All the black energy in the entire building receded and submerged into Chen Banxian's body. The only regret was that the paper bag hood was shattered, which would cause some unnecessary trouble.

The man in the suit widened his eyes, as if he had seen a ghost.

No, hell, it's more convincing than this. How can anyone resist a nuclear bomb?

The guards had arrived and quickly controlled the man in the suit. The latter was in a state of disbelief, mumbling the impossible.

What was that just now?

Xiao Han was shocked, but her good education made her not afraid of Chen Banxian, especially his flawless face.

If it weren't for the Adam's apple and voice, she might not be able to tell the gender of this guest.

Are all the people in your world so powerful?

She asked again, with unconcealable envy in her tone.

Don't you have information on extraordinary abilities? Chen Banxian chuckled and answered the next question:

It may not be as powerful as me for the time being.

Everything today undoubtedly refreshed Xiao Han's outlook on life again.

In the conference room, Xun, who was halfway through the meeting, ran over to ask about the situation.

When he learned that it was a nuclear bomb, there was no fear in Zhu Xun's eyes, only gloating.

Hahaha, he knew that bringing the boss here would mean the matter was settled!

Sorry for scaring the guests. Mao Xijin solemnly apologized: It is no longer safe here. Please move to the West District with us. It is a strategic base and is absolutely safe.

They went downstairs together and moved to the west area. However, at this moment, the heavy door of this building suddenly closed!

All windows are locked!


At the same time, everyone's communication equipment rang. Chen Banxian took out his own and saw a series of numbers on it.

2673, 05, 24, 15.22.

No, it's a digital life!

Mao Xijin screamed out in shock for the first time. If the digital life does not take action, it will be devastating. This is a terrorist attack recorded in textbooks.

It's already 15.20 and we only have two minutes left!

Mao Xijin felt dizzy. Is humanity really going to end?

The peace talks failed to integrate the two ethnic groups, and the consequences are unimaginable!

The first digital life signal, the space elevator fell.

During the second digital time report, the engine of the Lunar Mountain Moving Project experiment failed, exploded, and the moon fell towards the earth.

The third digital time signal was a terrorist attack during a solar helium flash, which caused great damage to mankind.

For more than 600 years, every appearance of timekeeping has caused huge casualties, and has promoted the research and iteration of digital life.

But this time, when the official contact of the Wandering Planet came into contact with the Earth, and when humans were about to find another home for survival, digital life took action again, and the price was probably the Earth's refusal to cooperate with the Wandering Planet.

It's over...

An official next to Mao Xijin cried: It's over, it's over...

He spoke out what everyone was feeling.

Because the communicator sent a warning that a missile attack was about to arrive.

Such a heavy door cannot be their protector, it can only become their tomb.

In this situation, Zhuo Xun originally planned to kill the whole family with his sword, but Chen Banxian shook his head and sighed.

I'm really curious. You only have a few hundred thousand people left here, and you're still not united.

This reminds me of a quote from a certain book.

Rumors, fear, and mutual suspicion among people will cause collapse within mankind, which will come earlier than the end. In the end, it may not be the disaster that exterminates mankind, but mankind itself.

One minute left.

Mao Xijin lowered his head in shame. The bad nature of human beings was vividly displayed in front of compatriots from another world. It was even more uncomfortable than killing him.

Chen Banxian only has one word.


A wisp of black energy flew out, and the door in front of him collapsed, as if it had been smashed by a heavy hammer.

The steel, which was more than ten centimeters thick, was weaker than paper in front of him, which made Mao Xijin and others' eyes light up again.

Quick, quick, guests, please come with me. There is a strategic bunker nearby. I will make sure all the guests are safe and sound!

Less than a minute, so tight!

Need not.

Chen Banxian only had these two words. He put his hands behind his back and looked forward. Desk Xunyan behind him had his back straight.

Desk Xun expresses to you not to worry.

Don't be afraid, you guys, as long as the boss is here, everything will be fine.

Mao Xijin and others know about extraordinary beings and their strength. Perhaps a single person is not afraid of this modern weapon, but there are so many of them...

But, can extraordinary beings resist missiles?

A senior official from a wandering planet asked: If we escape now, we still have a chance to survive.

No chance.

A technician looked bleak: All nearby entrances have been intruded and closed. Our password is not top secret. It has already been mastered by digital beings!

Upon hearing this, Mao Xijin's face darkened.

It's okay, Minister Mao.

Xiao Han thought of the previous scene: I believe the guest from another world, he is really powerful!

