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Peak of Heaven’s Fault Sect, above the body of giant eagle.

Lu Xun held the scabbard in his hand and tried to treat Reverend Tian He.

“Boom–” There was something spit out in the scabbard.

This is not the mysterious green bead, but a date on the mountainside.

The only difference is that the airflow around this date is surrounded by one after another green. The airflow is very rich, and there is infinite vitality hidden in it.

This feels like a fairy fruit.

This was Lu Xun’s preparation on the way, and put the smallest date into the hole of the sword sheath.

The fruits of the mountainside jujube trees are so large that they almost cannot be jammed.

When the dates were stuffed in, the black rope on the scabbard shivered several times.

The main reason why Lu Xun does this is not to take out the green beads in front of everyone.

This bead is very mysterious and contains infinite vitality. He has not yet figured out what this bead is.

It is better to hide this Treasure first. It is always right to be cautious.

He came to save people, don’t when the time comes when people didn’t save, but he also blamed the upper body.

Lu Xun’s scabbard is the magical treasure of the Purple Grade Middle Grade, plus Shen Yan has a spell on it, unless the cultivation base is the same as Shen Yan, above the eighth realm, otherwise it is impossible to see the grade of the scabbard. , Not to mention something hidden in the scabbard.

Leave the bead in the scabbard, it sucks so tightly, it’s safe.

The green Life Strength is wrapped in dates, and the effect is the same.

Lu Xun, holding a date, squeezed into the mouth of Reverend Tian He while sternly saying:

“This is only one life-saving thing given by the Teacher before I went down the mountain, but I am not sure whether it is helpful for the current situation of Revenend Tian He.”

The keywords are only one, and given by Teacher.

Anyway, the pot is thrown on the Teacher first, that’s right!

He wrapped the dates with energy and forced it into the mouth of Reverend Tian He to let it swallow.

As for whether it will not be digested… this does not seem to be the thing to consider now. Hey!

Green’s Life Strength began to flow into Reverend Tian He’s body frantically. After doing this, Lu Xun couldn’t actually do more.

The Life Strength gathered on this date is extremely rich, much more than that absorbed by the old monks that day.

If you can’t get any help at all, then it’s really a blessing.

Lu Xun jumped off the eagle corpse, and the Great Elder and Second Elder of Heaven’s Fault Sect slammed at him, and then continued to guard beside Reverend Tian He.

Heaven’s Fault Sect Sect Master Mo Beihe came to Lu Xun with the help of an Elder.

Lu Xun looked at Mo Beihe, who was seriously injured, with a mixed mood.

He bowed to Mo Beihe and said, “Demon Sect Lu Xun, owes Heaven’s Fault Sect a favor.”

He didn’t think that if he really saved Reverend Tian He, his feelings would be offset.

At most, it only offsets half.

And this Heaven’s Fault Sect, he is willing to pull a hand, it is necessary to pull a hand.

This is not a bad thing for him, on the contrary, it may be of great use in the future!

After he finished speaking, he said to Mo Beihe: “Sect Master Mo, I will not stay here for a long time, I am not here, maybe better for Heaven’s Fault Sect.”

Mo Beihe wanted to speak, but after thinking about it, he was still nodded.

Lu Xun’s special status, coupled with the dates he took out, he left quickly, and indeed it was better for Heaven’s Fault Sect who suffered a disaster.

If he stays here for a long time, he may increase the incident.

Before leaving, Lu Xun told Mo Beihe: “From today, Heaven’s Fault Sect can help me by calling Demon Sect if he needs help.”

After saying this, he intended to leave directly, but after thinking about it, he said a few more words to Mo Beihe.

In his view, these words are definitely of great benefit to the follow-up development of Heaven’s Fault Sect.

He walked to Mo Beihe and whispered: “Stranger is available.”

Mo Beihe hearing this, could not help but widen his eyes.

Lu Xun punched him slightly nodded without saying much.

A lot of thoughts and thoughts flashed in Mo Beihe’s heart. After all, Lu Xun has a special status. What he said might even mean Teacher!

Who is Teacher? Since he said that Stranger is available, he can use it with confidence and he has nothing to hesitate!

After thinking about it, Lu Xun recalled the urinary characteristics of the amusing stupid players, adding: “If you are entrusted with a heavy responsibility for Stranger, you must be careful!”

In his opinion, if you put the heavy responsibility in the hands of amusing stupid Player, what might the ending be like?

After explaining this, he drove Paper Crane and left Heaven’s Fault Sect.

The Rune Rune also has residual effects, enough for him to leave here quickly.

