Is this still possible?

Master Fei's sword can neither be drawn out nor released, and besides, he hasn't received his share of the theater tickets yet.

Then shall I leave?

Chen Banxian wanted to get out. He had a slight chance of winning in one versus three, but with the addition of a strange young boss, his chances of winning would be lowered.

How can you just walk away when we kill you in Daxia City?

Luo Wuque said at this time: Although we are both geniuses, our positions are different. I'm afraid you won't be able to leave today.

Ba Han also sighed: In a newborn world, it is really rare for a genius like you to be born on par with us. It's a pity that we are hostile, otherwise we would have to drink and have fun with you.

Mr. Fei arranged his hair: Friend, if you are willing to join my Tianyin Sect or my Dafeng, I can introduce you to it.

He admired the person in front of him very much. He had an evil talent and even more evil looks. It would be a good idea to become close friends in the future!

Master Fei, aren't you trying to tear us down?

Ba Han said in a displeased tone: Why should a native from another world bother so much? No matter how talented he is, so what?

Mr. Fei shook his head and stared into Chen Banxian's eyes: If you join our Tianyin Sect, I will keep you safe.

Ming Qingyue smashed his mouth:

Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, why don't you join me in Suppressing Spies? If you want to kill people, you can have as many beauties as you want. I have no shortage of training resources in Suppressing Spies, and I will keep you safe.

Liu Lexian was fascinated at the end. Five geniuses gathered together. She was not even qualified to speak. At this time, she saw that her senior was being poached.

If Chen Banxian surrenders to the enemy, it will be a loss for the entire Liangcheng and the entire Daxia.

Moreover... he saw the senior's enthusiasm for cultivating immortals, and there was no reason why he shouldn't be moved.

Chen Banxian was indeed moved. If he could join the Tianyin Sect and tell fortunes for his brothers and elders, wouldn't his cultivation level skyrocket?

When the time comes, he will stage the return of the Dragon King, which will not be too satisfying.

Forget about suppressing the Spies, that world is too scary, Qingshuang in the dream is so powerful, even if he has become a Yin God now, if he really wants to go crazy, he can only use his conscience.


Oh, no, your conscience is still there?

He looked at the five people gathered not far away, and a bold idea came to his mind, what if...

No, how could I think so?

It must be inner demons, damn, you know Fang Ping's skill is not a good thing.

Seeing that Chen Banxian was silent for a long time, Mr. Fei asked again: I wonder what my friend thinks?

Chen Banxian came to his senses and said, You killed people from my whole city. I can't stand this festival.

Pfft. Ming Qingyue laughed: What's the point? You haven't killed enough people from our strange world? You see, I don't mind.

Can this be the same?

Chen Banxian is not stupid. No matter how good the outside is, it is not as good as his own home.

He raised the plaque and looked at Ming Qingyue: If they attack me today, I will attack you.

Ming Qingyue, who originally planned to eat melon and watch a show:? ? ?

Are you sick? Ming Qingyue was shocked: They beat you. Why did you come over to beat me instead of beating them?

Behind Chen Banxian, Liu Lexian's eyes brightened slightly. This was a cool operation thought up by a great man in the history of Daxia. In that era, it was really a show.

It's a pity... Nowadays, Daxia's signal is missing and the electronic components are decaying, so weapons like that can no longer be used.

MD, crazy.

Ming Qingyue felt that he was wronged, but when he thought about it, this was indeed a solution.

Nima’s driving away wolves and devouring tigers, right?

The atmosphere became stagnant, and then stagnant again.

Mr. Fei finally sighed: Friend, I appreciate you very much, I really appreciate you. The battle between the geniuses should be fought in the same situation, and the invincibility of the Taoist spirit should be established.

But now we are people from two worlds after all. I'm sorry.

Chen Banxian sneered: Oh, you people from other worlds invaded my territory and killed my compatriots, how can you talk about justice?

He waved the stone tablet: Come!

Ba Han took a big step and said: Master Fei, you are too hesitant to take action. I will tell the elders the truth later. Now I will kill this person for you.

He rushed over quickly, with shadows following behind him, seemingly mixed with thousands of troops and horses. His punch was not the punch of just one person, but the fist of thousands of troops and horses!

This punch was not fast, but it was powerful and heavy. Chen Banxian stepped back half a step to avoid it.

Unexpectedly, Ba Han smiled ferociously: Soldiers are deceitful!

The fist suddenly enlarged and enveloped Chen Banxian, sealing him tightly from above, below, left, right, and in all directions!

When Chen Banxian saw this, he narrowed his eyes and without hesitation took out the stone plaque and hit Ming Qingyue.

What a bastard, it's none of my business!

Ming Qingyue was so angry that his teeth itched. He regretted coming to this muddy water, so he could only grit his teeth and shout: I'll help you block it, don't hit me!

He does have some ability. The energy and blood in his body are like boiling water, bringing terrifying power to block his fists. His face is full of anger:

I'll help you block him, okay? You go and deal with the remaining two.

This lunatic would rather get hurt than drag himself into trouble. Are people in this world so perverted?

Mr. Fei sighed at this time. He raised his sword again and joined the battlefield. At the same time, Luo Wuque took action.

The Domain Dao is different from other Dao. It is the ability to forcefully unify the world and the world as one's own body.

He was very strong and was known as a small world. As soon as he made a move, Chen Banxian felt as if he was stuck in a quagmire. He could have avoided Young Master Fei's sword, but now it was very difficult.

He raised the stone plaque and blocked it in front of him, intending to deal with Luo Wuque first!

It was useless for Chen Banxian to hide the Feixian body. This was why Mr. Fei said he would hold back. He wanted to kill one person at the most critical moment.

And Luo Wuque successfully made it onto his must-kill list.

If this person is left alive, he may be tricked at any time.

It's useless. How can a stone plaque block my Dragon Dao Sword?

Mr. Fei flew over, intending to pierce the stone plaque and severely injure Chen Banxian.

Even now, he was still reluctant to kill this person, he just wanted to bring him back with severe wounds and slowly ease his pain.

Unexpectedly, the corners of Chen Banxian's lips curled up. This Fengdu stone plaque was so hard that the sword master who had experienced it last time couldn't even scream.

Sure enough, the Dragon Dao Sword didn't leave even a scratch on the stone plaque.

Instead, the sword whined and broke abruptly from the tip.

This is an excellent spiritual sword. If used well, it can behead the Four Seas Realm!

Mr. Fei's pupils shrank. He was no more than one step away from Chen Banxian. If Chen Banxian made a move at this moment, he would be severely injured!

But the foreign race in front of him did not take action against him. Instead, he ran towards Luo Wuque who was farther away. Chen Banxian's body flashed with white light again.

His speed increased instantly, he stepped on the air as a springboard, and the stone plaque fell hard!

Luo Wuque's heart was as pure as ice, and he calmly used the realm to try to hinder Shibian.

I never thought that Shi Bian was too advanced and was not affected by him at all, and his speed did not decrease but increased.

In just a moment, Luo Wukue felt that his soul was about to be separated, and death was right in front of him.

But a talisman on his body lit up.

This is a life-saving talisman that his master spent a lot of effort to make for him, helping Luo Wique block this stone plaque.

In such a situation, the life-saving talisman suppressed by heaven and earth could only protect his life, and Luo Wuxue was photographed into the mountain by him.

In another blink of an eye, Chen Banxian was killed again!

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