This Cheat Is Too Much Chapter 236

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"Damn bastard! Where the hell did you come from?"

The woman with disheveled hair in front of him let out a hysterical roar, the anger in her eyes almost turned into reality, if the anger continued If it is thicker, I am afraid that it will burn Harry and his horse to ashes.

However, the poison on Harry's body was only half untied, only the lower body regained its function, and the upper body still couldn't do anything, so not only couldn't answer her question, but even made a helpless expression. If she didn't come out, she could only stare at her with two eyes.

Looking at the man with round eyes on the opposite side, Melanie could not wait to devour him alive!

My plan is flawless. As long as I hold everyone in Doza Castle in my hands, no matter how crazy that woman is, she can only hold back her unhappiness, obediently and honestly, and herself. negotiation.

Fortunately, I just found an interesting little girl in Doza Fort. She has a very similar smell to that crazy woman, and she is likely to be a direct descendant of that crazy woman. .

With such an excellent hostage in hand, it is not difficult to get back his body at all. Maybe he can force the Church of Knowledge to come forward and help him find out the trace of the giant.

Just when the situation was favorable, Melanie was horrified to find that the warning she had set around her body had been triggered.

Because of the prudence she had cultivated in hiding for years, she immediately gave up the easy-to-reach hostages, took the initiative to withdraw her consciousness and returned to her body, ready to deal with possible attacks.

However, to her great astonishment, it was not the expected enemy that triggered the warning magic, but a middle-aged man covered in gloomy green. Important hostage!

You bastard!

Melanie stomped her feet angrily after the bad thing was broken. After she pulled her consciousness away from her body, it would take half an hour to "drill" back again. The little girl who doesn't know the pros and cons has already run away!

Damn, how could something so outrageous happen!

I have cleaned up the location where I hide my body several times beforehand. Not only did I choose a desolate place all around, but I even released several rounds of dispelling magic, leaving no creatures bigger than rabbits.

How come a green man bumped into him? Is this the arrangement of fate?

Melanie looked at Harry in front of her with an unpleasant expression,

hesitating to blow his dog's head right away.

She had already withdrawn her consciousness from her body, and she had to wait for half an hour if she wanted to regain control of her body. After thinking about it, he and she decided to make good use of this time and let this damn man experience it. How long can half an hour be?

After making up her mind, Melanie sneered and walked to Harry's side, releasing the Qi (body) potential (flavor) that was unique to high-level vampires.

As if being held in his mouth by an ancient Tyrannosaurus Rex, the warhorse under Harry swayed and fell to the ground with a thud, and Harry on the horse also fell to the ground, standing upright. Throwing down in front of Melanie.

Harry's two legs kicked hard on the ground and tried to stand up, but the breath of the seventh rank vampire was extraordinary, under the suppression of the [predator's breath], his two legs She was shaking, unable to support her body at all.

The female vampire frowned, discovered the abnormality of Harry's body.

This man with his butt pouted seems to have only his legs to move, but his upper body is straight and has no movement at all.

She took a closer look and realized that Harry's legs were half tied to the saddle, and his upper body was as stiff as a wooden stake, unable to control the direction of the horse at all.

That's why he came to such a desolate place, triggered his warning magic along the way, and ruined his good deeds?

Why am I so unlucky!

Melanne sighed, completely lost the interest in torturing Harry.

Just as she was about to kill this unlucky fellow like herself, she was caught by something that fell out of Harry's arms.

It was a special stationery soaked in grease, reflecting a faint milk-white fluorescence in the moonlight.

Experienced and knowledgeable Melanie recognized the material of this letter at a glance. From the paper to the grease used for soaking, it is very elegant. In addition to not being fireproof, it can handle the accidents of the overwhelming majority. The situation is often used to convey extremely important military information.

"You're still a messenger?"

The female vampire looked at the stiff Harry in surprise, then bent over to pick up the letter on the ground and glanced at the top. of the previous paragraph.

