This Cheat Is Too Much Chapter 242

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The attribute panel of the system has a total of five dimensions, physique, strength, agility, spirit, and will.

Although the power of [Flesh Giant] is reflected in power, the terrifying power attached to [Flesh Power] is still based on physique, so it is still a physique profession at its root.

So...what if I learn one of each attribute?

A flash of be eager to have a try flashed in William's eyes. It just so happens that the [Giant Sequence] that is most suitable for [Flesh Demon Giant] is not available. The other sequences will be started first. Anyway, the current level is still low, and even if it is temporarily abandoned, the loss will be smaller.

Thinking about it carefully, the shadow sequence is pretty good. The appearance of the Nightmare surrounded by shadows is quite good, and the ability to move can make up for its disadvantage in speed.

If you can get another Nightmare, maybe you can be a companion with the little whites. By the way, although Nightmare is a genderless shadow creature, the horse possessed by Nightmare No, I don't know if two Nightmares can...

Well, it's worth looking forward to, but I've already seen whether Xiaobai is male or female, and I'll have to study it after I get the equipment.

Patted on the sturdy flattery of the little whites, William raised his right hand, turned his palm towards Cameron old man, and said plainly:

"You said That's right, but the sequence issue is not forced, let's talk about the previous bet first. I think Harry will bring the pope over before these vampires are completely wiped out, Camere President Long is interested in betting this time with me?"

Cameron's old man narrowed his eyes, William's overly affirmative statement made him read a certain conspiracy.

Because of the caution of a businessman, if William only gave a sequence of fourth and fifth orders, he would not necessarily bet this time, after all, the equipment made by a full set of dwarf masters is really valuable.

But now William has come up with a sequence that can reach the highest seventh rank. The fourth rank and the seventh rank are two thresholds. The sequence with the seventh rank occupation is more than ten times more valuable than the sixth rank sequence. , Why not take the benefits for almost nothing?

After recalling the appearance of the "messenger", he still firmed his mind.


Cameron, the old man extend the hand, slapped William and said fiercely: "I don't believe it, one can't even open his mouth. The person who opened it,

Why did you find Gina to send her a message?"

Yeah, I don't believe it either.

William withdrew his hand with a smile, put it in his pocket and touched the hot lucky coin.

The problem is that there are some things, it is unreasonable in itself, you are just a seventh rank [Fate Apostle], and you still want to wrestle with the [Fate item] produced by Fate Goddess?


When William and Cameron old man made a bet, they were shocked that the vampires who kicked the iron plate had begun to prepare to escape.

The existence of Cameron's old man caused them great psychological pressure. No matter what the Sith did, the remaining fourth rank vampire refused to show up, and even retreated secretly. Vice looks ready to slip away at any time.

That was a ten-headed viscount-level vampire, who lost all resistance in an instant, and fell to the ground to be slaughtered by others. Even a sixth-rank professional couldn't do this.

That old fogey whose right hand never leaves his buttocks is 80% a seventh rank professional. He disobeys the order and has a chance to escape, but if he rushes up stupidly, it is purely a food delivery.

The two fifth-order vampires looked at each other again, and at the same time understood each other's thoughts.


A high-pitched cry resounded through the battlefield, and the vampires, such as the amnesty, who were ordered to retreat, except for the lowest-level [Black Death], all vampires turned into bats and fled. The high-level vampires took the opportunity to sneak into the bat swarm, trying their best to hide their breath, and hit the all around encirclement with a large number of low-level vampires.

The sudden rout of the vampires took William by surprise, but after thinking about it he understood why.

Although they still have an absolute advantage in numbers, these vampires are not well-trained professional Legions. bloody.

Although high-level vampires can be forcibly driven by the pressure on the bloodline, Melanie of the seventh rank is not here, and the two fifth-order vampires can't resist Cameron's old man's "point kill" , simply gave up the command, 80% wanted to sneak into a large number of low-level vampires to escape.

