Third Master Jiang’s Absolute Darling

Chapter 306: Jiang Lin comes home

Chapter 306 Jiang Lin comes home

He went back to the guest room and changed his clothes before coming out. Gu Xiang and Meng Yuanzhou had finished their breakfast. Meng Yuanzhou went to work, and Gu Xiang stood at the door wearing slippers and gave him off.

Meng Yan and Li Jiayin are already up, and they will try to wait until Meng Yuanzhou goes out before getting up, so as not to get angry when they meet him.

Seeing Jiang Chi, Li Jiayin greeted him enthusiastically, but Jiang Chi ignored it.

Standing next to Li Jiayin, Meng Yan looked at Jiang Chi with some discomfort, thinking of the way Jiang Chi disliked her the previous two nights, and felt choked in her heart.

Gu Xiang greeted Grandpa and Uncle Meng outside the door and came back.

When I came back and saw Jiang Chi coming downstairs, he was a little embarrassed when he remembered that he slept in his room last night, and did not take the initiative to speak to him.

——In Meng Yan's eyes, Gu Xiang's attitude towards Jiang Chi is particularly indifferent.

At home these past two days, Gu Xiang's attitude towards Jiang Chi has always been'indifferent'.

It seems that these two people are going to be cool.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Chi was so good, Gu Xiang still disliked it, her eyes really grew to the sky.

Gu Xiang said to Jiang Chi indifferently: "You go to have breakfast, grandpa and the others are almost over."

Meng’s breakfast time is very free. Generally, you are not forced to be together. Anyway, the aunt will make breakfast. You can eat it yourself if you like.

Jiang Chi said, "Yes."

Then walked out the door to call grandpa.

Gu Xiang went upstairs to take a rest, packed everything he needed to go out in his bag, and changed his clothes by the way.

Before going out to play, she wanted to do something about the decoration, so she wanted to see the decoration master later to arrange things.

When she came down, she saw that everyone was dining in the dining room. Grandpa was there. Li Jiayin was very polite in front of him, and she was afraid of offending people.

Meng Yan also tried to behave well.

Gu Xiang saw Grandpa and Uncle Meng, greeted them and went out.


Seeing her back, Jiang Chi thought to himself that she was really partial. She also came here to borrow. She didn't say hello to him, only to grandpa.

Gu Xiang walked out of the side door next to the gate of Meng's house, just to face the dead face of Shang Jiang Lin. When he suddenly appeared, she was startled.

It was a little bit cold in the morning. Jiang Lin was wearing a suit, standing in the morning breeze, his jaw tightly taut, his lips pressed together, he looked extra serious.

Gu Xiang never expected that he would come here in person.

She really thought this man was not afraid of anything!

Looks like he's here to find Grandpa!

But he is here, so it's okay to pick Grandpa away quickly.

In the Jiang family, Gu Xiang used to call him the eldest brother, but now seeing Jiang Lin is like seeing someone she doesn't even know, and she walks directly in front of him.

Seeing that she was leaving, Jiang Lin stopped her suddenly, "Gu Xiang."

Gu Xiang stopped and said, "Is Mr. Jiang calling me? What did you stand in front of someone's house in the morning?"

"You are really capable. Grandpa is so old, and you let him run away from home, you can rest assured!"

Just say that she is a bad woman, she has a deep heart, and she is not worthy of being with Jiang Chi.

Listening to Jiang Lin's words, Gu Xiang raised the corner of her mouth. She has been waiting for this opportunity from the day Jiang's family came out to now.

She said: "Are you wrong? You thought it was me who posted Jiang Chi, and I was too lazy to explain it to you. Now Grandpa and Jiang Chi came here on their own initiative! I hope you can pick them up quickly. Because they stay here, it really bothers me very much."

(End of this chapter)

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