There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 394 Just flatten the world

I really hit something dirty!

Lao Ping hurriedly lit the second piece of yellow paper, and the street shook. He hurriedly observed that the familiar street vaguely appeared around him.

He lit the third piece of yellow paper, and only then did the familiar street escape from that place.


Lao Ping doesn't dare to push the cart anymore. There are only some tools on it. Is it expensive? Why does life matter? He ran wildly towards home, but as he ran, the number of people around him began to shrink again.

Moreover, he felt that these people were abnormal, and the expressions on their faces were very stiff.

Chopsticks! Chopsticks!

He remembered what Lao Chen said, hurriedly took out the chopsticks from his arms and built a triangular shelf.

The moment the shelf was set up, the three chopsticks led to three paths.

The road was full of people and bustling with people.

There are only a few pedestrians on the road.

The road was silent and dark.

This scene made Lao Ping feel numb all over. It was the first time he saw a ghost under such circumstances.

Gods and Buddhas bless you!

He did not go to the crowded road, nor did he go into the dark place, but went to the sparsely traveled road.

Because the road full of people is not now.

It’s what it looked like a few years ago. Now the roads are paved with energy strips, and you can wirelessly charge your mobile phone while walking.

However, as soon as Lao Ping walked a few steps, a woman's figure blocked his path.

The woman's face could not be seen clearly under the light, her body was covered with scars, and her clothes were in tatters.

Weird, it must be weird!

Laoping cried immediately, his defenses collapsed, and he begged: If you have a lot of money, please spare me. I'm just an ordinary citizen. I have never done anything bad in my life. Please let me go!

But the villain didn't listen at all, and instead walked towards him, full of malice.

Don't force me!

Lao Ping thought of the incense in his arms, and he lit it with a lighter tremblingly: I'm warning you, I have the evil-fighting incense given by the master on me. If you come near me again, you'll be rude!

Gui continued to move forward, not afraid of Lao Ping's threat at all. He was so frightened that he would fall down if his hands weakened.

It's over.

His face turned pale, and he was thinking about his daughter-in-law's face, which he had never seen before.

However, at this moment, the void moved and opened a crack.

There was a pair of eyes looking from a distance, staring directly into the soul, which made the female ghost tremble all over.

Still not leaving?

A person walked out of the smoke of the burning incense, and it was Chen Banxian.

He slapped the female spy on the forehead, slapped her head directly into her stomach, and then kicked her, directly smashing this illusory world to pieces.

Did you know there was someone covering him behind him? Chen Banxian glanced sideways at the female spy:

Give you a chance to speak for one minute. Whether you can survive or not depends on what you can say in this minute.

The female ghost trembled and raised her head to reveal her miserable eyes: You bastard who is helping others commit evil!

She said fiercely: The person this man's son wants to marry is the child of the murderer who killed my whole family back then!

She cried bloody tears: I remember, I remember everything, but the smell is exactly the same as hers!


After a moment, Chen Banxian looked at her with surprised eyes: Then if you don't kill that descendant, why did you kill him?

No matter what happens, you can kill his son. What does it have to do with Lao Ping?

At this time, Lao Ping was in danger of being saved. He nodded hurriedly: Yes, yes, why kill me?

Because she has cultivation, I can't beat her. The female spy sighed, but these words made Lao Ping's eyes light up.

This is a sequelae, a sequelae of war. The disasters and pain experienced by Baihu City cannot be quelled by time.

Let's go take a look together. Chen Banxian rubbed his brows and was glad that he hadn't sent a message to Jiaojiao yet, so it didn't count as a breach of contract.

Lao Ping, please lead the way and let me see how that woman is. The big deal...

He squinted at the female spy and said, Go to another world to help you kill her father and take revenge.

Is this true? The female spy was surprised.

My divination stall is not just for telling fortunes for living people.

Chen Banxian glanced at her and followed Lao Ping forward.

Lao Ping's family lives in the outer city area, which is also an area for ordinary people, in an old building that is not too old.

There are still signal energy lines laid outside the building. This is a characteristic of Baihu City. You can communicate with the other eight cities at home.

My son has gone home. Lao Ping saw the lights in his house turn on and leaned on Chen Banxian's other side, away from the female ghost, to lead the way.

The female spy didn't say a word along the way, but she exuded an aura of hatred.

As the door opened, everyone saw the daughter-in-law from another world for the first time.

He has dark skin and a tall figure, half a head taller than his son.

At this time, I was watching TV on the sofa. When I saw Lao Ping coming back, the woman from another world stood up hurriedly and whispered in a stumbling tone:

Hello, uncle.

It still sounded unfamiliar, and it was obviously a temporary language learned.

Lao Ping doesn't care about this. He will get angry when he sees his son. If he ignores a woman, he will slap him hard.

What are you doing, Dad! Lao Ping's son hurriedly avoided, Dad, you are crazy, you are doing this in front of Xiao He.

Xiao He, you're like this on the first day you come to our house!