William frowned made an estimate and found that there are about 600 or 700 vampires in this part. The number of [Dark Nightmare Cavalry] is definitely unstoppable, not to mention that there are a lot of three fourth rank mixed in it. The vampire, if you block it hard, you will lose a lot.

But these vampires can't be let go like this. If the six or seven hundred vampires are allowed to escape, they will be devastated by the scourge of hundreds of miles, and the people's livelihood of the entire Doza Fort will suffer. to hit hard.

Just as he turned over and mounted Xiaobai, ready to kill one or the other, a dull and majestic roar came from overhead, and a huge flying creature blocked the moonlight and lay on the ground. Cast a large shadow.

William looked up, then stared wide-eyed in astonishment. It was a Fire Dragon with a grow pair of wings, a fat belly and black scales. It seemed that he had reached old age.

According to the memory of his previous life, Falan does not have a giant dragon in his old age, but there is...


A powerful force The roar resounded all around,

The giant dragon hovering over the battlefield opened its mouth, the breath of golden red lit up the night sky, and the dazzling flames set off all around like day.

The terrifying breath was released as it was released, and in just an instant, 80% of the black bat group was burned. Although the remaining 20% was not directly hit, it was also hit by the high temperature that was enough to vaporize the armor. The whole body was smoking, and it fell from the air like dumplings.

William rubbed his dry eyes, looked over through the twisted air, and saw a vague silhouette on the giant dragon's back, and immediately confirmed his guess.

This Fire Dragon is Cameron's old man's old lover.

Aside from the Divine Technique of the Church of Knowledge, the Pope is quite a fickle woman.

She is a rare [giant beast Druid] who can temporarily transform into the corresponding species by consuming the body tissue of large creatures, and even use the opponent's racial innate talent during this period. , she is the only one who will appear in Falan's "giant dragon".

"Gina..." Cameron's old man's eyes flashed with complex emotions.

It’s definitely not to be tender. After all, although he’s cold, he can only cross a species at most, but this Fire Dragon has a huge mace hanging between its legs. One hundred percent is a male dragon.

That's right, the gender of the [giant beast Druid] after transformation follows the "consumables", a two-meter-long mace or something is a trivial matter, if it's a [macrophage sandworm] , [Aboleth] or [Hundred Armed Squid] and other partial creatures, and may even encounter dozens of electric drills...

William squinted at Cameron old man, thinking that his eyes There should be the most fear, followed by worries and complaints, and a little hidden deep guilt in the rest.

Well~ it seems that there is a good show to watch.

After confirming that the vampires had no way to escape, William's nervous expression suddenly relaxed a lot, he stopped moving Jessica off Xiaobai, turned over and dismounted, and glanced at the disappearing moon in the sky. , ready to wait for the big guy to fly.

However, a vague roar came from in the sky, and the giant dragon with a fire star in its nostril roared furiously.

“Who is William?”

? ? ?

William, who was about to eat melons with peace of mind, was taken aback, what's the matter with me?

After carefully recalling the memory of the female pope, and after confirming that the gangster did not have a bad record of indiscriminately killing innocents, he raised his head cautiously and shouted:

“ I am, many thanks, the Pope came to help, if..."

"Don't thank me!"

The giant dragon in the sky turned his head and stared at him and looked at him. A pair of erected beast pupils were full of anger.

"Take care of your father, let me see him again, and you are ready to be an orphan!"

tone barely fell , the red giant dragon's right paw slightly opened, A human male danced and fell from the inside, and William squinted to see that this was Harry who had been sent to deliver the letter.

The one on the back of the dragon is not you!

The thing that surprised him the most was not this, but that Harry kept silent when he fell, not only did not say a word of swearing, not even a scream of panic, as if like a man. Like dumb.

He won't say anything rude and be dumbfounded!

William's heart tensed at the thought of this verse.

