Is there something extra around?

Chen Banxian thought he was talking about Qingshuang, so he laughed and teased: I'll just say that you have no sense with your broken sword. This is the Yin God, do you understand? God-given priesthood.

The sword spirit rolled his eyes vividly: Of course grandpa understands the Yin Shen thing. That's what grandpa is talking about, that ghost thing over there!


Chen Banxian followed the sword spirit's gaze and said, There's nothing there, it's just an extra person.

He still didn't have any alertness and felt that everything was normal. He even thought happily about whether to practice it after analyzing the immortal cultivation techniques in the Cang Cang Realm, how to practice them, and whether he could practice them.

Don't let the Demon Summoning Sutra and the Flying Immortal Body be swallowed by then.

The sword spirit looked at the extra things with faint eyes, feeling helpless and unable to deal with it. He had already said it, and the other party also noticed him.

Sigh...this sword slave is getting worse every generation.

The sword spirit's hilt hurt, and he felt that he was really unlucky for eight lifetimes. Other living weapons were fighting on the battlefield, but he was either hiding or inserting them.

Now, he still has to worry about the safety of the sword slave.

You bastard, take it and drink a drop of my life essence.

His sword body trembled, and dense water vapor condensed on the surface. The water vapor condensed together, and finally dripped from the tip of the sword.

Just a drop of milky white liquid.

When it condenses, the whole room smells fragrant. I can't tell what it smells like, but it's very comfortable.

Why is this thing such a color?

Chen Banxian controlled the airflow with his fingers, making the liquid float slowly in front of him.

The sword spirit seemed very tired: Don't worry, this is good food, you will know after eating it.

He cursed feebly: Grandpa, I'm so fucked up, my life is so fucked up, the catastrophe I've suffered, the twists and turns of Gan Lin Niang...

He lost his blood! Bad luck!

Chen Banxian tasted it lightly on the tip of his tongue. This stuff was really good. In an instant, he felt his soul stirred up. A wave of clarity spread from the tip of his tongue to his brain, and his whole body was in a state of ecstasy.

In an instant, he fell from the clouds and found that his perception became strange.

He saw lines floating in the air and dots of black and white. The whole world was made up of these lines.

When he looked at Chao Keyao and the two of them, he saw piles of lines, and when he looked at Qingshuang, he saw dots of pure black.

The half dragon has black and white lines and dots again, and looking at the sword spirit, it has pure white dots and lines again.

It's strange that I can't describe it, but it seems like it should be like this.

Just when he wanted to take a look at himself.

The sword spirit suddenly shouted: Wake up!


In an instant, Chen Banxian woke up, his vision fell from that state, and everything around him became vivid again.

The sword spirit signaled Chen Banxian to look to his side again, secretly shocked, what kind of origin is this monster?

The essence of life can enhance the soul and is the condensed essence of heaven and earth. More importantly, it has a chance to face the essence of heaven and earth.

However, he had just seen this kid directly enter Taoism. If he hadn't awakened him, he might have transformed into Taoism on the spot.

While the energy is still there, quickly look at that thing next to you!

The sword spirit reminded him, his tone no longer as impressive as before.

Chen Banxian followed and looked around, and then he realized that there was a giant little loli beside him.

He was quiet and didn't speak. When Chen Banxian looked at him, he also looked at Chen Banxian with an expressionless face.

Chen Banxian’s pupils were shaking!

This look is familiar to him, very familiar!

Isn’t this fucking giantess?

His first reaction was that he was going to suffer. This female giant was here to collect debts.

The second reaction is, why didn't God kill him? This is not in line with your character.

The third reaction was that he was thinking about how to run away.

What is this? he asked the sword spirit, but the sword spirit was not sure about the nature of this thing.

He should be in a state between life and death. He is not considered a living person or a dead person.

The sword spirit was not very sure either: And it seems that he exists and yet does not exist.

He guessed: It should be that the slutty old woman from before was half dead and thought of a way to survive the disaster from God, but something went wrong.

Chen Banxian: Isn't this just like the hot cat in the coffin?


The sword spirit affirmed: One thing that is certain at the moment is that there is nothing we can do against him.

no way? Why can't you mention Him to me?

Chen Banxian would rather never discover Him. As long as he doesn't believe it, He doesn't exist.

Are you stupid? Can you pretend that this thing doesn't exist? This is that slutty bitch, don't talk about you, Mr. De, I don't want to die in an unknown way one day!

He had been sucked by this old woman for thousands of years, and the whole sword was almost drained, leaving a serious psychological shadow.

That's right. Chen Banxian considered: At that time, I can only call you Sword, not Sword Spirit.

Sword Spirit:......

You brat, you still made a joke!

He cursed: While grandpa thinks of a solution, you can do your work first.

Busy with me

What does Chen Banxian have to do? He doesn't need to worry about anything. Even his cultivation is left to his body.

How about I tell you a fortune?

He placed the sword spirit flat on the table: Is there anything you want to clear up?

Sword Spirit: Stand up grandpa, your virtue and the mighty sword master will never fall!

He then said:

Fortune telling? That's just an illusory thing. Even the top figures in my world don't dare to say that they can spy on the traces of fate.

He didn't believe it: Unless it's fate, it's all nonsense. Master Jian, I have never seen any magic stick with real skills.

Is it difficult to tell fortunes?

Chen Banxian was confused and took out three copper coins from his pocket:

According to my personal experience and practice, if I don't say 100% accuracy, it is at least 90%. How can I say he is a magic stick!

Not a magic stick? The sword spirit gave an example casually: For example, if I ask you now, will it be sunny or rainy tomorrow?

Chen Banxian's eyes turned, and before he could make any predictions, the sword spirit added:

“If I were a fortune teller, I would just go up to the sky and see which way the wind is blowing, which side has more clouds and which side has less rain, and I can directly predict whether it will rain tomorrow.

Let me ask you, is this fortune telling? Are you pretending to be a magician under the guise of fate?

What you said makes sense. Chen Banxian first confirmed his thoughts, and then smiled profoundly:

Unfortunately, I beg to differ.

He fiddled with three copper coins: Divination is divided into two steps, one is Yi and the other is reason. What you said is reason, but not Yi!

Dividing the sun and the moon, yin and yang, discerning the secrets of heaven, asking God for divination, changing masters and masters, this is divination.

It's mysterious. The sword spirit still didn't believe it. His last sword slave killed many magic sticks with other swords and deceived him.

At this time, Chen Banxian dropped the copper coin and the hexagram was completed. He took out the small notebook he carried with him to check if there was anyone who had not retaliated recently, and then he took out a piece to draw the hexagram.

Gen is the hexagram of Zhi, which changes into the hexagram of Mountain Fire and Ben.

When it comes to predicting the sky, if you see Gen, it will rain if it is clear for a long time, and it will be clear if it rains for a long time. I don't care about it. I just deduce it from Yi Lai. If there has been no rain for several days, Lihuo is hidden in the clouds, it will rain tomorrow!

Tomorrow is the day for the shelter to move!

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