Yu Yu: ...

It's very speechless, and it's another one who calls her a god, and she's obviously a fierce beast, okay!

"I'm not, you're wrong." Yu Yu's face was expressionless.

Baili Cangshen's face was shocked, and he almost forgot his reaction.

"I won't admit that I am mistaken, the power of merit and the power of faith in my god's body cannot be possessed unless the main god is not there." The national teacher was completely different from the usual immortal wind bones, and his body trembled faintly, "My god, how have you spent the past thousand years, do you know that my Great Xia has been bullied again... Whining...... My gods, what about the other gods of Bactria do you know where they are? The

eyes of the national teacher were full of ardent expectations, and Baba looked at Yu Yu.

Yu Yu looked at the white-haired man kneeling on the ground, and felt a little uncomfortable in her heart, as an emotionally sensitive beast, she could feel that the person opposite was really sincere in her feelings, and the great joy occupied his mind, and even for her, there was a kind of long-wandering child who suddenly saw his mother's admiration, which poked her heart.

Yu Yu herself is also a baby who misses her mother.

Therefore, she replied with rare seriousness

, "I have been asleep, and I do not know where the other gods are, and I am not your god." I'm a fierce beast, and I'm the enemy on the opposite side of your gods.

The national teacher looked incredulous, raised his head and said excitedly

, "How could it not be, my god, have you been sleeping for a thousand years, your injuries have not healed, and some memories have been damaged for a while

,........." Mortal body?

How can it be mortal?!

The national teacher rubbed his eyes, stood up unconsciously, walked quickly to the oval mirror, and looked up carefully.

Yu Yu and Baili Cangshen also looked up.

Yu Yu left photo right photo: Well, it's beautiful~~

Hao Xiaoyu is very satisfied with his appearance.

Baili Cangshen thoughtfully, the last time he brought the king over, this bronze mirror once reflected the true body of the king, could it be that it is the legendary demon mirror?

The national teacher's body is crumbling, how is it possible, how can it be a mortal body! How could he have such a generous merit if he hadn't saved the people of the Three Realms?!

And the power of faith that covers the sky and the sun, how can it be possessed if it is not the main god?

This bronze mirror was given by another god who only survived in the world, it is not just a mirror of demons, but a "mirror of truth" that removes the false and the true, and it will not be wrong!

So, what went wrong?

The poor national teacher didn't know that the body of the feather was made of ice blue liquid, and it was a real human body.

Baili Cangshen saw that the national teacher had been lost there, and stepped forward to support him

, "Master National Teacher, you sit down first, let's talk slowly, maybe there is some misunderstanding."

The national teacher seemed to be ten years old in an instant, and he was overjoyed in a short period of time, thinking that Daxia had something to rely on, but the next moment...

It's like a child who has lost shelter for many years and meets his mother again, only to find out in an instant that it is not his mother, but he just admits his mistake...

That kind of loss, that kind of discomfort, is blocked in the heart, and it is impossible to vent.

He sat down at the tea table with the strength of a hundred miles, and looked at the Yu Yu who also sat opposite him.

The vast and magnificent purple qi was still so warm and vigorous, how could he admit his mistake? It's impossible to admit mistakes!

The national teacher muttered, "Could it really be a human being? But even the good people of the tenth generation may not be able to have such a heavy merit... Perhaps, I should ask... He "

sank his heart for a hundred miles, and he still... He? Who?

Seeing that the white-haired national teacher on the other side mentioned the power of merit on her body, she suddenly felt that she could not lose the opportunity and would not come again, and finally caught a person who understood this aspect of things

, "Old man, do you know how the power of merit on my body came from?" The mysterious secret path of the feather god.

"How?" The national teacher's spirits lifted, and this girl who seemed to be a god finally stopped avoiding this aspect of the matter.

"Huh? No, I'm asking you! How did it come about? Yu Yu stared at the old man opposite with wide eyes, didn't this old man seem stupid?

"Huh? How, didn't you mean to talk about it? The national teacher was also a little confused, and said cautiously.

Baili Cang Shen raised his forehead, the national teacher was not lightly impacted, a person who is usually so wise, but now he was actually made to reduce his wisdom by the jumping thinking of this girl.

"I mean," he gestured, "forget it! Tell me, do you know how much merit is sent from heaven every time, and what is used as a criterion for measuring it?

"Every time?" The wisdom of the national teacher gradually returned, "You mean that you can often get merit from heaven?" "

That's right," Yu Yu nodded as a matter of course, "every time I save someone." The

national teacher was shocked, "Every... Every time? "

You know, the word merit is not simple, it is both great merit and great merit, few people in this world can easily get merit, even if Western Buddhism claims to practice merit, but even if they do a good deed every day, when they pass away, they may not be able to add merit.

This god... Girl, but often meritorious?

"Girl, can you elaborate?"

Yu Yu raised his chin, made a thinking motion, and recalled, "For example, saving a yamen and killing some rats is no less than saving thousands of people, why?" "

Save the yamen? Killing rats? What about the Criminal Department?

The national teacher's mind is racing, and he already understands it in his heart, but he is still shocked, this is a meritorious person?

After pondering for a moment and organizing the language, Fang said slowly,

"Saving thousands of people is a direct merit, and its size is very intuitive in terms of quantity. But there is also an indirect merit, for example, the Criminal Department and the Military Department that you saved are the second of the six departments of my Great Xia, which is related to the national economy and the people's livelihood, it is running at a high speed every day, dealing with all kinds of affairs, if they are damaged, even if it is only delayed for one day, I don't know how many major events related to the world and the sky have been delayed, you have saved these two departments, and you have actually saved thousands of people. "

So that's the case," Yu Yu felt a little understood, she quietly glanced at Baili Cangshen, and asked, "Then why sometimes, when I save a person or kill a person, it can also be worth the merit of tens of millions of people?" At

this time, the state of the national teacher finally came back completely, and he said calmly

, "If the person you saved has made great contributions to the common people in the world in the second half of his life, then such merits will also be counted on you." On the other hand, if the person you killed, if he is a peerless murderous thing, if he lives, it will cause the lives of the people in my Shenzhou to be ruined in the future, and if you kill him now, then the merit of saving the world will also be counted on you.

Yu Yu looked at the more than three feet thick purple light of merit around him, as if he really understood something.

Thousands of years ago, the monster that fought with her will cause disaster to the common people and lead to the destruction of life?

If that's all there is to it? She remembered that at that time, the sky was full of such monsters, and her friends had killed a lot, and she only killed one.

Always feel like something is wrong?

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