Hey? Yu Yu was surprised, when the person on the ground was emotional, he actually left his soul for a moment!

Cut, human beings are really weak chickens, and they can leave their souls if they are pushed by someone?

At the moment of leaving the soul, this person was kicked by the half-sized child, and he lost his ability to act at once.

The half-grown man took the opportunity to drag him to the distance on the other side of the city gate.

Seeing that there was no excitement to see, the onlookers also dispersed, and Yu Yu also got her quail dumplings, and drank vinegar and spicy ingredients, and ate them beautifully, and walked back while eating.

At this time, Steward Chen paid the money, hurriedly followed, and whispered to Yu Yu:

"Girl, the person on the ground just now is not simple, look at the few strokes he drew on the ground, ordinary people can't draw that kind of charm." Besides, looking at his clothes, although they are tattered, they are robes that are only worn by talents.

Yu Yu glanced at him inexplicably, "So what?"

"So..." Looking at Yu Yu, who had already rushed to the next stall happily without listening to him, Steward Chen stopped his mouth depressedly, really, he was also stupid, he told the girl what he was doing here, let's go back and talk to the county lord.

After lunch, Yu Yu went back to eat, and Steward Chen had the opportunity to report the matter to the county lord of Jinning.

When the county lord of Jinning heard this, he just said lightly, "Where there are people, there will be injustices, that is, it is not deliberately arranged to meet, but there is no need to care, if there is a grievance, there is a yamen outside to take care of it."

Steward Chen bowed down and said "yes", and Fang retired.

After another two days, Xiao Shizi still did not improve, he took antipyretics, sometimes the starting point works, but after a while, it will burn again, if it were not for the physique of the person who practiced martial arts, coupled with the Ming Gui medicinal materials hanging on his life, ordinary people are afraid that they would have gone long ago.

However, the twelve flowers and zodiac signs carved by Xiao Ergongzi were all completed, and the big white porcelain purse was also rushed out, and all the small wood carvings were put into the big purse, and hung on the body for Yu Yu to raise.

I heard that the matter of the divine doctor has a result, and I searched for a lot of circles near and far, and finally found that the divine doctor lived in seclusion in the mountain behind the Leifeng Temple outside the county town, and lived next to the Master of Fawu of the Leifeng Temple.

So, everyone discussed it and decided to go over with Cangluo early tomorrow morning to invite him.

Yu Yu has never seen a human temple, and she is also clamoring to go, and the county lord of Jinning spoils her infinitely, and she agrees to everything.

The next day, before dawn, the group went out of the city gate and went all the way to the Thunderwind Temple. The three masters and servants of Jinning County and Yu Yu were all sitting in the car, and Xiao Ergongzi rode a horse to accompany him, and he was anxious, and he led the horse at the front of the team.

Yu Yu looked at the scenery outside, searched everywhere for any delicious wild fruits or something, and asked

, "You people here are so strange, even if you all like to live in seclusion, you still like to live in seclusion in this Chongshan County."

The county lord of Jinning said with a smile:

"It's not that everyone likes to live in seclusion, isn't this plus Liu Lao and only two people."

On the contrary, Xiao Ergongzi interjected proudly through the window:

"You don't know this, before my Chongshan County suffered this flood, it was known as the beauty of heaven, the mountains are high and the clouds are full, the forests are lush, and the fairy atmosphere is full of fairy air between morning and dusk every day, and there are few doubts in the dream, who doesn't yearn for it."

Bai Ci covered his mouth and smiled:

"According to what my uncle said, there are more than these two masters living in seclusion on this treasure land in our county. Whoever has the slightest intention of being out of the dust will come to us.

Mama Yin took a deep breath of the morning air, and said:

"Don't say it, the breath of this place is comfortable, take a breath of the whole body is comfortable, and the brain is also a lot clearer, the old slave estimates that the people who live here will live a long life."

Xiao Er Gongzi glanced at Mama Yin approvingly

, "This old person is knowledgeable, I have checked the county records, isn't it that everyone here has a long life!" I heard that Liu Lao fell ill that year, and his apprentices chose me to live in seclusion in Chongshan County, probably because of this.

The county lord of Jinning also smiled and joked:

"That's good, when we get old, we will also return here to live in seclusion, ah, no, it is to settle, we are not masters, and we are not qualified to live in seclusion, right?"

Xiao Ergongzi laughed

, "What's so difficult about this, at most, it's hard for a husband, work calligraphy, painting and carving, strive to be a big family, and get a reclusive qualification for Mrs. to come back!"

Everyone laughed and laughed all the way, and when the sun rose, they arrived at the foot of the Thunderwind Temple.

The group changed to a simple bamboo bowl, and when they arrived at the gate of the temple, the abbot was already at the door.

Because Xiao Ergongzi has always been an official who does not like to disturb the people, so he has never closed the temple, at this hour, there are good men and women in the temple to worship the Buddha and pray.

Several people met with the abbot, and the abbot led them to the Daxiong Treasure Hall to offer incense, and then Xiao Ergongzi and Cangluo followed the abbot to visit Master Fawu first, and wanted to be introduced by Master Fawu, and then went to ask the doctor to go out of the mountain.

Jinning county lord and a few Yu Yu, then continue to the other halls in the temple all the way to worship, speaking of which, this temple is not big, in addition to the main hall of the Daxiong Bao Palace, there are two in, one into the Manjushri Bodhisattva Palace, one into the Puxian Bodhisattva Palace.

Yu Yu carefully observed the Buddha statue all the way, wanting to see what this sanctified god of the human race looked like. If you just look at the sculpture, there is a white light and shadow on the sculpture, which seems to increase a trace of light as the human beings below kneel down to worship the incense.

I heard that this Buddhist temple is also a universal sentient being, and it has the name of compassion for the world, why is there no meritorious power on this statue?

Last night, I asked the county lord's sister about the teachings of this Buddhist family, why does it sound like crossing the heart but not the body? If you don't cross your body and your life, you won't have merit? Or is this sculpture not the deity of the Holy Spirit, the power of merit is condensed in the deity, and this sculpture can only gather the power of faith?

Yu Yu thought about it for a long time and didn't come up with a reason, so he simply put it aside and didn't think about it, only tugged on the sleeve of the county lord of Jinning and asked curiously:

"Sister of the county lord, this temple is called Thunder Wind Temple, is it because it is dedicated to the two gods of thunder and wind?" Why didn't I see it?

The county lord of Jinning smiled slightly

, "Here, there is a saying, you come with me." As he spoke, he led everyone to lead the way to a large shadow wall between the main hall and the main entrance.

Everyone stood still in front of the shadow wall, looked up, and after a while, they were startled by the momentum rushing on the shadow wall, and some of the more timid even took a step back.

I saw a picture painted on the shadow wall, on which there was a white and a green two gods of clouds and fog, their faces were hideous, the momentum was violent, one person held a double hammer, one person held a pocket, opened his teeth and danced his claws, like a ghost god Yaksha, and pounced on him at an angle!

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