There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 194 Protagonist’s Disaster Theory

According to the protagonist's catastrophic theory, at this time someone should be bold enough to run to check the situation and then offer sacrifices to heaven.

Chen Banxian took two steps back, fearing that he would be affected by Lin Tian.

As expected, Zhang De recommended himself as if his brain was twitching: I won't be noticed easily, wait until I get closer and take a look.

What a fart.

Chen Banxian pulled him back across the space and kicked him on the butt: Stand aside.

“Boss, what are you doing~~”

Zhang Debai rubbed his buttocks and was beaten again for no apparent reason. He felt aggrieved.

Do not talk.

Chen Banxian threatened him, clenching his fists loudly.

You know the sound of tight steel bars being sawed, that's the sound.

Zhang Debai shrank his neck. At this moment, he saw a thin man in the mercenary team taking off the rope from his arms:

Let me take a look.

There was a hook on his rope, and he thought there shouldn't be any danger if it was connected to the rope.

As soon as he threw it, the rope flew far into the pool and made a splashing sound.

As the rope swung lower and lower, everyone secretly broke into a cold sweat.

Time passed slowly. The rope had gone down dozens of meters and was almost at the end.

There doesn't seem to be any movement? The mercenary took a few steps forward and took a look curiously.

not good!

Mok suddenly realized that he wanted to pull this mercenary.

However, it was too late, and the pool suddenly exploded with water all over the sky, and a dark and deep thing covered the sky, leaving a large shadow.

The mercenary was carried high into the sky by the shadow together with the rope, and the whole person was submerged in the darkness.

When the water splash fell, only a simple pair of armor and rope were left in place.

And... a pile of bones.

Eat someone in the blink of an eye?

Everyone was immediately frightened, their faces turned pale, and they backed away.

Mok's calves were trembling. At that moment, he recognized this thing.

Impossible! This is impossible, how could there be such a thing outside the forest!

This is the corrosive black beast, a high-level dark-type monster!

Mok suddenly shouted: Run, run, this thing is a social creature!

The moment his voice fell, splashes of water exploded one after another in the pool, and the shadows were large or small. The small ones were as big as a car, and the big ones were even as scary as a building.

The shadow was formless, but filled with dark elements. Two mercenaries had already been devoured in the blink of an eye, leaving only their bones and armor.

I can't run away!

Screams appeared here, someone was touched by an arm or leg, and the flesh and blood disappeared in an instant, waiting for death in agony.

Don't panic, everyone come closer to me!

At this time, Lin Tian began to gather the fleeing mercenaries, and the spiritual energy and blood burst out from his hands to stop the corrosive black beast.

In addition, the Yin Qi on his body was billowing, and he officially broke out from the Cang Cang Realm's peak Taoist strength.

A monster with a green face and fangs brought an ominous aura as soon as it appeared. It looked like Zombie Ancestor Ying Gou.

I saw Lin Tian shouting loudly, Ying Gou's phantom covering a peaceful place, and he also turned into that look, completely invulnerable, and could tear apart and corrode black beasts with his hands.

Chen Banxian's surprise flashed away when he saw this scene while dodging.

Lin Tian was still in the second realm, and he could cross over to challenge the advanced monsters in the third realm without realizing his destiny.

So envious.

Lin Tian's eyes were uncertain, and he searched among the beasts from time to time. He was able to come into contact with these corrosive black beasts, but the black beasts were also constantly eroding him, and the consumption of Yin Qi was unprecedentedly huge!

Finally, Lin Tian's body was covered with color, and a piece of flesh and blood disappeared silently.

Boss, I can't hold on any longer!

He shouted for help.

Please call me noble magician!

Chen Banxian gently took out Advanced Magician Crash Course

After rummaging around, his eyes lit up, and several corrosive black beasts reminded him: Be on guard.

Lin Tian: What konjac?

Vaguely, he heard a voice coming from the chaos.

Light Element, you damn sissy, come and kneel down and play ****.

This forest suddenly became silent...

Suddenly, all the corrosive black beasts no longer attacked Lin Tian and others, but ran away like crazy, squeezing each other and rushing into the pool!

With a clear vision, Lin Tian saw Chen Banxian talking to him in the distance.

Close your eyes!

Lin Tian had very good eyesight and could see the boss hiding the Advanced Magician Quick Course at a glance.

Could it be...

