This Cheat Is Too Much Chapter 246

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After hearing Melanie's request, the old father happily nodded and opened his mouth unprepared.

However, just when he was about to speak, he felt a warning from in the depth of one's soul, and a faint "phantom pain" came from the shortest leg.

Can't speak! Open your mouth to regret it to death! ! !

A man's instinctive fear of egg pain worked, and he saved the old father's gun and egg kit between his legs with extreme maneuvers like a precipice.

Even though the desire to talk has poured into his throat, he felt that there was nothing at worst in his heart, but out of instinct, Harry's mouth was still tightly closed, so tight that he could use an iron bar. Couldn't pry it open, just looked at the opposite Melanie silly.

He can actually stand up to [Human Charm] without opening his mouth, isn't he a pure-blooded human?

Looking at Harry who was smirking but couldn't speak, the female vampire narrowed her eyes and decided to increase her efforts!

"Why don't you talk?"

Melanie's big watery eyes flashed twice, and her long and neat eyelashes swept up and down like two small brushes. .

"Am I not pretty enough? You're not interested in talking?"

You're so pretty, your face is like a mud monkey. I can't see the long Adam's apple clearly. Besides, it's none of my business whether you're pretty or not?

Old father hesitated several times, wanting to open his mouth to scold this stupid girl who didn't have a B number in his heart, but the crisis of Eggy finally prevailed, making him hold on to the last one. Bottom line.

Damn, can this be held back?

Looking at the man who bit his lip and tried not to speak, the female vampire couldn't hold back.

Thinking of the repeated joys and sorrows before, remembering the time when the two warts on the back of the dragon were like years, and thinking about this guy's heart that was about to explode when he reached for the mace...

Melanie's anger rose from her heart, and her wickedness turned to courage. A grin appeared on her pretty face full of mud, and she raised her foot and kicked between Harry's legs.

Forget it, the result is the same anyway, since you refuse to speak, then I will do it myself!

'Sir! Lord Rose! '

A shrill cry for help reached Melanie's ear, and

the weak cry wafted along with the breeze and went straight into her ear.

'Sir, save us! As long as you take action, these human beings simply...'

Stopped in midair, Melanie's happy face suddenly turned cold.

She put down her mud-stained boots, turned her head and looked towards the two dying bats in the corpse pile, with a faint smile:

"You two look like several. You may not be able to recover after decades, so what am I doing to save you?"

The skins of the two bats were blackened by smoke, and they had already lost the ability to fly.

They are crawling on the ground and slowly crawling towards this side, and not far behind them, is the silhouette of the [Dark Nightmare Cavalry] who make up their swords one by one.

The larger one raised his head, his bean-sized eyes full of pleading.

"Lord Luojie, please save us, we are your most loyal servants, from now on..."

"Matthew, do you think I'm a fool? "

The female vampire sneered, kicked Harry over with a kick, then turned around and walked over, stretched out her mud-filled hands, and patted on Matthew's big head, coldly said:

"Does your so-called loyalty mean that you want my life?"

The hearts of the two dying vampires froze, and the last chance in their hearts was also shattered. At the same time there was a look of despair.

Matthew raised his muddy head and begged with hope: "Sir, Lord Rose! We are still useful! We can swear to Netherworld River, as long as you spare us this time , in the future..."

"Don't beg her! This woman simply isn't going to let us go."

Looking coldly at Matthew's ugly, slightly smaller body Sith reluctantly raised his upper body, and the smiling Melanie said bitterly:

"Yes, we do want to kill you, but you brought it on yourself!"

Its small eyes were full of deep hatred, and the hatred that came from the bone marrow was not concealed at all.

"You're a selfish and stupid woman! You're only thinking about revenge, and you don't care about the lives of our subordinates!

The Holy Empire is the top three in the entire continent Power, there are more than one ninth rank professional, you want to overthrow it with your seventh rank? Stop dreaming!"

The female vampire's eyes gradually turned cold, and after seeing her reaction, The Sith said happily:

"What? You yourself think I'm right?

Continue to accompany you to fight against the Holy Empire. You really made things happen, everyone will accompany you to the execution rack!

I became a vampire just because I didn't want to die, but after becoming a vampire, you never thought about us Safety! These several decades are either against the Holy Church, or under the hunt of the Holy Empire, I've had enough of this scary life, I'm tired of riding a horse!"

"Oh? That's a coincidence. I'm tired of living, and I should be several decades earlier than you."

Melany sneered.

"Also, what does your safety have to do with me? I'm a vampire and not a Saintess, so it's necessary to consider the life and death of you rubbish?"

