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“Why did I ask for advice again?” Lu Xun looked at Xiao Ran, feeling a little helpless.

According to this posture, I feel I will beat all the world protagonists sooner or later!

Oh yes, except Little Chan’er, which is reluctant to beat.

As for Xiao Ran’s cuteness, Lu Xun directly ignored it.

In his eyes, young girls such as Xiao Ran can be tentatively called Little Red Riding Hood girls.

Because the grandmother was eaten by the wolf.

This is not particularly in line with Lu Xun’s personal taste. In this materialistic society, Zizi can give people great warmth.

The front and back like Xiao Ran are indistinguishable, not his food.

Even more how she doesn’t like men, she is a charming 100-flower, and now she is just performing, like a Junior who is coquettish with her elders.

“The play is a bit over!” Lu Xun in the heart said.

Seriously, Lu Xun is not very interested in fighting against Xiao Ran.

But he glanced at Xiao Ran, and then looked at Lin Chan who was beside him, with a little transparent Lin Chan, he had an idea in his heart.

So, he showed his signature gentle smile, saying:

“Now there are many people with different eyes, and you and I are not in compliance at this time. When it is not at night, you come to play Martial Peak and wait for me, how?”

Xiao Ran agreed to see Lu Xun, and there was some joy on his face, immediately nodded.



The night is getting deeper.

Lu Xun was busy making dinner for the mountainside in the kitchen, and almost forgot Xiao Ran’s challenge.

By the time he called Little Chan’er and flew to Martial Peak, the time had passed.

After reaching Martial Peak, he saw the silhouette of the girl under the moonlight at a glance.

It seems that she has been waiting here for a long time.

Lu Xun opened the mouth and said: “Just now the Teacher and senior brother and senior sister have something to do with each other, and it took some time to wait for you.”

Chef Lu will never tell you, I am a mountainside fireman!

Asking me to do supper is also a matter of mutual trust, not a lie.

Xiao Ran heard that Martial Uncle Lu had been busy with the teacher’s business. After he was busy, he rushed over immediately and couldn’t help being touched.

She sincerely bowed her hand to salute: “Instead, Xiao Ran is causing trouble for Martial Uncle Lu.”

Lu Xun hearing this, glanced at her, and then a slight twitch of the corner of his mouth, said in the heart: “Can you stop the axe when you say this!”

girl family, why are you so anxious!

Xiao Ran has taken out her double axe.

Her double axe is not a small axe, on the contrary, compared with her slightly petite body, this is already 2 giant axe.

Unlike Ye Suian, Ye Suian will inherit 80% of the “sword” with a small gap in the sword edge in the future, so the “Moon Emperor Sword” level he normally uses is not high.

And Xiao Ran’s 2 giant axe are all Purple Martial!

Axe name-[Tree Chopper] and [Wood Chopper].

Obviously it is a high-end goods, but it takes this kind of rubbish name, this is a very common routine.

It is conceivable that 2% of the people who forged these 80 giant axe were pretending to be perpetrators.

When Lu Xun saw her so eager to beg for abuse, she didn’t say much and made a “please” gesture.

Next moment, Xiao Ran moved.

Her fighting style has always been wide open and wide, with a pretty daughter in a humble family face, playing the most violent and most aggressive tricks.

30% of the day is destined, 70% depends on hard work, 90 points left, all by reckless past!

Her moves are also similar to Heaven’s Fault Sect’s [Solitary Courage Spear Art].

鈥斺€擣ocus on in a spurt of energy, only advancing.

And her cultivation base has reached Second Stage, which is not worse than Ye Suian.

Lu Xun is also not so sloppy, he swiped his robe, and he showed off [Pink Ink].

The ink-colored airflow surrounds the body, one after another sword energy is generated from his fingertips, and then attached to the airflow, the airflow is responsible for resisting, and the sword energy is responsible for counterattack.

Ink is like water, and sword energy is like a boat, drifting with the waves.

Xiao Ran looked at this move, and actually felt that he had several points of trance.

“Why… so beautiful!?” A single thought popped up in her heart.

And honestly, Xiao Ran gives Lu Xun a stronger feeling than Ye Suian, and much stronger.

Not that Xiao Ran is really much better than Ye Suian, but because she is not a Sword Cultivator, Lu Xun’s Sword Heart can’t restrain her.

He has additionally extracted [Cudgel Dao aptitude] and [Spear Dao aptitude], a man with a gun and a stick is normal.

But [Axe Dao aptitude], that’s really not there.

But compared to Xiao Ran’s burst, Lu Xun is much softer.

He is always a good look, every movement is just right, no hurry.

This is because his Divine Consciousness is strong enough and sensitive enough.

And for him, the most feared thing is actually meet force with force!

He is Five Elements Cultivation, and the total amount of Spirit Qi within the body is terrifying. You are strong, I am stronger than you!

He is ready to defeat her in the place where the opponent is best at.

Lu Xun didn’t use the sword energy in the scabbard. This is his hole card and he didn’t want to show it to Xiao Ran.

Spirit Qi, with the body, is actually enough!

Spirit Qi, one after another, flew out, and Lu Xun began to compete with her.

Gradually, Xiao Ran started counting the sword energy in the heart.




The further back, Xiao Ran was more shocked.

“The Spirit Qi of his within the body is it possible that is inexhaustible and inexhaustible?” She suddenly felt a little bit powerless.

Time passed by one minute and one second, she also saw the meaning of Lu Xun, that is, directly anal with her!

“Obviously, Lu Xun Martial Uncle saw the number of my roads, and temporarily decided to change the number of roads, according to my habits, to learn from me.”

It’s really hard work!

Xiao Ran frantically crushed Spirit Qi in his body, Spirit Qi in which he is proud of normally.

The sword energy and the axe light are constantly striking together, making a collision sound after another.

Finally, after not knowing how many collision sounds, Xiao Ran reached a critical point.

She held [Tree Chopper] and [Wood Chopper] in her hand and waved the last 2 axes.

Lu Xun lifted his fingers, and the smoky Sword Intent was wrapped around his fingertips and spurted forward with great speed.

With his movements, the Sword Intent wrapped around his fingers left a large fog mark in the air!

It directly broke Xiao Ran’s attack.

At this time, Xiao Ran was completely out of force. In front of Lu Xun, the place she was most proud of seemed so unable to withstand a single blow.

Not only is the Spirit Qi within the body dried up, there is not much Spirit Qi left on her body.

Therefore, her whole body began to fall forward, and she was about to fall to the ground.

At this time, she only felt a warmth in her eyebrows.

2 Slender fingers don’t know when they touched the center of her eyebrows. There is a gentle force on the fingertips that supports her body on the verge of collapse.

She felt the touch on her eyebrows and heard a peaceful voice in her ear, which only said 4 words:

“So far.”


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