There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 327 The Kirin Fairy Crane sign is the first product

In the bright conference room, Die Yunfei proposed that he would join the Baihu City Law Commission and serve as the deputy administrator of the court.

At the same time, he also proposed that he should serve as the Superintendent of the General Bureau of Law Enforcement and Public Security, and that the original Supervisor should be demoted to the deputy level.

Die Yunfei looked at the copywriting in his hand and put forward his requirements and ideas one by one.

As well as the resource management inspector of the City Defense Department, the member of the General Council of Baihu City, and the commander-in-chief of East City during the war...

As he flipped through the documents in his hand one by one, the expressions on the faces of everyone present were few and far between.

I still remember that he was once the chief of the Beida District, and the positions he held were all key and confidential. His resignation gave countless people opportunities for promotion.

Everyone originally thought that he was voluntarily giving up his rights and retiring, but they never thought that in just a few years, Die Yunfei would intensify his efforts and ask for more positions.

These people found that if the positions he requested were put into a whole line, they seemed to be unrelated to each other, but as long as they were put into Baihu City as a whole, these positions would firmly bind this big city.

He has authority over all practical matters.

Mr. Die, isn't this against the rules?

A priest, Luo Shishi of Dongluoshui, slowly said: I have no objection to you asking for other positions, but the position of commander-in-chief of Dongcheng during the war was originally claimed by me. Are you here to force me to abdicate?

Baihu City seems peaceful now, but everyone knows that war may break out at any time.

At that time, the commander-in-chief position of Dongcheng had almost all power. Her position was not only equivalent to being independent but also subject to Die Yunfei's command.

As soon as the first person spoke up, more people spoke up, and the Governor of the Public Security Bureau, who had been innocently demoted, also stood up and looked ugly.

Mr. Die, don't look too ugly. It would be too overbearing for you to demote me while I'm still in this position.

Other priests whose interests had been violated also spoke out and stood on the opposite side: We all admire your ability, Mr. Die, especially the great role you played in the first calamity.

But everyone can't see you when you look up. By doing this, you are undoubtedly trying to stir up the interests of everyone in Baihu City and stand on the opposite side of everyone!

They said something to each other. Although they didn't say it clearly, they already expressed their position clearly.

I don't agree.

Bai Xiao watched all this from the corner, feeling his scalp numb.

Is this officialdom? A single move can move the whole body, and they can attack in groups to safeguard their own interests.

She turned her gaze to Die Yunfei, wanting to see how this man would deal with it.

The 805 meeting will definitely be completed, and there are clear videos and historical records, but the specific process has always been a mystery, and some people who know about it have also remained silent about it.

I saw my father, Die Yunfei, clapping his hands.


The door to the conference room opened, and a man wearing a paper bag walked in.

When they first saw this person, everyone was shocked and thought it was that person, but they saw that this person was obviously a woman.

Ninth nodded slightly in greeting.

But then many of them realized the identity of this person, and their expressions rarely showed disgust.

Why isn't she dead yet?

Chief Inspector of the Ninth Army, this is the member of the meeting I invited today. At the same time, she also has some information she wants to read to everyone.

Liu Lexian.

Bai Xiao didn't expect to see this legendary and mysterious woman here.

Yes, no wonder the meeting passed. She has a lot of evidence from officials.

The order in Baihu City has always been in a state of lower limit stability, and no one dares to go too far.

The Ninth Army hidden in every corner is under strict inspection, and the one who supervises the Ninth Army is this woman who always sticks to the bottom line and fights every night.

Liu Lexian, originally an ordinary college student, later founded the Holy Mother Cult and was a T0-level extraordinary person with considerable strength.

Later, one day, he changed his mind and took the initiative to take on that responsibility, gained tacit approval, and officially disappeared from the front to the back.

No one knows where she is or how she appeared. Even in the most difficult period, she killed many people.

Obviously, she is the kindest one, the leader of the Holy Mother Church.

Now, Liu Lexian slowly took off his hood, revealing his tired and sallow face.

Not outstanding at all, without the vitality and beauty of the past, only plain and indifferent.

The complexity revealed in her eyes is fascinating.

Bai Xiao's heart trembled, and she understood that this woman had never given up her kindness.

But she chose to endure it and use her kindness to test all the evil in the world.

I have some information about you. If I really dig into it, it's enough to knock most of the people present out of their seats.

She glanced around: In fact, Mr. Die's conditions don't need to be notified to you. Starting the meeting now is actually to give everyone a chance.

There are some things that need to be considered comprehensively.

For example, the Chief Inspector once misjudged a murderer, causing a merchant to be imprisoned and was assigned to build Baihu City.

