This Cheat Is Too Much Chapter 225

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Karina's face flashed with surprise, and then she pressed her lips together, trying not to make it too high.

"Hey...I knew you wouldn't believe it."

Looking at Little Rich Lady, an old lady with white hair and youthful face shook the head , sighed couldn't bear to say:

"But it's true, you are indeed not human."

"You...are you serious?"

It felt like Lolita Aunt was not joking, as if being squeezed fiercely by an invisible big hand, Karina's heart suddenly tightened.

"Is there any misunderstanding here?"

She calmed down and then forced a smile: "How could I not be human? And you didn't say, I Are my parents teacher and the Pope? If not human, then what am I? Vampire?"

"Oh! I meant to take this to the grave."

"Oh! p>

The old lady Lolita stomped her feet hatefully, and the regretful expression on her face became stronger and stronger, and even the wrinkles were deepened by two points.

She didn't directly answer Little Rich Lady's question, but answered nonsense:

"You know what virtues your teacher has, right? Cameron is always smiling though that dog. Yes, but my heart is actually colder than anyone else, even me, the woman who has been entangled with him for most of my life, will be abandoned at a critical juncture."

Little Rich Lady did not speak embarrassingly. Of course she knows what the integrity of her own teacher is.

Karina explained dryly: "Lolita Aunt, teacher him... He just lives with caution, if you are really in danger, he will come back immediately, just Like this time, um...he's rushing back now."

After listening to Little Rich Lady's explanation, the old lady's face warmed, but it quickly cooled down and snorted resentfully. After the frigid irony and scorching satire said:

"Don't speak for him! The reason he came back is definitely not because of me, that bastard probably can't remember me at all! Eighty percent of the time he didn't even remember my name. I didn't mention it! I told you, this old bastard had this kind of virtue back then..."

Seeing the always kind Lolita Aunt get angry,

began to scold her teacher for being a rude teacher. The conscientious scumbag, Little Rich Lady suddenly cowards like a little chicken, neither persuasion nor persuasion, feeling that he is not good anywhere.

Rather than stand on the top of the city and listen to the grievances and grievances between the teacher and the teachers, she is more willing to jump off the top of the city and fight to the death with those vampires.

"Hey! What am I yelling at you."

Looking at Little Rich Lady with embarrassment written all over her face, the old lady shouted the head bitterly laughed and stopped the chatter head.

"Forget it, it's really hard for you to let you hear me complain, after all, that Old Guy is sorry for everyone in his life, but he really has nothing to say to you.

To him The most important thing is life and money, and you are the only one who is more important than these two. So he will definitely come back, but there are so many vampires outside, he is still an apostle of fate with no use, and he might die. Here, so I must tell you something in advance."

She extended the hand and grabbed Little Rich Lady's shoulder, and said very earnestly:

"If you and I Teachers are all dead, and you escaped by luck, then you must leave Falan immediately, and never have any contact with the Church of Knowledge, especially the Pope, absolutely! Absolutely! Absolutely! Don't meet her!"

There were three absolutes in the old lady's mouth, and each tone was three points heavier than the previous one. When she spoke about the last absolute, she was already so stern, even the blue veins on her neck bulged.

Little Rich Lady was taken aback by her expression, and after nodding agreed, she asked cautiously with a bitter face:

"Lolita Aunt, You...I remember your words, but why? Didn't you say that the Pope is my mother? She..."

"Don't ask!"

Old The wife shook the head and hugged the confused Little Rich Lady in her arms.

“Karina, although you are not human, you are my daughter in my heart, and both your teacher and I regard you as more important than your own life.”

She patted Little Rich Lady's back lightly, and said earnestly:

"There's only so much I can say, don't ask Cameron, that old bastard is the same as me, unless you die. When the time comes, otherwise it must be a sentence that will not be said, hehe, tightness is one of his few advantages..."


"This is how it is. , so I absolutely can't go to Gina."

