So what if you are a transcendent? Do you want to kill me by force?

Li Si shouted angrily and found that things were a bit beyond his expectation.

I'm warning you, this is Baihu City. You are not allowed to hurt or kill people privately. This is illegal and will be punished!

He shouted loudly and even took out a recording device from his body: I will record everything, and it will be the most favorable evidence when the time comes!

Chen Banxian waved his hand, and the device was shattered.

Please record it again and take a look.

Li Si really has another one. This is psychic technology. It is still in the experimental stage and few people can obtain it.

The result was broken by Chen Banxian again.

Friends, you have to be merciful and merciful. I swear I really don't know about this crossbow and the kid. Let's sit down and talk slowly, okay?

He relented, afraid that Chen Banxian would take action directly.

He was not an extraordinary person, and he had just started practicing the basic cultivation methods. He had no intention of confronting the uninvited guest in front of him.

He was buying time, waiting for someone to rescue him.

The Feng Shui pattern here is excellent, and he has lived here for a while, believing that he is blessed by a blessed place and can turn bad luck into good luck.

Chen Banxian came to Li Si and pinched his arm: What benefits has the Ezhao Cult given you? What kind of brainwashing has it given you so that you would rather die than keep your faith?

I don't understand what you are talking about. Li Si was still vague.

Chen Banxian smiled: You can let me go if you want. You swear to God that you don't know anything about the Ezhao Cult, and my family's Feng Shui bureau was not arranged by you.

Swear to God?

Li Si remained silent and did not dare to speak.

Swear, say, if you break this oath, the sky will strike with thunder.

Chen Banxian sneered, looking at Li Si as if he were looking at a clown.

Chen Banxian, don't go too far!

Li Si directly named the villain: He no longer had the fear before. He stopped pretending and showed his cards. Yes, he did all of this!

Don't think that you can do whatever you want and be sure of victory. I admit that you are powerful, but that is in Liangcheng, not in my Baihu City!

Li Si sat down directly in front of Chen Banxian and raised his head coldly: If you don't want important people to disappear, don't take action against me, otherwise, you will regret it for the rest of your life!

Important person?

Chen Banxian sneered directly: Sorry, I have no father, mother, or relatives. I really can't think of anyone important.

To threaten him with this, was he high while doing the investigation?

No one important? Li Si sneered directly and threw out a photo

You are playing with fire. His voice was very low, very low, very low...

It was so low that the wind on the entire mountaintop was silent and the birds were silent.

Mr. Chen, can you sit down and talk?

Li Si smiled faintly and turned the photo over.

Why does a corpse make Chen Banxian so angry?

Just because there are two words written on the back.


Xiaoshou, formerly known as Yi Changshou, was called Xiaoshou because he was usually too thin.

Because of his thin body, Xiao Shou did not have a good life in the orphanage.

As for Chen Banxian, everyone is jealous. Good-looking children will compete with them for rich people who are willing to adopt them.

Naturally, three lonely souls got together, shared the same hatred, and stayed together in that small and cold yard.

They are not family, but they are better than family. Xiao Shou's departure was the biggest blow to the other two!

There was even a period of time when Fang Ping was always thinking about revenge, but Chen Banxian stopped him firmly, which led to the subsequent estrangement.

Otherwise they would not live separately.

Although no one said it, they all knew that different personalities would produce different results. Without strength, Fang Ping's aimless revenge would only make Chen Banxian lose another sibling and friend.

Even if he succeeds, he cannot escape the fate of being buried with him.

But now that he has the strength, Chen Banxian can no longer find out who did it in the first place.

Actually, there is no deep hatred between us, is there?

Li Si said slowly: We have indeed noticed you very early. Your combat power is too extraordinary.

They collected a lot of information, and the most secretive things were also thrown out of the water: In order to prevent you from affecting our great cause, we have deliberately avoided you, and even used Feng Shui layout to mess up your mood.

Unexpectedly, I missed a move and you still came to my door. Chen Banxian, you are really amazing. Any enemy of yours should be afraid.

is not that right? Which force would dare to provoke an existence that can unleash a nuclear bomb?