Before leaving, he gave Reverend Tian He a deep look.

“Everything has been done, once obeyed.”



Three days later, the aftermath of the Heaven’s Fault Sect campaign has basically subsided.

After this battle, it seems that Heaven’s Fault Sect, which has been walking downhill for so many years, became famous in the Three Thousand Mountains region!

Reverend Tian He kills a Sixth Stage half-step Peak powerhouse with one person and one shot, and a Sixth Stage giant eagle in the entire Three Thousand Mountains area. This strength can be described as Three Thousand Mountains Number One Person.

All Sect’s Sect Master Sect Master was very surprised, Heaven’s Fault Sect actually hides an Old Ancestor of Sixth Stage Peak!

What surprised them even more was the appearance of Lu Xun!

Demon Sect Little Grand Master Uncle suddenly appeared in Heaven’s Fault Sect and publicly stated that he owed Heaven’s Fault Sect a favor.

What is Lu Xun? He said that he owes Heaven’s Fault Sect a favor, then it is approximately equal to Demon Sect owes Heaven’s Fault Sect favor!

It means that starting from today, Heaven’s Fault Sect will be backed by a big mountain, and it is one of the biggest backers of the entire Skydust Continent!

Although everyone can’t understand the beginning and end of the matter, there must be hidden emotions when they want to come.

The news is not for them to be qualified to investigate. The other Sects in the Three Thousand Mountains area only need to understand that Heaven’s Fault Sect is different than before!

In the Three Thousand Mountains alliance, Heaven’s Fault Sect’s voice will definitely become different.

For Lu Xun, in fact, he can provide him with a lot of help in the future.

Especially in completing the main plot task of [Foreign Race Invasion]!

As for Player, this plot and the war have had a huge impact.

Heaven’s Fault Sect is not a well-known Great Sect. In front of Players, the sense of existence is not high, and it is basically not well-known.

But it is different now.

And people are all sentimental. After this battle, although they do not know the reason, they saw an old man standing in front of the gates of hell desperately guarding the whole sect, fighting until kneeling down, even at the last moment, many Players are Moved.

In particular, the phrase that was free and easy, but shocking-“a persons life, die when you die!”

For Players who have joined Heaven’s Fault Sect, both the game’s sense of substitution and the sense of honor of the sect have been significantly improved.

This is definitely good for Heaven’s Fault Sect.

Even more how Noble Zi of the popular Heaven Defying still appeared at the last moment, rescue Reverend Tian He, which caused a sensation in the forum!

After all, this is Noble Zi’s first appearance since the open beta!

With his force and status, Player refreshed his understanding of Heaven’s Fault Sect.

Some Players are even thinking: “It seems difficult to join Demon Sect, but Noble Zi said he owes Heaven’s Fault Sect a favor. If I join Heaven’s Fault Sect, does it also mean that there is a slight chance to contact Noble Zi ?”

Some big guilds and Professional Guild even held several meetings because of this plot.

As Pro Players, they must think more than ordinary Players and think more.

They thought: “Does this mean Heaven’s Fault Sect and then there are hidden plots that can be tapped?”

After all, everyone has reached a conclusion before, Noble Zi is likely to be the world protagonist in “SKYDUST”.

Then, this Heaven’s Fault Sect and the world protagonist are on the line, you must give it some attention.

After a meeting between many guilds and Professional Guild, it was decided to send several members to Heaven’s Fault Sect in order to follow up on the plot!



At noon, a brilliant sunny day.

Heaven’s Fault Sect In the elegant courtyard at the peak, Reverend Tian He lying on the bed opened his eyes.

Because Mo Beihe and the others are also seriously injured, Mo Beihe’s daughter Mo Qingqing is here.

She saw that Old Ancestor was awake and was about to get up, and immediately helped her.

Reverend Tian He recognized her, he looked at the sunlight outside the window and said, “Qingqing, help the old man out.”

Mo Qingqing didn’t dare to violate his order, helped Old Ancestor and came outside.

Outside the house, a lot of Heaven’s Fault Sect Disciple sit cross-legged is outside the house.

Old Ancestor guarded them, and now they are guarding Old Ancestor outside the house.

After seeing Reverend Tian He, Heaven’s Fault Sect Disciples shouted in unison:

“Pay respects to Old Ancestor!!!”

The voice was loud and resounded through the clouds.

Reverend Tian He slightly nodded, this white-haired old man looked up at the sun in the sky.

It has been 100 years since the turtle shrank, it’s been a long time since we last met the sun.

The sun shines on him…

——It’s warm.


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