There are many people missing these days. What caught Chen Banxian's attention was that this person was an extraordinary person.

Moreover, he also has extraordinary abilities that were awakened by his belief in the Ninth God!

Ordinary body is extraordinary, but at this time, all his family members disappeared mysteriously.

Don't worry, we can solve any problems in the city. Please tell us the details first.

The people from the Public Security Management Department began to record information, and Chen Banxian was left alone.

It's like this. I thought that after I gained extraordinary powers by believing in the Ninth God, I was spotted by a rich man to work as a security guard in the core area. Who knew that when I came back from get off work, my wife, my father, and my son were all missing? !”

This extraordinary person provided information clues and addresses, but the most important thing is that he worked as a security guard for a rich man in the core area and got into trouble.

High-level officials were involved, and the Ministry of Public Security quickly dispatched many people to investigate.

Chen Banxian had a premonition that something was wrong, so he followed them to wait and see.

The doors and windows of the extraordinary person's home were broken, apparently violently, but the door was very neat and clean. The only abnormality was a statue of the ninth god.

Under the statue, it is engraved: God gives, and God also receives.

“What God gives, He also receives?”

The extraordinary person's eyes suddenly widened: Could it be that the ninth god took away my family because he gave me extraordinary abilities?

He couldn't believe it: No, it's impossible. I don't believe it. If my family is taken away, why didn't I take it away as soon as I became a transcendent?

What a plan!

Chen Banxian left quietly. This was an important chess move taught by Er Zhao.

However, this is just the beginning.

The next day, a breaking news was published in the children's newspaper.

·【Can family members exchange extraordinary abilities? Is it true or false? 】

[Overnight, the relatives of the Six-Life Extraordinary who awakened by believing in the Ninth God disappeared]

[Is it the conspiracy of the gods or the desires of the human heart? 】

There is even a mass survey at the back of the newspaper:

Are you willing to trade your family for extraordinary powers? After answering, you can return the newspaper to the newsboy.

The newspaper only published news, and the words on it were ambiguous and uncertain, but this investigation showed that the ninth god might really take away your relatives.

Everyone instinctively doesn't believe it. They have been worshiping for so many days, just waiting to awaken their extraordinary abilities, and in the end they have to lose all their relatives?

There are still many people coming to pray, but it is obviously much less than yesterday.

In this regard, the Sheriff's Department of District 14 is making excuses and is investigating.

The next day, an ordinary person prayed to the Ninth God in full view of the public and became a transcendent. It was an instant sensation and once again proved the effectiveness of the Ninth God.

Soon, however, the supernatural being came to the statue and attacked it with the extraordinary powers granted to him by the gods.

I, Mother Ganlin, give me back my wife and my son!

He punched the golden energy fist, smashed the statue to pieces, and cried to the people around him on the ruins: It's gone, it's all gone. When I went back, my wife and children were gone!

And this is not an isolated case.

Incidents like this keep happening, and the good name of the ninth god is quickly turning into a bad reputation.

That night……

Few people dared to come to worship anymore, and some even destroyed the statues. Extraordinary people immediately came to maintain order and protect the statues.

You official staff still have to protect the evil god, you are in the same group!

Someone shouted from the crowd, which immediately triggered a fierce response.

Why are you so superior? We can only work hard without complaining!

They inspired people, and suddenly people became more noisy.

They've had enough of the wealthy and aristocratic families. We're all just human beings. Why are you so high and mighty, while we have to work so hard every day for a piece of chaff?

The return of Tiandao not only failed to level the gap, but actually made the gap wider.

This outbreak was the fuse of the Ninth Evil God that exploded the anger in people's hearts.

Ezhaojiao had made preparations early to connect the entire outer city and trigger a riot at the same time!

As a result, the vigorous fighting began, and even extraordinary people were knocked down, unable to defeat four hands with two fists.

The security team's firing was useless. There were not enough of them, so they could only watch as the scared people ran to another place to smash and loot.

The bosses who were robbed were in tears, and some were even brutally beaten.

And some good-looking women were even brutally insulted, and the scene suddenly became chaotic!

Ezhaojiao! ! !

Chen Banxian still miscalculated. He didn't expect that the other party would play such a big game.

One move of chess directly caused their Ninth Divine Religion to fall from the altar, and it also brought turmoil to their backs.

He no longer hid, and suddenly opened the space channel to inform Die Yunfei:


There are hundreds of thousands of people in the entire outer city, which is too big. He can only save as much as possible and kill some who break the bottom line.