"Your Excellency the Pope..."

Melanie's pupils shrank, almost tearing the flexible letter paper to pieces. After all, in Falan, she could be called the Pope There is one and only one person, and that is the crazy woman who blocks herself in the city!

The female vampire was trembling with excitement. It is definitely not an ordinary person who can send a letter to the Pope, so the information on this letter should be very important.

It's a great luck, squatting in this barren mountain, didn't expect the messenger of the Church of Knowledge to bump into the door by himself, is it possible that he is actually the darling of fate ?

Melanie unfolded the stationery overjoyedly, her bright eyes filled with excitement, looking forward to discovering some vital news from it.

"Your Excellency the Pope"

"Come and save me, if you want to come, or if you don't."



When Melanie was trembling with anger by Cameron’s perfunctory call for help, her dear good men were also being made by William’s perfunctory cooperative attitude. Burning within five.

Looking at William with a calm face on the opposite side, Matthew stood up abruptly, pointed to his nose and said angrily:

"We must swear to Netherworld River to quit Falan immediately, and Can't touch any ordinary person again? Are the conditions you mentioned serious?"

William nodded perfunctorily, then clicked on the occupation tree in the system, found the death sequence, and read it carefully up.

My [Flesh Giant] has reached Level 20. If you want to improve your battle strength immediately, breaking through directly to the third rank is the best choice.

The problem is that [Flesh Giant] is the Second Rank occupation of the death sequence, and although there are a lot of third rank occupations in this sequence, most of them are quite weak, and there are only a few powerful occupations. Also are more inclined to the sorcerer.

But my physique is approaching one hundred and fifty. At this time, I transfer to the law school, just like a gangster who has a pig peppa tattoo on his chest. normal.

Feeling William's inattentive attitude, the anger in Matthew's eyes rose to a higher level. If there was a negotiating table in front of him, he would be directly slapped into pieces.

"Damn it! You have to be clear, our relationship is now cooperative rather than master-slave! We are not obligated to obey your constraints at all!"

William glanced at him without saying a word. Speaking, but calculating the probability of continuing to transfer to the giant sequence in the bottom of the heart.

Since I have already embarked on the path of physique specialization, it is definitely the most suitable way to go all the way.

According to the route of the [Flesh Demon Giant], it is most suitable to jump out of the death sequence and switch to the giant sequence. Whether it is a mountain giant, a salt-frost giant, or a haze giant, it is an extremely good choice.

But the problem now is that most of the giants do not come out in the country of storms, and only a few are still wandering on the Offa continent, and most of them are mysterious, so it is not easy to find.

And even if they can find a giant tribe that lives abroad, why would they open their own sequence to outsiders?

When thinking of this, William opened his attribute panel and took a look. In the [Race] column, there were only [Humans] and [Undead], and there was no [Giant].

When I obtained the status of [Undead], it was transformed by Xiaohong's "mouth". And [Flesh Demon Giant] is just a profession after all, it does not mean that he has really been transformed into a [Giant], and it is fundamentally impossible to use this to gain the approval of a giant.

Sorry, is it possible that it will be stuck at Level 20 and continue to wait?

"Bastard! We don't have time to waste with you, do you have the sincerity to cooperate?"

Matthew's angry growl called William back, and he He glanced around at the vampires who had gathered around again, showing a rather serious expression.

"Of course not!"

During the period of "talking about cooperation", William has been sitting in the shadow of the trees, secretly recovering by the passiveness of the Shadow Fighter. physical strength.

After the waist that was hollowed out by [Unspeakable] was revived, he immediately chose to cast aside all considerations for face, took out [pulling Mia's tail finger], and turned towards Matthew, who was bewildered. swiped over.

Cooperation? nonexistent!

The Pope of Knowledge has gone to find Melanie's body, and these guys are not ready to obey Melanie's orders, so the vampire Legion is no longer a threat, with Cameron old man in the lineup, Isn't it crazy to talk about cooperation at this time?