His son was also angry.

You have the nerve to mention her, who asked you to date the daughter of our enemy on earth!

You traitor!

Lao Ping was about to fight again, but Chen Banxian stopped him.

Wait a minute.

Xiao He had been frightened by this scene for a long time and did not dare to say a word.

But Chen Banxian took a closer look and found a clue.

Xiao He's mind always stays on the TV, even if his eyes are not looking, his ears are listening.


Who is your father? Chen Banxian sat in front of her. The latter turned a deaf ear and looked at Lao Ping's son with confused eyes.

She seemed not to understand what Chen Banxian said.

Hakalapura baba. Lao Ping's son translated. His girlfriend understood and hurriedly said to Chen Banxian: Mihaloa...

Stop it.

Chen Banxian recalled for a moment and knew which world's language it was.

Coming from a world where high-end combat power is only the fourth realm, Luo Hua Realm.

In a civilization still in the Central European century, extraordinary abilities were a legacy of blood from gods.

The influence of God’s character is not a good thing.

He asked the girl again in Luo Hua's language. The latter was surprised, not expecting anyone to understand their language.

She answered honestly that her father had died in a war, so she inherited her father's bloodline and met Lao Ping's son by chance.

She anxiously asked Chen Banxian why Lao Ping didn't want to see her, and whether she did something wrong.

It's nothing, you did a good job. Chen Banxian smiled, turned around and pulled the female ghost away.

This girl's purpose is impure, but no matter how impure she is, she is just a small realm whose fourth realm is as big as the sky.

The girl didn't dare to look at Chen Banxian, and she secretly felt cruel in her heart. When she learned the things in this world, she would go home and take over the power, vigorously develop it, and then steal more knowledge.

Where are you taking me? The female sly refused with all her strength, but she couldn't get rid of her.

Don't you want to take revenge? Chen Banxian looked at her: Instead of bullying a child, why not come with me? I know where Luo Hua's world is.

He took my female spy to a plain. The entrance to Luo Hua Realm was on a hill in the plain.

The entrance shrouded in white mist covers the top of the mountain and is guarded by many warriors. Stationed here is a senior fourth-level transcendent.

When Chen Banxian set foot here in person, the fourth-level transcendent did not notice him at all, but there were soldiers who wanted to see his identification and asked why he was going to Luo Hua.

I'm going to blow up some cities.

Chen Banxian's words are correct.

Haha, are you kidding me? The soldiers smiled and handed him their ID cards, and one of them even said:

The most evil place in the Luo Hua world is the church. It killed countless of our compatriots back then.

Brother, if you don't mind, take down the golden cross on top of their church, and I'll give you a hundred black coins as a reward.

He had always wanted revenge, but it was said that recuperation and recuperation were the top priority, and it was not worth wasting resources on forces that no longer posed a threat.

Adhering to the style of a great power in China, it even provided assistance to former enemies.

Okay. Chen Banxian nodded with a smile and entered the white mist passage.

By the way, he asked in the passage: Are there any of us Earthlings in there?

Who will go inside? The soldier shook his head: The last one came back a few hours ago.

That's good. Chen Banxian pulled the female spy and disappeared into the passage. The female spy followed him, still full of resentment to the extreme.

However, the next second, several Dharma images appeared behind Chen Banxian, reaching into the sky and the earth, staring outside the world's big star.

Among them, the ice method is slightly opposite to the world.


The rules were in turmoil. It was not the earth that had heaven restricting Chen Banxian's realm. The entire planet was frozen in an instant.

This is the ultimate rule and cannot be stopped.

People with the blood of God rushed out, but were quickly imprisoned.

The second Dharma image came out, the color of the earth, with thunder rolling in it.

He spoke: The earth collapsed.

The entire planet trembled, and countless cracks gradually opened from the middle.

Destroy the world!

Chen Banxian is destroying the world!

The third dharma image came out, and as the solar storm swept across, the entire world perished.

Chen Banxian reached out and grabbed the golden cross on the church, and pulled the confused female conspirator back to Baihu City.

As soon as they left, the white mist on the mountaintop was slowly dispersing.

That’s right, the world is gone, why do we still need passages?

what happened!

Some soldiers were surprised: The white fog is dissipating, where is the passage?

The people who went in just now came out. What did they do?

Report it, report it immediately!

There was chaos here, and soon the extraordinary person in the fourth realm was alerted and quickly came to the entrance.

However, when he saw the person coming, his legs suddenly became weak and he almost fell to his knees.

Oh, he's still a ghost cultivator.

Chen Banxian recognized him as the extraordinary person he had killed when he bloodbathed Baihu City.

He had a good memory, but the man was helpless and begged him not to kill again, but was ruthlessly killed.

His legs are weak now, which is an extremely normal reaction.

Boss! He looked in awe, got up and asked cautiously: This is it?

It's just a small boundary. Chen Banxian casually threw the golden cross to the soldier on one side. The latter looked at the thing in his hand and his eyelids twitched!

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