Yu Yu took a fancy to the sea blue at a glance, the deep and translucent color reminded her of her hometown,

"I want this!" If you have the chance, you must go back to the sea to see it.

Mama Yin hesitated

, "Look at the girl's crystal fish carving is also pale blue, and then choose a sea blue, will it be too deep?" Why don't you change to a goose yellow one? The little girl is the most delicate with this. "

I don't!" Yu Yu pursed her small mouth, indicating that she was only attached to her sea blue.

The county lord of Jinning smiled helplessly, this child is still so straightforward, he doesn't know how to turn, it's okay now, everyone spoils her, she can't be like this anymore when she returns to the capital, it's easy to offend people, although she is not afraid of offending anyone with her own family, but girls, reputation is still very important, so that you can have a good home.

The county lord of Jinning took out the crystal fish carving from the hand of Yu Yu, put it next to the sea blue silk thread and compared, and muttered: "If it is matched like this, it may be like blue and white porcelain, there is a different kind of elegance and generosity, which can hold down the clothes." "

What is blue and white porcelain? Yu Yu flashed a pair of big eyes and looked at the county lord's sister.

As soon as the county lord of Jinning saw her appearance, he knew what she was thinking, and couldn't help but smile, "When you get to your brother-in-law's territory, I will find a piece of blue and white porcelain for you to see."

Bai Ci also laughed, "The girl is so cute, she is curious about everything, the key is that her eyes seem to be able to speak."

Mama Yin also smiled and said, "Isn't it? Every time the old slave saw the girl, it was like seeing spring, and he always felt vibrant, and the old slave didn't know how to describe it, as if all the things around him seemed to come to life all at once. Old slave, I feel comfortable even taking a breath. "

This sycophant is so good, the county lord of Jinning feels extremely useful, as if praising Yu is praising her. As for Yu Yu, of course, she thinks that this must be the case, she has the power of merit, and she is still so close to them, she doesn't feel like it's a hell.

A few people happily divided the work, the silver mama hit the sea blue yarn, the white porcelain hit the goose yellow, and they could be worn in different patterns in the future.

It is not easy to do needlework on the car, so the white porcelain will be tied together first, ready to wait for the place, and then make a purse when it is stable.

Yu Yu also took the sea-blue silk thread and was taught by the lord of Jinning County.

The long road is long, and there is still a day to go to the county town, although several people have work to do, so as to pass the time, but the story of the day in Bai Porcelain's heart has not been finished, his eyes rolled, and he couldn't help but ask again.

"County lord, the one in the back" Bai Porcelain Yinu mouthed, "What is the number of fate?"

Mama Yin and the county lord of Jinning froze for a moment, glanced at each other, and saw that each other's faces were not very good, so it can be seen that they both remembered what happened last night.

Mama Yin hurriedly pulled the white porcelain and signaled her not to ask.

The county lord of Jinning pinched his eyebrows, waved his hand, and said

, "It's okay, I talked so much yesterday, it's not bad."

Mama Yin couldn't bear to say,

"But the county lord remembered last night's incident again?" Fortunately, there is no danger, we can go to my uncle's place tonight, and when we settle down, we will be safe. This road is in the water and in distress, you get to your uncle, you have to take good care of your body. Tears filled his eyes as he spoke, and his own milky child was distressed no matter how old he was.

The county lord of Jinning took Mama Yin's hand and said comfortingly

: "Mama, I'm fine, I'm just a little worried about that, there is still a day to go today, I'm afraid..."

Mama Yin also sighed, hesitated and comforted herself:

"There is only one day's road left, with such an idea time, there should be no more trouble, right?" What's more, the catastrophe should have been last night, which is... Got it, right? Mama Yin's voice was not very confident, full of self-doubt, not to mention the county lord of Jinning, even the unwitting Bai Porcelain and Mao Yu felt that this cliff was just Mama Yin's wishful thinking.

Bai Porcelain was still kicking and restless, but after listening to the conversation between Mama Yin and the county lord of Jinning, she couldn't help it, and finally asked again:

"What happened last night, is it related to that person?"

Mao Yu also looked at the county lord of Jinning with an inquiring look, and the little demon didn't mention that it was instructed by someone yesterday.

The county lord of Jinning sighed

, "Alas..., I don't know what kind of curse the bloodline of the eldest son of the emperor is, but it is a continuous suffering, and it continues to the next generation."

Bai Ci covered his heart in distress and exclaimed:

"Could it be the prince of Nanzhao??!..." I just established an idol yesterday, and today I heard about the suffering of idols, and I feel sorry for it.

The county lord of Jinning shook his head

, "The eldest son of the emperor married the princess after being named the king of Nanzhao, and he had the son of the king of Nanzhao smoothly, and the son of the king of Nanzhao also grew up smoothly, there is nothing wrong." The one who suffered was the second son of the king of Nanzhao, that is, the little prince, who was the one in our team. Then

he explained:

"Because the eldest son of the emperor has more than one title, even the second son has a title to inherit, so everyone calls him the little son."

"Small... Xiao Shizi, what the hell is he...? Bai Ci felt even more panicked in his heart, why could that weird thing last night have something to do with Xiao Shizi?

"Xiao Shizi, since birth, there have been major disasters and small disasters" The lord of Jinning County said slowly, as if he was slowly entering the memory, "Before I gave birth to my mother's womb, I met two stable women to earn work, and used special techniques to induce labor, and almost had a stillborn birth." At the full moon banquet, I met two foreign women who secretly fought, and the grandmother holding Xiao Shizi was hit, and Xiao Shizi was almost killed. At the Zhou ceremony, when the old and new stewards of the palace alternately framed each other, they actually replaced some of the small swords, small bows, golden hairpins, and long needles used to catch Zhou with real sharp weapons, and the little child grabbed the blood of one hand. All these things happen from time to time.

Bai Porcelain gasped and covered his mouth this time. How so? Didn't you find a master to see?

"I saw it, why didn't I see it," but, "when the princess took the infant little prince to the mountain to pray for blessings and hexagrams, the little prince was almost dropped by the monks, and it also led to a murder case of the remnants of the Nanzhao Kingdom colluding with the monks. The county lord of Jinning showed an unbearable look in his eyes, "Where can the master on the mountain save that little child, he just criticized his eight characters, saying that it is fate, there is no break, there is no solution, and the fate is lonely."

"It's nothing, when Xiao Shizi grows up, these things will become more serious, small theft will occur, big will kill people, and Xiao Shizi will be implicated. Even the princess took Xiao Shizi to visit the door, and she could encounter other people's concubines killing each other, cousins and sisters fornicating, and concubines fighting each other," the county lord of Jinning sneered, "These people can die by themselves, but they all caught up with Xiao Shizi's presence, which caused Xiao Shizi to be young, either falling into the water, poisoning, or being wiped out." "The county lord of Jinning can't imagine what she would be like if this kind of thing happened to her child," these vicious things, I don't know what kind of shadow they left in his little heart. "

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