Baili Cangshen and the national teacher's expression was awe-inspiring, they knew what they meant, that is, someone had encountered a crisis with extraordinary forces intervening!

"County Lord Ning?!"

"No," Yu Yu shook his head, "It's not that direction, it's a little closer to the criminal department I've been to before."

"Closer to the Punishment Department?" Baili Cang's color changed, "There are all six places there!" National teacher? "

Girl, who else did your blessed eagle give to your family?" The national teacher asked calmly.

"Oh! I remembered that Brother-in-law Xiao asked me for a small fish and said that he was going to give it to the Ministry of Criminal Affairs. "

Bang!" Baili Cangshen slammed his fist on the table, "This is a thief's heart that is not dead, what is she looking for in the Criminal Department!"

The national teacher stood up suddenly, the sleeves of his robe fluttered, his figure flashed, and he rushed to the corridor outside, "Hurry up!" A book can't have an accident! The

three jumped out of the railing of the stargazing tower.


Time back not long ago

, the old man Shangshuhua of the Criminal Department went down to the Ya, and the more he looked at his little fish and lucky eagle, the more joyful he became, and he couldn't suppress the thought of looking for someone to see, so he brushed his beard and screened the candidates.

Well, the old man of the military department has already gone to the war, get over!

And then there is....

The old man Hua has some sparse eyebrows and a funny pick, hehe, the old man Wang of the Ministry of Industry must not have gone down at this time, this old man likes the gold and stone seal carving and wood carving root carving things the most, looking for him to go to the most suitable.

The old man put his hand on his back, and he happily walked to the next door next door and the next door to the next door and the next door to the Ministry of Works.

The personal servants and guards behind him hurriedly followed.

Outside the office room of the Ministry of Works, Hua Shangshu waved his hand to stop the people outside from reporting, and waved his hand to let everyone retreat, so as not to be seen by these people arguing with Old Man Wang, childish, and damaging the image.

Hua Shangshu's face was full of smiles, and with a "snap", he pushed open Wang Shangshu's door, and his mouth was happy, "Old Wang, I knew that you hadn't gone down yet..."

I saw a slender figure, with a big white leg exposed, against the body of the old man Wang, who was sitting behind the desk in his office, still half-open, and the shape between the two was indescribable.

The old man pushed backhanded, and closed the door of the room with a "snap", isolating possible prying eyes from the outside for the first time.

"Hey! Okay, you old man Wang, you still claim to be a famous infatuated species in our Great Xia Dynasty, it turns out that this is how you steal food outside! How can I do such a dirty thing in the six heavy lands, why don't we part quickly, be careful that I will go back and tell your old sister-in-law! The

slender figure glanced back, although she was dressed in a dark robe and a hood, but this thigh-baring demeanor was indeed charming, wild and gorgeous.

But this countenance... Why is she still a beauty in the Western Regions? A strand of blonde hair fell from under the hood of his head.

The face of the Shangshu of the Criminal Department changed, the face of the Western Regions, blonde hair!

is worthy of a lifetime of criminal investigation, and when I look at the characteristics of this woman, I think of the case reported by the Foreign Affairs Division!

Before Hua Shangshu could react, the woman was about to shoot at him as soon as she raised her hand.

"Stop!" Wang Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry also showed his face blocked by the woman at this time, only to see that his face was covered with sweat, the top of his head was still steaming, his hair was messy, and his hair that was obviously wet with sweat became strands and beads of sweat dripping down.

"I'll tell you where he is, let him go! Otherwise..."A sneer pulled out at the corner of Wang Shangshu's mouth of the Ministry of Works, "You know, I'm not afraid of the pain caused by your means at all!" Hua

Shangshu of the Criminal Department suddenly discovered that there was a six-pointed star glowing with a demonic green light on Wang Shangshu's half-open chest!

It seemed that it was that thing that made him so miserable!

"Lao Wang! What are you going to tell her? Make no mistake! You are not afraid of me, I am not afraid, I don't have a book of greed for life and fear of death!

Hua Shangshu turned around and was about to open the door and call for help.

"Don't make extra moves, you're not as fast as her!" Wang Shangshu was so anxious that he broke his voice.

The torture he had just done made him gasp for breath weakly.

Hua Shangshu froze in place.

The woman sneered lightly, "You're good at talking now, your stubborn appearance just now really made me think that you are just without desire..." The woman squinted at Hua Shangshu, and pulled a long weird tail note, "It turns out that your desire is this handsome old man~"

How ambiguous and ambiguous the eyes are.



What do you want to be this handsome old man, don't say it if you can't speak Daxia dialect!

Wang Shangshu's face was as black as the bottom of a pot, and Hua Shangshu glanced at each other with disgust, thinking, I don't want to be a beautiful little guy and I won't find such a bad old man to lust!

Isn't he fragrant!


He is not fragrant, I don't have any sleeves!

Hua Shangshu is three points more complicated than Wang Shangshu's eyes.

is full of disdain for that desire, but also proud of the woman's eyes in front of him, thinking that when he was young, he was born in a dignified Tanhualang, and I don't know how many little ladies he charmed back then, but now that he is old, it is also charming...

"Say it! Where is it?! "The woman turned her face like a book.

"Don't say it!"

"The bookshelf behind me, from top to bottom on the third floor, from left to right in the fifth compartment."

Hua Shangshu and Wang Shangshu spoke at the same time.

The woman was stunned, "It's so simple?

She let go of Wang Shangshu in disbelief and went to the bookshelf to look for it, not worrying that the two old men would escape.

Hua Shangshu hurriedly took the opportunity to step forward and held Wang Shangshu, Wang Shangshu's whole body was swinging, which showed how he was tortured before.

"Lao Wang, you..." Hua Shangshu was full of anxiety and worry at the same time.


The woman got the thing, looked through it, and saw that it was right, and turned to face the two Shangshu.

"To tell you the truth, you Daxia people admire me very much, my method of controlling people with severe pain can't even be carried by your local goblins, Wang, you can bear it." She said and raised the things in her hand, "This thing is placed in such a simple place, which means that it is not important to your Ministry of Works, but you are willing to die for it, which shows your character." As

she spoke, she looked at Hua Shangshu again, and continued to say in a strange tone, "Until that handsome old man comes in." Wang, you are willing to give up your principles for the sake of him. Although I can't understand the behavior of your Great Xia people, this is very much in line with the love and freedom that my kingdom pursues, Wang, you are a brave person, and I respect the feelings between you that are stronger than Jinjian. "

What love and freedom?! What is more affectionate than Jin Jian's feelings???! What does it mean???!

We are especially male and love women!

Still an old man!

What kind of perverted country are you?!

Hua Shangshu was about to scold, when suddenly the woman's words changed, and a green flame appeared on her hand.

"So, let's die together!"

The green flame turned into a puff of green smoke in an instant, and with a wave of the woman's hand, the green smoke rushed towards the two Shangshu.

The two Shangshu glanced at each other, knowing that they were going to explain here today, so Yun smiled lightly, and Hua Shangshu helped Wang Shangshu and closed his eyes.

However, the expected death did not come, but a soft "bang" sound was heard in my ears, as if an umbrella had suddenly opened.

Outside the closed eyelids, there seemed to be a light flickering.

The two Shangshu opened their eyes suddenly, and they saw the frightened look of the woman opposite, as well as the incomparably brilliant blue circle of light that the green smoke was blocking out!

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