This Cheat Is Too Much Chapter 216

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The sudden change made everyone stunned. Except for the sound of the little whites chewing the vines, there was only a violent heartbeat and breathing.

Demoness Mistress's legs trembled when the backing collapsed unexpectedly.

She looked at the motionless Leonard and said with a smile: "Hey! Don't joke around at this time. As long as you get up, I don't want all the things in the Demoness House. It's all yours!"


Demoness Mistress gritted her teeth and promised with the last glimmer of hope: "I will not take those Demoness away, and I can force them to be loyal to you!"

However, even though he had given in to this extent, Leonard on the ground remained silent and did not respond to her enticement.

William tentatively stretched out his stick and poked it, and then he simply used a skill, and turned Leonard over like a pancake, but nothing abnormal still happened.

Just when he was hesitating whether to use [Pull Mia's tail finger] to stab in the depths twice, Cameron old man stood up and saved Leonard's innocence.

I saw his strange expression: "Don't try, from the beginning, the power of destiny in him has been constantly fluctuating, and now it has slipped to an unimaginable trough, it should be Really lost consciousness."

After hearing Cameron's old man's words, Demoness Mistress's legs went soft and fell to the ground with a thud.

Her expression was no longer at the level of wanting to cry without tears. It was like meeting a female netizen offline, but she was greeted by a sudden fencing, and the whole person was stunned.

Demoness Mistress's face was filled with the words resignation. Facing the fate apostle of seventh rank, she had no desire to struggle, only regret and despair.

The old lady knew that he must be a pit!

Don't look at this bastard's smooth journey, but sooner or later, he will drag everyone to a big somersault! Wouldn't that have happened if I had just left? Why do you have to be greedy and then mix it in?

The last vote is the last vote, how many demoness of cheating marriage and money are discounted on the last vote? Why can't I remember!

Glancing at the self-pity Demoness Mistress, William looked thoughtful and touched the lucky coin in his pocket.

Before Leonard lost consciousness,

he clearly remembered that the lucky coin had vibrated once. Fate item... Fate sequence... This thing in his pocket, I'm afraid it is more than he imagined. Be special.

Hmmm...don't know how my cousin is doing, how long will it take to beat him father-in-law back to Falan.


"Hans, what are you doing? Why are you covered in dirt."

Pomona walked away in a fur coat When he came out, he looked curiously at the beard that was sweating profusely at the door... the beardless cousin.

Hearing her question, Hans stopped what he was doing, and leaned on a shovel, raised his head and laughed honestly.

"Nothing, I just want to plant a few trees."

"Plant trees?"

The wind on the grassland is a bit bitter, and the cold wind blows Pomona felt uncomfortable, she tightened her clothes and said doubtfully:

"What kind of tree? No, what are you planting?"

The bearded cousin scratched Scratching the back of his head, he said a little embarrassedly: "Can you tell me?"


"Okay." Hans sighed, pointing to the mountains behind the tent Saplings.

"Mother let her, she said that as long as a multi-seed tree is planted in her house, an Immortal Crane will fall down, and then the little child will be hung on the tree branch..."

Pomona puci let out a laugh, and quickly changed from a suppressed low laugh to a laugh that leaned forward and back.

She tugged at Hans and gave him a fiercely peck on his flushed face.

"It's not true anymore, what kind of tree are you planting? It's better for me to plant a tree on the ground..."

"I know, but Mrs. mother She doesn't think so."

Hans wiped his face and mumbled, "She said multi-seed trees grow slowly, and if I don't plant them soon, Immortal Crane will wait for a tree next to the house. Besides, the time is too long and the child is too big, those cranes are easy to hold, and maybe it's..."

Pomona laughed until tears came out.

She clutched her stomach for a while, then she was out of breath and said:

"The problem...the problem is this is grassland, although our tribe...even though we have our own Pastoral area, but you won’t live in the same place all the time, how can you guarantee that a multi-seed tree can grow in your house... Oh I understand ”

She wiped her tears and asked with a smile: "Hans, you prepared so many saplings, are you planting them wherever you want? That's a good idea."

"That's not...I didn't think about moving..."