Cameron's old man said helplessly: "I was the one who proposed to help her extend her life, but I was the one who destroyed everything in the end. If I took the initiative to find her, she might just stand by."

William looked thoughtful nodded, why he never heard the name of Little Rich Lady in his last life, and why Cameron old man was taught by knowledge The Pope was killed, and this series of mysteries has been solved a lot.

Karina is not a human in the traditional sense, but is grown from the Avatar body tissue of the Pope of Knowledge, similar to the product of a clone. The Pope was seriously injured when he was young, and not only lost the possibility of further progress, but even damaged most of his lifespan. Little Rich Lady is the "body" prepared for her.

However, the old man Cameron, who was the initiator, had a compassion and voluntarily gave up this plan. He not only stole Little Rich Lady and gave it away, but after she was living on the street, she was raised by her side.

It’s strange to say that this man who is so sophisticated in the vertical and horizontal flowers eventually fell on some of the purest and most simple emotions. There is a breeding ground for flower seedlings, just like me...


I threw the fresh Demoness hair in my hand to Jessica, Cameron old man She turned around, looked towards William, and said suggested:

"These are estimated to be five-six thousand, she is only a fifth-order [Wizard Demoness], and she can control at most about two thousand people. Puppet, no matter how much you pull it out, it won't work this time, why don't you come here first?"

"Five thousand more!"

William, who pressed Demoness Mistress's head, shook the head , with a firm expression: "Well, no matter how much you keep your hair, it will be gone sooner or later. If you don't cut it out, you won't cut it out. The excess is the war indemnity paid by the Farrell family."



Just like me, I’m usually a person who treats money like dung, so I occasionally found a wild medicinal material, and I picked a little more, right?

William continued his hair removal career, and asked curiously: "President Cameron, since the Destiny Apostle's [Deprivation] can control other people's bodies, you never thought of helping the little one. Fu... help Karina change her image a little?"

Cameron's old man's eyebrows twitched twice, and then he showed a knowing expression.

"It's really possible, but the problem is that it's not worth it. I use [Release], but I have to consume lifespan! Even if Karina only consumes a lot of fourth rank, it is still lifespan! What do you have to do with your life to find a man to have a child to solve?"

He hooked the head old-fashionedly:

"You people, once you find the most labor-saving solution I don’t want to use my brain for the solution, such as plucking the Demones’ hair, it won’t hurt if I’m stunned and plucking? It’s not stupid to have to find a seventh rank apostle of destiny to exchange his life for it?”

When he said this, Cameron's old man suddenly stopped his hand and asked curiously:

"By the way, I only saw through myself when I broke through the seventh rank. Destiny, knowing that you will die at the hands of Gina, how do you know? If I remember correctly, you are just a Mystic of First Rank, right?"

Because he didn't expect him to suddenly Stopping, William couldn't control the strength on hand, and used a little more.

"Crack it."

Demoness Mistress's cervical spine made a crisp sound, which startled him, for fear that the key person who saved Doza Fort was broken by an accident. own hands.

After waiting for a while without hearing the kill prompt, William relaxed and replied angrily: "Fuck!"

"Well, since you don't want to say it, then I won't. I asked."

Cameron old man shook the head and handed Jessica the hair in his hand.

"Let's pull it out here. Although those vampires haven't been aggressively attacking, they seem to be waiting for something, but I'm afraid they won't be waiting too long. If they can't support as soon as possible, Karina's side can Dangerous."

William nods, releasing Demoness Mistress's head.

Out of the few remaining humanitarian spirits, he did not destroy the hair of Demoness Mistress all around, but started from the middle, keeping the opportunity of "local support center" for her.

After touching the lucky coin in his arms, William calmly suggested:

"Although time is tight, we are definitely not the opponents of vampire, so I I think that while supporting Doza Fort, we should also send someone to find the whereabouts of the Pope."

"I understand."

Cameron old man sighed Said: "Although I don't want to have any negotiation with her anymore, it is true that only by relying on Gina's strength can we keep Doza Castle, but the question is who should go?"