Others could not see clearly, but she could see clearly that it was a nuclear bomb!

The missiles have arrived.

They saw light spots high in the sky flying in the underground base in the distance. Even if they could avoid it, they would cause inevitable huge damage to the Sichuan City Base.

There were densely packed light spots and at least dozens of missiles. Could it be that the Digital Life Sect had already prepared for this day?

At this time, Zhu Xun looked at the back of the big man in front of him, feeling at ease as he had never felt before.

This damn sense of security! My sister is so good to me!

Another day when I have to reveal my strength.

Chen Banxian sighed softly, and drew a camera-like box in the air with his hands, including all the missiles.

The energy of the Demon Summoning Sutra is quietly blessed.


In an instant, the sky became dark and a huge gap opened up. Wind and snow came in, and the freezing point carbon dioxide and oxygen fell one after another.

They saw the stars flashing across the sky, and after they closed in an instant, the missile also disappeared without a trace.

The boss is awesome!

Zuo Xun’s enthusiastic shouting was an excitement from the bottom of his heart!

You Yan's eyes widened, just like other politicians.

They began to understand why Table Xun, who was in a high position, was so flattering.

If it were him, he would be flattering!

Calm down, don't spread the word. Chen Banxian turned his back. The wind and snow were still falling in the sky, making his figure so vast and unrestrained.

Everyone was almost in a state of insanity.

“I think we can completely integrate technology with your industry!”

Mao Xijin grabbed Zhu Xun's hand: Let's sign the contract right now!

This kind of power is no longer something humans can contend with, and has exceeded the limits of their cognition.

If research is done properly, can so-called space folding technology be developed?

Regardless of the conditions, digital life’s behavior of being so careless about the cost can shake the minds of the right!

On that day, Chen Banxian and others were arranged to stay in the best place, while Mao Xijin and others continued to hold meetings, which belonged to their left and right parties.

Early tomorrow morning, they will go to Baihu City to complete the final negotiations.

The whole house is clean and white.

The huge floor-to-ceiling windows are enough to see the widest view of the city, and there are convenient shower rooms, bathtubs, and toilets.

The bed is a large bed measuring two meters square, covered with soft velvet blankets. When you lie down, it feels like your whole body will sink into it.

The floor mats are also brand new plush mats, and they gave Chen Banxian the highest specifications.

The 19-degree constant temperature air conditioner is hidden on the ceiling, and the sound of power operation is almost inaudible.

At this time, Chen Banxian was playing with their communication equipment.

A laptop with various ports plugged into it.

It seems that he has returned to the era of nuclear peace with the Internet. There are various teaching videos, records of previous mountains and rivers, humanistic environment, etc.

Just when Chen Banxian was about to enter some URLs with random and incomprehensible homophones, the computer screen suddenly changed.

What appeared in front of him was a young man, facing him in a room filled with birds and flowers.

Digital life?

This was the first time Chen Banxian had met face to face with this novel gadget.

Yes, respected friend from another world.

The man saluted him: My name is Mori, and I am here to talk to you on behalf of the digital life of Sichuan City Base.

This is interesting. Didn't you just drop nuclear bombs on me during the day? Do you want to come for peace talks at night?

He shook his head: It seems that you are still not smart enough for artificial technology.

Dear guests, we are actually all living people, uploading to the quantum network with our consciousness.

Mori denied Chen Banxian's artificial intelligence and explained to him.

We believe that there are no eternal enemies in the world, only eternal interests. We can provide you with all the technology.


Chen Banxian was surprised that this was a benefit delivered to his door. He couldn't help but smile: What's the price? What's the price?

He is not very interested in all the technology on the wandering planet, but Die Yunfei will definitely jump with joy.

“You don’t have to give anything.”

Morrie once again made a surprising statement.

We have already prepared a way to continue civilization with digital life. You just need to return to your world and ignore this planet.

He is very sincere: As long as you agree, all our technologies will be delivered to the customers immediately.

I'm curious as to why you insist on clinging to digital life. After all, this is just a backup of your consciousness, and the original you is already dead.

He has seen similar movies and knows how digital life is created.

Mori disagreed. They had discussed this topic many times. He asked Chen Banxian:

Human memory, flesh and blood, is the constant replacement of cells by death and rebirth. The person you are today is no longer the same batch of cells as you were yesterday. The person you are after a period of time is completely different from the person you were a period of time ago. Excuse me, are you still you?

Isn't our consciousness backup a kind of cell replacement? It just turns the tangible cells into invisible data. Even because the data will not change, we are ourselves!

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