Hans scratched his head awkwardly.

"I just plant a few if I want to have a few, um... If I move frequently, it seems that I really need to grow a few more..."

I want to have a few How many to plant?

Pomona's smile stopped abruptly. She looked at the saplings piled up behind the tent. The saplings were built like a hill. If they were twinned every year, they would have to live to two. Only a hundred years old have the opportunity to complete this task...

Are you and his horses preparing to breed a race with me?

Pomona, who has always held a strong position, felt the fear of being dominated for the first time.

She tightened her clothes, and decided to tell her father tomorrow whether it was useful or not. When migrating in the future, when she sees a multi-seeded tree, she must first cut it down...

Pomona smiled and said, "Hans, how can you plant so many trees by yourself? Why don't I discuss with the father and ask him to find some people to plant with you?"

"Then there's no need, Mrs. mother said, only the multi-seed trees planted by hand are effective..."

The bearded cousin touched his smooth jaw, sighed said: "But I I suspect she's actually pissing me off, she's blaming me for not shaving my beard..."

Pomona glanced at Hans' chin reluctantly, a look of approval on her face.

My future father-in-law has a pretty handsome beard. Hans had inherited this very well, but unfortunately... those beards were not acclimatized as soon as they arrived on the grassland, and they didn't know how to stay there any longer. Will there be damage to the "roots"?

After hesitating for a while, Pomona gritted her teeth and kicked the shovel in Hans's hand.

"Stop digging!"

"Let's go back to Falan, I'm afraid your beard will be cut off! I'll go get Daddy some laxatives first, It is estimated that it will work at noon tomorrow, and then you will challenge him again, do you understand?"


Different from the filial daughter who is going to let her husband slap Dad out, William Is a kind and pure filial good child.

At this point, he was carefully tying Harry to the horse's back to prevent him from taking secondary damage due to the bumps on the way back.

That's right, it's a secondary injury, and Harry was the only seriously injured person in that encounter just now.

All of this could have been avoided, but he couldn't hold back his desire to fight, and cut off the puppets with an extra axe, so he took a solid shot of the [Kletti Poison Curse]. technique].

Now he was poisoned so that his whole body was stiff and his face turned green, like a wooden stake painted with green paint. The only place he could move was his two round eyes.

William didn't mean to "detoxify" Demoness Mistress. He had experienced this thing in his previous life, and it took effect very quickly and looked very scary, but in fact it was mainly about control, and it wasn't too deadly. Sex, just throw it in the sun for a few days and it will resolve on its own.

Since it's not fatal, it's easy to say. Even if Harry suffers for two more days, he will have a long memory, um... It's a bit cloudy depending on the weather.

After tying up Harry, William picked up his axe and walked to Leonard's old man's side, poking the dark green vines with his fingertips expressionlessly.

[Cleaning vines with the power of nature]

[Spirit +3 after eating (temporary)]

[Use the holy relic "Bins' Demon" The derivative plants produced by "vine ring ring" have a lot of natural power that has not been completely dissipated, which not only has a certain tonic effect on the spirit, but also has a very good taste]


Thanks, although I can accept farmyard manure, I can't accept this overly unrestrained soilless cultivation.

To drive away the war horses who were gorge oneself, William cut off the vines with Harry's axe. In order to avoid hurting Cameron's old man's fragile inner part, he also left more than a foot for him. long slack.

"President Cameron, is your chest injury okay? Can you make it to Fort Doza?"

Cameron old man lying on horseback Shaking his head, he avoided William's inquiring gaze, as if doing so would preserve what little dignity he had.

He replied dryly: "It's shouldn't die in a short time."

After enduring for a while, Cameron old man finally couldn't hold back. With inflated curiosity, he turned his head and asked curiously:

"William, can you tell me, how did you make Leonard lose consciousness? It's Arcane, the psychic shock type? Or is it a special ability for the soul?"

William glanced at Leonard, who was also tied to the horse, and slowly shook the head.

speaking of which you may not believe it, I didn't actually do anything, Leonard committed suicide by himself, trying to lift the skirt of the female tenant on me, but he was kicked over by a slapper.