"Bastard, are you crazy!"

Although he was also caught off guard, Matthew reacted this time, barely dodging William's attack.

However, the two vampires standing behind him were not so lucky. They were directly smashed to pieces, and sacrificed their precious lives to help William get the progress of mission 2 to 353379.

William's mouth curled into a sneer.

hehe, I'm crazy to really talk to you about cooperation. Don't look at Cameron's old man's unreliable appearance, but he is also a seventh rank professional. In the absence of opponents of the same rank, it is not too easy to clean up your vampires who are only fifth rank.

Since you can kill, why not do it, after all, only a dead vampire is a good vampire! Are you capable of crawling out of the Netherworld River to seek my revenge?

William's face turned too suddenly, and Matthew was caught up and jumped up and down by him, but he escaped his pursuit again and again by relying on his agility far better than William's.

Finding it difficult to catch Matthew in a short period of time, William immediately gave up on him and turned to the surrounding vampire as his attacking target. [Pull Mia's tail finger] Swept around with a violent storm, killing or injuring wherever it went.

In the blink of an eye, a bloody open space was cleared around William's body, and at least ten vampires were directly killed by him.

Finding that William had made up his mind to tear his face, Matthew cursed cursed angrily, and hurriedly directed the surrounding vampires to disperse immediately.

At the same time, hundreds of deep purple chains slowly emerged, and the Sith in the distance had silently prepared the [Rope of Pain], those chains that spread like cobwebs. Travel around and take in all the vampires near William.

"You are very strong! But our Blood Race is not weak either."

"Female" vampire stood out from the crowd and stood beside Matthew, looking coldly at William Said:

"Don't say you are a giant of unknown origin, even if a real seventh rank [Light Giant] is standing here, it is impossible to defeat us by strength alone, and there is a [Rope of Pain]. Now, 3,000 Blood Races are enough..."

Seeing this guy start bragging again, William immediately spoke up and cut back the Sith's half-pretence.

"Enough to last three seconds under the [Holy Light] of [Light Giant]."

[Rope of Pain] is indeed very powerful, and it is very powerful against single-target enemies. It can be called a magical skill at the time, but when encountering a full-screen AOE like [Light Giant], it is purely a food delivery.

In the face of the [holy light] that has nowhere to hide, three thousand vampires share three thousand damages together, and in the end, they may die faster, so you can fool a layman, just pretend to be a wall. Putting it on my head is too much thinking.

The Sith who had his bottoms lifted instantly turned black, and cursed Barbarian in his heart.

The Holy Empire attaches great importance to the ceremony of war. Before the war, they brag about the strength of their subordinates.

And he was originally from a noble family, and after more than two hundred years of immersion, he naturally developed this habit, but he didn't expect to be punctured by William in front of him, and slapped his face fiercely.

Unable to swallow this breath after all, the "woman"'s cheeks twitched, and she couldn't help but retorted to William:

"As a giant, you know a lot, but What's the use of knowing more? We have 3,000 Blood Races under our command, and you are only one person, and all consumption will kill you!"

"Who said I was only one person?"


William took out an alchemy firework and shook it, and said earnestly: "I just threw a flare, and my Legion will be here soon."

I heard William After the words, the two fifth-order vampires looked at each other with disdain on their faces.

I was worried about the flare because the guy from the seventh rank was still hanging over his head, but now it has been confirmed that this bastard has nothing to do with that guy, just the lord of the opposite city.

It's not that I haven't been to that city. There are not even a thousand professionals left in it, and most of them have been brought down by [Banshee's Howl], even if the remaining people How many threats can come out of the nest?

Looking at William with a calm face, Matthew said sarcastically:

"Hehe, then I really have to thank you for your generosity. I put several rounds of [Banshee's] today. Howl], I happen to be a little hungry, and it would be good to add some fresh blood."

"You're welcome."

Hearing the faint sound of horses' hooves in the distance, William gave a wicked smile.

"I wish you a good appetite."

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