The Sith stared at him Got round, and said angrily: "You..."


Under the angry eyes of the Sith, the female vampire stretched out her white palm and held it. slapped its head and blocked the second half of the conversation.

"I'm a very good person, and I'll keep getting better, but you're going to stop here!"

Melanie's eyes slammed and her palms twisted violently. After half a circle, with a crisp bone cracking sound, the charred Sith lay on the ground completely motionless.

"Matthew, what about you? Don't you have any grievances against my actions?"

Melanie turned her head and asked with a smile:

" Be strong, you can survive anyway, and you can scold me to be happy before you die."

After hearing her words, Matthew, who was curled up begging for mercy, shivered a bit. Then he smiled miserably and said:

"Lord Luojie, apart from this time, we ask ourselves that we have nothing to apologize to you. For the sake of being Blood Race, can you really not spare our lives? "

"I can't."

Melanie shook the head, her eyes were cold and authentic:

"My father said the same thing back then, those who have something to do with me." The interested vampire has not let us go.

Although I am a vampire myself, I still think it is a dirty race. If I can overthrow the Holy Empire, the next thing I will do Just kill all vampires.

As for you, there is only one difference between betrayal and countless times, so you are useless, are you ready to die?"

Seeing that there is no hope of survival, Matthew's eyes flashed a fierce light, he raised his head slightly and said weakly:

"Sir, I...I father..."

He spoke The voice was getting lower and lower, Melanie frowned, but after hearing him mention her father, she still got closer.

"Your father...he...go to hell!"

Matthew opened his mouth sharply, and a blood arrow with a fishy smell shot out, running away. It flew over the throat of the female vampire.

Melanie's pupils shrank slightly, but she didn't expect that Matthew would still have enough strength after being hit by a dragon's breath, and this dying struggle was too unexpected.

As she was in a hurry, she suddenly turned to one side and avoided her neck, but a blood hole was pierced under her collarbone.

There was a touch of pain on the face of the female vampire, and then she stretched out her hands and clenched it in the air, and the sad-faced Matthew exploded into a blood mist that filled the sky.


[The two masterminds were killed, Melanie Roger survived, the vampires' plan failed, and the Doza Fortress dilemma was resolved]

[Mission, Breaking the Chains of Destiny Progress Update]

[Mission 1: Frustrating the vampires' plan and lifting the predicament of Doza Castle (completed)]

[Mission 2 (optional): Drive away the vampire Legion 28873379 outside Doza Fortress]

[Task 3 (optional): Help the defenders of Doza Fortress relieve the pressure and support it until the sun rises ( unfinished)]

Huh? There are less than 500 vampires left. It seems that this task is basically completed, and I don't know what kind of rewards will be given, as long as it is not [vampire Legion]...

William thought As he looked up at the sky, it was the darkest hour before dawn, and it was quite a while before the sun rose.

And task three requires support until the sun rises, it seems that no matter what the reward is, it should not be used this time.

"Come and chat?"

Leonard, who was lying on Xiaobai's back, opened the mouth and said boringly: "Talk about you and my elder sister. Come on, tell me, how did you get together?"

William glanced at him without saying a word, and continued to think about Melanie's question.

Although she is a very strong vampire, she is mainly strong in "number of people". If you wait for a whole Legion's "self", a Legion composed of seven rank professionals is enough to push horizontally. Offa continent.

But now she only has three bodies, and she has not yet learned to control the [Schizophrenia] of multiple bodies. At the same time, she can only keep one body active, and her strength is much weaker than in the future.

Leonard, who was ignored, was laughed unconcernedly. He first licked the manes of the little whites curiously, and then asked with great interest:

"You guys were Who expressed their affection first? By the way, I seem to have read your file, they said you are the queen's lover? You hooked up with my elder sister, aren't you afraid of the queen's jealousy?"

William Still ignoring Leonard, he continued to think about the battle later.

In terms of strength alone, Melanie should be a little weaker than most seventh rank professionals, with little brother-in-law responsible for containment, plus the Legion skill of [Rage Legion], Should be able to solve it.

No, theoretically speaking, it is a sure win, but Leonard's fragile physical fitness is a problem. Destiny sequence can play a low-level second, but it is very weak against the same level. You must guard against it for a while. Don't let him be killed by others.

Seeing that William didn't mean to chat with himself, Leonard threw away the horsehair in his hand, eyebrows raised and said:

"Are things in harmony with you? The elder sister and the queen... who is more powerful?"

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