This Cheat Is Too Much Chapter 201

After hearing the happy voice of Cameron's old man in the ring, the corner of William's mouth rose slightly, revealing a warm smile.

You horse, I quit!

You poor old fogey is very tricky. When you are doing business, you will be in a mess, and you will be a mess in time.

William grabbed the seal right ring and was about to swipe down when a warm little hand grabbed his finger first.

Jessica gripped William's ring tightly and asked in surprise, "Who are you? Who are you talking about Leonard? Is it the one with short legs?"


William covered his head with a headache, and he wanted to tell Jessica that Leonard was a corgi raised by his neighbor, although his legs were also very weak. Short, but it's not your young brother with advanced stage 2 cancer.

However, Dame's brain is slow, and it's not really a problem with her thinking ability. The behavior she tried to cover up before is no longer self-defeating. As long as she uses her brain a little, she can know that this is the case. Nader must be Bernard.

After hearing Jessica's question, Cameron's old man probably checked the situation on William's side, and then closed the wheat again without the slightest hesitation and pretended to be dead. Quan pretends not to hear, and refuses to make a sound.

You jerk!

William gritted his teeth and began to consider whether he should give the pope some popular science about what a rich woman's happy ball is.

Jessica, who has been unable to reply for a long time, has stopped the little whites, and is staring at a pair of big eyes waiting for William to give her an explanation.

Looking sideways at Jessica with a worried face, William's head hurt even more.

Hey...what if it wasn't a face full of urgency, but a face full of urgency? I'll go out and accompany you to give you a shock, this shit is really...

He sighed: "Jessica, the person over the ring is Karina's teacher, apart from this, he is still A destiny apostle of seventh rank."

Dame was stunned for a moment, and asked with a bewildered expression, "What is an apostle of destiny...?"

William slapped his forehead . Shit, forgetting that the sequence of fate is very unfamiliar to most people, it is very troublesome to explain, and after thinking about it, he decided to keep it short.

"Although it's not very accurate, you can simply understand it as a prophet."

Jessica's expression changed, bit her lip lightly and said: "The prophet? I remember back then..."

William affirmed: "Yes, he is the one who gave you the father's prophecy."

"But...listen to him Seems like a child? Shouldn't that prophet be an old fogey?"

After hearing Jessica's question, William smacked his lips and showed an embarrassed expression.

This thing is more complicated to explain. It is a story between a thorny foreign object and an old fogey who pursues excitement. It is somewhat inappropriate for children to tell it.

William coughed dryly, deciding that it would be better to keep it short.

"The process here is rather special. You think he was designed by Leonard, so there are some strange problems with the body, so it is not old fogey anymore."

"So Leonard did it?"

Dame sighed, "I see, Leonard thinks it was that kid... the old man's prophecy killed him mother, so he's looking for revenge on him, and he wants to get rid of Leonard, right?"

No, he didn't want to.

William sneaked the head in his mind.

Cameron's old man doesn't have much interest in Leonard. He chooses to take the initiative to attack simply because he is forced. The one who really wants to smash Leonard's head is actually me, although this I haven't even seen each other in my life, but I have a lot of grudges in my previous life.

Jessica didn't know what William was thinking, she shook the reins with a complicated expression, and while ordering the little whites to move in the direction of City Lord's Mansion, she asked:

"William, is this what you've been hiding from me?"

William was un'ed. After all, their relationship is quite good. Not only does Jessica have the ability to train the Black Nightmare Cavalry, Still a fairly rare Dire rider, personally or otherwise, he didn't want Jessica to alienate him from it.

Of course, the most important thing is to be greedy for her horses. The little whites are really good. They are fast and comfortable, and the sound is nice. He likes these three horses very much.

"Can you take me with you?"


Noticing that Dame's voice was different, William stopped snoring. Holding Xiaobai's hand, he turned his head differently. " don't have to worry about what I'm going to do, I just want to take one last look at him."

Jessica's voice was choked up.

"Leonard...Although he is my only younger brother, but I am now your...under your command, indirectly it is also a member of the royal family, our position It's different, although I haven't accepted the canonization of Knight, but I also know that Knight should...should..."

Knight should watch the road, if you were not a novice, you would have I fell into a fool...

William listened to the almost incoherent words behind him, felt the faint wetness on his back, and said helplessly:

"Jessica, you Isn't it too early to cry? It's not necessarily Leonard who will be unlucky..."

After hearing William's words, Jessica hurriedly sniffed, raised her head and said hesitantly:

" that prophet a seventh rank professional? He just said that he had found Leonard. Leonard is just an ordinary person with no innate talent, how could he escape? The pursuit of the seventh rank professional? Maybe he has now...already..."

"..." William's face was filled with an expression called speechless.

Yes, it turns out that Ning is "no innate talent Leonard"?

According to Cameron's old man, ***Nader should be on the verge of promotion now, and he may become a seventh rank professional at any time, plus there is a Demonness who is full of methods. Mistress, this group is almost ready for Falan, okay?

"I think you may have a million misunderstandings about Leonard's innate talent..."

William put his right hand behind his back and raised his thumbs up After a moment, he looked helpless and said:

"He was already a sixth rank professional in the fate sequence before, and it seems that he is only one step away from seventh rank, if he has become a seventh rank professional. , then our purpose in the past will probably become..."


I don't know if it was a painful groan that interrupted William. Then, an embarrassed and weak voice came from the ring in William's hand.

"Um, can you help me with a letter to Karina? The two of them are...awesome..."


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