This guy won't take anything easy!

So Bizhong and others looked at each other: Captain, how about we do something tough?

Being aggressive in the first meeting will leave a bad impression on both parties.

Li Gang did not accept the proposal. He still wanted to leave some room, so he continued to try to communicate.

But no matter how hard they try, how they try to get closer, whether they praise or benefit, this person just won't open the door.

Chen Banxian: Where did the annoying spirit come from? Don't you have anything to do of your own?

Zhu Jingjia's patience was almost exhausted: Captain, he is playing with us!

I know, I know. Li Gang thought for a moment and felt that it wouldn't hurt to use a little force occasionally.

Anyway, it's just a civilized world with technology hundreds of years behind theirs...

Then let's do it. Song Hailong breaks the goal and the others prepare.

Okay, I've been waiting for this moment! Song Hailong's exoskeleton armor was fully prepared, pressing the door fiercely and preparing to violently push it open!

Unexpectedly, the door suddenly opened by itself from the inside, and they pushed it empty!

The five people looked stunned, and the people inside the door were also stunned for a moment.

Then, they saw a smile appear on the face of the extremely stunning looking man.

Are you guys planning to take action?


Chen Banxian slapped them one after another. The so-called nanomaterial protective clothing and the so-called alloy exoskeleton could not even hold their own in his hands.

Broken, broken all over the floor!

One person thought the air was poisonous and struggled subconsciously, forgetting how to breathe.

I can't breathe, I can't breathe! Bi Zhong struggled on the ground holding his neck, making Chen Banxian look embarrassed.

He slapped the person unconscious and looked at the remaining people.

Tell me, where did you come from? What are you here for? Why are you looking for me? What is the purpose of looking for me?

He crossed his legs and said, You'd better not lie, otherwise my next slap may fall on your head.

Broken, discovered!

Li Gang knew very well that this person had obviously discovered them a long time ago, otherwise everything would not be such a coincidence.

But what shocked him even more was the strength of this aborigine.

How did he manage to break the exoskeleton armor with just his hands?

You must know that this kind of armor is originally made for complex terrain and harsh environments. It is very strong and can withstand the weight of more than ten tons.

In other words, this small slap exceeds more than ten tons? What an international joke, even if genetic technology is successfully developed, it is not so exaggerated!

Of course, it has to be said that the appearance of the aboriginal people is reflected in his aesthetics, and Li Gang really can't find any faults.

Seeing that they were still silent, Chen Banxian gradually lost patience and planned to take action forcefully.

Anyway, hasn’t Fang Ping been idle recently? These people can't hide any secrets from him.

Judging from their costumes, they are probably the civilization of the wandering planet that You Yan mentioned.

But Chen Banxian didn't expect that You Yan actually lived next door to him?

Confused! Missed the great opportunity to have a series of stories with the beautiful neighbor!

Li Gang raised his head cautiously: You, Qianhao, actually we have no ill intentions.

Finally spoke.

Very good, go on.

Actually, we come from another world through your white mist technology. We just don't know why the white mist appears on our planet.

Li Gang considered his words and tried to be kind. After all, they were intruders, and their first impression was not very good.


Chen Banxian repeated these two words and highlighted them, How about the number of words that don't need to be watered down?

Li Gang's expression changed slightly and he told the truth: Actually, our world is about to make it impossible for humans to survive, so we are looking for a place where we can live.

So you are attracted to this place. Chen Banxian expressed their inner thoughts: If you think we are weak, you will conquer with violence, if you think we are strong, you will talk about diplomacy and harmony?

This is human nature. Isn’t the history of a country in peacetime like this?

They went to a certain continent, and the aboriginal people on the continent took good care of and entertained them, but then they turned around and killed the aboriginal people.

There seems to be some kind of holiday, oh, Thanksgiving.

No, no, no, we don't have this idea.

Li Gang put himself in a very weak position: We just want to survive, that's all. We have been wandering in the stars for hundreds of years, and we really can't hold on any longer.

A planet that has been wandering for hundreds of years, with depleted resources, declining population, and aging equipment that cannot be repaired, is giving them an ultimatum.

will die.

The scythe of death is approaching their civilization step by step, but they cannot see the only hope.

The white mist was like a life-saving straw at this time, lighting up a way for them to survive in the darkness.

What can you bring to us? Chen Banxian glanced at him: Also, how many people do you have? There are too many for us to accommodate.

After all, when he watches movies, it seems that the population is also calculated in hundreds of millions, right?

What can it bring? This brings to an important point.

Li Gang finally sounded much more high-spirited: We have advanced quantum computer technology, from nanometer level to superconducting research results, from genetic diseases to controllable nuclear fusion technology, as well as space elevator and gravity technology, etc., after several years A hundred years of development is enough to bring about earth-shaking changes to your world.

