Seeing that they had woken them up, the county lord of Jinning breathed a sigh of relief.

The room was quiet, only the spirit grass that was held in the hand by the feathers exuded a vigorous aura.

The county lord of Jinning moved his gaze from the spirit grass to the face of the Yu Yu in a complicated manner, and with a long sigh, he said to the

Yu Yu: "Yu'er, you shouldn't have taken out this spirit grass..."

Aren't you trying to save Old Man Liu? Yu Yu was puzzled, this spirit grass was thrown in the space, and it was better to use it to treat her mobile food pocket.

"Yu'er, do you know that the husband is not guilty and guilty." The county lord of Jinning stepped forward and lovingly pinned the broken hair on Yu Yu's forehead to her ear, "Yu'er said, this herbivore can rejuvenate the old man's body and return to the state of his youth?"

"Yes, huh?" Yu Yu wasn't really sure, scratching his head, "I've never seen anyone eat it, but in theory, it's true." The

county lord of Jinning nodded, how precious the spiritual objects that can make people immortal are without precedent, it is normal.

"So, how long does it last? If this youth is not permanent, is it possible to take it again every time the body fails? "

Uh... I don't know how long the effect lasts, but it does give life when eaten repeatedly. "The little bit of vitality that a mortal's body needs is really insignificant to the spirit grass.

The county magistrate of Jinning took a breath, closed his eyes and muttered,

"Sure enough... It's the way to immortality! For a while, the mind of the county lord of Jinning was in a mess.

After a long time, the county lord of Jinning calmed down and calmed down.

"Yu'er, people in this world are afraid of old age and death, for thousands of years, there has been a legend of the emperor's pursuit of immortality, not to mention, there are many characters in this world who can be compared with the emperor, once they get the news, Yu'er, you, will never have peace."

"Hmph, Yu'er is not afraid, I'm much better than them!" Yu Yu doesn't care, in her heart, she is the eldest and the second! Everything else is slag.

The county lord of Jinning smiled, only thinking that Yu Yu was a child's words, and he didn't know that this world was sinister. Just touched her head and said gently:

"Well, Yu'er don't be afraid, my sister will protect you, but you also promised my sister that if you have these spiritual objects in the future, don't take them out in front of people, okay?"

After observing Yu Yu's expression, he continued to coax:

"Sister knows that Yu'er is powerful and is not afraid of anything, but my sister is a mortal, my sister is deeply involved in the cause and effect of this world, and she will always be involved in these things, so if my sister is afraid, Yu'er should be protecting my sister, okay?"

Yu Yu finally nodded, "Okay, I'll only show it to the county lord's sister alone in the future."

The county lord of Jinning breathed a sigh of relief, "Good boy, my sister will help you check first, and then tell you how to do it." "

Hmm!" Yu Yu smiled sweetly.

After dealing with this matter, the county lord of Jinning turned his gaze back to the spirit grass and asked,

"Yu'er, how should this spirit grass be eaten by Liu Lao, should it be eaten directly or boiled, should it be eaten whole or only a part of it?" Do you eat it all at once, or do you eat it in parts? "

Huh?" Yu Yu was dumbfounded, this... How does she know that it is so troublesome for humans to eat grass?

"You don't know? You don't even know if this spirit grass mortal body can be eaten, do you? The county lord of Jinning narrowed his eyes dangerously and asked, seeing through Yu Yu at a glance.

Yu Yu looked around with a weak heart.

"I don't know if you still take it out and talk nonsense, causing yourself such a big trouble?!" The county lord of Jinning was so angry that his chest was tight, this stupid boy!

Yu Yu was not convinced, "I didn't say nonsense, this spirit grass must be edible, Old Man Liu is like this, just... Treat a dead horse as a live horse doctor! "Mom clearly said in the story that many mortals have eaten fairy grass and attained the Tao, that is, this spiritual grass can be eaten by mortals.

The county lord of Jinning laughed angrily, this all regarded Liu Lao as a horse.

Alas, the child is unreliable, and he has to rely on himself, the county lord of Jinning lowered his head and pondered for a moment, and made a decision, "Let's refer to ginseng first, ginseng is also a spiritual thing, if it is a thousand-year-old ginseng, when the medicinal power is too strong, people will first use some roots or slices to enter the medicine." According to you, this spiritual grass has the vitality of petting, so don't take it whole first, in case the medicine is too strong.

"In this way, first pick a leaf, boil it into a medicinal juice by boiling medicine, and pour it into Liu Lao, who is currently in a coma and can't eat it directly."

"Yu'er, if this method works, you have to remember its usage, and the next time you encounter this situation, you can't be so confused anymore, you know?"

Seeing that Yu Yu nodded honestly, he stopped preaching.

Turning around and walking to the chair, he sat down and gave him a high-five, but after a moment, Bai Porcelain walked in.

The county lord of Jinning instructed:

"Call in Mama Yin and Tong Xiuniang."

"Yes." Bai Porcelain replied respectfully.

turned around and went outside to bring Yin Mama and Tong Xiuniang in.

The three of them walked in front of the county lord of Jinning and knelt down to salute.

The county lord of Jinning did not immediately ask them to get up this time, but slowly leaned back in the chair, looked at them condescendingly

and said: "What Yu'er said just now, this moment of effort, I think you have all figured it out. This matter, since ancient times, as long as there is a hint of it, it will set off a bloody storm. You have to think about it, is greed or life important? Which is what you want most?

Mama Yin immediately kowtowed and said: "The old slave has been with the county master for half a lifetime, the old slave is a person and the county master knows that the old slave never thinks about wrongdoing, just wants to keep the county lord living a safe and peaceful life."

Bai Porcelain followed and kowtowed, "The slave has been with the county lord since she was a child, and she was nurtured by the county lord, please believe that the slave is not a foolish person, and the slave and maid have no unrealistic pursuits, just want to keep the county lord safe and happy, enough!" The

county lord of Jinning nodded, "You two get up, you are my people, I know it." "

County Lord Xie." The two of them got up cautiously and stood behind the county lord of Jinning.

The eyes of the county lord of Jinning finally looked at Tong Xiuniang, leaned over and slowly applied pressure, and said one sentence at a time:

"Tong Xiuniang, you are the only one here, an outsider." I'm relieved of my own people, so they can live. Only you need my greatest trust in my life to convince me to let you go. Tong Xiuniang, how can you let me trust you?

Tong Xiuniang silently kowtowed three times to the county lord of Jinning, and then raised her head, but her eyes did not look at the county lord of Jinning, but looked at the direction of Liu Zhongyuan, and two lines of tears flowed from her eyes

, "County lord, Xiuniang should be damned, Xiuniang didn't control her greed just now, and Xiuniang also thanked the county lord for waking up in time, and gave Xiuniang a chance to calm down and think clearly outside the door."

"The county lord may not understand the feelings of me, my father, and my uncles for Shizu, Shizu is the god of our kitchen world..., we are all people who are willing to exchange our lives for the health of Shizu, how can we really be greedy for immortality and put Shizu in danger."

"As long as the county lord is willing to agree to use this spiritual grass to heal the ancestor, as long as he can watch the ancestor wake up, Tong Xiuniang is willing to use death to keep this secret."

Liu Zhongyuan on the bed, his eyes closed in a coma, and slowly shed two lines of tears at this time.

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