There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 163 Waterfront Restaurant

As night falls, people gradually come to Shui'an Restaurant.

The welcoming attendants lined up in two rows outside the gate.

The clean and bright red carpet is spotless, waiting to be stained by noble visitors.

The entire restaurant is surrounded by mountains and rivers, and there is no one in the vast landscape, just to make the scenery more beautiful.

Chen Banxian and Die Yunfei sat watching the river flowing slowly and chatting about past events.

They laughed out loud from time to time, laughing at each other's experiences.

Die Yunfei gradually got to know Chen Banxian more deeply and asked some questions.

For example: Do you want revenge after meeting the children who bullied you in the orphanage?

For example: Didn't your biological father and mother leave you anything?

Or: Brother Xian, I said you are so good at calculating, why don't you calculate where your parents are?

So what if we forget it? What if we don't count it?

Perhaps when he was a child, he would have been obsessed and resentful of his parents, but now, he only feels relaxed.

He still envied others having parents, but he didn't need them.

What if there is something unspeakable? Die Yunfei was not very determined: I have some influence here, maybe I can help you find it.

Rely on your sister?

Chen Banxian said three words lightly, which made Die Yunfei's face turn red.

Talking and laughing, a person wearing a formal and decent suit slowly opened the door and walked into the house.

Behind him was a royal lady with snowy eyebrows and white hair.

The visitor looked slightly familiar at the back of the figure who was chatting and laughing with his sister, but did not react for a moment.

Until the two of them heard the figure turning back, that familiar face made the visitor's head buzz!

Xiao! Gua! Immortal!

His voice changed: You're not dead!

Little Gun Fairy, you're fine. Chen Banxian invited him to sit down: Come and feel the difference in sitting on a chair that costs ten black coins a minute.

How come you're not dead!

Xu Changfeng still couldn't believe it, I put out boat lanterns for you every night, but you didn't die?

He felt that his emotions were wasted.

I couldn’t believe it, but I was laughing.

It would be better not to die, it would be better not to die.

Chen Banxian noticed that the imperial sister's breath was slightly familiar: Who is this?

The little gun fairy smiled proudly: This is my girlfriend, Sister Hu.


Chen Banxian almost coughed up his tea. Sister Tiger had transformed?

What's that look in your eyes? Sister Hu subconsciously squeezed Xu Changfeng's side as if remembering her previous encounter.

Her voice is no longer rough and heroic, but has a hint of charm:

Mom, I came into contact with Sister Youye and learned a way to transform. Isn't this normal?

Chen Banxian subconsciously looked at the Banjiao on his shoulder.

Everyone can transform, why can't you?


Banjiao rolled his eyes: Blame me?

A friend in need is a friend indeed. Sister Tiger's beauty and style are refreshing. It is normal for Xu Changfeng not to hold on.

A normal person wouldn't be able to hold on.

Yo, I'm late.

Fang Ping arrived and saw that face.

What the hell?!

He rubbed his eyes vigorously: What the hell?

Fang Ping couldn't believe it and rubbed his eyes again. He kept saying Holy shit and quickly stepped forward to take a closer look at Chen Banxian.

Then, his face suddenly changed: Speak! What kind of thing are you? How dare you pretend to be my brother? You'd better show your true colors on your own initiative, otherwise I want you to look good, grandpa!

He grabbed Chen Banxian's hand in an exaggerated manner, not believing that his son was resurrected from the dead, so he decided to activate his ability.

Chen Banxian's eyes narrowed, and when he saw his eyes, he almost instantly knew what he was going to do. It was so familiar, that malicious look was so familiar!

He pulled, tugged, and threw Fang Ping into the water in an arc.

Thief Sun, you still want to cheat on Grandpa, what the fuck!

Fang Ping was a little bit on the water, blue spiritual energy bloomed, and he flew back.

Damn it, it's really you, you're not dead?

A big man with a square face couldn't help but shed tears.

Without parents, they have depended on each other since childhood and have become close relatives of flesh and blood.

Normally he would not show it, but it was before his true feelings were revealed. At this time, Fang Ping, regardless of his face, burst into tears and cursed that Chen Banxian was not a human being!

You damn fool, you deserve to be ridden on a horse! You're so good at riding a horse!

No one understands his mood, no one understands his discomfort, perhaps only Chen Banxian could understand it when he died.

Chen Banxian hugged him gently and let him cry until he had enough.

More and more people are arriving,

They were very happy that Chen Banxian was still alive, and the banquet officially began.

Everyone took turns toasting to Chen Banxian, and Bie Shuang and his sister Bie Xue drank three large glasses of grape juice proudly.

She thought no one saw it, but in fact it was just that no one said anything.

It's done when the feelings arrive.

During the banquet, everyone was very happy, except Die Yunfei who looked at the door from time to time.

Don't look, those two won't come.

Chen Banxian stopped his gaze, fearing that there would be some scandal.

Many people were invited to this party.

They are all comrades who have shared hardships together, including Gao Yuanyuan, the shelter news publisher and ranking organizer.

There's no guarantee that the triangular relationship will spread to the entire District 14 tomorrow.

A party where guests and hosts enjoy themselves.

Of course, there was also a certain noble named Tai who waited until late at night but did not wait for Die Yunfei who agreed to him.

In the evening, Chen Banxian left alone carrying the coffin. He rejected the core area residence that Die Yunfei helped him buy.

It was too deserted and comfortable here. He was afraid that he would forget what the world was like outside now, and he was also afraid that he would forget the alien races that were eyeing him.

Just like the sword spirit said, he chose an extremely difficult path.

But that’s the challenge, isn’t it?

It was already late at night, and there were basically no people in the outer city, except for the extraordinary people who were rushing home.

He was carrying the coffin, and someone was carrying the boat in front of him. Their staggered steps stopped almost at the same time.


It was the sound of the boat falling.

Almost in the blink of an eye, a person appeared in front of Chen Banxian. His upper body was covered with bloodstains. He was handsome and tall, with well-defined muscles and an excellent figure.


Sun Haibo stared at the man in front of him. He couldn't be wrong, it couldn't be wrong!

You're not dead!

His voice was so sure that Chen Banxian was surprised.

Damn it, how did you recognize it?

He carries a paper bag with a Pikachu design.

How could I not recognize it?

Sun Haibo grasped the shoulders of the person in front of him tightly with both hands. Chen Banxian, who was just over 1.7 meters tall, looked extremely petite under his size.

You're still alive, great, great!

Perhaps only the person involved could understand the feeling of regaining something lost. He couldn't describe his feelings and didn't know how to express them. He just grabbed Chen Banxian's shoulders with both hands. gentle.

Chen Banxian sighed. He suddenly found that he couldn't understand this person.

Aren't they love rivals?

Very good, very good! Sun Haibo realized his gaffe and reluctantly let go of his hand: Next time, don't be so impulsive.

He said: I will tell Su Yun, she will be very happy too.

Chen Banxian couldn't stand his fiery gaze: I have something else to do, so I'll leave first.

Have a rest early. Sun Haibo grasped this speed and did not stick to it, which was inconsistent with other people's expectations.

It’s a bit awkward. I’ll think about how the plot will unfold later. That’s it for today.

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