At this time, everyone was crowded on the stairs, and people kept coming down from the upper floors, Xiao Jinye simply waved his hand and asked everyone to stop at the corner of the staircase and wait, and wait for everyone to go up again when they were almost down, so as not to bump into the female dependents.

Some people hurried down, and some people went around the corner and apologized to Xiao Jinye and others embarrassedly.

After a while, everyone was gone, and everyone walked upstairs.

As soon as they went up, everyone was stunned.

I thought that the second floor had been emptied, but there was still a person!

The man was very strange and did not sit at the table, but sat on the ground with a flower pot leaning diagonally on the railing facing the street.

The man was dressed in plain white clothes, although the style was simple, the materials and workmanship were not simple, and everyone present was a knowledgeable person except for Yu Yu, and at a glance he knew that this person's background was not bad.

From everyone's point of view, only a side face can be seen, it should be a young handsome man, but it feels very wooden, he is quietly leaning his head sideways, like a soulless puppet.

Yu Yu's nose moved, huh? It smells so good.

When the shopkeeper saw it, he was anxious, and hurriedly trotted over, "Hey, guest officer, why haven't you gone down yet, the distinguished guest who has chartered the second floor is here, you have to go down." The

man didn't say a word or move, as if he hadn't heard, but stared at the Flower God Tower in the Flower God Square without moving.

The shopkeeper's heart said, hey, I'm so angry, if it weren't for the extraordinary clothes you were wearing, I would have to maintain my image in front of the distinguished guests, Lao Tzu had already shouted Xiao Er and dragged you down!

He turned his head angrily and glared at Xiao Er, who was ineffective, and his eyes clearly wrote - deduct wages!

As soon as Xiao Er received the shopkeeper's vicious eyes to deduct the money, he was also anxious, and stepped forward to drag the person on the ground.

Pull, don't move.

Two tugging, still not moving.

Three drags, the strength of the milk is out, and it still stands still!

Xiao Er's face turned the color of pig liver, and he suddenly roared, reaching out to grab the flower pot that the man was holding with one hand.

Maybe the person might as well, or maybe he couldn't hold the flower pot with one hand, and the flower pot actually came out.

Xiao Er was facing the direction of the man, which was equivalent to being next to the railing, and he used more strength than the strength of the milk, and made a last fight.

As a result, I didn't expect to grab the flower pot effortlessly, I couldn't stop my body for a while, and I stumbled back a few steps before I was about to fall.

He instinctively let go of one hand and wanted to find a support point to stand firm, but he didn't want to, so the flower pot fixed with one hand was missing, and he threw it diagonally upwards and flew out of the railing!

Between the lightning and flint, I saw the man on the ground, desperately jumping up, stepping on the railing, flying forward, hugging the flower pot, and then no longer moving, falling straight downstairs.

Judging from the eyesight of people with martial arts such as Baili Cangshen and Xiao Jinye, after holding the flower pot, the man even showed a smile, then closed his eyes, gave up any struggle, and let himself fall.

"Ahh Help! Under the stimulation of the shopkeeper, the small universe also exploded, and he rushed to the railing, reaching out in vain to save people.

His teahouse can't kill anyone!

In the midst of despair and tumbling in his heart, the little script in his heart has been staged, when he sold the teahouse, his wife Hugh, and remarried with his son, suddenly, um???

The guy who just fell, fluttering... Floated up?

I'm still holding the troublesome flower pot in my hand!

The shopkeeper looked back at this group of distinguished guests, which one was... Is it the legendary Xuanmen Immortal?

The shopkeeper stretched out his hand for a long time and couldn't move.

With his hands behind his back, he stepped forward with great interest, and stretched out his hand to drag the man back from the railing.

Behind him, Baili Cangshen also followed, frowning, his left hand gently pressed the little hand of Yu Yu, and the right ape arm stretched out, and he easily fished the person back and placed it in the ground.

The man staggered two steps before he stood firm, and his hand holding the flower pot was bruised, and he was no longer indifferent, but immediately lowered his head to check the flower pot in his hand.

Seeing that the flower pot was fine, he breathed a sigh of relief, returned to his expressionless appearance, and looked up at the opposite side.

but he did not speak, nor thanked.

At this time, the shopkeeper jumped out and shouted: "Immortals... Uh, distinguished guest, you can see, this is what he wants to jump down himself, not the people in our store! Hey, I said you, don't go downstairs, forget it, and go downstairs with this face on the ground, do you want to cause my family to be broken and my wife to be separated or how to drop?! "

The shopkeeper remembered the big drama just now.

decided to go back and order two hairpins for the daughter-in-law, coax well, don't really reach a desperate situation, the daughter-in-law ran away with her son with someone.

No matter what the shopkeeper said, the man just stood quietly, deaf and dumb, silent.

Xiao Jinye gave the county lord of Jinning a breath behind his back, afraid that she would be frightened, and said to the shopkeeper, "You go down, it's useless to say this, he is only immersed in his own world." "

Immersed in your own world?

The shopkeeper said that he didn't understand, and scolded and quit the group chat and went downstairs.

Finally quiet, Hao Yu cheered, can you eat?

She glanced at the person excitedly, twitched her little nose, almost drooled in intoxication, and turned around to see that the county lord's sister who doted on her the most was still in Xiao Jinye's arms, a little far away.

Then he grabbed the sleeves of the hundred miles of darkness beside him and shook them, "Brother Shizi, Brother Shizi, you let people go and find it, is there an iron frame for roasting whole sheep here?" Well, it's better to be a little bigger than that! Yu Yu stretched out his arms and gestured, but felt that it was not long enough, so he pointed to the person who did not move, "Na, it is enough to string him so long, and it needs to be thicker, this person is so heavy, the iron chisel is too thin, it will not be able to bear his weight."

As soon as these words came out, the entire second floor fell silent, and a gust of wind blew from outside the railing, and everyone felt cold and cold, and goosebumps rose on their backs.

Grill...... Barbecue live people?

The county lord of Jinning took a deep breath and immediately transformed from a weak little woman nestled in her husband's arms to a big heroine who wanted to pick up a big stick to educate her disobedient daughter.

She jerked away from her husband's arms, straightened up, rolled up her sleeves, and was about to step forward.

Is it the old lady's education route that has deviated again?! Well?!

Xiao Jinye hurriedly hugged her waist from behind, "Ning Ning Ning Ning, calm down!" As

he spoke, he gave Baili Cangshen a look.

Baili Cangshen also stiffened for a moment, and after receiving Xiao Jinye's signal, he stepped forward gently, and pressed the hand that was still pointing at the man's nose silently.

He asked softly, "Sister Yu'er, since you just saved him, why do you want to... Roasted him?

"Yu Yu said as a matter of course:

"Save him just to eat him, he will fall to the ground and it won't taste good." "It's best to roast it whole." "

Hiss..." was another gasp sound.

Mama Yin pressed her old heart with one hand, and she wanted to fall backwards when she staggered, and the white porcelain also had a small face, instinctively holding Mama Yin, but she kept her mouth open, only inhaling, not exhaling!

The county lord of Jinning began to pull Xiao Jinye's hand again, struggling, Xiao Jinye hurriedly reassured, "Don't worry Ningning, don't worry, listen to what Yu'er has to say." "

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