Just do it when you think of it, Yu Yu holds the black end of the lightning strike wood with his right hand, and the fingertips of the index finger of his left hand tentatively go to the middle of the white half of the lightning strike wood, ahhhh Unimpeded! It was as if there was already a meritorious power in this lightning strike wood as an introduction, and all of a sudden, her own meritorious power rushed in!

"Bang", the half of the white lightning strike wood seemed to be ignited, and the whole emitted a white light flame visible to the naked eye, and the rising light flame could clearly feel that there was infinite vitality!

Yu Yu no longer hesitated, and with a wave of his hand, he immediately spotted the lightning strike wood in the center of the stump that had just emerged from the ground!

The situation of the entire tree appeared in Yu Yu's perception almost at once, and she could almost "see" the vitality of the lightning strike wood rushing into the stump, deep below the surface, and the vitality appeared everywhere it passed, spreading to the entire root system in an instant!

Yu Yu felt that this bit of vitality was enough, and it was not appropriate to do more, so he withdrew the lightning strike wood.

Almost as soon as it was retracted, a bud sprouted from the center of the stump.

"Ahhh Sprout sprout, sprout, I sprout!! "The light in the air jumped up and down with joy." Ahhh It's still growing, it's still growing! "

But in a few moments, the shoot grew into a small sapling two feet high!

And the light cluster that was still floating in the air jumped around, and with a "whoosh", it was suddenly sucked into the small sapling, and the air suddenly quieted down.

Satisfied, Yu Yu pulled out a sword flower from the lightning strike wood in his hand, and saw that the little sapling grew in the middle of the stump, how mighty and domineering, and the momentum was extraordinary! Even the leaves are a little greener than other trees! The tree she planted is so handsome!

Suddenly, a cute and crisp children's voice appeared in Yu Yu's mind:

"My god! Thank you for my fulfillment! The other stumps sprouted on the side, but I grew in the middle of the tree, which was really powerful and domineering! As he spoke, the little sapling in front of him bent down and bowed, and then began to tremble with excitement.

Hahaha, the feather dragon is happy, this little demon is not bad, it is so consistent with his own aesthetics, it is not in vain to save it!

Hey? No, why did this little demon's voice suddenly become a child's voice?

"Aren't you an old man's voice? Why did you suddenly start pretending to be tender? The

little sapling shook the leaves, "Oh my god, look at my little body, this is the seedling of my clan, the little demon is a newborn born who has been reborn, of course it is a child's voice!" Besides, the little demon was not big before, but it was because people called me the old willow tree, so I changed it to the old man's voice, and it is said that the old man's voice is more reliable.

Hearing this, Yu Yu touched his chin and began to ponder, well, it seems to make a lot of sense, do you want to change it to the royal sister in the future?

These two are worthy of being demons who have just passed their infancy, and they are so "like-minded" even with naïve ideas!

"My God! Oh my God! The little sapling was still shaking excitedly, "You can give me a name, I heard that only a demon with a name can become a big demon!"

It is more pleasing to the eye to see the little demon now, and the name is more interesting, so he said: "I want to think about it." "

Uh-huh!" The little sapling stopped moving and waited with bated breath.

Well, I heard my mother say that there is a small island in the East China Sea, and the dwarves on the island originally had no names, and later, they came up with a way, everyone scattered and ran out, hugged what they saw, and stood there if they couldn't hold it, so they used it as their surname, so they had strange surnames such as "Matsushita", "Shugami", "Yamaguchi", "Tanaka", "Nakamura", "Watanabe" and so on.

This is also a method, Yu Yu looked at the yin and yang lightning strike wood in his hand, this thing is from the little demon, just when she entered the power of merit, there was no hindrance, it seems that this object is pregnant with the power of merit, and that trace of the power of merit is the introduction, she can be so smooth.

However, a small willow spirit, even if it is struck by thunder, will not be able to give birth to a lightning strike wood with such a strong vitality, right? I'm afraid that this matter is related to the power of merit it that it brings.

Yes, this little demon, for hundreds of years, has been incense from people, sheltered one side, born with the power of human wishes, and has a pure heart, and is willing to return to the people, which is a kind of merit in itself, right?

So, this little demon itself, it has its own merits! What's more, it was struck by lightning and robbed, it was originally to protect the humans in the tea shed!

No longer hesitating, Yu Yu raised his head, held the lightning strike wood, pointed at the little sapling with the white end, and solemnly chanted in his mouth: "This willow was born with a wish, protects one party, practices good karma, and now gives a name and wishes, and deserves the power of merit!" "

The power of merit poured out from the lightning strike tree, enveloping the whole body of the little sapling!

As soon as the words came out, the Dao pattern appeared, and it seemed that the rules of heaven and earth in this side of the world were also triggered, descending to the heavens, such as Huang Zhong Dalu, shocking people's hearts, this word has been recognized by the way of heaven, and it is the so-called "words come out of the law"!

"Say what you say! Say what you say! Oh my God! May I thank my god for the grace of his seat! "Little demon, oh, it's Liu Yuansheng now, trembling with excitement, the little sapling bent down and worshiped almost to the ground.

Ahhh It actually has such a creation, jumping out of the body of a demon, being recognized by the Heavenly Dao, and entering a righteous god seat! This, this, this... Its blessings are too deep, right?

Oh, hehehe, Liu Yuansheng was so happy that he didn't know what to do, and he could only let out a series of smug smirks.

"Say what you say?"

"Sitting down?"

Yu Yu is a little speechless, this little demon is too speechless, nonsense, right? "Words follow the law", she has a faint perception, it seems that as long as she is blessed by the power of merit, what she says will be very top-notch, and the way of heaven seems to be very face-saving about this...

But she is a fierce beast, since the ancient period, their ancient beasts are no longer the darlings of the Heavenly Dao, and they don't know what kind of medicine the Heavenly Dao of this heaven and earth has taken wrong, and they still give her the face of an ancient fierce beast? She's not even a good beast.

Yu Yu shook his head, no matter what, wouldn't it be better to give face, who doesn't like to talk about himself! But what the hell is it to take the little demon into the seat? It's so weak, who wants it?!

Yu Yu glanced at the little sapling in disgust, "What nonsense, I don't want useless weak chickens." "

The little sapling, which was still excited, was stunned for a moment, and received a million critical hits in an instant, and it was stunned, its main god didn't want it... I don't want it, and I say it's useless, it's useless...

The little sapling automatically ignored the word "weak chicken", which was extremely unacceptable to it, and would die if it listened to it....

"Whew~!" With a bang, the screams of the little sapling resounded in Yu Yu's mind, "I'm useful, I'm useful, I'm useful!" May you be born with your name, bless your exercises, cleanse the demon body, and practice in the future should take the road of my god's lineage, if my god has never received other fellow disciples before, I wish to be born as the founding disciple of my god! "

Now it's Yu Yu's turn to be dumbfounded, the great disciple of the mountain or something, what the hell?!

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