There's Definitely Something Wrong With My Pokemon

Chapter 386 H291 Everyone pushed against the wall!

Chapter 386 H-291 Everyone pushed against the wall!

Tianjian Mountain camp, Fang family tent.

Zhao Wanxi looked at the series of messages sent by Xu Jue in her hand. She was quite surprised to find Fang Che who was still fishing.

In the camp, Fang Che got a huge wooden basin from nowhere. He filled it with water from Waves of Water and Swampert, then put Kyogre in it, and then used a fishing rod to catch Kyogre.

This sport not only fascinated Fang Che, but also fascinated Fang Xuan watching from the sidelines.

Every time Fang Che raised the pole to catch little Kyogre, Fang Che and Fang Xuan would stand together and take pictures. When Kyogre can appear in front of the world one day, Fang Xuan will take these photos to Fang Tianyang And those friends of his showing off.

Those who fished for carp and ugly fish were all weak.

Look at Fang Xuan’s son, he can catch Kyoka in the wooden basin at home!

Ache, the situation seems to have become a little complicated.

Zhao Wanxi found Fang Che with her mobile phone. Fang Che happened to catch little Kyogre at this time. It could be seen that little Kyogre was having a lot of fun.


Fang Che tilted his head and repeated in confusion. Fang Xuan's eyes moved slightly, but he did not make a sound.

Regarding the Lou family's affairs, Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi told Fang Xuan immediately when they came back. Although Fang Xuan was a little worried about the alliance's regulations, he heard that Lou Shan insulted his father and even scolded him. When his son was born, Fang Xuanhaoxuan directly brought someone to the door.

It was Fang Che who stopped Fang Xuan. No matter what, Lou Tie was a genuine champion trainer. Fang Xuan was really not qualified to go to settle accounts with someone else.

There are already thirteen aristocratic families in the imperial capital who have clearly taken action. Although each family's power is not as strong as ours, the total is already terrifying.

Zhao Wanxi's expression was very serious, In addition, the Xu family took action, and they are the only family of the current king to take action.

Fang Che thoughtfully took little Kyogre back into the water ball. He really didn't expect that the Xu family would take action.

After all, the current Heavenly Kings family attacked the retired Heavenly Kings family. This would have a very bad impact. Does King Xu You have any intentions?

Sister Xiaojue said that King Xu Youtian wanted to vent his anger on both of us.

Zhao Wanxi shrugged. The reason Xu You told Xu Jue was to vent his anger on Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi, but neither of them were children, so they naturally understood that this was just Xu You's excuse.

Fang Che still stood there in deep thought, but Fang Xuan spoke up, Ah Che, do you still think you can take the position of the King of Heaven now?

Hearing Fang Xuan's words, Fang Che suddenly realized that Xu You was trying to sell him a favor this time!

Fang Che's potential lies here. Whether he succeeds Fang Tianyang and becomes the King of Steel or challenges other kings to take the throne, Fang Che is destined to become the King of the Alliance.

Xu You sold Fang Che such a favor. In the future, when Fang Che becomes the king, he will have to remember it, and it is not easy for him to challenge Xu You's position as the super king.

Fang Che was a little helpless. These people of the older generation were really smart. Originally, he had thought of challenging the Alliance King after passing the Elf Academy in the God's Capital. But now he really couldn't make a move against Xu You.

Besides the Xu family, what other families have taken action?

Fang Xuan asked Zhao Wanxi that Fang Che had entrusted Sima Liu to handle this matter, so Fang Xuan did not have first-hand information.

Zhao Wanxi looked at the messages on her phone, The Sima family, the Liu family, the Ming family, the Wan family, and the Miao family in the imperial capital. These five families have the loudest voices. Others like the Shi family, the Gong family, etc. Immediately afterwards, the Dongshan Lan family also joined the action against the Lou family.

At the end of the sentence, Zhao Wanxi's voice sounded a little weak.

Dongshan Lan's family?

Fang Che and Fang Xuan were both stunned. Isn't that Zhao Wanxi's mother's natal family?

Why did the Lan family want to participate in this operation? Didn't they agree that the Fang family and the Zhao family would not take action?

Zhao Wanxi was also a little helpless. After seeing the message from her mother, she only felt very tired.

The Lan family is a small family in Dongshan. In terms of power, they have some say in Dongshan, but no one knows the Lan family outside Dongshan.

