There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 151 Don’t let him be alone

Lin Tian was not dead. He was in a half-dead state. The crystal dew of life maintained his vitality. If he wanted to survive, he had to treat him quickly.

Xiao Guaxian, how could you come up with this idea!

Xu Changfeng didn't know whether to cry or laugh, he was too decisive.

Old Tan.

Xu Changfeng raised his head and said, Go back.

go back?

Lao Tan was surprised: At this time, they are still going back?

Believe him. Xu Changfeng could only say: Save Lin Tian first, we have to race against time.

At this moment, a bronze mirror flew over and landed next to them.

Go back with the bronze mirror.

Chen Banxian's voice came from afar.

That night, Lin Tian was seriously injured, the hydrogen bomb was held by the Dinghai Shenzhen of the Third Sanctuary, and the news of going to the alien race alone spread like the wind.

This is the first time that Chen Banxian has become famous inside the three shelters, with his true identity.

People used to only know him as the boss of the Third Sanctuary, but they had no idea what his experience was or where he came from.

I don’t know much about this person except that he likes to wear paper bags.

However, as people dug deeper, Chen Banxian’s information could no longer be hidden.

Hasn't he finished reading yet?

Orphaned, without a father or a mother, living on aid and school loans.

Have you ever had a relationship with Boss Su? Do you also have a triangle relationship with Sun Haibo?

We should take a closer look at his past. How did he survive in school for three years without relying on scholarships and only applying for tuition loans?

He is a divination master. He once calculated an unknown migration of Liangcheng University and rescued a fellow transcendent teacher who was imprisoned in the mysterious world.

He fought against a small city in the Strange Realm all by himself, and he faced enemies in the Living Realm very early on!

He once calculated the crisis of the demon clan and rescued the leader Die Yunfei in a different space full of ghosts.

He was the first to come into contact with the alien race in Qingcheng. He seriously injured one alien race and captured another alien race. Otherwise, we, the extraordinary explorers, would not be able to escape.

He has already calculated this migration. Chen Banxian, Chen Banxian, this is truly a half-immortal!

With more and more information and news, everyone has a deeper understanding of what kind of person this is.

I don't like being famous, and I don't rely on strength to bully the weak. I can obviously rely on my appearance to make a living, but I have to rely on my ability.

His extraordinary ability has always been a mystery, but he is behind every major event in Liangcheng. Die Yunfei no longer hides it and talks about his achievements.

He predicted the monster in the river and dealt with the stiff water.

Even being able to predict the threat of aliens this time was Chen Banxian's news.

Not to mention that the current Secret Realm skills are from the aliens he captured, and the Hidden Cang Realm skills are also from Luo Wuque who he captured, etc.

He is there everywhere, and he is there everywhere. He is the one who silently contributes behind the shelter without asking anyone for anything in return.

When this news reached the car where Xiao Jinzi was sitting, they were shocked.

Sister Cai slapped her forehead: I'm confused. I never realized that Xiao Chen is such a person. Unfortunately, I still thought in my mind that he was a well-connected person!

Zheng Yue hugged Xiao Jinzi and trembled: No wonder he often doesn't see people. I thought he didn't like changing Xiao Jinzi's diapers.

At this time, in a car in the shelter, Su Yun stared blankly at the sky, and the surrounding comments kept echoing in her ears and impacting her brain.

She couldn't help but recall what she once said: I'm getting better, why can't you?

Why didn't you say it? Su Yun shed tears one by one.

Why didn't you say anything?

She covered her face, feeling uncontrollable heartache.

The golden fingers in her fingers exuded a cold breath under her tears.

When she saw it, she was lost in thought and slowly wiped away her tears.

Some things can't go back.

A car or two away from her, Fang Ping went crazy as soon as he heard the news.

My son is a promising man. Don't call me when he does such a big thing!

He came directly to the cab, turned the car and headed towards Qingcheng.

Don't be afraid, Erza, Ba Ba, who has never been defeated since his debut, is here to save you!

where you go?

Ninth stopped Fang Ping, You know, there is not enough time now, it is too late.

Let's go even if it's too late. Can't he just lie down and wait until I take off before I take him out for a ride?

Fang Ping is usually unconventional, but it's different now. It's different. He was panicked.

That's a nuclear bomb! What the hell is going on in that dog’s head!

Didn’t some people go to die? Why is he still going?

Can't he just not cause trouble?

Almost everyone who knows Chen Banxian is surprised that he hides it so deeply.

At this time, someone discovered clues from the experience of Xiaoguaxian.

Have you noticed that he seems to have no relatives and no friends.

If you look carefully, it is indeed the case.

Chen Banxian has always been alone and helpless, both before and after the disaster.

It is said that apart from Fang Ping, the honorary minister of the Ministry of Intelligence, he only has a snake by his side.

Yes, doesn't he feel lonely?

When everyone discovered this problem, someone suddenly sighed: It is said that his grades were very good when he first entered college, but his grades plummeted after he separated from Boss Su. He must have suffered a big blow.

