It was another early morning, and the miscellaneous servants of the county government got up early to clean the yard, and today it was very dark, and it was almost impossible to see things in the distance. The handyman sighed, wondering if he would have to wait until noon to see the sun.

Suddenly, a cool breeze blew, and something wet seemed to fall on his face, he raised his hand and touched his face, and then looked at the palm of his hand, it was water! Water!

"Ahh A scream, the handyman shouted all the way: "It's raining!" Oh no! It's raining in the city! While running towards the prefectural lord's room!

In the county government council hall, all the officials of the county government gathered here, and the whole hall was gloomy and gloomy, and the atmosphere was depressing.

I saw the county magistrate at the top asking, "County Lieutenant Pei, has there been any progress in going out to ask for help?"

Pei County Lieutenant had a sad face, shook his head and replied: "Five miles away from the city can no longer be entered, we are all mountainous here, especially easy to accumulate water, and only the boat can go out for a while, but the heavy rain outside the county town does not stop, and the boat will be full of water after a while, and it will sink to the bottom immediately." I'm afraid going out to ask for help won't work at all. The

crowd was speechless for a moment.

After a while, Zhou Dian Shifang hesitated and said: "The county lord of Jinning is here with us..., I heard that the county lord's husband is the county guard of our Chongshan County, even if it is for the county lord, the county guard has to send someone to take the initiative to answer us, right?" The

county commander nodded and said, "This is also a hope, I hope that there are masters on the county guard's side and can find a way to pass." "That's what he said, but he didn't have much hope in his heart, and in the face of natural disasters, manpower was limited. It's just that as the head of a county, he has to give everyone a little hope.

He asked Master Li again: "Master Li, have the people in the county been mobilized?"

Master Li replied: "The county commander can rest assured, I have ordered people to mobilize from house to house, each household has at least one strong man, five sacks, and a shovel, and they have been arranged on shifts, and the women are not idle, the sacks stored in the county are definitely not enough, and the women have been sewn with the old cloth and old clothes at home." The

county commander nodded with satisfaction, and his eyes turned to the county Cheng again, "Wang Xiancheng, how long can our county's granary and equipment warehouse last?"

Wang Xiancheng's old face was even more sad than that of Pei County, his brows were so wrinkled that he could kill flies, and Ai Ai replied: "The equipment is okay, after all, Master Li collected some from the people, but the granary..., my lord, the county has raised the price of grain before, in order to calm down, it has opened a warehouse and put grain twice, and now, there is really not much stock left, if the people in the county eat, I am afraid it will not be able to eat for long..."

Wang Xiancheng trembled and gestured out a finger, and everyone was startled, isn't this just a day?! I saw him follow and say, "Ten, ten days!" Everyone

exhaled a sigh of relief, and gave Wang Xiancheng a blank look, ten days! If you don't have enough fingers, you won't stick out both hands! We don't laugh at you!

The county commander then assigned tasks to everyone one by one, mobilizing large households in the county to donate grain, sending people to the stagnant water outside the city to see if there were edible things such as fish and shrimp, and dispatching people to strengthen the flood control walls outside the four city gates, etc., and then waved his hand to let everyone go down to get busy, and he sat on the chair for a long time without moving.

In this county, there is not only a noble person in Jinning County, there are some things that only he and his henchmen know, the reclusive imperial chef Liu Lao is one, and the Baili Lord who came to the county seat a few days ago...

The county magistrate smiled bitterly, this adult is the real nobleman, and nothing can happen...

And the people of the whole county are all pressing on his head, I'm afraid he is ten years old in the past few days, right? Don't think about it anymore, he raised his head and asked the staff hidden in the corner: "Ziyu, have there been any victims entering the city recently?" The

staff shook their heads, "No, since Lord Baili brought that group of disaster victims, no disaster victims have entered the city." "In fact, their county town has also been here for that wave of victims.

The county commander's heart sank, he knew what it meant, which showed that only two or three days before the rainstorm began, people still had a chance to escape, and when they got to the back, they were afraid that the flood had become a trend and the road had been broken!

The county commander unconsciously clenched his fists, the people, his people! I'm afraid that most of them have already been killed, and even if the flood recedes, it will be ten rooms and nine empty...

It's all because he, the county commander, is incompetent and can't protect his own people, the county commander can't help but redden, and asks in a dumb voice:

"How is Lord Baili?" Is there a way for him? The

staff lowered their heads, couldn't bear to look at the appearance of their own adults, and replied softly: "Lord Baili has been unconscious. The

county commander waved his hand weakly and let the staff go down.

Oh, what hope does he have now, will his last people also disappear in this flood? Oh, what's the use of a nobleman, it's not a coma, it's a second time to die!

Second? The county magistrate's heart suddenly moved, the county lord of Jinning was a person who died once in the flood, so how did she survive? And on the second day of her stay, the inexplicable rain in the county town stopped, and the sun actually came out in the midst of a lot of heavy rain, so that they could survive until now.

This...... Does this mean...?

He couldn't help but feel a little hope in his heart.

Even, it's ridiculous.

The county lord of Jinning was very anxious, and the rain began to fall again, but Yu Yu was still learning art on Liu Lao's side, which was closer to the north city gate, and in case the flood rushed in from outside, he was afraid that he would not be spared. Take 10,000 steps back and say, even if the flood outside does not come, just if it rains, it is safer for the county government located in the center of the county, after all, the terrain here is the highest, and the probability of being flooded is lower, and it can last for a while longer.

She turned around in place a few times, raised her head and calmed down, and instructed Bai Cidao:

"Now go and pass the word to Steward Chen immediately, and go to Liufu to pick up Yu Yu and Liu Lao together!"

"Yes!" Bai Ci also knew that the situation was urgent, so without saying a word, he went out directly to find Manager Chen.

"Mama, you say, can we go back alive this time?" The face of the county lord of Jinning was full of fragility that would only be revealed when he was not in front of people.

"Why can't you, county lord, you forgot that you can survive if you fall into the river, you are blessed! You are a nobleman, and the Yama Palace will not dare to accept you! Mama Yin said with distress.

"Oh, look at what Mama said, what noble people are not nobles, it was the feather girl who saved me." The county lord of Jinning smiled and glanced at Yin, thinking of all kinds of Yu Yu, and his heart couldn't help but feel soft.

Mama Yin replied with a smile: "To meet Miss Yu, that is also the great blessing of the county lord himself. The old slave heard that the people below had spread the word that the feather girl was a koi fish that could bring good luck to people.

"Hehe, you know?"

"It's not, anyway, the old slave doesn't understand anything else, and the old slave thinks that Miss Yu is not an ordinary person, if she can save the county lord once, she will definitely be able to save it a second time!"

The county lord of Jinning couldn't help but think of the strange power and water control technique of Yu Yu, and he couldn't help but have a glimmer of hope in his heart.

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