Lin Tian suddenly woke up and realized that the surrounding environment seemed to be brightened up, and then he did not hesitate to use all his energy to activate the billowing Yin Qi and Corpse Qi!


There was a soft sound, like a fart.

But the entire Fairy Forest suddenly lit up.

Ah! My eyes!

Screams were heard from all over the forest, and the corrosive black beasts that had not had time to escape were illuminated in the blink of an eye, and the beast cores fell to the ground with a clanking sound.

After waiting for a long time, the light gradually dissipated.

Lin Tian stood up tremblingly, feeling that the surrounding temperature had risen to such an extent that he could not breathe. What was even more frightening was that only a thin layer of his Yin Qi, spiritual energy, corpse energy, etc. were left.

What a great fate.

He thought of Chen Banxian while feeling lucky, and immediately looked into the distance.

There was a deep pit, and the edge of the pit was covered with glass-like crystals, highlighting how terrifying the previous outbreak was.

Boss, are you okay?

Lin Tian stumbled forward to check, and saw Chen Banxian spitting out a mouthful of steam at the bottom of the pit.

The skin all over his body was unusually red, and steam was emitting from his pores. He drank a lot of water.

MD, this light element holds a grudge and is much more powerful than last time!

He struggled to crawl out of the bottom of the pit, and the glass pit was already large enough to illuminate people.

Zhang Debai was trembling, covering his eyes and speechless, so moved that his face burst into tears.

The same is true for Zhang Xiaoyu. It's useless even if he closes his eyes. The light is so bright that his eyelids and palms can't even guard against it!

It can be called: forced blinding!

Evil book!!!

Suddenly, a palm-sized thing appeared here, pointed at Chen Banxian's Advanced Magician Quickly and shouted angrily:

Evil black magic! You, a human, possess such an evil book, you will be punished!

This is clearly a goblin! She was so angry that her head was on fire: You will all go to hell and become slaves of the devil!

Lin Tian felt complicated for a while.

Good news: the leprechaun appears.

Bad news: Goblins seem to have become enemies on the other side.

This goblin stood bravely opposite Chen Banxian, waving a slender magic wand: I will turn you into a toad!


She shoots a ray of light and will fight if she disagrees.

You're so crazy!

Chen Banxian ducked to avoid it, but saw the goblin curl his lips and flick his wand.

The light turned around and hit his back!

A magical scene happened!

Chen Banxian felt himself shrinking, and saw that he was actually about to grow the skin and webbed claws of a toad.

What magic is this!

I don't agree! Gua!

He activated his ability to go back in time one second before, turned around and dodged the beam again.

The violent beam hit the goblin.


A toad fell to the ground, its round eyes widened, and it was dumbfounded.

She clearly saw that this evil human being could not escape, she could even see the future!

The goblin's divination magic is obviously very certain, why...

Yo~ Chen Banxian lifted the toad with his palm, and the latter struggled in his hands.

Weighed it, it weighed half a catty.

Quack, quack, quack! the goblin screamed one after another, waving her limbs. After turning into a toad, she couldn't hold the wand and couldn't recite the spell.

Oh, look, what is this? A 250-weight toad, boil water in a pot, barely enough to eat.

Quack quack quack!

The toad jumped anxiously, then kowtowed to Chen Banxian's palm, clasping his hands together as if to beg.

What are you doing, begging for mercy? Chen Banxian's face instantly darkened: I am an evil black magician. Is begging for mercy useful?

He held out a big hand: Hand over all your treasures and I will spare your life!

Quack quack quack!

What? No? Then don't blame me for being cruel.

Chen Banxian carefully groped around her body: Should the knife be cut from here or from here?

Toad: How the hell did you hear me say I won’t give it to you!

She was so anxious that if she had known, she would have given this magic the ability to speak.

After threatening him for a few more times, seeing that Chen Banxian was really planning to boil water, Lin Tiancai came up to plead for mercy.

Boss, stop playing around and let me handle it.

He had done enough homework and knew the habits of creatures like goblins.

Taking the toad, Lin Tianyi said righteously: You can definitely change yourself back, right?

Quack quack quack!

The goblin was moved to tears and nodded repeatedly.

She suddenly realized that the human being in front of her was so cute and kind, and he was simply her Prince Charming.

Then I'll help you recover. Can you help us make a potion about lifespan?


Toad nodded, then shook his head.

You don't agree? Lin Tian's smile faded, and he was filled with gloom: Then I'll have to make you a zombie.


