They all call me master

Chapter 89 Hopeless!

Looking at Arthur, who had half of his body hidden on the steps, Ball couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

Sweat had already penetrated the clothes on his back.

In fact, if Tabor and Alice hadn't been frightened to the ground first, he would have already knelt there.

And now?

After seeing the miserable state of Tabor and Alice, he was scared and he didn't dare anymore.

He knew the methods of the chief hunter Albert.

What the opponent is best at is skinning prey!

He doesn't want to be skinned off!

‘Maybe it’s just to scare people! ’

‘Maybe it’ll be okay! ’

Under the fear, the hope of luck began to spread like weeds, and Bauer lowered his head and lined up at the back of the team, heading towards the basement.

Only one person can enter at a time.

Once inside, the door will close.


No prayer, no confession.

Just get down on one knee!

There is no one around, can I get away with it?

Bauer was thinking in his heart, but the sweat on his forehead was getting more and more - because the psychic was not far away from him, and the other person's calm face gave him endless pressure, as if his throat was being strangled. , the whole person is about to suffocate.

But luckily, the old butler took Albert to put up a curtain.

This curtain extends to the front of the basement door, separating those who enter from those who exit.

The old butler and Albert stood on the entering side.

Why he did this, Ball must not know.

But he knew that he finally didn't have to face that terrifying psychic.

Because, the psychic was standing on the outside side.

It’s so good!

Thinking in the bottom of his heart, Baoer would often let out a sigh of relief.

Then, when it was his turn, he tiptoed into the basement.

Under the dim candlelight, Bauer saw the terrifying Ms. Anna again. Immediately, his knees began to weaken.

However, he gritted his teeth and did not let himself fall to his knees.

‘Kneel down and that’s it! ’

‘As long as you kneel down, the ceremony will be successful! ’

‘I can’t kneel! ’

As an old man who has served the Doyle family for twenty years, Bauer must have heard about some "mysterious" things.

He knew that the 'mysterious side' was extremely magical, but if he wanted to see such magic, he needed to do it step by step - that is, a ritual.

If the ritual is not completed, the magic is not there.

Obviously, the kneeling that the medium emphasized just now is part of the ritual!

‘I will never be fooled! ’

Ball must tell himself loudly in his heart, and he strengthens his belief.

However, when he saw Lord Doyle's remains, he still felt a little guilty.

‘I’m sorry, sir, I didn’t want to do that either! ’

‘But I don’t know why I lost so much! ’

‘You also said that you will only forgive me once, and if it happens a second time, you will drive me out of the manor! ’

Ball couldn't help but recall the days when he was a valet. At that time, he received a high salary and was extremely famous.

If he hadn't been caught gambling during a vacation, he would have continued to be famous - those nasty creditors actually found the manor!

'Damn guy, he came to the door just for a mere 200 gold tickets. What a bastard! ’

'Do you know that just because you came to my door, although the master paid me back the money, I also lost my job as a valet and became a third-class servant? ’

‘Is it because of you that I spent the remaining fifteen years in the manor in a daze? ’

'But thankfully, I'm going to get lucky! ’

Thinking of this, Bao Bi's face overflowed with an abnormal blush.

His breathing began to quicken, and his eyes were filled with excitement.

‘As long as this bet is successful, I can completely turn over! ’

‘I will also become a respected master, not a servant! ’

‘Master, just watch, I will definitely be more respected than you, and I will prove how wrong you were in not reusing me! ’

In his imagination, Ball must be getting more and more excited, and he gritted his teeth to prevent himself from yelling.

However, this time, when he looked at Lord Doyle's remains, the guilt in his eyes was long gone, only deep resentment remained.



In Ballby's mind, the reason why he became what he is today is because of Lord Doyle's suppression.

Otherwise, how could he be a third-class male servant with his talents?

He had to at least become Butler Vic... No!

At least he's a knight!

Just like that adult promised!

Thinking of the adult's promise, Bauer would not stay for long. He turned around and walked up the passage separated by the curtain. When he walked out of the basement, he was still a little guilty, but apart from being slapped on the knee, nothing happened. After nothing happened, he breathed a sigh of relief.

And when he quickly moved away from Arthur and asked the two familiar servants that their knees were also slapped twice, Bauer was completely relieved.

Apparently, as he suspected, the ritual was of no use to him.

‘Damn test, end it now! ’

Deep down, Ball was cursing loudly.

But he didn't notice Arthur's playful glance behind him - it was not a good idea to lay the floor with lime, and then get down on one knee and stain it with lime. It even required a curtain to be separated and waiting for everyone to see. Eyesight, and it is necessary to use [Hand of Nothingness] to slap the lime to cover people's eyes and ears and maintain the final mystery.

However, it works well.

At least another traitor was caught.

However, Arthur did not intend to let the other party go to the dungeon to keep company with Tabor and Alice.

The other party has greater use!

After about fifty minutes, the test of loyalty was over.

At this moment, it is almost evening.

The old butler Vic stood on the steps again, with a look of relief on his face.

"I'm very grateful for everyone's cooperation - because of some things, I have to do this, and as compensation, from now on, everyone can rest until tomorrow morning.

In the evening, there will be a banquet at the manor.

At the banquet, not only will everyone be told everything, but an important event will also be announced.

At the same time, for tonight’s banquet, unlimited amounts of wine, barbecue, and fruits will be provided to everyone.

Waters, play your flute now! "

With the old butler's announcement, the little dissatisfaction the servants had in their hearts immediately disappeared, and they were full of expectations.

Although it was already evening, they were looking forward to the rare rest and the evening banquet.

Waters, as mentioned by the old butler, was all smiles, because this was the performance moment he was most looking forward to - as the old lord's performer, he was not only good at playing the flute, but also singing, and could even play the harp. .

The servants dispersed.

The old housekeeper's expression darkened.

Arthur had just informed him that another traitor had been discovered.

The master's former valet, that rotten gambler Paul Bi!

He knew that giving such a bad gambler a chance to change his ways would mean risking his life!

The master is so kind!

With emotion in his heart, the old butler stared at the traitor in person. When he saw the traitor leaving the manor in a hurry, the murderous intention in the old butler's heart seemed to be real. There is no doubt that when the traitor comes back, the manor will be destroyed - —If the other party is not found.

And now?

The old butler carrying a box of explosives began to quietly fiddle with the suspension bridge.

However, just as the old housekeeper was cutting a log of the suspension bridge and preparing to fill it with explosives, a figure on horseback approached quickly.

The old housekeeper immediately used his clothes to cover the explosives before looking at the other person - he looked well-dressed and very respectable, but his cheeks were thin and did not match the clothes. He also wore gold-rimmed glasses, which made the other person look like he was wearing a pair of glasses. Bespectacled monkey-like.

Pulling the reins, the other party smiled and said——

"Hello, is Sir Arthur Kratos here?

I'm his lawyer, Lutter!

Come at his call! "

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