The feather disappeared in place in an instant and flew into the sky!

In mid-air, the divine thought is released, the physical body is the core, and the five senses are transformed into the original body with the divine thought, and the higher and higher, the beast-shaped body becomes more and more huge!

In the rage, the body of the furious Yu continued to expand, and its body became bigger and bigger, gradually covering the sky over the entire county!

The people in the county town were so frightened that they forgot to avoid the flood and looked at the sky in despair.

Is this the birth of a great demon?! Still a fish demon! Let's just say that this flood is so strange, it turns out that there are monsters at work!

O God! Help us! This thought involuntarily arose in everyone's hearts!

Poor Yu Yu, the noise in his head instantly reached another high level of energy level! This forced her consciousness to explode on the spot in an instant, and she raised her head with a long roar, and her body quickly expanded to almost cover half of Chongshan County!

The entire living people of Chongshan County saw this spectacle and heard the long roar! The long sound is ethereal, as if in the ears and outside the ears, obviously a very high voice, but it feels extremely fine, such as the wonderful ethereal, only people feel as if they have seen the endless sea.

The figure like a big fish stopped under the dark clouds. Against the backdrop of inky clouds, this behemoth gives people a sense of great elegance, with beautiful lines around it, glowing with white and pale blue light, and its body swims like an elegant king.

I saw that it let out another clear sound, and then opened its big mouth and lowered its head to the bottom.

Everyone's hearts are cold, is this about to make a big move, and the world is going to be destroyed?

In desperation, I saw that the big fish was so sucked in that it sucked in, and the floods in the mountains, woodlands, towns, and villages of the entire Chongshan County all rolled upside down, flew into the sky, and finally converged into the mouth of the big fish!

Thousands of miles in the sky, upside down the Milky Way!

A shocking scene like a world crashing and the earth cracking!

Since thousands of years ago, after the laws withered, the grand scene that had never appeared on the land of Shenzhou again appeared in the world!

People were shocked and couldn't close their mouths! Suspicious in the illusion!

For a full quarter of an hour, the flood water around them receded at a speed visible to the naked eye, until it was exposed to the ground!

The big fish in the air closed its mouth and seemed to burp?

I saw it slam its tail and raise its head to the dark clouds above it! It let out another roar and plunged into the clouds, and it shook its head and tail in the clouds, scattering the clouds in all directions.

The rain has finally stopped! The torrential rain that had ravaged them for so long had finally stopped!

And that's not all, it spread its fins as if dancing, and the man stood up and began to spin rapidly, and the dark clouds around him began to spin with it!

When all the dark clouds gathered towards it and swirled, it rose into the sky, enveloping all the dark clouds of Chongshan County and disappeared!

The sun that has not been seen for a long time suddenly appeared, hanging in the sky intact!

The golden light fell from the sky, shining on everyone's body and face, and people reached out to pick it up stupidly, so warm...

It's true! The rain stopped, the clouds dispersed, and they saw the sun! They were saved! Countless people wept bitterly, knelt on the ground, and cried endlessly!

The big fish was sent by God to save them, right? Countless people bowed down devoutly!

I heard my mother say that the beasts of their clan, when they become adults, in their full form, a flap of one wing is 108,000 miles. Uh..., of course, she can't do it as a minor, but it's not too far off, right? But why was her destination supposed to be the sea, but now it turns into a desert when she opens her eyes?!

Even if her shark fin doesn't drop well, if she fanned it twice, it wouldn't have crossed the ocean and gone straight to another land, right?

Yu Yu suppressed this ridiculous thought and silently took out the compass left by her mother. Silently glanced at the results displayed above, and silently put it back.

Sure enough, she fell ill again, and in a fit of rage, she reversed the east and west directions.

Originally, I wanted to get those flood clouds into the depths of the ocean, where there are few people, and if you throw them into them, you will splash at most, and it will not affect anything, but now you are in the desert to the west?!

Yu Yu shook her head dizzily, forget it, the desert is the desert, isn't the desert also inaccessible~, her old man is so uncomfortable with a stomach of water, she has to squirt it out quickly, and she is too lazy to change places.

Just do it, with a mouth, "boom", there is a large freshwater lake in the hinterland of the desert, and there are many live fish and shrimp in it!

After spitting out the water, the tail of the feather flicked again, scattering the swirls of dark clouds that had gathered and scattered them evenly over the nearby desert, so that for thousands of years, it rained in the arid Tara Desert.

The rain fell intermittently for half a month, and from time to time there was a burst of joyful cheers from the depths of the desert.

