I'm homesick.

The color in that bottle reminded her of her home in the sea.

The home that her mother decorated for her was a thousand times more beautiful than this.

Her eyes were red, and she missed her mother.

His fingers hung down, and he suddenly lost his interest in killing fish.


Under the life and death of the big black fish, she was so anxious to die, and when she saw that Yu Yu lowered her fingers and did not take the crystal bottle in the air, she thought that she still disliked this thing and spit it out of its mouth.

So in a hurry, he turned around and shook his tail, and raised his clumsy fins and kept pointing in one direction in the water, hoping that Yu Yu could understand what it meant.

Seeing that Yu Yu came back to his senses, it pointed to the crystal bottle in the air, and then pointed to the water, it bounced violently and threw itself back into the water.

It didn't run away, and after entering the water, it kept signaling to the feathers.

This little demon is very interesting, under the arrogance of a peerless beast, whoever escapes is a fool.

It is not practical to redeem one's life with something.

Yu Yu understood what it meant, and seeing that the bottle was in the enchantment, it was very clean, so she reluctantly accepted it.

Reaching out and taking the bottle, he casually sent it into his own space, and then jumped into the water.

The underwater world in the river is really lackluster, and it is not comparable to her sea.

A beast and a demon swam for a long time until they reached the bottom of a lake in the lower branch of the Floating Camel River. There was a small hole in the deepest part of the lake, just big enough for a beast and a demon to swim in.

After swimming for a while, gradually the water is less, the space on both sides gradually becomes larger, and the stone stalactites gradually appear in the cave, from less to more, from the common column, slowly become strange.

Hiroha simply jumped out of the water, suspended in the air, and began to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the cave as he went.

After walking for a while, I passed through a narrow passage, and suddenly my eyes opened up.

I saw a huge space appear in front of me, and the entire cave wall was filled with ice-blue water, and the water light was constantly flickering, reflecting the whole space full of an unreal sense of fantasy.

At the foot of the feathers, a large number of gorgeous and colorful fungi and plants stretched from the center of the cave in front of him, and some of them were still glowing.

In the midst of such a beautiful and gentle dazzle, abruptly, a translucent ice-blue boulder hung upside down at the top of the very center of the cave! Its roots are enormous, shrinking into a spiky thorn when it reaches the ground.

It doesn't look like a stalactite, but like a bamboo shoot growing upside down!

The translucent stone body glowed with an ice-like sheen, and at the center of the stone vaguely seemed to be sealed something, and that thing emitted a strong blue light, illuminating the entire cavern.

The tip of the inverted bamboo shoot of the stalagmite is slowly condensing into an ice-blue droplet, which drip into the small puddle below with a "pop" sound, and also drip into the heart of Yu Yu.

Such a beautiful scenery, such tempting water droplets, Yu Yu suddenly cheered, and ran towards the small puddle as if he was screaming.

When they got there, the current was cut off, and the big black fish couldn't get in.

Of course, as a demon, you have to go in, but it's still shallow, and it can't transform into shapes, so it can only be like a dying fish, jumping and fluttering on the ground and moving inside little by little, and the time can't be too long, otherwise it will really die.

It really didn't want to go in again, and the last time it was trying to get such a small bottle of blue ice liquid, it almost died in it.

So he quickly squeaked a few times to express his sense of existence.

Yu Yu's mind has already run to the boulder, who still remembers who the big black fish is! As he ran, he waved his hand backwards, and the beast coercion on his body disappeared instantly.

When the big black fish saw it, he was overjoyed, and knew that this was a redemption of his life, so a fierce man plunged into the bottom of the water, used his strength to eat milk, and turned into a water arrow and flew in the opposite direction of this aunt.

Yu Yu happily rushed to the bottom of the boulder and stopped beside the small puddle, his eyes immediately fascinated by the icy blue liquid in the small puddle.

Like the shallow sea of midsummer falling into the sky, the charming ice blue seems to flow slowly and dizzily beneath the surface of the water.

The small droplet of water that had just fallen from the stalagmite seemed to disturb this mysterious calm, and ripples rippled from the center of the water.

Yu Yu suddenly realized that the fantastic water light flashing on the towering cave walls around him was reflected on the inverted stalagmites by the light reflected on the water surface, and then reflected from the smooth surface of the stalagmites to the surrounding stone walls, forming such a beautiful scenery.

However, Yu Yu didn't care about this, she had a thought in her heart: it's


It's sure to be delicious!

With a foodie instinct, this thing must be a delicious drink to drink!

What the? Tummy? Poisonous?

What are you kidding, what poison in this world can poison their race? Even if there were, she would have had time to throw them into her companion space.

Without hesitation, I don't care if it will destroy the beautiful scenery here, this cargo has to lie down, head to the water, "tons tons and tons" is a wild drink!

The cow drank and swallowed the whale like this, and in a few moments, the feather drank all the ice blue liquid in the small puddle.

Yu Yu got up, stretched out his little tongue and licked the corners of his lips, and there was a touch of drunkenness between his eyebrows:

"It's delicious... Hey, hey, hey..."

Suddenly! A huge spiritual power exploded in Yu Yu's body, and then, Yu Yu's entire body automatically began to slowly rise into the air.

Yu Yu's confused heart suddenly moved, this is...

With a movement of her fingertips, all of a sudden, the clothes all over her body fell off one after another, revealing her naked body in mid-air!

At this time, Yu Yu's body slowly became transparent, and there was nothing under the skin! The internal organs, the blood, the bones, are completely absent!

Yes, this incarnation of Yu Yu is just the incarnation of her divine thoughts formed by the secret method, and it is not a real flesh and blood. She imitates the five senses of the human body with her divine thoughts, which can be heard, observed, smelled, tasted, and touched, but none of them are transmitted by real human organs.

And now, it can be clearly seen that the ice-blue liquid is gradually filling the whole body of the feather in the form of human veins.

The blue light overflowed from the meridians, slowly forming bones, muscles, five organs, flesh and blood, and finally the skin.

Yu Yu slowly opened his eyes, and the blue light in the depths of his eyes flashed and disappeared.

She lowered her head, slowly stretched out her hands, and suddenly pinched her left arm with her right hand.

"Ahh It hurts!

Yu Yu screamed, "Boom" fell from the air to the ground, and fell into a.

The fairy's state suddenly vanished.


The plume who fell to the ground raised his hand and touched his heart, felt the powerful and real "dong dong" beating sound, and suddenly began to smirk: "

I have a physical body, haha, I have a real physical body!"

"Hahaha, you can really eat all the food in the world!"

Giggling laughter spread throughout the cave, and Yu Yu rolled happily on the ground. The stunning girl is drowned in the colorful fungus plants, and a little fluorescence emerges from the broken fungus, lingering around the girl's body, beautiful and fantastic.

The heart of the feather is blooming.

This ice blue liquid can reshape the flesh, huh? So why didn't it mold me into my original self? Is it because I was in human form when I drank it? Or is it... My original pet is extremely large, and this little puddle is simply not enough, so it is opportunistic?

Hehe, no matter what, this beast lord has two physical bodies from now on, and he has an out-of-body incarnation that he doesn't need to cultivate! Envy those friends to death hahaha!

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