This is different from Tong Xiuniang's illness, although Tong Xiuniang was scary at that time, it may also be a strange disease, but this is the plant itself can move, live! Ahhh

The other people present were in a similar state to the county lord of Jinning, it was really embarrassing for them, there were no ghosts, gods and demons in Daxia for thousands of years, and this was the first time I saw it, and they were all paralyzed with fright.

(That's a hell of a world view that we're seeing in modern times.)

Yu Yu turned around and smiled brightly at the county lord of Jinning, "Don't be afraid, there is me."

In that smile, the county lord of Jinning miraculously stopped his fear and nodded heavily at her, "Hmm! "

Don't look at Yu Yu standing there, as if she is surrounded by wriggling strange vines, but in fact, there is an absolute safe vacuum within three feet of her!

The plants within a three-foot radius of her did not dare to move, allowing her purple flames to scorch, and the black smoke insects that lived among the vine branches were also burned to ashes.

She looked down at her hands thoughtfully,

maybe the power of merit in this body could be invoked?

How do I call it? She doesn't know the magic of humans, so she can only do it as if it were her own natural skill.

Yu Yu raised her hands and gently grabbed the void in front of her, and when she opened her hands again, two purple and golden flame lotuses rose from the palms of her two hands, the corners of her lips hooked slightly, and she suddenly used force to slap the two purple gold fire lotuses on the vines of the cherry tomatoes!

In the field of vision that is invisible to all human beings, the two purple gold fire lotuses "Teng!" Spreading to both sides, countless purple-gold fire dragons suddenly generated, like the fire of judgment coming to the world, and in an instant, the entire demon plant was filled!

The cherry tomato fruit vine, which was dancing its teeth and claws, stopped in an instant, and then it contracted, and writhed wildly, and he hugged himself into a ball, and the small red fruit fell to the ground one after another!

People were shocked again, but this time they were much better, at least they could say "Ah! "Ahh "Ah——!hh The screams came and went.

The red little fruit fruit is a fresh vegetable that has only been heard of by Yu Yu and has never been eaten in person, and it used to only exist in the mother's enlightenment picture, how can it be wasted like this?

Even if it was a weird hybrid plant, so what?

The foodie's dedication to eating food has been vividly reflected in Yu Yu's body, and with a wave of her hand, countless red fruits flew up in the air and landed on the hem of her clothes.

With so many small fruits, how can the hem of the clothes be able to hold it? So she secretly hid it in her companion space while collecting it.

Anyway, everyone was in a panic, and no one noticed that the number was wrong.

The demonic cherry tomatoes over there soon shrank together and became a mass of withered dry branches, and the room was calm again.

Yu Yu barely carried his front swing with one hand, freed up the other hand, grabbed a small tomato and threw it into his mouth handsomely

, "Not bad, it's really the best, it's delicious!" After tasting the taste, just like Tong Xiuniang at the beginning, she was intoxicated by the charm of small tomatoes.

The county lord of Jinning, Liu Zhongyuan, Tong Xiuniang and others were shocked and hurriedly stopped,

"Yu'er can't!"

"Girl, you can't eat it!"

"Spit it out! Come on!

Yu Yu turned around, threw another one into his mouth, and said vaguely, "What?" Scared now? How many people has Miss Tong eaten this before?

Tong Xiuniang's body stiffened, she thought of this problem, she had invited many people to taste it in order to become famous before, those people... Those people..., the boundless fear almost overwhelmed her, she struggled to roll off the couch with a grunt, and bowed to Yu Yu with tears streaming down her face, "Please save them, girl!" Ask the girl to save them! "

Xiu Niang? You...... Confused! Liu Zhongyuan is also wide-eyed, they have always been kind to people in this vein, and they have never harmed people, and now...

"It's all my fault, it's all my fault... Whining...... Xiuniang didn't want to take advantage of the fame of the ancestor before, so she kept hiding from the ancestor that she was using this new dish outside, wanting to break into fame and surprise the ancestor at the birthday banquet of the ancestor..."Tong Xiuniang cried and hiccuped, "Hiccup! Whining...... Lucky...... Lucky...... didn't let the ancestor taste this new dish, otherwise how would Xiuniang explain to her father and uncles!

Tong Xiuniang cried so much that snot and tears flew together, without any image at all, and she was deeply trapped in the fear of inadvertently "killing" many people.

Yu Yu simply didn't see it, she has been a face control since she was a child, and she refused everything that was not beautiful, so she covered her eyes with one hand, "Don't cry, this little fruit is no problem, the taste is really authentic, in addition to the sweet and sour tomato itself, it also brings some sweetness of roses, which is the best, hey, it's a pity... It's a pity that I can't

eat it in the future..." Yu Yu was still a little stunned, she tasted it, of course she could eat it, there was no smoke worm in the fruit, the worm seemed to be only Xi to live in the branches, probably because human blood would flow in it, just like blood worms only like to stay in the blood vessels, convenient for sucking blood.

"Those black bugs are only in the branches, and the fruit is normal." Yu Yu really didn't look at Tong Xiuniang, who was stunned with tears and snot, and patiently explained.

"Woo... It's great, it's great..."Tong Xiuniang, who finally understood, completely relaxed, lost all her strength and fainted.

The people were in a hurry again.

"Take it out and burn it." He pointed to the shrunken dry branch and commanded.

"Okay, okay." Liu Zhongyuan finally came back to his senses and began to cheer up and deal with all the follow-up matters.

After that, things were very dramatic, Liu Zhongyuan handled everything, and when he turned around to entertain the county lord of Jinning and his party, he showed his cooking skills, who would think, Yu Yu proposed to learn Xi on the side.

What I never expected was that this little girl was just the first time she was in contact with cooking, and she was able to get started, and the dishes she made were exactly the same as those made by Liu Zhongyuan, and they were not the same on the surface, but the color, fragrance, and taste were all exactly the same!

This, this is simply an unheard of and unseen "perfect replica" stunt!

Culinary genius!

Liu Zhongyuan was very excited, and he wanted the little girl to apprentice, and he was willing to teach him!

Although his body is already in his last years, he can still accept a closed disciple!

What's more, the little girl came to learn cooking, and teaching her money should be regarded as part of the repayment.

But Yu Yu was unwilling, I heard that human apprentices have to kneel, but she has never knelt down since she was born, how can she kneel to people?

Yu Yu thought to herself, fooling around here for a few days first, as long as she watched this old man cook all the dishes he knew, wouldn't she have learned them all, hum, this beast's divine thoughts are omnipotent, what is a perfect reproduction, she can still videotape, playback, fast forward and backward!

Aha, she's so smart!

Give yourself a thumbs up!

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