A few months later, there was a breakthrough in the vendor's case, which proved that he had been wronged, and he was released and compensated.

These may seem normal, but...

The merchant was the head of the family. After he was sentenced, he still had two children aged five or six at home, as well as an ordinary-looking wife.

And that period happened to be the semi-annual payment date. Faced with high store rents, liquidated damages, water and electricity bills, cleaning fees, property fees, children's tuition fees, etc., they were under great pressure -

A mother has no money to take care of her children.

The wife was disheartened, and under pressure, she chose to marry another man in order to give her children a better life. Now that they were married, the children were transferred to the other man's name.

The merchant took the money and went home. What he saw was the sealed shop, the deserted home, the wife being held in the arms of others, and the fact that his children had a better life. .

This kind of blow made him choose to hang himself.

This matter is related to human life. The chief inspector indirectly caused the loss of a life. A thorough investigation is enough to be dismissed.

But he was not the mastermind in this incident. He was just a negligent miscarriage of duty and a miscarriage of justice. The crime was not punishable by death. Considering all things considered, Liu Lexian did not choose to take action.

Such cases abound, and no one is immune. She just mentioned the names of some cases without going into details, which made many people's faces darken.

Especially for several priests, not to mention the damage they caused indirectly and directly. Even if they were compensated in the end, they could not undo their mistakes.

Liu Lexian's arrival left everyone speechless.

Hmph, I don't believe that you, Die Yunfei, would not make such a mistake.

One official expressed angrily: I won't express any opinion. As long as you leave me an official position, you can handle the rest by yourself.

You can figure it out yourself. Another priest also left the scene, giving Liu Lexian a hard look as he left.

Liu Lexian looked ahead, not looking at him.

She thought that compared to her inner suffering, these were nothing more than insignificant, insignificant external things.

At the end of the meeting, Die Yunfei spent a month carefully examining the responsibilities of each position, especially the research institute and the law enforcement bureau, which took the most time.

One is the strength of Baihu City, and the other is the protection of people's livelihood.

Finally, he went to Chen Banxian to ask for a fortune telling for himself.

At this time, Chen Banxian was still sitting under the gate of Fengdu City. The ruthless emperor was in seclusion for who knew how long. If he continued to be in seclusion, he would consider finding someone to help him watch.

He still has a lot to do.

On this day, he was sitting on a chair bored and reading some books.

When you enter the house and see tranquility, there must be an honest official in the house...

Lowering your head and raising your head like a dazzling eye indicates great auspiciousness...

The natural fragrance is like an orchid room, and the blessings are endless...

He put down the book and let his brain memorize the insights and apply them in practice.

Suddenly, Chen Banxian saw gongs and drums beating, a new store had opened.

Opening, this is not a rare thing, there are always stores opening every now and then.

What surprised him was that there was a cute little yellow dog that was shaking its head and swaying left and right to the sound of gongs and drums, as if doing a lion dance.

It was swaying, maybe too arrogantly, which made a white-feathered bird on the street dissatisfied, so it flew down and pecked at it, making it squeal, which looked very lively.

Chen Banxian grinned, amused by that embarrassment, and was about to reach out to help the puppy when he saw a man coming in front of him. The swaying puppy and the bird separated left and right of their own accord, allowing the man to move closer to him.

When he first saw it, Chen Banxian didn't take it seriously, but when he took a closer look at the person coming, he realized something was different.

The visitor is Die Yunfei.

As soon as he sat down in front of the Gua stall, Chen Banxian raised his hand and bowed: Congratulations, congratulations.

Brother Xian.

Die Yunfei smiled: Brother Xian, I guess I'm coming.

I didn't expect you to come. Chen Banxian looked happy, But I did expect someone to take office as a new official, with a rank equal to a first-grade Qilinhe.

In ancient times, first-grade civilian prime ministers embroidered crane robes, and first-grade military officers embroidered unicorns.

Isn't that little bird a unicorn crane?

The hexagram brings good fortune to the soul, Chen Banxian looked at him with emotion, Die Yunfei is amazing.

Damn Brother Xian, am I that powerful? Die Yunfei pretended to be surprised, but the confidence he showed was obviously not so perfunctory.

Why do you come to ask me when you have an idea in your mind? Chen Banxian teased him: If you are so busy, do you still have time to tell fortunes? Just remember the divination and code of conduct I gave you before.

Don't calculate too many hexagrams. The more you tell your fortune, the thinner it will be.

He told the latter, and Die Yunfei smiled and handed over the hexagram gold: Brother Xian, I'm going to go do some work. If you have anything to do, hold me captive.

When Die Yunfei left, the smile in Chen Banxian's eyes grew stronger.