Although Lan Ying is the daughter-in-law of the Zhao family, she cannot help the Lan family rise rapidly. After all, Lan Ying cannot let the Lan family expand itself under the banner of the Zhao family.

The most she can do is help the Lan family stand up to prevent larger families from trying to eat up the Lan family.

If the Lan family wants to rise, they cannot just rely on Lan Ying. Originally, they wanted to train their own younger generation, but the Lan family is too small to produce a real dragon.

This time Fang Che made a statement to target the Lou family. It happened that the Lan family and the Lou family had certain transactions. They immediately decided to fall out with the Lou family, and even used all their family strength to target the Lou family in order to gain access to Fang Che's family. A big tree.

In the view of the Lan family, even though they are not as good as those families in the imperial capital, Zhao Wanxi can still be regarded as a member of the Lan family. In terms of close relationship, the Lan family can always get a mouthful of fresh soup.

Zhao Wanxi also saw what the Lan family was thinking. She just felt quite helpless. She never thought that her grandparents, who she thought were amiable and amiable, could have such a snobbish side.

Haha, Wanxi, don't worry too much. It's human nature to seize every opportunity for promotion for your family.

Fang Xuan could see the uneasiness in Zhao Wanxi's heart. She was afraid that Fang Che would be dissatisfied with her because of the Lan family's unauthorized statement, but this kind of thing is really human nature.

When the Fang family climbed up, they also relied on a lot of strength.

Fang Che didn't think there was anything wrong with this. After all, it was his mother-in-law's natal family. Even if the Lan family didn't come forward, he should help.

However, such a small Lan family dared to compete with the uncrowned king of Anhe County. Fang Che was a little curious about Zhao Wanxi's grandfather.

You know, if the Lou family is not killed this time, the Lan family will definitely be their first target for revenge.

After all, who makes you the youngest of the Lan family?

Let's not talk about the Xu family for now. Let's have a good chat with Uncle Xu You in the future. Over at the Imperial Capital... please reply to Sima Liu and count all the families who contributed. I think he knows what to do.

Fang Che rubbed the ball of water, and after excluding the Sima family and the Xu family, there were actually 11 families willing to take action, which meant that at least 11 families were unwilling to accept the current situation.

To be honest, Fang Che thought it would be good if five or six families took action. Any move by these eleven families would definitely trigger people outside the circle to take action. It seemed that the Lou family could not afford to cause any trouble.

In fact, the Lou family is indeed in dire straits now. A dozen or so companies in the imperial capital have jointly targeted them, which means they are completely isolated. Coupled with the intervention of the security office, even if Lou Tie returns to the Lou family, it will be difficult to change the Lou family's decline.

Now everyone is looking at the Lou family, and will divide the Lou family as soon as the Lou family is dead.

Other families in Anhe County were singing and dancing secretly to celebrate the Lou family's death.



The ancestral home of the Lou family.


Lou Tie slapped his hand on the table. He was so angry as he looked at the list of people who had severed ties with his family compiled by his son.

Lou Shan stood aside and felt something was wrong, as if he was in big trouble.

Dad, what should we do now? People from the security office are guarding outside our house.

Lou Kui glared at Lou Shan with hatred. He already knew that the Lou family's disaster was because his son couldn't keep his mouth shut and offended people he shouldn't have offended.

Now the people from the security office were waiting outside the Lou family with an arrest warrant. They were giving the Lou family face and asked Lou Tie to send the person out in person instead of breaking in directly to arrest the person.

Lou Tie sighed. He took out his phone and wanted to contact his relationship, but no one answered the calls he made. This made Lou Tie's face even more ugly.

Finally, a call was answered, and Lou Tie's face lit up. This was the number of the disciple he had accepted before. In this critical moment, the disciple was still reliable.

But the opening sigh from the other end made Lou Tie's expression freeze.

Teacher, you are so wrong this time.

The disciples who were very respectful to Lou Tie in the past changed from their normal behavior this time and actually accused Lou Tie.

Axiu, considering how supportive I have been to you in the past, please help mediate.

Lou Tie's heart was full of grievances. He used to be very harsh on his disciple, but now he could only lower his attitude when he begged him.

In the security office of the Imperial Alliance Headquarters, a man named Gao Xiu raised the corners of his mouth slightly. He looked at the mobile phone in his hand with a look of disdain.

This old guy would also show this attitude. Think about how much he did for Lou Tie in order to climb up, but in the end he couldn't do anything good!

