

The original sound of the horse's hooves became silent, and the hoof prints they left also became dark, exuding a unique "smell" belonging to the shadow plane.

Leaving Leonard on the horse's back, William turned over and dismounted and touched Xiaobai's hoof print, and found that it was exactly the same as the handprint on his lower abdomen, and the cold and moist feeling seemed familiar.

It's really [Dear Commander].

Well...this profession has a pretty good use for Legion with the shadow trait, and it seems that she can be squeezed a little more in the future.

As if aware of William's thoughts, Jessica, who was walking in the distance, swayed, as if stepping into a mud pit, and suddenly she was shorter.

She staggered forward, lowering with each step. When it was already submerged to the waist, Dame closed his eyes and jumped, the whole person sank into the ground, and then "squeezed" out of the hoof prints left by the little whites.

William glanced at the tiny hoof prints. The little whites' hoof prints were no bigger than the mouth of a bowl, and they couldn't even fit one of Jessica's feet, but they allowed her to move freely in them. go.

With the help of the mark left by [Shadow Trace], it is not only the entrance to the shadow plane, but also the coordinates of re-entering Falan.

This is a very practical ability, whether it is Jessica's handprint or Xiaobai's hoofprint, the effect is the same, can make her leave two more handprints on her body in a while.

Thinking of this, he quickly touched his lower abdomen, summoned the power of shadow in his body, and forcibly washed away the fingerprints on it, completely destroying this potential "entrance and exit".

This hole can't be left. In case her brain suddenly short-circuits and pops out of my belly, then this life is not good, is it possible that let her call me father?

Well, the father is fine, anyway, not a male mother!

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