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Noble Zi is the world protagonist in “SKYDUST”!

As soon as this remark emerged, it received a lot of Player support.

With the contact between Player and NPCs, especially the Demon Sect Players constantly dig out information related to Noble Zi, everyone has a basic understanding of him.

Players have learned that Noble Zi has a distinguished status and a high level of seniority, but in fact he is not very young and the cultivation time is still very young.

In the battle with Ye Suian, Noble Zi is only an Initial Stage cultivation base, converted into a game level, it is only a dozen levels!

Stronger than us, but also limited.

However, after Player became more aware of Noble Zi, instead of despising him, he paid more attention to it.

Because his series of deeds is really amazing, the proper protagonist template!

To be honest, in Lu Xun’s eyes, Player is a tool person, but in fact, in Player’s eyes, why is NPC not a tool person?

But the tool people are also graded, and the benefits can be different for everyone!

Experienced Players all know the meaning behind these four words [world protagonist]!

Lu Xun’s attraction to Player not only did not decline, but increased linearly!

Player discusses spiritedly on the forum.

“It’s right to think about it, Noble Zi is so handsome, not the protagonist of the world? Can’t it be a vase?”

“I depend! It stands to reason that the main character of the world is the key to the main plot!”

“At first I thought it was the most handsome golden thigh, didn’t expect was the thickest one!”

“Why don’t you have legs, anyway, I’ll lick for the first time! Siu——!”

“Add me one, and look at my tongue!”

“Add me one and watch my tongue and lotus!”

“It’s time to show my 3-inch tongue!”

Lu Xun looked at the comments with a black line, and then saw a few interesting ones.

“Noble Zi is the protagonist of the world, where is my Chief Disciple Ye Suian of Solitary Sword Mountain?”

“That’s it! My Myriad Sword Mountain is also against it!”

“The other two NPCs intersect each other. Haven’t heard of it? Ye Suian admires Noble Zi to the extreme. They are born with a pair. Do you want you monsters to oppose?”

“Ye Suian is obviously a follower of the protagonist of the world! This is not yet visible? He should be regarded as an important supporting role in the main plot, obviously!”

Lu Xun: “…”

Poor Ye Suian, obviously one of the world’s protagonists, suddenly has no name in the protagonist list.

As for Lu Xun, after [Innate Sword Fetus (pseudo)], he has a new identity-[world protagonist (pseudo)]!

“I’m just the man behind the protagonist.” Lu Xun sneered at himself and looked up at the sky.

Then, after seeing some posts that annoyed him, he directly closed the forum.

What he saw was:

“Noble Zi and Ye Suian, I locked the pair, I swallowed the key!”

“Is there a wife who writes a fan of Noble Zi and Ye Suian?”

“Tongqiu, Guiqiu online!”

What are you doing? Are you guilty?

Lu Xun finds this problem a bit difficult to solve, but the solution is not without it.

Or… let’s kill Ye Suian?

hahaha, joke joke, hahahaha!



In Baiguan City, Lu Xun returned to Paper Crane after harvesting a batch of EXP outside the city.

He now has more than 70 10000 EXP on hand, enough for him to level 2 up.

Without any hesitation, Lu Xun directly clicked twice to upgrade, and the character level was increased to 2 Level 1.

“Five Elements Cultivation is really a bit difficult. My experience of upgrading to level 2 is enough for others to upgrade several levels.” Lu Xun in the heart said.

Fortunately, the more cultivation comes to the back, the more he feels the advantages of Five Elements Cultivation.

Because the quantity of Spirit Qi within the body is several times that of others, the amount of sword energy he deposits into the scabbard every day is also scary.

Coupled with the blessing of [Sword Raising Technique], his battle strength is now very tough.

And the strength of [Pink Ink] is closely related to the strength of spirit strength… as long as the thicker his spirit strength, the thicker the shield!

His overall strength has been extremely Heaven Defying.

For example, like 1Level 7’s Wild Boss, Player generally wants to team up to kill monsters, and the more vegetable ones even need to form groups.

For Lu Xun, don’t take it easy!