Yes, everyone knows the feeling of a person who has never had anyone to accompany him and finally finds companionship and then suddenly separates.

The only difference is that they have family and friends, but Chen Banxian does not.

What is a hero? This is a question that makes people think deeply. Perhaps it is the people who are still willing to protect the beauty despite the pain in the world, and they are called heroes.

By the way, do you know where the boss's snake is?

People asked, wanting to see the snake that had been accompanying the boss.

Look, is it that!

Suddenly someone pointed in the direction of the tail of the third shelter, and a dragon soared into the sky. The road it came from was going crazy against the current. It was going to find Chen Banxian.

Whether it's true or not, as humans say, there's never enough time.

She went to find Mr. Chen Banxian.

People looked in the direction of the dragon.

Let's go, we can't let a snake compete with me. I'm going to see the boss. I even need to collect the boss's body. Is there anyone with me?

An extraordinary person raised his arms and shouted, and immediately, someone came out of each of the three shelters: I'm going, together!

I'll go too. The next two classes won't be mine. I'll have enough time to reach Baihu City.

We can't all arrive at Baihu City and the boss can't arrive yet, right? Let's go pick him up!

People hug each other and embark on a journey against the current.

They know in their hearts that this may be a useless effort, but they are still willing to go there even if they can only pick up a piece of clothing, and let the boss know that he is not alone.

Chen Banxian didn't know this.

He came to the ruins of Qingcheng alone, bypassed the secret realm, killed monsters along the way, and came to the space passage that blocked the sky and the sun with the sword spirit.

This passage is large enough to allow the troops from the Cang Cang Realm to arrive.

He carried the hydrogen bomb and waited quietly.

At the other end, Ba Han led the team, Cai Mujin followed grovelingly on one side, and hundreds of airships gathered in the air.

Haha, this time I must let the people from other worlds know what the unfathomable power of God is!

Ba Han is very confident. The cost of building these flying boats is not low, and the amount of spiritual stones consumed is huge. The weapon refining hall also took a long time to build.

All he needs to do is to enter another world and guard against that long thing before, and he will be invincible!

Earthlings, blood debt, blood payment!


Mr. Fei arrived and slowly looked at him.

What? Mr. Fei still wants to go with us?

Ba Han's tone was slightly lowered, but it couldn't be said to be too respectful.

Now, he is in charge of all affairs in the Tianyin Sect's other world.

You have to spare others and spare them. Mr. Fei advised: It's a small world, don't go too far.

Too much? Ba Han pointed to the side of his face, which was covered with burn marks.

Are you telling me too much? Since they dare to attack our Tianyin Sect, they must be prepared to exterminate the clan!

He wants to go on a killing spree until all life on that planet is wiped out.

A small world dared to take action against him, he was really impatient to live. Ba Han ignored the ugly-looking Fei Gongzi and directly sent a message:

Everyone, get ready to go!

He couldn't wait to see those wailing and begging for mercy under the artillery fire.


Mr. Fei sighed and had no choice but to give up.

He really admired the genius. Looking at the vast white mist in front of him, a familiar figure seemed to step out of a different space.

No, it doesn't seem to be, but that familiar figure really walked out.

It's Chen Banxian!

Mr. Fei couldn't believe his eyes, how dare he come directly to their world!

Almost the moment Chen Banxian appeared, something came from behind them from the direction of Tianyin Sect.

A huge sense of oppression came, the clouds did not dare to move, the insects did not dare to chirp, and the wind hid in the mountains.

A person suddenly appeared in front of Tianjiao.

Pei Dingfeng!

Master Dingfeng!

You dare to come to my world? There is a way to heaven but you don't take it, and there is no door to hell but you break in!

Pei Dingfeng narrowed his eyes and had already thought of various torture methods.

I will extract your soul and torture it slowly. Young man, have you ever regretted it?

I don't know about regret. I only know that you old guys are going to die.

Chen Banxian was not panicked. This was a mirror fake, here to test the enemy's situation.

Sure enough, there were more than a hundred foreign flying boats, and Feng Xiaohuan did not lie to him.

Mr. Fei quickly landed in front of Chen Banxian and asked in surprise: Why are you here?

He stood faintly between Chen Banxian and Pei Dingfeng. But he didn't dare to stand directly in front of Master Dingfeng. That would be disrespectful.

He winked cryptically: Prodigy from another world, are you here to join our Tianyin Sect or Da Feng?

If it weren't for this, the person in front of me today would definitely be in trouble.

Pei Dingfeng's expression softened slightly: If you join our Tianyin Sect, you must return my disciple.

Although he hates this son, if this son can become a member of Tianyin Sect, the advantages will outweigh the disadvantages.

Unfortunately, Chen Banxian is not here for this.

I thought your world was so strange, but this is what happened?

He pursed his lips and said, Is there anyone who can pick up the stars with the sun and the moon in his hands? Find him and let me open my eyes.


Pei Dingfeng became increasingly angry: Boy, you will regret what you did today.

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