William Putting his hand into his pocket, he tentatively cast his eyes on Cameron old man.

The lucky coin in his pocket was freezing to the bone. With William's extraordinary physique, he was still shivered by the cold, as if a chill had been frozen directly from his fingers to the apex of his heart.

This temperature... Understood, let Cameron go as an old man, it is estimated that it will be the end of total extinction, it seems that his old lover is probably angry. Hmm... Maybe it was on the spot that the old man was flogged with love, and maybe he forgot to support Doza Castle.

But if Cameron's old man is not suitable, then you have to find someone else, and this person is naturally the faster the better.

William turned his attention to Jessica, the lucky coin hesitated for a while, and appeared in a strange state of half-cold and half-hot, the cold side was equally icy and biting, the hot side was only lukewarm, and the queen Your Majesty's palm was about the same temperature.

Hmm... that doesn't seem like a good idea either.

William's eyes swept over everyone present one by one, even the unconscious Leonard and Demoness Mistress, but the best feedback from Lucky Coin was only lukewarm , you don't need to guess to know that the success rate must be scary low.

This...isn't it just a reckless fight with those vampires? There was a hint of hesitation in his eyes.

Although [Rage Legion] and [Dark Nightmare Cavalry] are both excellent Legions, it is not difficult to drag two or three fourth rank professionals regardless of casualties. If those vampires are careless, It may even lead to even more impressive results.

But now there are at least a dozen vampires above the fourth rank. This kind of difference in magnitude can no longer be filled by the art of commanding. As long as the commander of that vampire is not Harry, it is absolutely impossible... …

Huh? Harry hasn't seen it yet, but he looks like a wooden stake now, can't even speak, can he still ask for help?

William turned his attention to Harry on the horse. lifelike mushrooms.


As if electrocuted, William quickly took his hand out of his pocket, the pulp of his thumb was red with the heat, and his index finger was hot. There was even a small blister on the fingertip.

With no time for his scalded fingertips, William's mind flashed a lot of childhood memories at the speed of light, and finally settled on Snow White Princess and Sleeping Beauty.

The two works have one thing in common, that is, the Prince in them likes to do something with unresponsive girls... that one Is the Pope also a comrade?

Although he felt that this choice was outrageous, but because of his trust in the lucky coin, William hesitated for a while and said:

"If you choose, let Harry go. , this task is probably only he can complete."

After hearing William's words, the people around looked at each other in blank dismay, with different expressions on their faces, but no one objected.

Seeing that no one has come forward, Cameron's old man's brows could not help frowning.

Gina's temper is tough and fierce, and she is even more irritable with those who speak and do things outright, but this man named Harry doesn't even dare to stand up, I'm afraid he is a timid guy, like this Can anyone really move her?

"William, are you serious?"

Jessica leaned over to him and whispered, " you think this time is too dangerous, Harry looks like this It's hard to save his life, so you're looking for an excuse to send him away?"

Dame got a little closer, and his warm breath hit William's earlobe, making him ticklish.

Glancing at Jessica, William bowed his head and breathed warmly into her ear, then said softly:

"If that's the case, I should I suggest you go."


Jessica stomped her feet shyly, and with a blush on her face, she licked the little whites' hair, Cameron The old man approached without hesitation.

"Which Harry...are you talking about? Why hasn't anyone come forward?"

He frowned:

"If I could, I would I hope you can change to someone who is more upright, even if you have a grumpy temper, it doesn't matter, Gina hates people who are hesitant, this Harry is probably..."

"Don't worry, he Absolutely cranky," William said, glancing at Harry in the distance.

Even though he couldn't move anywhere, Harry was still expressing a deep anger in his eyes, looking at the sky with eyes that wished to stab a hole in the clouds, not to mention how irritable.


Cameron's old man was suspiciously nodded, and then asked, "Which one do you mean Harry?"

William laughed, pointing at the glaring old father.

"Well, that's the one tied to the horse's back."

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