If the hard one doesn't work, they think of the soft one.

There is no problem in this world that cannot be solved. Except for those damn paradoxes, as long as you are willing to use your brain, there is always a way.

Chen Banxian, now you just need to ignore this matter, and we will avoid you. Let's just pretend this never happened. How about that?

Ignore it? Chen Banxian sneered: You poach my friends, kill innocent people, ruin my feng shui, and just ignore it and that's it?

His voice was cold to the bone: I want to find you, find each of you, each of your relatives, friends, wives, children, peel off your skin and cramps, make them into dried meat and hang them in Baihu City!

At this time, he tore open the paper bag covering his head, his expression was more terrifying than the devil.

Li Si's heart trembled, feeling that disaster was imminent, especially when he saw this appearance, his surprise was already shrouded in fear.

According to the information, Chen Banxian rarely reveals his true appearance in front of outsiders. Once he reveals his true appearance, he is either a relative, friend, or an enemy.

And enemies rarely survive.

I'm still too conservative. The devil said this way: Thinking that the loser can't stand up and can no longer threaten me, thinking that I have nothing to worry about and no one can be involved.

He approached Li Si step by step: I didn't expect, I didn't expect that you would dare to dig up corpses and blackmail me.

He planned to crush Li Si's limbs first. If he didn't believe him, he wouldn't speak.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

Suddenly, applause came from one side of the room.

It was silent, neither of them noticed.

Wonderful, so wonderful!

The visitor was wearing a black bird-head mask: It's ridiculous, it's really ridiculous.

Who would have known that Chen Banxian, Master Chen, the strongest man in Liangcheng, the Dinghai Shenzhen, and the man who explodes hydrogen bombs, only cares about a corpse.

The bird-headed man didn't care about the murderous atmosphere and came to Chen Banxian to block Li Si who was about to collapse.

Li Si breathed a sigh of relief and fell to the ground sweating profusely. For a moment just now, he felt like he was dead.

Chen Banxian, should I say you are weird? Or pathetic?

Look, you're an orphan, without a father or a mother. Your best friend is dead and your only love is divided. Now you're all alone. What else do you have? What's left?

Oh, Fang Ping, we can't move Fang Ping, but he can't help you with anything. You... are so pitiful.

To kill someone is to kill one's heart.

Chen Banxian clenched his fists tightly: Do you really think that I don't dare to kill people?

Kill people, you should kill them. The bird-headed man was not afraid at all: If you wanted to kill, you would have killed him long ago. Let me tell you, we even know who killed him in the first place - Xiao Shou!

Oh, yes, yes, that's the expression, that's the expression!

The bird-headed man laughed loudly: I just admire your expression, what do you think? Are you angry or frustrated?

He wasn't afraid at all, because he didn't show his true face to Chen Banxian at all.

Even his body is fake. If the superiors didn't value Li Si's ability, he wouldn't even show up.

Chen Banxian's face turned black, and he felt manic rising in his heart, which he couldn't suppress.

He wanted to kill at all costs, kill this bird-headed man, kill this Ezhao sect, kill everything!

Detonate another hydrogen bomb! Send the entire Baihu City to the sky, and all enemies will be killed!

The bird-headed man noticed something was wrong, he seemed to have gone too far.

He is fine. If Li Si dies, the leader will not let him go.


On Chen Banxian's shoulder, the Banjiao suddenly grew in size and blocked in front of him.

She protected him with her body and stared at the bird-headed man.


No words, murderous.

Jiaowei, gently hold Chen Banxian's hand, you have no relatives, but also me.

She didn't allow anyone to bully Chen Banxian. She said, if there was, she would tear you to pieces!

There is always someone to save you when you fall into the abyss.

Chen Banxian took a deep breath to calm down a bit.

If he really killed everyone in Baihu City, he wouldn't be able to carry the huge karma back.

Jiaojiao, can you go out and help me guard the door?

He gently touched her head: Don't get close. Use a branch to pull me out in an hour.

He specifically warned: You must stay within one meter of me. You must also follow this rule when using branches and take me out of the house.

What are you going to do?

The bird-headed man's voice was cold: I'm warning you, once we have a problem, you won't see Xiaoshou's body again.