There are many technologies he talks about, most of which are ideas that existed during peacetime. They are cutting-edge technologies that are not available in Daxia or even the entire world.

Originally, if it could continue to develop, Daxia would one day use these technologies sooner or later.

But the way of heaven returns, the soil of science and technology is corroded, precision electronic components are destroyed, and the flowers of science and technology can no longer bloom.

They will never be able to develop these technologies.

Li Gang's arrival must play a decisive role, perhaps allowing psychic technology to be combined with future technology, thus creating a bright spark.

Li Gang added: We don't have many people left. The total population of the underground city that we can still contact now is estimated to not exceed 10 million.

Ten million……

The listener is careless, but the speaker is in tears.

They once had a population of as many as seven billion. In order to survive and to continue civilization, they had to be halved at the very beginning!

Of the remaining 3.5 billion, half were lost due to damage to the planetary engine, and half were lost due to a series of civil strife, and half and half again. This number of deaths makes people dare not delve into it.

It was the despair of candlelight at the bottom of the sea.

Okay, come with me.

Chen Banxian stood up and led them to the core area again.

He just asked questions, and he didn't understand the specific discussions. He didn't understand how to plan the living space of these people.

He is just a fortune teller.

As for the scientific and technological interests involved, they are even bigger.

Leave the rest to Mr. Sister, he will always find a way.

After simple negotiation, Die Yunfei accepted five more troubles.

Five Trouble is still being shocked and recorded.

Along the way, the five people were shocked by this magical way of survival.

White mist is used to connect different spaces, just to build a safe shelter.

Those trucks that came and went were pulling huge monsters, a race they had never heard of.

According to common sense, a beetle cannot be bigger than a car, or it is that strange white creature that is captured like an energy body. Is it a ghost? And by what method was he detained?

There are also those superhuman humans who use fire and spit water as usual. They even saw someone cutting themselves into multiple pieces, taking off their heads at will and washing them in a pool nearby.

That man was standing next to them with Chen Banxian, who had sent them here.

It's great that you are still alive. Jiujiu stared at Chen Banxian closely: I originally wanted to resurrect you by using incense and worshiping gods, but I didn't expect you to live on your own.

Jiujiu said this without the slightest doubt. If Chen Banxian was really dead, he might really be able to be resurrected using this method.

You have so many clever ideas. He praised Ninth, and then asked him if there was any way to change his current situation.

How can anyone pick off their heads for fun?

I think this is good. I am gradually infecting my whole body with spiritual energy, assimilating it, and maybe I can become an innate Taoist body.

He was experimenting on himself, and a dead body worked better than a living one.

Ninth added: And I am now considered a zombie. I am immortal and will only get stronger as time goes by. I have enough time to conduct various tests.

The eternal life that others dream of is just a starting point for him. Ninth, it's a big deal!

However, he thought that everything he had was achieved through cultivation and changes in heaven and earth, and he did not realize at all how unnatural his abilities were.

Of course, it is also very useless. Now that two people have the same ability, the ninth one is brilliant, and Chen Banxian is shit...

Die Yunfei was dealing with diplomatic relations, and the two of them stopped staying, chatting and walking in District 14.

Chen Banxian learned that Ninth was currently investigating a matter.

It's exactly what happened with the bird-headed human statue before.

I originally thought that the reason would be found out soon, but I never thought that Ninth would encounter a huge obstacle!

There's a big problem with that statue!

Ninth said in a deep tone: I found a stronghold through Fang Ping's ability and found that the statue contains a strong power of faith incense. This is a cult!

The end of the world is full of disasters, and cults are also on the rise during this period. He suspects that someone wants to use his method to become a god through incense.

Legitimate beliefs accumulate incense too slowly, so some people try to take shortcuts and use unfair methods to harvest incense and seduce the masses.

After wandering around, Ninth stopped and they came to a building in Liangcheng District.

Ordinary buildings with thirty floors, the development of psychic technology has allowed the elevators to be restarted in these buildings.

Gradually, some people are willing to live in high-rise buildings.

According to the information from the only Ezhao believer, there is one of their kind here.

They came to the 24th floor corridor and stopped in front of an ordinary-looking hotel.

Why is he the only one? Is it so difficult to catch him?

Chen Banxian frowned. The Ezhao sect of this bird-headed human statue was quite hidden. If he hadn't accidentally discovered it, he would have barely heard anything about it.

It's not that they are difficult to catch. In fact, I have already caught at least a dozen teachers Ezhao.

Ninth stood in front of the door: It's because Fang Ping's ability has been affected, and he actually has the tendency to join the Ezhao cult, so I think he is no longer suitable to participate.

No wonder.

Chen Banxian discovered that Jiujiu did not directly knock on the door to investigate, but was observing something at the door.

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