Prince Charming has gone dark!

Toad shed tears. After a while of gestures, Lin Tian barely understood.

So you said that the potion can be made, but the materials are not available, right?

The fairy toad nodded repeatedly.

It doesn't matter, I will find the materials.

As long as he has a clue, if he has the potion to increase his lifespan, he will be able to break through to the third realm and still go a long way.

Deep Blue, prepare the extra points for me!

Toad leads the way, while Chen Banxian and others follow.

Mok and his group of mercenaries suffered heavy losses and were unable to complete their mission this time, so they had to leave and become passers-by, while Chen Banxian and the others gradually went deeper into the forest.

The goblins have their own standards for finding their way, and there was no danger along the way. They came to a huge ancient tree in the forest.

There was a narrow tree hole among the towering ancient trees. The toad struggled to squeeze in, found a bottle of something, and quickly poured it into his body.

After a while, the head of the toad split open, and the fairy came out again.

Humans, you...turn around while I get dressed.

You're so young, you have so many opinions. Chen Banxian curled up his lips, but turned his head.

After a while, the goblin flew in front of them again. She was closer to Lin Tian and far away from Chen Banxian.

The evil black magician!

I'll dig out your eyes again! Chen Banxian said fiercely, holding a sword.

The goblin will grant your request.

The little elf's big tears fell down one drop at a time, and he found a small piece of paper from the tree house and looked at it.

I found it. The material for making human lifespan potion, a magic crystal. The higher the quality, the better.

The dragon's nails, the stupider the bloodline, the better.

A drop of elven moonlight spring water, and...

She mentioned a long list of materials, and just the first few items made Chen Banxian feel that one was bigger than the other.

If I really want to collect these things, I don’t know how long I have to wait.

He patted Lin Tian on the shoulder: You wish for yourself.

Lin Tian frowned and thought for a moment: Give me three days, it should be enough.

Three days? Playing.

Chen Banxian didn't believe it. Who knew that Lin Tian asked him to help keep an eye on the goblin for fear of running away, so he plunged into the forest alone.

Since he didn't want it anyway, Chen Banxian wasn't in a hurry and just settled under the tree.

By the way, Zhang Debai and Zhang Xiaogao did some fortune-telling and obtained Zhang Xiaoyu's extraordinary abilities.

Ding, I still have one breath left.

I still have one breath: if I hold my breath, I can remain in the dying state. The dying state will not be lifted until the breath is released.

His skills were pretty good, but Chen Banxian felt they were of little use.

Because you are already on the verge of death, can you still jump up and hit someone in the face?

He took out his notebook and continued to study magic with the sword spirit.

Goblins will appear from time to time to see if they have left, and occasionally they will hide in the dark and gnash their teeth on Advanced Magician Quick Course.

Evil book!!!

The kind and lovely magical elements have turned vicious.

She had never seen the magic element so violent, and could not even use magic right away.

Toad, I want to ask you something.

Chen Banxian came over with a sword in hand: Do you have any books about magic here?


The goblin denied it.

No? You swear in the name of heaven.

Chen Banxian didn't believe it, how could a magical goblin not have such books.

Did he know that this little thing had lived for who knows how long and was full of bad things?

What is the way of heaven? The goblin didn't understand, and she said angrily: I am no longer a toad, don't call me a toad!

However, the goblin still pretended to swear: I don't have any books about magic here, I swear.

As soon as the words were spoken, nothing happened.

What's the situation? Heaven doesn't care about this place? Or did the goblin really tell the truth?

This is a headache. The purpose of coming here is to study magic.

Otherwise, wouldn’t it be nice to have a computer to play with and a sofa to lie on in Baihu City?

At this time, in front of the white fog in the space somewhere outside Baihu City, a dark cloud hesitated for a moment.

Then, lightning fell and penetrated into the white mist.

Under the goblin tree, Chen Banxian was about to leave with regret, when suddenly a flash of lightning passed away.


It exploded with medium-sized sparks, causing the goblin's hair to explode and his whole body to turn black.

Hey, you're lying! Chen Banxian's eyes lit up, Mr. Tiandao was so powerful.

Then he seemed to remember something and quickly opened the small book.

On the last page of the Advanced Magician's Crash Course, it was written with great emphasis: Forbidden Magic.

Forbidden Magic: Heavenly Way, I **you**

Don't think about this thing randomly.

He couldn't guarantee whether he would be hacked to death.

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