There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 96 Sister, do you think she is cute?

Under Chen Banxian's high-altitude view, the lake water spread down the extinct volcano, rolled up thousands of layers of soil and gravel, and turned into a cascade for thousands of miles!

Is this a field of view of several thousand meters? So exciting!

That is to say, there are no clouds in this secret realm. Looking down, he can see two more majestic mountains.

The giantess shook the water, and the mountains also shook. It was so spectacular and shocking!

Sister, wait a minute! He pointed in the direction: I have a few younger brothers, please help take care of them.

After all, Qingcheng is an unfamiliar place, so it would be safer to bring a translator.

He fears regional discrimination and violence.

There are still three people left in that direction. They dare not move and cannot move. It is too terrible here. They are all dry and short of water.

I want to use the toilet.

Ye Kuli clutched his stomach tightly, and the bursts of cramping pain told him that there would be a wave of cruel punishments next.

Hold it, hold it back! Su Su stared at Han Pingsheng, who had fainted next to her, with red and swollen eyes:

Senior brother is unconscious. If you are unconscious again, we will be really doomed.

Ye Kuli clamped his legs tightly, gritted his teeth and sweated profusely: I...I can't help it anymore.

You have to endure it if you can't help it. Su Su tremblingly took out a box of rouge as big as a fist from her arms, gritted her teeth, blushed, and stuffed it behind her back!


Ye Kuli took a breath of cold air, and when he didn't check for a moment, there was a burst of grunting and crackling behind him!

In fact, they couldn't even care about the earthquake until a huge foot landed next to the three of them.

The three people's eyes widened as they could no longer bear it. As the giant foot fell, the wind blew by, corroding away the clothes, skin, and then the internal organs and bones...

Not everyone has the ability to summon demons.

On his deathbed, Ye Kuli felt clear that perhaps death is the real relief.

His consciousness fell into darkness.

But... it just darkened for a moment. Chen Banxian used his ghost ability, and he turned into a soul and appeared!

Am I not dead? Ye Kuli said in confusion, Brother, I am already dead, please let me go!

Oh, what a coincidence. I don't want to let it go. It's out of the ordinary.

Chen Banxian pulled him to sit down: Come on, come on, our great sister will take us out of this hellish place later.

Great sister?

Only then did Ye Kuli realize that he was thousands of meters in the air, looking down at the bottomless mountain ravines.

It's so spectacular... He murmured in a low voice, having no regrets in this life.

The giant paused lightly, then continued to move forward. He found a place that looked like white mist, stretched out his feet and kicked hard!


The entire secret realm was trembling, surrendering to the terrifying pressure of great power.

The white mist surged violently, expanded in scope, and was blown away again. You could see the world on the other side of the white mist!

It's full of ruins and filled with smoke.

He raised his foot again, hit the passage hard, and forcibly turned the little daisy into a sunflower.

However, this was not enough, and the sunflower could not bear such a big impact. With the fierce kick, the sunflower turned into a big tire, and from the big tire into a train tunnel.

It was completely broken and could only accommodate the passage of giants.

Chen Banxian originally thought that the giant was going to take them out directly, but the female giant stopped and broke the Morse code impromptu.

Ye Kuli couldn't understand it, but he was shocked: Is this dancing? Or is it a martial arts show? It's really pretty.

Giantess: Young master, throw that sword into this secret realm. Without my power to maintain it, it is just an ordinary piece of scrap metal.

This sword?

Chen Banxian still held it: I am used to living in poverty, so I like to collect scraps and sell them for money. The price of iron is not low recently. I can still make a lot of money by taking it back.

The giantess started to blow the bellows with her hands: The slave family is afraid of this sword. Please take pity on the slave family.

Chen Banxian slapped the ordinary iron sword twice with his backhand, then pulled off a section of his clothes and hid it.

Don't worry, I have already taught it a lesson and punished it with confinement for a month.

Giantess:? ? ?

Chen Banxian: I remember I didn't teach you how to make a question mark?

The atmosphere was slightly frozen, and the wind at a height of several thousand meters was blowing fiercely. Standing in his rotting eye sockets, he suddenly felt a gaze!

That kind of omnipresent gaze is the scariest thing.

He spoke again: With this sword, the slave family cannot leave this world.

I believe you!

Chen Banxian just saw him kicking his toes into his own world, but he was just afraid of something, so he didn't go completely through it.

This giantess is full of gossip and violates the absolute law of big breasts and no brains.

Ye Kuli: What are you talking about? Get out quickly. I feel like my soul is starting to get hot. There is something wrong with this place.

He was desperate. Now his soul didn't belong to him, and even the chance of reincarnation became slim.

Now I am living under someone else's roof, and my future is bleak.

Don't make any noise.

Chen Banxian reprimanded with a smile, then took off his paper bag hair and used his beauty trick.

Sister, you see she is so cute, so just let her take her...

Ye Kuli: Fuck...

He suddenly discovered that he was black and white blind, so what future would be gloomy? This is obviously bright!

The giantess' hand pulling the bellows suddenly stopped, slightly shocked!

How could there be such a cute and beautiful little person?

He couldn't help but said: You have such a face?

Can you talk?

This time, Chen Banxian was shocked. This female giant has been hiding her clumsiness!

Oops, I spilled the beans.

The female giant suddenly lowered her waving hand and was about to speak. At this moment, Chen Banxian ejected from her eye sockets!

The moment it popped up, the giantess reacted quickly. Her palms were no longer stiff and became extremely flexible.

It fell down in the blink of an eye, causing the air to explode. In an instant, Chen Banxian's bones were trembling, and his energy and blood were hard to gather.

Moreover, he saw that his skin was chapped, his mouth was dry, the water in his body was evaporating wildly, and his mouth was gradually filled with the smell of blood.

But he shouted loudly and raised his ordinary iron sword to resist, making his arms fearful and not daring to drop.

Because of this hesitation, he stepped on the air, summoned the demonic energy to protect himself, and the flying immortal body shone brightly.

With all his trump cards out, he has already used the space gate to shuttle from high altitude to the secret realm link channel, speeding up again!

When the finger fell again, Chen Banxian had already returned to the earth.

Chen Banxian's heart was pounding as he wiped the dried sweat from his forehead.

Fuck, I left the shelter three times in total, the first time was Weird, the second time was Yin Shen, and the third time I came directly to Cthulhu.

What's the fourth time? His second life has not been used yet.

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