This Cheat Is Too Much Chapter 203

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However, an accident happened. The newly grabbed puppet failed before 30 meters away. It began to drop parts rustling sound. Brick, almost made Cameron old man fall and eat shit.

The complexion pale Leonard raised his arms, wiped off the nosebleed with his sleeves, and smiled at the embarrassed Cameron old man:

"I still want to use the same trick. Twice? teacher, do you look down on me too much?"

Cameron old man didn't say a word, but quickly checked the wreckage of the puppet and looked at the status of other puppets around him. His face suddenly turned ugly.

The energy in these puppets is unbalanced to a certain extent, and it is necessary to rely on Demonness Mistress to continuously deliver Power of Darkness to suppress it to barely maintain stability.

Although the Destiny Apostle's [Release] can snatch control, he can't use the unique power of dark creatures, so as long as these puppets are freed from the control of Demonness Mistress, they will automatically fall apart after a long time, and the stability is too high. The low one may even explode directly!

was plot against!

Cameron's old man thoughts are revolving, he didn't mean to talk nonsense with Leonard at all, he raised his hand and [Resist Shock] repelled the crowd of puppets that came up, and then applied a series of accelerated Arcane to himself. , took two old legs and continued to run away without looking back.

The fight is impossible. Although he won't die in a short time, there is no hope of winning no matter how you look at it. A fool won't run!

However, at this moment, several werewolves rushed out from the side of the road. They did not rush up with those puppets just now, but waited until Cameron's old man's movement method went into cooling. Just started, obviously premeditated for a long time.

frowned glanced at the werewolves, Cameron old man just wanted to rely on the physique of the seventh rank professional, but saw the green claws of the werewolves.

【Creti Poison Spell】

Cameron's old man took a deep breath, his eyes closed and his heart turned, his expression grieved and motivated the 【Magic Vine Ring ].

Several red and green vines squeezed out from a mysterious position, drowning the werewolves rushing up, Cameron old man cut off the supply of spirit strength, and then leaned on the seventh rank powerhouse His muscles snapped off the vine, grabbed a wolf and rushed out of the siege again.

Demoness Mistress, who had come over, covered his head, looked at the werewolf bound by the vines with a complicated expression, and then looked at the thorny vines, and rarely did not taunt,

Instead, he commented with lingering fears:

"You people in the sequence of fate...are so cruel!"


In the strange eyes of the guards at the door of Chamber of Commerce, William got out of Dame's arms, rolled over and jumped off his horse.

"Jessica, you go to mobilize Harry and the others for me, those people in the Legion who are not Knights, the Knights of the Black Nightmare Cavalry can bring them, but if they really can't bring them, they can't bring them. No, in short, the sooner you assemble, the better."

Jessica nods

, and with the strange neighs of the little whites, the horses and people disappeared into the shadows.

Under the guidance of the guards, William hurriedly rushed into the back garden of the Chamber of Commerce, and found Karina lying on the table motionless.

Little Rich Lady was immersed in her own world and did not notice someone breaking in. At this time, she stretched out her arms on the stone table in the garden, her red face was against the cold water. The desktop swayed from side to side, and every now and then, a small fist would be chiseled twice.

" have no face to live!"

William walked behind her and continued: "Karina, I don't know if you have no face to live, but Cameron The president doesn't seem to be happy anymore."

Like the students who were touched by the head teacher at the back door, Little Rich Lady hurriedly lifted the head and looked towards William with a serious face in panic.

"What's the matter? Didn't you say it was safe before? Could it be Leonard catching up again?"

William shook the head, although it was Leonard's But it wasn't that he caught up again, but that you teacher took the initiative to kill him and gave it back for nothing, and I don't know who gave him such a bad idea.

"Karina, the specific process of speaking of which is more troublesome, let's talk about it as we go along."

William took off the seal ring on his index finger and handed it over, his face pale Seriously: "I'll take someone to pick up President Cameron now. I'm a little confident in dealing with Leonard, but please contact the Pope immediately. If there is any change, then contact him through the ring. "

Although she still didn't know what happened, Little Rich Lady felt the seriousness of the matter from William's expression, she took the ring and said repeatedly:

"Okay." , I will contact Mrs. Gina. Half a month ago, she said that there seems to be a high-level Blood Race entering the country, and they are checking everywhere. It should not be too far from here, and it will not take much time to get there."

William nodded and expressed his understanding, but when he turned to leave, Karina pulled his sleeves.

"Wait, you come with me first."

Little Rich Lady dragged William to the depths of the garden. Came to a ring-shaped pavilion surrounded by flowers.

"This is it."

After the two stopped, William looked up at the ring-shaped pavilion in front of him. The pavilion made of white stone was exquisite and beautiful, even now It is already the beginning of winter, and the vines on the stone pillars of Dali are still green and full of vitality.

The original spherical dome of the pavilion has been demolished, leaving only a few arc-shaped iron frames, on which dozens of rose vines are winding and climbing, and the bright red flower buds are exuding fragrance. .

This pavilion... looks like a wild... rendezvous with Holy Land in college, isn't this... not good?

William asked cautiously: "Karina...Is it here?"

Little Rich Lady nodded, and said with a certain look: "Yes, this is the Kim Solo Chamber. of Commerce's internal library."

Oh...the internal library.

William lightly glanced at the kiosk in front of him, and felt that the treasure house of the Chamber of Commerce was not very well repaired.

This dilapidated pavilion looks like it has been in disrepair for a long time. Not only does it have no roof, but there are too many vines growing on the pillars. I have not cleaned it up. Look, there are moss on the floor tiles. What about the internal library? Lose your share!

"William, Chamber of Commerce's internal library has some pretty good equipment, I'll show you, if you can use it, you can take it away and use it first..."


"Aiya, forget it!"

When she said this, Little Rich Lady stomped her feet suddenly, gritted her teeth and said:

"Although I'm not a member of the Fortune Church, but now the seal ring is in my hands, you can just take whatever you like. I'm the master, and you don't have to return what you took."

This pavilion looks good-natured, it looks really good!


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