In this way, Lu Xun is about… a super boss?

At the moment, Lu Xun is practicing sword with Ji Li.

He must be slack, otherwise Ji Li will be beaten by him and then fall to the ground, causing waves.

Wave after wave, it’s pretty good.

It’s just a bit dazzling after a long look.

In fact, not only will Ji Li fly, he can even cut off Bridal Sword in Ji Li’s hands!

“Ji Li’s weapons should also be replaced.”

“However, when she entered Inner Sect from Outer Sect, she had another chance to go to Hidden Mountain, so don’t worry.”

“If she didn’t get a sword on Hidden Mountain, I will try to find a better way for her.”

Lu Xun in the heart thought, planning for her.

Ji Li Five Elements is a fire, which is why Shen Yan wanted to accept her as a disciple. He even paid a “huge” price for this, a tiny little crystal.

After Lu Xun taught [Pink Ink] to her, the air flow around her was pink and red intertwined.

These two colors look relatively similar, and they will not look abrupt when intertwined, but they also look very beautiful.

Ji Li obviously loves [Pink Ink]. From time to time, he will show it, watching the pink air flow and the red air flow around him, playing hard.

This gives Lu Xun an immediate sense of amusing stupid Player.

Many Players do the same, using [skills] as [fashion], such as this [Pink Ink], maybe as long as the spirit strength is enough, you will have to play 2 times on the road from time to time…

Ji Li may feel that she is like a little fairy now, so she said to Lu Xun: “Lu Xun, do you think I am so pretty?”

Her eyes flickered, looking forward.

“Well, the color is good.” Lu Xun praised.

Ji Li: “…”

This feels like asking him how is this calligraphy?

He replied: It can be seen that both paper and ink are good.

Paper Crane continued to take off, still controlled by Ji Li. She asked, “Lu Xun, are we going to fly to the Foreign Domain in Demon Sect?”

“Well, go to Three Thousand Mountains.” Lu Xun nodded.

There are many novice villages in the Three Thousand Mountains area, and the Novice Player is extremely active. It is a good place to harvest EXP, and it is also convenient for him to make his next plan.

“Are you going to do something?” Ji Li said curiously.

Lu Xun glanced at her, and he was arranging the reason in his mind. When Ji Li saw that he didn’t answer directly, he immediately waved his hand in a panic. “You don’t say it’s okay, I just asked casually.”

She was afraid that Lu Xun would annoy her and would not take her in the future.

Lu Xun flicked her head and said nothing.



Skydust Continent Southwest, Sea of ​​Ink.

This piece of Sea Territory is amazing. The sea is not blue, but has a touch of ink.

The color is not dark, just like the color left after the brush was washed in water.

A huge water snake was moving on the surface of the Sea of ​​Ink. On the head of the snake stood a man shrouded in a black robe.

A huge black eagle flew from a distance and hovered in front of the water snake.

The robust man on the black eagle jumped down, came over the snake’s head, and then saluted forward: “Lord Priest.”

The black man in a robe stretched out a skinny right hand, and looked very old right hand, beckoning him that he didn’t need to be rude.

This man is very old.

“Lord Priest, Red Moon is instructed to find the lost Dao Bead, it should have been an accident.” Robust man opened the mouth and said.

The old man, called Lord Priest, stretched out his left hand, moved his fingers a few times, and appeared a bit stiff, even making a slight ka ka sound, and then opened the mouth and said in a hoarse voice: “She is dead.”

Robust man nodded, not much to say.

Lord Priest figured out that she was dead, then it was dead.

“Lord Priest, then this Dao Bead…” The robust man stopped talking.

The old man’s hoarse opened the mouth and said: “Bai Beiqiu and Hongyue’s death, don’t worry about it, but Dao Bead can’t afford to lose.”

After a while, he sighed: “That’s all, let me divination first.”

The robust man raised his head and said to “unable to bear”: “But your body…”

The old man in the robe waved his bone-like hand and motioned him to stop talking.

The old man sat down on the water snake’s head, mutter incantations in his mouth, and began divination.

at first is fine, but it didn’t take long for a problem to appear!


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