Spreading rumors?

Chen Banxian was shocked when he heard this and looked at the covered underground pool in the center of the living room:

Lee Lauder, don't tell me that you have been living by spreading rumors since you came here.

This is my extraordinary ability, there's nothing I can do about it...

Li Laude took a sip of tea: You don't know, I have to pay off my mortgage, and there are many relatives and friends who have difficulties asking me to borrow money. My former classmates will help me if they can. If I don't spread rumors, where will the money come from?

He didn't feel too burdened by this, and was even happy about it, half-jokingly:

I can get money just by saying a word. Isn't this more comfortable than robbing a bank?

He needs the relationship with his classmates, and some big shots need his abilities. Cooperation is a win-win situation.

Chen Banxian raised his eyes and looked at Li Laude's head.

After obtaining Yin De before, he can see a person's Yin De, merit and merit.

But looking at Li Lauder's head, he found little merit, no merit, and negative virtue.

The yin virtue is black, the auspicious black is the good yin virtue, and the evil black is the evil yin virtue. At this time, his yin virtue is already frighteningly dark.

You haven't left the city, have you? Chen Banxian put away his ghostly eyes and asked casually.

Why are you going out of the city? I don't want to go out of the city in my life.

Li Loud had a deep understanding of the period of migration, and he never wanted to live like that again in his life.

It's the right thing not to leave the city, otherwise I'll never see you again.

With such a loss of yin and virtue, let alone going out of the city, he might choke to death if he drinks water in the next second.

That Li Loude could live to see him proved that life should not be cut off, and God gave him another chance.

Who are you spreading rumors about? Chen Banxian took off his paper bag head, and Li Lauder's pupils shrank.


He screamed: Aren't you dead?

During the party at the Shui'an Restaurant, everyone knew that Chen Banxian didn't like to be high-profile, so no one took the initiative to disclose the news that he was still alive, so most people were still setting up boat lanterns outside the city.

You know my profession, right? Chen Banxian asked Li Laude to calm down and not make a fuss.

He pointed at the top of Li Laude's head: Your moral integrity has been reduced, and your family's feng shui is not good. If you continue to fail, you will soon have to report to the Lord of Hell.

After Li Luode was overjoyed, he was stunned by these words.

My moral virtue has become negative? He did not question Chen Banxian's words, but instead thought: Impossible? I also lent so much money to relatives, friends and classmates, how come my moral virtue has become negative?

Chen Banxian did not go to drink tea, but directly pointed out the feng shui problem in his home.

There are piles of rags at the door, people and household affairs are in a mess, and there is a draft when entering the house, which indicates abdominal diseases and skin. For secret wealth, take water and hide it in the house. Water is a source of wealth, not righteous wealth.

He said: You received a lot of money for spreading rumors, and it was all dirty money. However, you couldn't save the money and spent it in various ways.

Moreover, after you moved in, in addition to not being able to keep money, your gastrointestinal condition was also bad, and you couldn't digest food, causing you to be malnourished now.

Yes, that's right!

Li Luode felt that he had finally met a savior: I can't absorb anything I eat and have diarrhea. Today I saw a Chinese medicine doctor who told me to eat some whole grains.

He also said that it was even more difficult for him to make any progress in the basic cultivation method of Baihu City. After practicing for a while, he looked like he had not practiced at all.

The reason why you are alive today is because of the dirty money you lent.

If in the past, Chen Banxian would avoid such people who didn't know how to control their desires.

But it was different now. He was able to find Li Laude's place, so he patted him on the shoulder and said, Fortunately you met me.

Thank you, boss, thank you, boss! Li Laude felt that he was really blessed by God. If it weren't for Chen Banxian, he might not have known about it.

Boss, what should I do with my shameful virtue? I will never spread rumors again, ever again!

It's easy to say. Chen Banxian suggested: Although the karma cannot be repaired, the moral character can still be restored. You just need to do more good deeds.

Do more good deeds?

Li Loude cried sadly: It's over, it's over, I've made so many rumors, how long will it take to make up for it?

He knew it very well, and he would have been honest if he had known it, and would not have been blinded by black coins.

Don't worry, I'm here.

Chen Banxian patted him on the shoulder: First make the Feng Shui hexagram gold, and then I will show you a method that can quickly remedy the negative virtues. If done correctly, you may be able to gain merit.

Boss is indeed a boss! Li Laude quickly took out his black coin card: I lent a lot of it, and there are more than two thousand black coins in it. Boss, please accept it!

Chen Banxian doesn't want too much dirty money.

He accepted it with a smile and gained the skill of passing on lies.

One thing that is said will quickly infect people at a level lower than the communicator, and it will spread quickly for half an hour, and it will become more and more outrageous based on this incident.

If you want to keep spreading, you have to keep talking.

Obviously he came to Li Laude for help, but Li Laude paid for it himself and participated voluntarily.

He told the latter how to deal with the Ezhao Cult and the Ninth Sculpture.

Eh, E-Zhao Sect? Li Laude thought for a moment and took out a business card from his pocket, which happened to be from E-Zhao Sect and the teacher's teachings.

Is this something? They asked me to join this so-called sect. I didn't have time to respond because I recently blindly guessed that I wanted to spread the news about my mistress to two noble gentlemen.

There was an address on the name card, which made Chen Banxian's eyes light up.

Then what are you waiting for? Let's go and have a look at this address.

You bastard, dare to threaten him, he will make the Ezhao Cult ascend to heaven on the spot, and the whole family will spirally explode.

Boss, you are so kind to me! Li Laude was so moved that the two of them looked for the address and came to the core city.

People here come and go with green cards. Will members of the Ezhao Cult appear here?

