Of course, when leaving, Yu Yu did not forget to jump on the tree and take away her nectar and royal jelly.

The spirit bees have completed their tasks, but they are still lined up neatly one by one, and they don't dare to mess up the formation at all.

After looking at the spirit bees that had circled the big tree several times, and the jade spirit bees trembling beside him, he nodded with satisfaction, opened his little hand and sucked it, and the clay pot and porcelain bottle flew into his hand, and then disappeared.

Yu Yu clapped his hands, "For your sake, I won't tear off your legs, remember, your spiritual honey will be mine in the future, do you know how to work for me?!" "

Part-time job?

The poor Jade Spirit Queen Bee couldn't understand such strange terms, so she could only nod her head nervously as she fluttered up and down.

Whether you understand it or not, send this terrible devil away quickly!

After another month in Chongshan County, the road was finally completely opened, and the order of the imperial court was also transmitted.

Xiao Jinye was promoted to one level and transferred to the capital, and the official worshiped Jing Zhaoyin.

The imperial court ordered Xiao Jinye to take office immediately, and Xiao Jinye's deputy temporarily took over the post of county guard.

The wheels were rolling, and Yu Yu followed the Jinning County Lord and the others on the road again.

Baili Cangshen was on the way back to Beijing to recover his life, and he also entered the convoy together.

The people of Baili Cangshen were originally light horses, and they could reach the capital in half a month with fast horses, and they didn't have to move forward slowly with the convoy.

But Baili Cang was dragging a group of wolf-like cavalry, like a bunch of small snails, and followed the convoy step by step.

At this time, the convoy was passing by the long bridge that had just been built in the Futong River, and the feather pulled the window to look into the river, where was the big black fish? It's all going to go, and if you don't eat it, you'll miss it.

The big black fish under the water felt a deep malice coming from the direction of the bridge, and hurriedly plunged into the deep water, and rushed in the opposite direction of the bridge without looking back.

Xiao Jinye rode a horse and ran to the side of Baili Cangshen, "Hey, I said Xiao Shizi, I followed the carriage to protect my daughter-in-law, and you are a dignified master Sizheng, and you also follow my daughter-in-law's carriage, aren't you afraid of losing your share?" Yes!

Baili Cangshen's expressionless eyelids, "I protect Sister Yu'er and repay the favor!" What's

special is that these two words are again, and Xiao Jinye now has stress disorder when he hears these two words.

"A hundred miles are heavy! What Yu'er sister, that's my sister and Ning Ning's sister! You're just two boys! Don't call

Yu'er sister...""You don't count, Yu'er is called Brother Shizi..."

The water is murmuring, the long bridge is long, and the convoy is getting farther and farther.

Chongshan County is not far from the capital, but it is not close either, because there are female dependents in the convoy, it will take a month to arrive.

After walking for more than ten days, a group of people walked to the foot of Qingcheng Mountain, and Yu Yu has been excited since he heard this name.

In the story her mother told her, it was named after the place!

She had to find out if there was a white snake spirit named White Lady who was cultivating here.

The sound of horses' hooves was heard in the distance, and the little head of the feather poked out of the car window and looked ahead.

It turned out to be Steward Chen, and I saw him running all the way to the county lord of Jinning, and the car stopped with a rein, and hugged his fists at Xiao Jinye and Baili Cangshen, "Son, Xiao Shizi, my subordinates have booked an inn in Qingshan City." We are lucky, we happened to meet the local "Flower Prayer Festival" today, and there will definitely be a lively scene at night! Steward Chen said excitedly: "The subordinates knew that Miss Yu loved to be lively, so they made their own opinions, and spent a lot of money to set up the second floor of a teahouse next to the Flower God Dojo, so that they could watch the excitement while eating refreshments!" I hope that my masters will atone for their sins. "

Well done!" Yu Yu held out his thumb.

"Well done." The county lord of Jinning also poked out the head of the mantis a little and praised it with a smile.

The others were also shaken and their faces were beaming with joy.

Xiao Jinye smiled and nodded at Steward Chen with a folding fan, "Just be smart, okay, don't atone for your sins, after so many days of hurrying, it's time for the ladies to relax and relax."

In the car behind, there was a faint cheer from the young girls such as Bai Porcelain.

Mama Bai accompanied the county lord of Jinning in the car, and scolded with a smile when she saw this, "These little girls are really unruly!" But his face was full of chrysanthemum-like smiles.

Half an hour later, the convoy settled down in the inn, and Yu Yu couldn't wait to go to the street.

The county lord of Jinning sneered and stopped her, "Yu'er, eat dinner first, and when the lights come on, let's go to the street again, just right."

As soon as Yu Yu heard that he would eat first, how could he disagree, "Okay, sister of the county lord, let's eat first!" Obediently

ran to wash his hands, and after washing, he obediently sat down at the round table, his eyes were shining, and he stared at the white porcelain in a blink of an eye.

Bai Porcelain really couldn't resist this kind of gaze, and smiled "poof", "The slave maid will go to pass the meal, the girl will wait, and the slave and maid will bring someone over immediately." With that, he hurriedly walked out the door.

In the next room, Xiao Jinye and Baili Cangshen were sitting in front of the window drinking tea, and when they saw the hurried pace of the white porcelain in the courtyard, they said with a smile:

"It seems that Yu'er can't wait, we can't be left behind."

Baili on the other side looked at him puzzled.

Xiao Jinye didn't explain, but raised his voice, "Qingping, go pass the meal!" Tell everyone to eat quickly, and the female relatives will go out in a while, and we have to keep up. "

Yes, Childe!" Qingping immediately left the house and hurriedly chased after the figure of white porcelain.

"Snort" There was a deep chuckle from the other side.

It seems that he also thought of it.

Xiao Jinye picked up the teacup and didn't drink it, only squinted his eyes and looked up and down at the hundred miles.

"What are you looking at?" Bai then smiled gloomily, and returned to his usual expressionless face.

"It is rumored that Xiao Shizi has not laughed since he was three years old." Xiao Jinye turned the teacup in his hand, "It seems that the rumors are not true." "

Baili Cangshen sighed," Brother Xiao wanted to say something, although he said it bluntly. "

I don't believe you're really going to fall in love with a teenager." Xiao Jinye seemed to be smiling, but his tone was affirmative.

Baili Cang was silent for a moment, and said slowly: "I said, I treat her as a sister, and the word "repaying gratitude" is not just talking.

Xiao Jinye waved the sleeves of his robe, sat up straight, the smile on his face suddenly collapsed, and he looked at the other side with a sinking face, "It's been ten days since I came all this way, didn't Xiao Shizi think there was anything wrong?"

Baili Cangshen's eyes narrowed, staring at the other side, and his voice became cold: "What do you want to say?"

Xiao Jinye was not afraid, and continued to say in a deep voice: "Xiao Shizi's life is different, and the world knows it!" At the time of the flood, the arrangement of the national teacher was invalid, right? But in the past ten days, there has been nothing unusual around you, Xiao Shizi thinks, what is this for?

Baili Cangshen's face changed, and the fist on his side clenched.

Xiao Jinye smiled contemptuously, "Heh, don't you dare to answer me, right?" In the month you were in Chongshan City, you found out that as long as Yu'er is by your side, you will be safe!

Xiao Jinye put the cup in his hand on the table heavily, "So this is the reason why you insist on following my convoy back to Beijing, and you still follow Yu'er's carriage in the name of repaying your kindness!"

Xiao Jinye said word by word: "Baili Cangshen, put away your set, don't beat Yu'er's idea!" "

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