How will you know if you don't try?

Chen Banxian took out the copper coins, which looked mysterious and mysterious, making the swordsman look at him sideways.

Could it be that this bastard is really the illegitimate son of God?

Chen Banxian shook the hexagram and drew the hexagram, and the hexagram became the same person of the Fenghuo family as the Heavenly Fire. Fire and metal are affected by wood, and the current summer qi suppresses dry metal...

Boy, can this hexagram speak to Master Tiandao?

The sword spirit's eyes widened, this was something he had never heard of.

Upon hearing this, Chen Banxian calmly collected the copper coins and said, Who told you that I would use copper coins to make a favor with God?

Do not be silly.

Chen Banxian collected the copper coins and ran to Banjiao's head carrying the Fengdu stone plaque.

The huge stone plaque barely covered the dying half dragon.


Banjiao raised his head with all his strength, and with his turbid pupils he vaguely saw Chen Banxian carrying a large plaque to cover up the heavy rain and the thunder in the sky.

Its condition is too bad, and the thunder from the sky is too terrifying to allow this dragon to completely transform.


The sky seemed to be angry, and huge thunder suddenly fell, covering the entire stone plaque. The flash of lightning even allowed Banjiao to see the bones in the body of the little man.

The paper bag on Chen Banxian's face shattered under the electric light, and the corners of his mouth raised: Little Jiaojiao, hurry up and take out the claws.

He was afraid that if he held on for a little longer, God would really get angry.

And just like that, the thunder in the sky never stopped. It gradually turned from the initial lightning to hot flames and thunder, and not long after, the thunder and fire turned into the coldest cold current. Shi Bian experienced fire, thunder, ice, During the three tribulations, Chen Banxian also experienced the three tribulations of fire, thunder and ice.

Hiss, if you can really withstand these lightning strikes, I believe you.

Chen Banxian grinned, which was unbearable for him, let alone Banjiao.

Damn it, that little bastard is crazy!

The sword spirit jumped up in shock and shook around: Don't drag me with you if you want to die. Who in ancient times can save others from calamity? This is deceiving the heavens and is a capital crime!

He was very panicked, which frightened Jian even more than before when he said let God negotiate.

It's not a big problem.

Chen Banxian supported the stone plaque: I believe in God.

I believe in you Male Gobi!

The sword spirit went crazy: I can't run away, it's over, it's over, I didn't expect that Master De Shenjian, I would end up being accidentally killed. If this spreads out... it's better not to spread the word!

On the shore, You Ye lightly covered her red lips, her peach-blossom eyes showing surprise.

Master Chen is truly a man of temperament.

When Banjiao saw it, his eyes were moved, tears filled his eyes, and his determination flashed away.

It was biting the two paws on its chest with its mouth as if it was desperate! Blood dripping, skin and flesh torn, scales broken.

It still didn't stop, biting a sharp claw with its teeth and pulling hard!

The sharp claws were pulled out by it, and the half-dragon was so angry that it hurt.

But it forced itself to take a breath, then bit the other claw, biting through the flesh and bone, biting off the bones, and then pulled hard, finally turning into a dragon between life and death.

It worked.

The calamity clouds in the sky no longer spread, the big fish stop, and the thunder gradually becomes smaller.

Chen Banxian put down the plaque and shook his arms as if nothing happened. There was not even a wound on his body.

The only regret was that all his clothes were in pieces, and he could only find a piece of cloth to wrap around.

Hey, are you okay?

The sword spirit couldn't believe it. He looked at the calamity cloud that was gradually dissipating: Why didn't God strike? This is unreasonable!

If the catastrophe could be saved by others, wouldn't the world be in chaos?

You Ye walked over slowly and bowed to Chen Banxian: Congratulations, master, for verifying what you thought in your heart. Congratulations on adding a general to your account.

Oh, I was spotted.

Chen Banxian blushed slightly: You turn around first, and I'll change my clothes.

You Ye chuckled, turned around reluctantly, and waited for Chen Banxian to put on his clothes again before turning his eyes.

What to verify? The sword spirit found that he was a little confused. After following this kid, his knowledge was not very useful.

Chen Banxian smiled mysteriously: You will understand when you grow to my level.

Bah, are you as tall as you? The sword spirit said disdainfully: A hundred thousand years ago, you weren't even qualified to smell Master Jian's farts.

Blow you.

Chen Banxian picked up the dying Banjiao and moved towards the migrating team. He still remembered that he was driving the car when he first saw it, but now he was holding it.

Not to mention, this dragon looks different with its claws. It is majestic and can be called a little dragon.

You bastard, you're better off treating a snake than a human. I really can't figure out what's in your head.

After returning, the sword spirit continued to chatter, which was enough to show that he was indeed frightened before.

Chen Banxian ignored the sword spirit and chatted with the extraordinary people on the car.

Where are you?

Chen Banxian asked casually to cover up the surprised looks of others towards Banjiao.

Arrived in Changping County.

Zheng Yue said with light in her eyes while holding the babbling little Jinzi.

If we go further through Qingzu County and Tongyao County, we can reach Baihu City.

The closer you get to Baihu City, the more roads there are around you. The wide stone bridges and roads extending in all directions show the civilization and development here more and more.

Compared with the small place of Liangcheng, Baihu City is located on a plain and has rich and gentle waterway transportation. It is the earliest city to develop in the southwestern region of Daxia.

It is a veritable giant city!

It will be safe when we get to Baihu City. Lao Jiang kept saying this. There were originally dozens of people in the third class in the car, but now they have lost nearly half of the class.

They just have ordinary strength, extraordinary speed, no special abilities, and can barely live a little better than ordinary people.

Yes, it will be safe once we reach Baihu City.

Sister Cai said the same thing. She talked about her experience when she was young: I went to Baihu City to work and met someone. Unfortunately, we separated in the end.

She looked back in memory: Baihu City was really developed. At that time, you could see all kinds of people on the streets, as well as all kinds of fancy clothes and various activities...

As she spoke, her eyes turned red: I once went to the streets to promote intangible cultural heritage. The world was obviously so good, but... the result...

Perhaps it was because we were almost at our destination, and everyone felt more relaxed. The nerves that had been forced by the life-and-death crisis along the way finally felt a little softer.

These are real people...

Chen Banxian stopped talking. He understood that he was just an introduction and would explode their emotions sooner or later.

Sister Cai, we haven't reached our destination yet, so don't be too sad yet.

Next to him, Liu Erwen, a man with a Chinese character and an extraordinary face, interrupted at an inappropriate time.

Patroling with emotions will kill you if you encounter danger.

He brought his sadness back to reality: The kid Xiaomi left the day before yesterday. When I went on the mission, I saw that something was wrong with him. He is exactly the same as you are now.

Sadness is the sword of Damocles of survival, the god of death that cuts people's lives. We can only fight it with absolute reason and calmness, and with tighter and tighter nerves.

Xiao Cai. Liu Erwen, who was a little older, said, Hold on a little longer until we get to Baihu City.

Thank you, Brother Liu. Sister Cai put away her emotions. In fact, this is not the first time. It is because of everyone's mutual support that we can survive until now.

In addition to luck, you also need the brains to control luck.

Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock...

The sound from Chen Banxian's pocket watch in the car was the only time in the car.

Shift change, shift change. Liu Erwen said with a smile, and everyone gradually stood up.

Wait a moment.

Chen Banxian stopped him.

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