Everyone walked all the way to the back mountain, here is worthy of the place chosen by the Thunderwind Temple, the scenery is beautiful, the mist is ethereal, and you are in it, and you are in a fairyland.

Except for Cang Ling, who was worried about his master, and the old monk was accustomed to seeing this scene, the others all watched left and right, enjoying the scenery along the way while walking. Even Yu Yu couldn't help but sigh, there is plenty of spiritual energy here, and I am afraid that there are a lot of spiritual things that are naturally raised.

Although everyone couldn't help but enjoy the scenery all the way, they didn't stop there. After all, the old monk is leading the way, and everyone is not too polite.

After a while, everyone came to a corner of the mountain, and around this corner, the eyes suddenly opened up! I saw a large flat land appear in front of everyone. The grass was green, the sky was high and the clouds were light, the golden sunlight was falling, and the white fog before was gone.

A small fenced courtyard is located between the green spaces, which makes this fairyland suddenly popular, making people feel a trace of warmth, and a kind of realization that there must be a master living in seclusion here in people's hearts.

Xiao Ergongzi couldn't help but sigh: "Xanadu is nothing more than that!"

The county lord of Jinning nodded.


The old monk stretched out his hand with a smile on his face and said,

"The divine doctor is here, I'll wait for it."

After speaking, he glanced at the entourage behind him.

Xiao Ergongzi immediately understood, so he ordered a group of followers to wait here, and only Xiao Ergongzi and his wife, Hao Yu, and Cangluo walked to the small courtyard with the old monk.

Along the way, I found that there were many fields cultivated outside the small courtyard, on which various unknown herbs were planted, and... Melon fruits, yes, all kinds of unknown melons and fruits!

Jin Ning and his wife looked at each other in surprise, could it be... Miracle doctors love sweets? The two people who often go in and out of the palace have a lot of knowledge, and many strange melons and fruits can be recognized, and the melons and fruits here are really sweeter than the other!

Seeing that these herbs, melons and fruits are growing well, it is obvious that they have not been affected by the flood in this time, and this period of time has been relieved.

The old monk pointed to these fields as he walked, and smiled with satisfaction, "The terrain here is high, and it is a flat open land, but it has never been flooded, so the hard work of the old friend has been saved." "

Mr. and Mrs. Jinning: This... Is melon and fruit also a painstaking effort?

Could it be that the divine doctor is also the same as Yu Yu, a foodie attribute?

turned his head to look at the feather, but found that the feather was gone!

The county lord of Jinning panicked, "What about Yu'er?" Why is Yu'er gone?!

Xiao Ergongzi raised his eyes and swept around, and when he heard the sound of rustling in the melon field, he realized in his heart, and pulled the county lord of Jinning to raise his head and signal her to look at the melon field.

From time to time, a young yellow figure flashed in the depths of the melon field, which was the color of the clothes that Yu Yu was wearing today.

The county lord of Jinning breathed a sigh of relief, this kid...

But after a while, I saw Mao Yu walking out with a small melon that had not yet grown, and he was still scolding with dissatisfaction.

Yu Yu walked to the side of the county lord of Jinning and his party, holding the little tender melon that had just grown out for a long time, and said aggrievedly:

"Not a single one is ripe, all of them have just grown, and they can't be eaten..."

What, what I see is mine! Yu Yu looked unconvinced.

Jinning County is the main supporter.

Or Xiao Er's fox came out:

"Yu'er, do you want to know where the melons are picked?"

Yu Yu's eyes lit up, and he looked at Xiao Ergongzi.

Xiao Ergongzi showed a fox-like signature smile, raised his chin and moved a little in the direction of the Divine Doctor's Courtyard, "That's it."

Without saying a word, Yu Yu took the lead, overtook the old monk, and began to lead the crowd to the courtyard of the divine doctor.

When I walked to the front of the small courtyard, I found that the door was open, too, in this high mountain and wilderness, there is nothing to prevent.

Xiao Ergongzi stopped the reckless Yu Yu and politely shouted outside the door:

"Master Fawu and Xiao Jinye's family and the little prince of Nanzhao are guarded by Xiao Jinye's family, and they are coming to visit!"

The word "small" is to bring the county lord of Jinning and Yu Yu.

I saw a small guy running out of the house, and he was still holding a melon in his hand, but this melon... Why is it moldy?

"I've seen the Fawu Master, I've seen all the adults, please come in!"

The little guy greeted politely and warmly, and everyone followed into the door.

Raise your eyes and look, the layout of this small courtyard is actually very simple, only one enters, the front is the main house, and the two sides are side rooms.

At this time, the doors and windows of the wing room were wide open, and rows of shelves were placed inside. On the shelf of the wing room on the left, you can see that it is brewed medicinal herbs, and the wing room on the right, uh, there are rows of melons on the shelf?!

Yu Yu cheered, and ran into the right wing room uninvited, and the master of Jinning County raised his hand and didn't stop it.

Everyone looked at each other and had no choice but to follow.

But suddenly, another gust of wind blew out, holding a moldy melon in his hand, and his little face was angry:

"It's so hateful! The melons in here are all moldy and can't be eaten at all!

At this time, the little guy just now also reacted, and said hurriedly:

"Hey, girl, girl, put it down, these melons are the treasures of my family's miracle doctor, and they can't be moved."

Everyone looked at the little guy in disbelief, this... Is a moldy melon a treasure? Is this a good doctor?

All of a sudden, everyone's brains were opened.

The little guy ignored everyone's brains, took the moldy melon from the hands of Yu Yu, and said while walking into the wing:

"The divine doctor told me to fetch some moldy seeds and send them to him, after I take them, send you to see the divine doctor together, soon, please wait."


Everyone was curious about the name.

I saw the little guy walk into the wing, carefully looking for something on the rows of shelves, walked two rows, and chose a melon with green hairs, the green hairs were dense and even, neither long nor short, just right.

After he took the melon, he walked to a small table and sat down, picked up a small jade knife, and began to gently scratch the green hairs.

The green hairs that had been scraped off fell into a small jade plate below.

After a while, the little guy felt that the amount of scraping was enough, so he picked up a small lid to cover the jade plate, stood up, and said

to everyone: "Okay, the mold seed has been taken, everyone come with me

" Xiao Jinye thought for a while, it seems that these melons were deliberately placed here to be moldy, just to cultivate this so-called "mold seed".

Everyone followed the little maid and walked to the main house together.

As soon as you enter the room, there is a large living room with a bright hall, but there is no one inside, and the little maid does not invite everyone to sit down, but leads everyone through the hall and towards the back door behind the large screen.

While leading the way, he explained:

"Master, my lords, my lord is now in the medicine research room... Oh... That is, the study of drugs in the auricles. That house, when the old man was studying medicine, no one was allowed to go in and disturb him.

Everyone expressed their understanding, "The secret technique of the divine doctor, we are not good at watching." The

little guy shook his head

, "My lord has the world in mind, and he doesn't mind if his medical skills are seen, and he doesn't allow people to enter, just because he doesn't want to be disturbed by the pharmaceutical process and lead to failure."

With that, the group had passed through the back hall door and walked down the back porch to the right.

After a few steps, everyone saw the back window of the right ear room. It seems that for the sake of light, the window of the right transept is made very large.

Behind the window was a large long table filled with bottles and jars.

The miracle doctor was standing behind the long case.

At this time, the words of the little maid also continued to reach his ears, "However, although you can't enter the room, you can still talk to the master while standing outside the window." "

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