How many travelers who were on the verge of death were met with precious rain at the last minute, allowing them to make it out of the desert alive to reunite with their families. And how many of the aborigines who settled in the desert hailed the arrival of the rain, which gave their tribes more hope to multiply and expand.

And the big lake that suddenly appeared in the hinterland of the desert was also discovered by the desert people, and there are actually fish and shrimp species that can only be found in the interior! How many people can be fed by this! Subsequently, several tribes moved to the lake, forming the largest desert people settlement in the Tara Desert, and finally forming a famous desert civilization.

The rainfall of more than half a month has also given birth to a lot of small oases, and the desert that has been dry for thousands of years has suddenly revived, providing opportunities for many animals and insects to reproduce.

Desert people say that this is a miracle, and some people even say that they saw the shadow of God in the sky, which is a fish god, so sculptures and murals of fish gods are erected everywhere in the desert, and they worship from time to time.

God has not forsaken them, God has gracefully favored them, and they will be God's people for the rest of their lives!

Thousands of years later, when modern civilization came, archaeologists still couldn't understand why the main god of a desert was fish.

Of course, this is all an afterthought, the current Yu Yu is ready to return to the small county town, her county lord sister, her mobile food pocket Liu Old Man, and her favorite food are waiting for her!

Afraid of flying wrong again, this time Yu Yu learned to be obedient, released the compass left by her mother, found the right direction, and thought that she would fan her beautiful fins a few times fiercely.

Sure enough, in an instant, she appeared in the sky above the small county town again.

Yu Yu nodded with satisfaction, and began to shrink his body, preparing to go down to the county lord's sister to ask for credit. Look down, huh? Why is everyone kneeling down to her?

With a "hum", the chaotic sound that had disappeared unconsciously in her mind reappeared! But this time there is a difference, this time there is no gossip and chaos, but a very unified gratitude.

It seemed to be a kind of "thank my god for blessing" emotion, warm rippling in her sea of consciousness, washing her soul from top to bottom, so comfortable, just like the feeling of opening up the second pulse of Ren Du in the bedtime story told by her mother.

Enjoying this feeling, Yu Yu unconsciously fell back to the west city wall in the shrinking body, and the moment he landed, he changed into a human body.

However, before she could react, she felt that the warmth in her sea of consciousness had all turned into a ball of purple light, and it skyrocketed with a "boom", rushing out of her body and merging with the meritorious purple light around her!

When she opened her eyes, she gasped, and the power of merit around her skyrocketed by another three inches! it! She's a ferocious beast, hey! Why is the path of the auspicious beast gone!?

Yu Yu looked up at the sky stupidly, and then looked down at the ground, her eyes were blank, the world did not collapse, the sun did not rise in the west, she was not dreaming, but why is she a fierce beast... More auspicious...?

Could it be that the rules of heaven and earth have changed?!

Yu Yu, who couldn't figure it out, was about to stomp his foot and scold the thief again when he suddenly stopped.

She felt... She felt her flesh bound to the dragon veins loosen a little! Yu Yu hurriedly closed his eyes again and felt it carefully, that's right! The dragon vein's physical restraint on her was indeed loosened! Even in a part of the flesh connected to the dragon vein, it is no longer in a petrified state, but has softened!

Yes! I was pleasantly surprised! This, this, this... Could it be that her consciousness can wake up all because of the meritorious power of this body? And whether her physical body can be completely freed from the predicament now also depends on the increase of the merit power in her body?

Yu Yu was pleasantly surprised, and finally saw hope!

So, how can we make the power of merit continue to increase? Yu Yu thought of this surge in merit power.

Stimulated by the hope of getting out, Yu Yu's few thinking abilities were unexpectedly stimulated.

Her thoughts were unprecedentedly clear and she analyzed backwards, well, the power of merit has risen dramatically from the sea of consciousness → the sea of consciousness is from the gratitude of human beings → human gratitude is because she has taken the flood away.

Wait, she took the flood away, which is equivalent to inadvertently saving the lives of mankind? So humanity's gratitude is because she helped them? If that's the case, then she understands that merit is salvation.

However, she also saved the county lord's sister before, why didn't she increase so much merit, ah, no, it rose, thinking back to the purple light at the gate of the city at that time, it did rise, but it was not as obvious as this time, it seems that the amount of merit is also related to the number of people saved.

Well, now that she has found a way, then she will save more people from now on, anyway, it's a matter of raising her hand.

Well, it was decided happily like this, Yu Yu clapped her hands and went to find her county lord's sister, completely forgetting that saving people is not a good deed that is not done by a big beast.

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