The riot lasted for a full three hours before it subsided, but the trauma inflicted on the outer city was huge.

Chen Banxian walked in the ruined city. There were corpses everywhere, girls in disgrace, burnt everywhere, everything was ruined and dilapidated.


Suddenly, Chen Banxian opened his eyes and saw the ceiling of his home above his head. Everything before was actually a dream?

No, not a dream!

Catching Wind and Shadow

This is when his ability is activated and he sees the shadow of the future.

Chen Banxian frowned. The disappearance of the extraordinary person's family members had already occurred, and the next step was the explosion of the fuse. Zhaofengzhuying told him that he had to find a way.

But, what should we do?

The Ezhao Sect manipulates people's hearts, so they have to win them back. From the beginning, the opponent has taken the top spot in the chess game.

For this matter, we have to start with the missing family members of the extraordinary people. Finding the family members and exposing the lies of the Ezhao Cult may be a way.

However, looking for someone in District 14 without a surveillance system is undoubtedly like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Chen Banxian closed his eyes and calmed himself down. Maybe, he was going to get serious.

He had never tried this before and didn't know if it would work.

The book taught me how to find things and people.

He closed his eyes and allowed himself to be at peace.

The next moment, he opened the space passage to Die Yunfei's office.

Looking at Chen Banxian who suddenly appeared in front of him, Die Yunfei's mouth twitched.

Now you don’t even want to hide it?

Sister, the situation is special now. Chaos will break out in the outer city under the control of the Ezhao Cult. You need to be prepared.

Die Yunfei:? ? ?

The mission that suddenly appeared made him numb: What's going on?

Don't ask, trust me. Your first-hand preparation is to spread a large number of soldiers throughout the outer city. Once chaos occurs, suppress it with force as soon as possible.

Preparation second hand, build me a high platform, I want to ask the sky!

Gaotai, ask the sky?

Yes, you have an earth element ability user, right? You ask him to use his abilities to build a rooftop that is three feet three feet three inches wide, five feet five feet five inches long, and ninety-nine feet nine feet nine minutes high.

Can it be done? Chen Banxian was unsure, but this was his best way.

As for the length, width and height, they are taken from the specifications of the length as the earth, the width as the human being, and the height as the sky.

Regardless of whether it is useful or not, the main thing is sincerity.

How long will it take to get better?

I know an earth-type extraordinary person. If we contact him and arrive, it should only take a few minutes to do it.

Die Yunfei was not stupid enough to ask why. He went to do it after learning that it was going to be built in the center of the entire 14th district.

Coincidentally, the center of District 14 is the office of District Mayor Wen Zaidao.

Therefore, a high platform was built in the center of his yard. The earth-type extraordinary person was a yellow-skinned man with an honest appearance named Mo Nan.

His ability is indeed good. He can directly extract the soil from the ground to shape a high platform. The high platform is hard and strong, not much worse than cement.

Mo Nan touched his head: Master Chen, do you want me to reinforce it?

It's okay, no reinforcement is needed.

Such a big movement naturally attracted many people, but strangely, Wen Zaidao was not here.

Instead, some noble councilors were waiting and watching.

The ninety-nine-foot high platform is three hundred meters high.

Once the strong wind blows, it may collapse.

Chen Banxian didn't care and walked up through the air.

Ezhaojiao is really too deceptive.

Selfish divination is not possible, and unjust divination is not possible.

But Chen Banxian had doubts in his heart. He wanted to take possession of the destroyed outer city. He walked up to the high platform, took out the three copper coins in his arms, and lined them up in front of him.

He lit the incense candle, first worshiped the heaven, and then raised the copper coin high, his voice was sonorous and powerful!

Now I, Chen Banxian, cannot bear the evil cult poisoning all living beings. I sincerely ask God to tell me where is the address of this evil cult and where are the families of good men and women detained? I hope the heaven has mercy on all living beings!

He spoke sincerely, and said that the Ezhao sect had done evil, harmed countless people, and had various evil deeds. Finally, he kowtowed three times and bowed nine times, and the ceremony was completed!

This gift is for heaven and for all sentient beings.

North 14th District, an inconspicuous house in the outer city, located in a forest with few people and inconvenient transportation. Someone saw this scene from a distance and sneered.

Haha, isn't this the sea-fixing needle? We are so anxious that we can't find it, and we want to ask God?

Song Bencai thought it was ridiculous. Could God still speak?

There are more than a dozen family members of extraordinary people awakened by the Ninth God imprisoned at his feet. They are just waiting for the deacon to modify their memories and pull them out to clear the name of the Erzhao Sect. They are the hostages they rescued from the evil Ninth God. .