His tone was stern: We will bury him in a place with the worst feng shui, so that he will not have a good death in his next life!

Don't worry, how could I be willing to hurt you?

Chen Banxian sneered, and when he saw Banjiao Yiyan going out to guard the wooden house, he put down the sword spirit and created a soundproof airflow, and then he spoke calmly.

Fang Ping, take action.

Li Si and the bird-headed man looked at each other, and suddenly their souls came out: Impossible! Isn't Fang Ping still there...

good! Know! not yet! obliterate!

Fang Ping is a cover-up! He grabbed the two of them and activated his ability directly!

Outside the wooden house, Banjiao heard some noise and stood uneasily outside the house, closely monitoring the surroundings.

Once there is any trouble, she will let her enemies know what it means to be a dragon with reverse scales, and those who touch it will die.

She doesn't usually fight, but how many snakes are there in the current world? She may be the first snake to turn into a dragon, and also the first dragon.

This identity is enough to explain some problems.

An hour, whether it is long or short, is counted silently.

When the time was almost up, she couldn't wait to break a branch and take Chen Banxian out of the house.

At this time, Chen Banxian's face was flushed and his eyes were red and swollen, which made Jiao feel distressed.

Okay, I've almost finished asking.

The flush on his face faded and turned into a gloomy look.

Critical information was not asked.

This Ezhao sect is suspected of being an extraordinary person who modifies memory, and is probably the so-called leader.

In fact, it’s not bad to think about it. We have to return to the embrace of Ezhao anyway, so why not take advantage of the ability to enjoy it? Why not...

No! wrong!

Chen Banxian was frightened. This Ezhao religion had the ability to influence other people's minds. His conscience was still intact and he had no defense in his heart, so it was eroded unconsciously.

Playing with people's hearts is the scariest thing.

Li Si asked questions and did not know, but it was the bird-headed man who contacted him, and the bird-headed man was only one of the twelve deacons of the Ezhao sect.

The leader can directly contact the deacons, who are divided into black-clothed civilian believers and ordinary believers.

Legend has it that their leader can directly listen to the teachings of Ezhao and spread the brilliance of Ezhao, level by level.

Ordinary believers are survivors, while commoners are capable people like Li Si, or rich men and nobles.

The deacons, like the bird-headed men, are extraordinary people with extraordinary abilities, and the leader is even more mysterious.

The power of the Ezhao Cult is complex, and it is not even limited to District 14. The bird-headed man said that he has seen other deacons in other districts.

It seems that it has developed into a behemoth under the natural barrier of Baihu City. It is no longer possible for one person to shake it.

If you accidentally hit a snake, it will not die, and the dead tree will spring again, unless you deal with the leader, or evil!

Chen Banxian had reason to suspect that Ezhao was a being similar to the man in the mirror in the dungeon, and had made plans early.

They have a strict hierarchy. Only the leader contacts the deacons, the deacons contact the commoners, and the commoners contact the ordinary members of the church. There is no contact from the bottom up.

Therefore, it is very difficult to follow the clues.

Chen Banxian escorted the two to find Ninth and explained the situation in detail. Now it was no longer a question of whether it could be avoided, but this thing had to be solved.

Ninth has great righteousness, Chen Banxian is angry in his heart!

He has a conscience and cannot use it casually. He is afraid that if he uses it, he will become one of the deacons of the Ezhao Cult.

Should Fang Ping be involved? With his help, we may be able to gain more information.

No, he can't be involved!

Chen Banxian was deeply aware of the threat of the Ezhao Sect. It would be a disaster if Fang Ping became a member of the Ezhao Sect.

Let me think, let me think...

His brows had never furrowed so deeply, and he once again encountered a difficult problem in life.

Tsk, boy, grandpa, I just learned about numerology, and you can't do it again?

The sword spirit suddenly spoke behind him, startling the two of them.

Death Sword, do you have any idea?

Chen Banxian's eyes lit up, yes, why did he forget this thing?

It's a little bit mouth-watering, but it's really easy to use!

Call grandpa to come and listen? The sword spirit smiled proudly.

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