Teacher, I'm just a small section chief of the security office. I'm afraid I can't mediate with my weight. After all, the trouble this time is really too big. Even King Xu Tian came to the security office in person to intervene. Your grandson insulted the King of the Alliance.

Although Gao Xiu looked disdainful, he still spoke to Lou Tie in a very respectful tone. Lou Tie unknowingly thought that Gao Xiu was still on his side.

Lou Tie was not surprised by Gao Xiu's refusal. After all, Gao Xiu's position was indeed a bit low and he couldn't talk to those big shots.

But I can call back the people from the security office outside your house to prevent them from disturbing you.

When Lou Tie was a little disappointed, Gao Xiu gave him a surprise.

What troubles Lou Tie the most now is not the joint targeting of many families, but the fact that people from the security office have been eyeing the Lou family.

If they are really allowed to capture all the Lou family, even if the Lou family survives the crisis this time, it will be equivalent to existence in name only.

Okay, okay, okay! Axiu, the teacher saw you right!

Lou Tie finally smiled with relief. As long as the people from the security office left, he could find a way to protect the Lou family.

Gao Xiu moved very quickly. Not long after Lou Tie hung up the phone, Lou Kui received a report from his servants, saying that all the people in the security office who had been gathering outside Lou's home were evacuated.

Obviously, this is Gao Xiu showing off his strength.

Lou Tie felt that he had been too harsh on this disciple in the past. In times of crisis, he still had to look at the relationship between master and disciple.

At this time, Gao Xiu, who had become a model disciple in Lou Tie's heart, was making a report in the office of the director of the Security Office. He reported all his conversations with Lou Tie to Master Zhao in detail.

Master Zhao took a sip of tea and asked Gao Xiu with some confusion, You are the section chief of the security office trained by Lou Tie and your disciple. Why did you choose to betray Lou Tie?

Yes, Gao Xiu betrayed Lou Tie, and it was not Gao Xiu who asked the people in the security office to evacuate, but Master Zhao.

Gao Xiu's expression was calm, Director Zhao, although Lou Tie and I have the status of master and apprentice, the dirty work I have done for him over the years has long been enough to repay his kindness.

Moreover, he often scolded me and insulted me based on the small favors he once bestowed upon me. He also wanted me to violate the alliance's rules and seek personal gain for the Lou family. This was tantamount to wanting me to die.

This is evidence of Lou Tie's collusion with dark forces outside the territory. I have collected it bit by bit over the years in order to one day bring him down.

Master Zhao looked at the documents compiled by Gao Xiu and shook his head. He knew that the Lou family was not clean, but he never expected that the Lou family would collude with dark forces.

The Eastern Alliance seems to be at peace due to the strength of the major families and the suppression of the Eastern President, but many other regions are still in dire straits.

Not to mention anything else, the Sand Bear League, which is the closest to the Eastern League, has had several small organizations that have been running around in recent times. The kings of the Sand Bear League have been working overtime every day.

According to the clues provided by Gao Xiu, the Lou family seems to support an underground organization called the King's Army in the Reese Alliance in the northern hemisphere. The goal of its organization is to overthrow the alliance and establish a country dominated by them.

With this clue alone, Master Zhao was able to issue an arrest warrant for Lou Tie.

But now there is still a problem. Lou Tie is a genuine champion-level trainer. Even though Lou Tie may have declined in strength due to his age over the years, it is still difficult for an ordinary champion to win him easily.

Who should be sent to deal with the Lou family?

Director Zhao, I have a suggestion. Do you think you can inform King Xu Tian of this information first? Maybe King Xu Tian is willing to take action?

Gao Xiu bowed slightly and made a suggestion. Their security office really didn't have much confidence in dealing with a former champion-level king.

But if the king of the alliance takes action, it will be a sure thing.

Gao Xiu wants to use Lou Tie as a ladder for his ascent. As long as Lou Tie dies, with the evidence and clues he has produced, not only will the things he did in the past be wiped out, at least not many people will settle the old scores.

And he may still be able to climb the high branch of the Fang family. Compared to the greedy Lou family, the Fang family is obviously a better choice.

Master Zhao took a serious look at Gao Xiu, and he naturally understood Gao Xiu's thoughts.

However, this is indeed a very good proposal.

King Xu Youtian is so concerned about the Lou family's affairs, so he probably won't mind taking action against Lou Tie. After all, this is an opportunity for Fang Che and the Fang family to owe a favor!



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