When the time comes, the E-Zhao Sect will stand in the light, and the top leaders of the E-Zhao Sect will clear their name, so why worry about the big thing failing?

However, the deacon was too cautious and had to wait a little longer to modify the memory after the layout was completed and the outer city became chaotic.

What does that person have to be afraid of?

He looked towards the high platform. Although it was too far away to hear the sound, he could still see the three kowtows and nine bows.

How ridiculous.

If worshiping heaven was useful, there would not be so much suffering in this world.

Praying to heaven is indeed useless.

Therefore, with people like Chen Banxian who can communicate with ghosts, gods, heaven and earth, he prays sincerely and asks for divination.

Three copper coins tumbled, dropped, and formed lines to inspire changes.

The money hexagram is the most suitable for the six-yao interpretation, but what he is best at is plum blossoms, and he can predict good or bad luck by changing the Yao.

The hexagram is completed.

The Lei Feng Heng hexagram of Earth Wind Sheng hexagram.

There is wind coming from the southeast. The hexagram means wind, and the corresponding means wind. When the wind blows, Chen Banxian took a cursory look and found that the air was blue and green, unclean and fierce!

The wind blows, just like the wind, coming from the southeast and starting from the southeast. The place where the wind blows is the gate of District 14.

The Ezhao Cult is not in District 14.

So, where are people imprisoned?

In this hexagram, the wind moving the earth of earth is for imprisonment, the earth of earth is the victim, the roots are broken and the lines are turned into human beings, the hexagram of each other is Lei Zegui's sister, the sunda wood and the shock wood are both restrained, and then look at the change of the hexagram, the shock wood is the response, it should be the east .


Are you still in District 14?

The four lines are in motion and cannot be in position. They are under the earth of heaven, not on the earth. They are the beginning of the marriage between the sister and the wife, so they have not left the city and should still be in the city.

As for the position of the fourth line, Zhenmu is also seen as 4.

The core city is 1, the inner city is 2, the Liang city is 3, and the outer city is 4.

It should be the outer city, east of the city, underground, where trees are prosperous!

Chen Banxian suddenly turned his head and looked to the east on his left hand. He saw a place with dense woods and weeds. There were not many people and only a few buildings.

Because of the inconvenient transportation, few people live there. With his feet straight and eyes wide open, he looked at the people looking over here!

Song Bencai suddenly felt like a sharp sword had penetrated his heart. Did that person really see this?

No, it's impossible. It must be a coincidence. He just rolled his eyes casually.

Unexpectedly, the man was actually stepping in the air, as if flying, and rushing towards this side.

No, he was sure, this is the place!

Song Bencai was so distraught that he turned around and fled.

It's not far from the city gate. As long as he runs out of the city, he will be safe!

However, as soon as he took a step forward, a hand suddenly stretched out in the air and clamped firmly on his neck.

After a moment, Chen Banxian fell from the sky, removed the space with his hand, and came to him.

You think you can run away?

My Lord Extraordinary One, I don't understand what you are talking about.

Song Benzai was still quibbling, pretending not to know what was going on: I, Song Benzai, have honestly never even broken a law. Sir, are you mistaken?

Without evidence, this person cannot catch him.

Where are the family members of the extraordinary people you arrested?

Chen Banxian asked directly without any doubt that it was him!

Sir, who is this person? What kind of detention? I'm just a common man, I didn't do anything.

Your disgusting Ezhao faith has betrayed you.

Chen Banxian clamped his neck: Is it because you are still alive that you have nothing to fear? It seems that you have to let your soul speak.

He crushed Song Benzai's neck with one hand and pulled out his soul from his body: Tell me now, where is he?

He died!

Song Bencai looked at the ground. His neck was broken and his head was twisted on one side.

His soul was captured!

This man can really punish souls! It was only when Song Ben was unable to reincarnate that he felt truly frightened.

He believes in Ezhao in order to return to the free country of Ezhao after death. Now that he is dead, the true God of Ezhao has not come to pick him up.

You haven't said it yet?

Chen Banxian ripped off his arm directly, and the soul-rending pain made Song Bencai twist and scream:

Ah! It hurts, it hurts so much!

I said, I said! It's in the basement of the house next door!

His faith collapsed, the torture of his soul defeated everything, and he told the truth directly!

Unexpectedly, he was recruited so quickly. Chen Banxian crushed his soul. This kind of person is not worthy of reincarnation!

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