Do you think you are an official from Baihu City? You can't reach the first rank.

He looked towards the street. The white bird and the little yellow dog disappeared. He didn't know if they had run away or if they were not there in the first place. He was dazzled by them.

Heaven's secret, heaven's secret, it's so wonderful. He didn't pursue it, but just looked up at the sky.

There are too many secrets in this world, too many that cannot be explained, and neither metaphysics nor science can explain them.

What they can do is to constantly improve themselves, keep moving forward, and forge ahead with determination.

After waiting for another week, Die Yunfei held a press conference and announced that he had officially returned to the leadership of Baihu City, which would make his current life better.

Winning unanimous approval from people, everyone around him said: It's great that President Die has taken office. I miss him.

Before the first calamity, he gained a lot of public support during his short period of official service. When he abdicated, countless people felt sorry for him and cried out for him to succeed him.

In such an atmosphere, Chen Banxian entered the Fengdu Gate.

From a distance, he could see the empress closing her eyes, thousands of ways circling and spreading around her, and the big star sun bowing to the surroundings with a majestic momentum.

I probably won't wake up for a while.

He sighed and exited the door.

We are reaching the limit of the fourth realm.

He was very helpless. The connection between heaven and earth inside and outside his body was about to be completely opened, and he had not yet determined the path to the fifth realm.

Need to find a way faster.

And in the process, he continued to use the method of dividing souls to enter more worlds of destiny.

For example, Shenyue had already planted an incarnation by him. Zhou Xiaoming put aside most of the task research and tried his best to help him make a body.

The underground of the remote research institute was densely packed with foreign races, and you could smell the smell of blood rising to the sky even before you got even close to a hundred feet away.

These days seem to be getting duller.

Baihu City is no longer in crisis from external forces, and the nine major cities have entered a trend of steady development.

Baihu City's luck is getting stronger day by day. As Bai Xiao said, this future city of progress and technology is really beginning to take shape.

Time flies by, and three years fade away.

There are no traces of the end of the world in Baihu City.

If cultivation changes the upper limit of the world, then technology improves the lower limit of technology.

A glass plate was suspended in front of Chen Banxian, projecting banners that were constantly rotating: fortune telling, fortune telling, marriage, fortune telling, etc.

Hey, the Taoist Master is also keeping pace with the times. What about the cybernetics?

Someone teased him, a few people passing by.

All things in ancient and modern times are subject to change. I am actually being conservative.

He was retorting, and then looked at him sideways: Brother, I see that the green air on the top of your head is black. I'm afraid there will be a disaster in the near future. It's not far away in about three days.

Bah, bah, bah! What unlucky words did the stinky Taoist say? Come on, labor and management are doing well!

The man cursed his bad luck angrily and hurried away.

Oh, I'm just reminding you, it's not me who caused your misfortune.

Chen Banxian was helpless. Technology was getting better and better, and there were fewer fortune tellers in reality.

On the contrary, the trend of fortune-telling on the Internet is getting stronger and stronger.

He opened the phone, which was a piece of silver glass, using the latest nanotechnology, and was a cutting-edge device.

Hundred Lakes City Metaphysics Group

Jiang Doudou: Sign in.

Ba Ba: Sign in.

Busin’s lifelong enemy: +1.

Wood fire is bright: +1.

Chen Banxian quickly sent a message.

Paper Bag Head No. 10: Fortune-telling predictions cost 10 black coins.

Jiang Doudou: Liar, go away!

Mu Huo Ming Ming: Group leader, just leave the advertising dog alone?

Administrator: He is an administrator and cannot be kicked. This piece of shit was bought from the group owner with money!

The group of friends were furious, because this man never said anything good, but randomly selected a few unlucky ones every day, saying that there would be a bloody disaster in the near future.

As a result, they either lost money or were injured, and some people were cheated on and found out that the child was not theirs.

At first, everyone thought he was very accurate and worshiped him like a god.

It turned out that the latter had relatively high authority and could check their information. Using an unknown technology, they even knew their blood type when they went to the hospital for a physical examination.

This is how the person who discovers that the child is not him is exposed.

It's really boring. Chen Banxian found that he had a bad reputation, but he was really telling fortunes seriously.

The bad information is that during that time, he had just gotten a nanometer-level mobile phone and could not use it yet, so he was testing the functions.

As a result, anonymous access was not enabled when checking the information, and it was openly exposed.

This made him want to change his account for a while, but now the accounts are all bound to real people and can be used by one person.

The advantage of this is that you can accurately find rumor makers, hackers and other Internet criminals.

The disadvantage of this is that unscrupulous people such as rumors and black accounts can be found quickly.

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