This Cheat Is Too Much Chapter 219

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William's hand stopped as he was about to turn the book, wondering if he had stabbed the dark creature's nest recently.

Vampire, werewolf, Demonness, and the three dark creatures have all been touched by myself. To make Little Rich Lady say that, at least it must be a seventh rank vampire, and maybe even bring With a huge number of Blood Race Legion.


Cameron's old man stared wide-eyed in surprise, and asked anxiously: "The one that sneaked in before? Not that Nana Have you already looked for that vampire? Can that vampire escape from her hand?"

The other side of the ring was silent for a long time, and then came back a surprised rhetorical question from Little Rich Lady.

"Teacher, did you mean Nana... Lady Gina?"

"I... slipped my tongue..."

"... ”

Even if he didn’t see it in person, William could still guess the state of Little Rich Lady, he must have reached out his hand to cover his mouth, and Wen Wen’s face was full of messy words. For her, it is estimated that seeing Tibetan Mastiffs and Chihuahuas inbred is just as ruinous.

"No wonder... No wonder Mrs. Gina has been taking care of me like are too..."

Cameron's old man blushed.

"cough cough... how long is it, you still say there are none? Tell me what's going on over there! Are you still safe?"

"I...I'm still safe, but the situation is more complicated..."


William opened the Legion panel, checked the number of black nightmare cavalry, and found that After there were no casualties, the tense mood suddenly relaxed a lot.

"Let me ask!"

After putting away the black history book in his hand, William walked over and asked in a serious tone:

"More Has the Saburg been broken, how many civilians were killed and injured, and how many were the Legions and professionals who were defending the city?"

Kalina on the other side of the ring thought for a while and replied:

"Fortress of Doza has not been broken for the time being,

most of the vampires are still outside, as if they are preparing something, and some vampires slipped into the city ahead of time and have already killed a lot of people, Legion defending the city. It's better with the professionals, no vampire attacked their station, and there were almost no casualties."

After hearing Little Rich Lady's reply, Cameron's old man's expression softened a little, and William's brows wrinkled instead. stand up.

There doesn't seem to be much of a problem at the moment, but Little Rich Lady's previous "don't come back" rhetoric is still in my ears, proving that things are not very optimistic.

He asked solemnly: "A lot of vampires are outside the city? How many are there in total? How many vampires above the fourth rank are there, and are there any vampires of seventh rank or... higher rank. "

Little Rich Lady's voice was obviously a lot more urgent, she said anxiously:

"Those vampires are very loosely positioned, and many of them are in the form of bats, I only If you can give a very vague number, the exact number cannot be estimated, better not come back, go to the Pope immediately!"

"Don't be too accurate, there is an approximate scale That's fine."

Little Rich Lady hesitated for a moment, then said uncertainly, "About...two...three thousand?"


After hearing this number, even the Hanhans of the Vankin family gasped.

Although the battle strength of dark creatures is mostly lower than that of professionals of the same level, they are only slightly weaker. Three thousand vampires are actually Legions with three thousand professionals. Major Sect will not take action, these 3000 vampires can completely destroy any dukedom in Falan in two days.

What the hell!

William was also a little surprised. Isn't the main activity area of vampire supposed to be in the Holy Empire next door? There must be a great major event, otherwise, how could so many vampires crowd into this small place like Falan? It can't always be for team building, can it?

Karina's story continues.

Her tone was not quite sure: "Vampires above the fourth rank...I can't tell how many vampires there are, but there is one vampire above the seventh rank, a woman about the same age as Lolita Aunt... ..."

Huh? woman?

William raised upwards from the corner of his eyes, subconsciously looking at the anxious old man Cameron.

"Look at what I'm doing!"

Noticing William's gaze, Cameron old man said angrily: "I don't know any female vampire! I like people! dark! creature, I don't..."

He got stuck when he said this, and said with a little confidence: "I'm not necessarily interested... When I met Clay, I didn't know who she was. Demoness, if I knew she was a Demoness, then I...wouldn't necessarily be with her..."

A series of shrill screams interrupted Cameron's old man's confession.

Something seems to have happened in the Doza Castle on the other side of the ring, the strange howls that penetrated the soul one after another, and the people around Cameron's old man covered their ears one after another. The high-pitched sound like tearing eardrums is still unpleasant.

[The Scarlet Hunter LV35 launched the Banshee's Howl at you, you will be subject to a Will check, if the will is lower than 5, you will be in a stun state, if it is lower than 8, you will enter a state of confusion, if it is lower than 10, there will be a short The dizziness of time...]

[The will attribute is detected to be higher than...]

[The innate talent of the unbounded people is activated, the check is saved]

[Scarlet Viscount LV38 launched Banshee's Howl at you...]

[Scarlet Death Apostle LV31 launched Banshee at you...]

Looking at the series of check information in front of me , William was really surprised this time.

They are all vampires of fourth rank and above, with 18 heads! Although there are only two fifth-order ones, and there is no sixth-rank vampire, they are still a terrifying army of dark creatures, not to mention a seventh-rank Duke-rank vampire.

If Cameron's old man is intact, plus the professional guards from the Church of Fortune and other Great Chamber of Commerce in Fort Doza, you can try to fight a dozen, but now...


Glancing at Xiaobai who was taking the opportunity to gorge oneself, William reluctantly hooked the head.

Beat the head!

The Blood Magic mastered by vampire is the best at manipulating blood. Even if there is no wound on the body, it can forcibly draw out a lot of blood. Cameron old man is now full of "loopholes". About to be drained of most of the blood, directly sacrificed by anal fissure...

William thoughts are revolving, thinking of a lot of messy methods, and even hesitant, should I try it in Cameron Poisoning the loopholes of old man.

After all, if that vampire is on a whim and ready to taste it...

No...most vampires used to be human, and it is estimated that no matter how thirsty they are, they will not be able to eat it. Bar? Could it be... Is Doza Castle really dying?

[Your eyes filled with sorrow called despair]

[O destiny, why are you always so cruel to me! ]

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