Yu Yu was no longer in control, and the cool bully raised his finger and pointed to the sky directly above the swarm!

I saw that an arm-thick thunder really appeared in the sky out of thin air, and with a "boom", it slashed at the swarm with an irresistible trend... on the left!

After the thunder, a few small bees stunned by the thunder fell from the sky, and there was no movement at all.

It profoundly interprets what it means to operate as fierce as a tiger, and look at the results of two, three, five. Of course, this two-three-five refers to only two or three small bees that have fallen.

Yu Yu looked back at the crowd in embarrassment, and saw that everyone was stunned and opened their mouths to look at her, only the human who always brought food to him smiled at him encouragingly.

Strange good-looking.

At this moment, Yu Yu suddenly got the face of a human being.

Yu Yu turned his head, took a breath, adjusted his posture, and once again entered the power of merit into the "Yin Yang Lightning Strike Wood".

Hmph, this beast has no physical body, no silver, and is so poor that he only has the power of merit left, but the power of our merit is so much that he can squander it casually, even if the beast is not skilled in business and can't split accurately, but he can also continue to attack indiscriminately, and still destroy your race!

The blue arc light on the "Yin Yang Lightning Strike Wood" flashed again, thicker than before.

The Jade Spirit Bee, which was originally frightened and stopped in the air, suddenly turned around and flew towards the swarm with an exaggerated and powerful movement.

The voice of "Weng" exploded, and the Jade Spirit Bee Queen took their natural skill "Speed Fly" to the extreme, and rushed to the hive of the old phoenix tree with the swarm.

The feather smacked twice, chasing the tail of the swarm and thundering again, and in the high-speed movement, the accurate head was still not dripping.

The bee colony was too close to the old phoenix tree, and with a thunderbolt, the spirit bees burrowed into the hive, and the ordinary bees landed around the hive.

Yu Yu was still thinking about the royal jelly, and was afraid that the beehive would be destroyed by another thunder, so he withdrew his hand and jumped into the air on the branch of the old phoenix tree.

Mao Yu pretended to take out a small jade bottle from his arms, but it was actually taken in space. This is also contributed by the black fish spirit, and lo and behold, it comes in handy again. What a wise decision I made at the beginning!

Approaching the hive, Yu Yu threatened

, "Queen Jade Spirit Bee, do you hand over the royal jelly yourself, or I will break your hive and take your royal jelly, you can choose one."

"Buzzing" came from within the hive with an eager, cautious sound.

Although she can't understand the language of bees, she is a beast, and the submission of animals in nature is the same, and she still has this instinctive intuition.

She smiled in satisfaction, took out two more clay pots, and placed them on the thick trunk of the old phoenix tree. raised his voice and said:

"I also want ordinary honey, and everyone who knows each other will hand it over!"

When there was a stumbling moment, a group of bees crawled out of the honeycomb, and the queen of the jade spirit bee took the head, each holding a jade-colored film ball in its claws, and through the thin ball film, you could see the white jade-colored royal jelly flowing inside.

Later, another group of spirit bees with golden ordinary honey balls in their arms flew out intermittently, huddled together in a chaotic manner.

Yu Yu clapped his hands and shouted:

"Don't mess up! Royal jelly is put in this jade bottle, and ordinary honey is put in these two clay pots! Give me a line one by one to fly well! You, it's you, Jade Spirit Queen, you take the lead! Squeeze a bead and I'll rip off one of your legs, do you hear?! The

Jade Spirit Queen was trembling, not daring to disobey this fierce god and humiliating little head.

Yu Yu nodded with satisfaction, turned around and shouted outside the courtyard:

"The bees are solved, Brother-in-law Xiao, come in!"

At this time, two voices sounded from under the tree at the same time, one laughed "poof", and the other asked a little aggrieved: "Yu'er, why do you only call Brother-in-law Xiao and not Brother Shizi?" "

Uh, it's Brother-in-law Xiao and the humans who delivered food, when did they come in?

Leaping down a branch.

"I don't remember your name." Yu Yu replied straightforwardly.

Baili Cang was speechless.

Xiao Jinye sounded another "poof", I couldn't help it, hahaha, Yu'er is so cute, it's cute enough to command the bees to line up, and I don't remember the name of the hundred-mile beast at all.

Hahaha, someone's going to be, right?

Baili Cangshen's face swept over with an expressionless gaze of death.

Xiao Jinye barely controlled himself,

"Ahem... Cough! That one... Yu'er, the way you just commanded the bees to line up is really heroic! Go back and talk to your county lord sister about them, and let them praise you well! "

Uh-huh" Yu Yu nodded like pounding garlic, she likes to pretend to be forced the most, this is in line with her identity as a super fierce beast, and humans should look at it.

"Let the county lord's sister reward me with twice my pocket money!" Yu Yu stretched out two white fingers and took the opportunity to put forward the conditions.

"Good, good, twice!" Xiao Jinye couldn't help but admire his wife, who was too good at teaching children, not beating or scolding, and unconsciously let this child, who has an ability beyond ordinary people, keep the rules of the world.

Hundreds of miles of sunk thoughtfulness, pocket money... This may also be an entry point.

Seeing that the matter was settled, Yu Yu stopped talking nonsense with these two men, she didn't forget that she was here to find Sister Yan.

Throw the next sentence, "I'm going to find Sister Xunyan!" So he bypassed the two of them and ran to the main room.

Xiao Jinye chased after him and reminded, "Wait for me at the door, don't rush in and destroy the scene."

Yu Yu wrinkled her little nose, although she didn't understand what the scene meant, but she could hear the seriousness of Xiao Jinye's words, so she still stopped at the door.

It's true that she's a fierce beast, but she's also a sane beast, not a stupid person like a poor and gluttonous person.

The three of them converged in front of the door, and at this time, Cangluo also took Chen Lao, Xiao Jinye's people and the people who were hundreds of miles deep into the courtyard.

Xiao Jinye instructed the officials under his hand: "Lin Zhutou, take people to the wings on both sides and the inverted rooms to find the people in this courtyard." When I turned around, I wanted to ask questions. "

Yes!" Lin Zhutou clasped his fists and saluted, and led people to start moving.

Baili Cangshen also commanded:

"The people of the Foreign Affairs Division are on guard in the courtyard, and no one is allowed to enter or leave this mansion!" In addition, if there is any change in the bee colony, report it immediately! Cangluo took care of Chen Lao and waited outside the door first. "

Yes!" Cang Lu and the people of the Strange Affairs Division behind him responded together.

Xiao Jinye's heart moved, and he turned his head to Baili Cangshen and whispered:

"Xiao Shizi, do you think that the culprit who caused this disaster is still trapped in the courtyard?"

Baili Cangshen bowed his head slightly, "I don't rule out this possibility." He glanced up at the direction of the bee colony on the old phoenix tree, "Since that scream, the bee colony has hovered over the courtyard to prevent people from approaching, and there must be a reason why such a big movement has to be done."

Xiao Jinye nodded in agreement, and didn't say anything more, just took out two pairs of shoe covers from his body and handed them to Baili Cangshen, and bent down to wear a set.

After hesitating again, he looked at Yu Yu and sighed, estimating that he couldn't let her in, he couldn't stop her at all, so he also gave her a pair.

Baili Cangshen was slightly surprised when he saw this, and then immediately understood the role of this kind of shoe cover, and couldn't help but glance at Xiao Jinye with appreciation, and praised, "Lord Xiao's ingenuity is worthy of the name of "Zhihu".

Xiao Jinye smiled implicitly, and replied proudly on the surface, "Where, just a little experience." He

stretched out his hand and pushed the door open.

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