They came to a villa.

The villa has a small rockery courtyard with gurgling water and neatly trimmed lawns.

There were already people leaning on crutches at the door, watching their figures.

Mr. Li, I have been waiting for a long time.

How did you know I was coming? Li Laude was surprised and glanced at Chen Banxian subconsciously.

Boss, this letter is not from me, please don’t misunderstand me!

Of course we have our own ways. The man bent down and said, The master is waiting for you upstairs. Please come with me.

It turns out that he is a housekeeper, but he is also a member of the Ezhao Sect, and he has the aura of faith of the Ezhao Sect.

The so-called second floor actually has an open-air swimming pool, and a dozen young and beautiful girls were playing in it, and they were very happy for a while.

However, they are all just the master's playthings.

The Master was young, in his thirties at most, and was enjoying the services of a few small mouths. When he saw Chen Banxian and Li Laude, he kicked several girls away:

Go get the money.

The girls immediately got up humbly and ran away quickly without caring about putting on their clothes.

Li Laude and Chen Banxian looked straight in the eye.

Li Luode's eyes widened even more. Is it such a coincidence? He saw his former goddess in the girl.

Do you still remember that she was so arrogant and cool, but now she is kneeling here to eat her?

Being kicked, and having to laugh along with it, is extremely despicable!

This scene had a huge impact on him.

The master stood up and put on his bathrobe: First time meeting, Mr. Li, this is Lei Daoming of the Lei family in Baihu City.

Lei Daoming glanced at Chen Banxian who was following him, thinking he was Li Laude's bodyguard or friend, and didn't pay attention.

What the church needs is Lee Lourd, and no one else matters.

They took a fancy to Li Loude's ability and investigated his details early. Today's scene with the goddess was also carefully prepared by them.

I thought she was a strong-willed woman who needed to waste a lot of energy, but I didn't expect that she would stop caring about everything as soon as she saw the money.

Ha, indeed despicable.

Seeing that Li Laude was silent, Lei Daoming smiled and said, I have prepared a small banquet, please follow me.

Several people turned around the villa swimming pool area and came to the luxurious lobby. The floor was paved with soft mats and was clean and tidy. In fact, there was no need to wear shoes when entering the villa.

The naked girls were holding dinner plates with exquisite food on them. Lei Daoming sat down and clapped his hands, and they took turns holding the plates.

The curls of cigarette smoke rise in the golden furnace, adding to the charm.

Extravagant, extravagant to the extreme.

How could a normal person do this? Chen Banxian can be sure that Lei Daoming's mental state is no longer normal.

Li Luode felt dizzy. He had never dreamed of such enjoyment.

Sure enough, the life of modern rich people is more comfortable than that of emperors.

Seeing Li Laude gradually getting lost, Lei Daoming smiled and looked outward.

Suddenly a girl walked in, wearing an exciting pearl sexy outfit, and took the initiative to approach Li Loude.

Junior, sister makes you happy.

This is clearly Li Loude's goddess.

Watching her gradually kneel down, Li Luode looked in a daze.

Unreal, yet it seems like a dream come true, such solicitation, such impact, Ezhaojiao? This is not a cult, this is heaven!

However, Chen Banxian slapped him.


Li Luode looked at him blankly.

Is this what you think of yourself in your heart?

Chen Banxian pointed at the goddess on the ground begging for return: That's it? What's the difference between love worth a few hundred dollars?

The lost Li Loude's eyes flashed with clarity, and he suddenly realized what he was doing, and broke out in a cold sweat!

He quickly took a few steps back and pulled up his pants: No, no! No! I'm not such a person!

He is extraordinary and has money, but he also has a bottom line.

If you want a woman, women will rush to throw themselves into his arms, but this is not the case.

His feelings should be like a spring breeze, warm and soothing, not so utilitarian, so...so...disgusting!

Friend, you are ruining our relationship.

Lei Daoming's eyes were faintly threatening, like a poisonous snake: Be careful of the unsafe roads at night.

He frowned, what on earth was the organization doing? Why would you let this person follow Li Lauder to cause havoc?

Obviously, obviously he almost succeeded just now.

Life is nothing but fame and wealth. Chen Banxian sneered, walked to the center of the room, opened the golden incense burner and extinguished the burning incense.

With another wave of his hand, the cold wind blew by, blowing away all the smell in the room.

You still need to use such dirty methods to win over people. I really look down on your Ezhao Cult.

Lei Daoming was secretly vigilant and could detect problems with just one glance. He was a master.

However, he, Lei Daoming, has survived to this day and is not something to be trifled with. He clapped his hands, and four extraordinary beings suddenly stood in front of Chen Banxian.

kill him.

Just eliminate the unstable factors.

The four extraordinary beings are all men, and they usually seem to enjoy the love here.

One of them took action and struck out a very penetrating thin line. The speed was so fast that the incense burner in the middle was instantly scratched and broken.

Just in time, I'm also holding in my anger, so I'll give you an appetizer first.

He actually used two fingers to pinch the thin thread that looked like flowing light, and pulled hard, causing the transcendent to fly forward uncontrollably.

The other hand caught his neck, and Chen Banxian's fists fell like raindrops!


The speed was so fast that there was only one sound, but it had already broken all the bones in the man's body.


He smiled evilly and disappeared on the spot.

Before the remaining three people could react, one of them raised a light-like barrier: I'll stop you!

As a result, the barrier exploded and the unreasonable fist fell again.

The second person died violently!

No! I can't beat him!

The remaining two extraordinary beings no longer thought about taking action and just ran away for their lives. They ran away like crazy, and even trampled the goddess's lower body along the way, trampling the pearls and bones into the flesh and blood.

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