"It's not you?"

Cameron's old man frowned and said, "No, something must have happened in the middle. Although he was injured, he was far from losing consciousness. , your fate is... eh?"

As if suddenly thinking of something, Cameron's old man rolled his eyes and peeped at William's fate quietly.

He had seen William's fate before, but that time he just glanced at the fate of Little Rich Lady, and didn't really observe it directly.

With the launch of [Peeping Fate], the world in Cameron's old man's eyes has changed.

In his eyes, William's destiny is like the Bottomless Abyss in the center of the Seven Seas, all the destiny that "flows" through him will be swallowed up, even if they gather far away, they will be swallowed up by a huge force. Change the flow.

What shocked him the most was that there was a very strange feeling in the center of that destiny, as if there was the true meaning of destiny in it...

"President Cameron? What are you doing? Now? Wake up!"

William's voice woke up Cameron's old man, making his eyes recover from the dullness.

“What? What?”

What? You look at me and tremble all over, your eyes are almost matching, what else do you ask me?

William shook the head and found a random reason: "President Cameron, the Icicle inserted in your back is about to melt, are you sure you don't need to deal with your wounds?"

Cameron old man touched his back and then pulled out the Icicle.

William was surprised to see that there is no real heart in Cameron's old man's chest, only a heart illusory shadow that keeps pumping, and this illusory heart is actually maintaining blood supply to his whole body.

"This is..."

"Hey, that's a long story..."

Cameron's old man's face showed a trace of nostalgia. Looking, he sighed and said: "When I was twenty years old, I met an eighth rank [Delusional Demoness], she..."

William's face darkened.

Okay, don't talk about it, I already know the ending when I hear that the opposite is a woman, you must be a scumbag again, right?

I remember that the exclusive battle skill of [Demonstration Demoness] seems to be called [ectopic projection]? If she wants to, she can indeed take the heart but keep you alive.

Hmm... if you think about it carefully, it's not hard to guess the lines at the time.

Or 'Since you took my heart, I'll take yours too. '

Or 'I'm going to keep your heart with me forever, so that damn woman can never get the whole you'


"Dream Demoness?"

An exclamation came over, and the Demoness Mistress, who was tied to a horse, said in shock, "You...are you talking about...creating the Crete School? That adult? My family is named after that adult! Are you sure you have seen her before?"

The old man of Cameron, who was interrupted, gave her a frightened look. She shrank back again, but still stared at Cameron old man with anticipation, the stars in her eyes were almost overflowing, and she looked like a fanboy who had met her idol.

William next to him raised eyebrows. He already knew who Cameron's old man was.

Most of the sorcerers have their own schools. Although Demonness is a dark creature, it is also a sorcerer who inherits from knowledge. It also has its own Sect, and there are as many as five kinds.

The five Sects are named after the Demoness who created them. They are Crete, Viconne, Lemina, Ektik, and Soritali.

It's just that under the siege of the True God Cult Society for many years, the latter two schools have almost disappeared, and only the founder of the Vicone School is left alive. was the ninth rank Demoness who had his hat off to see the bald head, and killed the second-generation Pope of the Church of Knowledge in a fit of rage.

As for the Crete School, it is the most remaining Sect.

The abilities of this school are numerous and complex, empowering all things, getting close to nature, crossing the darkness, manipulating the soul... Almost everything can be a little bit, the overall strength is quite amazing, but only the demoness has a long lifespan. Race can play around.

All in all, although that [Delusional Demoness] is an eighth rank professional, he might be stronger than the ninth rank pope of the Church of Knowledge, and he is also a living Legendary figure.

So it's not difficult to understand that Demoness Mistress would exclaim. To her, it was like a primary school student who regarded Newton as an idol and saw Newton walk down from the textbook with her own eyes. He also smashed his head with an apple.

William gave Demoness Mistress a pitying look, and if she found out that "Newton" had an affair with the old man who was engaged in soilless cultivation, she didn't know what her expression would be.

Under the expectant gaze of Demoness Mistress, Cameron old man cleared his throat and said with a solemn expression:

"She...she played with my feelings!"


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