This Cheat Is Too Much Chapter 240

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[pulling Mia's tail finger] accurately hit the vampire of the two fourth rank, then dragged their bodies forward for more than ten meters before barely stopping, passing by The ground plowed a deep ravine.

Matthew almost cracked his eyes, looking at the two strangely shaped meat patties in the distance, and kept scolding himself for his stupidity in his heart.

The siege of William has been going on for a while, but he has never shown the ability to change his body shape. The stick in his hand is just momentum is big, power is deep It didn't show anything special.

No one didn't expect this thing to be thicker than a big tree! No one thought William would throw it out!

These two didn't expect to hit the vampires directly, a completely unprepared one, and William suddenly attacked when they released the spell, everything happened too quickly and too quickly, they didn't have time to make it any reaction.

Matthew even suspected that they might not even know how they died. They only felt pain all over their bodies. At most, they heard the sound of their own skeletons shattering, and then fell into eternal darkness.


After glancing at the flashing kill prompt, and confirming that the two vampires were dead, William rushed down the corridor without the slightest hesitation. The surrounding vampire hadn't been able to come back to his senses, but no one stopped him for a while, letting him break into the corpses of the two vampires.

Under his power over adult giants, these two corpses were not even able to keep them intact. They could be described as being dead all over the floor, not even looking whole.

Wipe! I had known that I would use less energy, but I don't know if I would be disliked and lost...

Seeing the vampire whose two ends were crushed and deformed, William reluctantly cleaned up and tried his best to put Those who can pretend are gone, and those who can't pretend have to leave it alone.

This was the first time he personally killed a fourth rank professional, but he put these two guys away not as a souvenir, but to pay off the "debt" he owed before.

Although vampire is the last in the same rank, it is also a fourth rank professional in Genuine. There are nearly 20 fourth rank vampires in front of him. Maybe this time, he will be able to settle the account owed to Yousui Black Horse. clear directly.


The Sith eye socket cracked in the distance,

almost gnawed his teeth.

I was plot against again. That damn guy had several chances to break out of the encirclement, but he stayed in the encirclement and didn't leave. I'm afraid he was just waiting for this moment. Blood Race's strength grew slowly, evolving from first rank to fourth The time of rank is often more than 100 years, and losing two people at a time can be regarded as traumatic.

Looking at William with a satisfied face, the muscles on his cheeks were twitched, then lifts the head to look at Doza Castle in the distance, secretly ruthless.

After destroying the two Legions in front of him, must rush into the castle to slaughter and make up for all the lost manpower!

A piercing shriek sounded, and the vampires who flew to the sky ahead of time were ready and began to release the [Banshee's Howl] on the battlefield below.

The sound of tearing the eardrums brought great pain. The sonic attack has always been indiscriminate, no matter vampire or human beings, all within the range cover their ears subconsciously.

However, the penetrating power of these screams is not only extremely strong, but also has the effect of slightly shaking the soul. He cried out in pain.

[The Scarlet Hunter LV35 launches the Banshee's Howl at you, you will be subject to a Will check, if the will is below 15, you will be in a stunned state, below 20 will be in a state of confusion, below 25 will be in a short-lived state. The dizziness of time...]

[The will attribute is detected to be higher than...]

[The innate talent of the unbounded people is activated, the check is saved]

[Scarlet Viscount LV38 launched the Banshee Howl at you...]


It's time!

Looking at the vampires around with pained faces, William bent down and picked up [pulling Mia's tail finger]. He waved, once again cleared out a scarlet fan, and then took advantage of the gap to get rid of the siege, and rushed towards the direction of [Raging Flame Legion].

As the central area that suffered the [Banshee's Howl], the [Raging Flame Legion] was naturally more affected, but due to preparations in advance, no one lost consciousness in this round of attack.

Most of their own willpower exceeds 20 points, and they also have the blessing from Demoness Mistress [strong will]. Except for some dizziness, they basically ignore [Banshee's Howl].

But the warhorses under their butts don't have this treatment. According to William's previous instructions, as long as they see a high-level vampire in the sky, they must dismount immediately.

Now, except for Jessica's little whites, all the war horses have fainted. [Rage Legion] has changed from cavalry to infantry. Although the loss of horses' battle strength will inevitably be affected, but This gap is no longer important, because there are even bigger results waiting for them.

An old man drilled out of the [Black Nightmare Cavalry] who were doing errands on the outside. He looked at the vampires hovering in the air, extended the hand with a smile, and clicked one by one.

Those vampires seemed to have received some instructions, they put away their wings in unison, fell down like they were dead, fell covered in blood, and were surrounded by the [Raging Flame Legion] 】 The fools smashed.

"Bastard! Leave a whole corpse anyway!"

William flustered and exasperated rushed into the crowd, snatching the vampire corpses from them, but it was too late One step, the state of these vampires can only be counted as "wrecks".

This...even though it's enough for ten fourth rank creatures, but this "amount" doesn't seem to be enough, and I don't know if the dark horse can be satisfied.

Looking through the inventory in the ring, William turned his attention back to the vampire Legion.

Except for the number of high-level vampires being cut in half, the Legion's system remained basically intact. He looked thoughtful and opened the task panel to take a look, and found that the progress of task two had become 7213379 , and more than 2,500 vampires still maintain battle strength.

But even so, the second and third tasks are only a matter of time.

I have Cameron old man on my side, high-level vampires can’t make a splash, and low-level vampires are not the opponents of myself and [Rage Legion], how do you think those vampires are impossible to turn over? .

After retracting [pulling Mia's tail finger] back to a more normal proportion, William raised it to point to the frightened vampires, and commanded succinctly:

“ Fish scale formation, come on!"

The [Raging Flame Legion] who received the order let out a burst of cheers, and after forming a fish scale formation with a strength of [-1] perfunctorily, he shouted to the crowd. Twenty times more enemies rushed over.

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