Done! Half of the old father's ability to get into trouble is in his mouth, and now he has made people dumb. This...

How can such a big favor be returned?

He glanced gratefully at the giant dragon in the sky. For the Pope who helped him from thousands of miles and helped him solve a big problem in his heart, William couldn't help but feel good in his heart, even the giant nail. The head hammer looked pleasing to the eye for two points.

As for Harry, who fell to the ground like a meteorite, he simply didn't mean to pick it up. After all, it was already obvious that he wanted to be an orphan again, so the old father times are definitely safe.

As expected, at the moment when he was about to land, Harry's body felt a strange wave, and the hard bluestone pavement below instantly became softer than mud, and the old father slammed into the pavement with a plop. The sky was full of mud and mud.

Huh? Is it just [fossils as mud]? , I remember that there is also a "dirty deep ze" for a similar diving technique. As for the specific effect, it is probably similar to "fossils are shit". It seems that the Pope is not very revengeful.

Although Harry in the mud puddle was not injured, he was battled and exhausted, and he struggled several times before barely crawling out.

He knelt down on the edge of the mud pit, "Bah!"


tone barely fell , he grabbed his head on the ground, and let out a silent howl with blue veins on his forehead.'s not dumb.

Looking at the old father's reaction, William probably guessed the truth of the matter. He probably suffered a diving technique such as [Word Spirit], and he would be punished if he spoke.

Looking at his posture from Wudang Sect, that punishment is probably a pain in the balls...Hey, this bitch is really cruel!

"You go down too."

In the sky there was a muffled voice again, the Fire Dragon in the sky shuddered violently, and the silhouette on his back screamed was thrown off.

Huh? Why is there a girl?


Melanie, who was thrown off, screamed in horror, but she was actually going crazy with joy.

She has lived for hundreds of years, and this is the first time she has seen such a reckless person!

When the bearded man wanted to touch the "mace", her heart, which had stopped beating for more than 500 years, twitched violently, almost jumping out of her throat. come out!

However, suffering from the character of a "weak woman", she did not dare to stop her even if she was scared to death, for fear of revealing the essence of her vampire.

Fortunately, this idiot failed in the end, otherwise he would be burned to ashes by his breath and become the first seventh rank powerhouse in history to die because of a "mace"!

An angry look flashed in the female vampire's eyes.

In the future, I will see a man with a beard, see one slaughter one!

"Pu pass!"

The familiar fossil is mud, William frowned avoided the mud that almost splashed on his body and looked at the silhouette struggling in the mud pit.

It seems to be a slightly outdated young girl. It is estimated that she is about seventeen or eighteen years old, and the maximum should be no more than twenty.

She was wearing a short dress that was out of place, her face and clothes were covered with mud, the specific appearance and dress were not quite clear, but intuitively it should not be ugly, this can help help.

Just as he walked to the side of the mud pit to catch people, there was another angry roar from the sky.

“Where are you running to?”

William looked up and saw the Fire Dragon, who had been transformed into a pope, swooped like a meteor and chasing the moon. Cameron's old man, took him to the sky with a helpless face.

"Gina...we're done."

"hehe, we're done, but what you owe me is far from being paid!"

While speaking, Fire Dragon glanced at the numerous vampires below, and took a breath to clear most of it again.

After confirming that the remaining number of people is no longer a threat, he (she) grabbed Cameron's old man and disappeared into the sky with a flutter, presumably looking for a place to catch up.

Squinting at the dangling mace, William put incense sticks for Cameron old man in his heart.

This is no longer the problem that my girlfriend pulls out bigger than me, it is bigger than me, and it has thorns on it...

Well... ...Think about the magic vine ring, maybe it's just like this?

After gently shaking the head, William bent down and stretched out his hand to the woman who was still fluttering in the mud pit, and asked warmly:

"Are you okay?"

Just as he passed his hand, Melanie in the mud pit sniffed and smelled some very tempting aroma.

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