Chapter 296 H-191 The real purpose!

In the end, Geranium was still willing to leave with Lin Yuan Ai, because she gave too much!

Not only are there various high-quality wound medicines, but there are also energy cubes and elf food that are particularly suitable for grass elves. These are resources that Geranium cannot obtain on its own.

Moreover, an elf like Geranium itself has a certain ability to sense mood, and it can feel the kindness released by Hayashihara Ai.

Okay, if we have Geranium, we can figure out the distribution of the surrounding elven forces.

Gong Xin stood aside with his head in his hands, acting casually, and Lin Yuanai smiled slightly in response.

Gengar has prepared many treasures. You must be itching to go treasure hunting. Let's visit the surrounding elven groups and ask about some information, and then we will enter the royal city.

Lin Yuanai knew Gong Xin's hobbies, so she could not suppress Gong Xin's interest and passion. She could do the tedious data collection task alone, and she could not let Gong Xin waste his precious exploration time on it.

Gong Xin shook his head, It's better to wait until your exploration is over.

The elite alliance members who entered the secret realm of Tianjian Mountain were all very strong, and at least they had the ability to protect themselves.

Lin Yuan Ai's fighting talent is not very outstanding, and the elf in her hand is only stronger than a gym-level megalodon. Gong Xin feels that if she leaves alone, Lin Yuan Ai may not encounter anything. Danger.

Now that you have chosen to be a flower protector, you should do it to the end.


Just when Lin Yuanai and Gong Xin looked at each other and smiled, and were about to go find the circle bear boss that Da Zhukui said, a deafening explosion suddenly came from the northwest corner of the royal city.

Hayashihara Ai and Gong Xin immediately recognized that this was the sound of the elf using a big explosion.

Could it be that someone encountered an exploding elf in the northwest corner?


boom! !

boom! ! !

Three terrifying explosions sounded in a row, and the expressions of Lin Yuanai and Gong Xin instantly became solemn.

The sounds just now were all big explosions. What happened?


The two looked at each other and gave up their original plan to find the circle bear without hesitation.

Lin Yuanai released the sun elf, and then with the help of the sun elf, the two quickly used teleportation to move toward the northwest corner of the royal city.


Royal City, northwest side, Yixiantian Canyon!

As a royal city of an ancient country, it naturally requires a defensive terrain of natural moats to block the invasion of foreign enemies. The mountains in the northwest corner of the royal city are a very good natural barrier.

It is difficult to pass through, easy to defend but difficult to attack. Even flying elves may not be able to bypass this layer of mountains.

Speaking of which, why did Gengar hide the treasure in this forest?

Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi plunged into the dense mountain forest. They were instructed by the Millennium Nine Tails. With the direction, it would be much easier to find them.

But what makes Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi feel strange is why Geng Gui hides the treasure in the forest.

Logically speaking, shouldn't Gengar, an overlord who has lived for thousands of years, prefer ancient buildings or dark places?

Could it be that Gengar buried the treasure in a cave in the forest?

Fang Che rubbed his chin and gave his guess. If it was a cave, it would be in line with the characteristics of ghost elves who like dark environments.

In this regard, Zhao Wanxi gave a different view, If it is a cave, it would be too general. There are at least five mountains in this mountain range, and they are all towering into the clouds without reaching the top. . If we search one mountain after another, we may not be able to find the hidden treasure even if we run out of time.

In addition, since Gengar placed us outside the royal city, it means that the treasure must be somewhere we can find after searching for fifteen days from the starting point.

Zhao Wanxi still didn't say anything, that was, the limit of these fifteen days was still the case when they didn't have a clear direction. If they had a clear direction, the treasure would only be a week's journey away from the starting point at most.

After thinking about it for a while, Fang Che felt that it made sense. He carefully observed the jungle in front of him, and then he discovered a very important clue.

As the old saying goes, you rely on the mountains to eat the mountains, and you rely on the water to eat the water. The elves in this mountain forest should all live on the resources in the mountains.

The corners of Fang Che's mouth raised slightly, However, I just observed that the fruit trees along the way showed no signs of being picked. Even if the energy of this secret realm skyrocketed and the resources increased, the elves who were used to living a hard life would not be able to give up anything. Just some resources you can get your hands on.”

The more people have experienced poverty, the more they cannot give up the wealth they have obtained.

The same goes for elves.

If they have endured hunger, they will never give up anything edible.

These fruit trees can still stand here quietly, or they have entered the territory of a powerful overlord. The elven overlord drove away all the elves, which led to excess resources.

Either these fruit trees are clues, clues leading them to the treasure land!

Let's spread out and search to see if these fruit trees are scattered or in a line.

Zhao Wanxi also thought of this. She looked around and then shook her head, There is no need to spread out and search. Although these fruit trees look scattered, they actually [extend] in one direction.

After saying that, Zhao Wanxi looked at Fang Che, and Fang Che directly took out Steel Armor Crow's elf ball.

Please, Steel-Armored Crow, go to the sky and help us guide the way!


The released steel-armored crow flapped its wings. It was very happy to be able to help Fang Che. Then the steel-armored crow flew into the sky and came directly to the sky.

The steel-armored crow, which possesses several powerful eyesight, can see through the distribution of fruit trees at a glance, and it carefully memorizes the locations of all fruit trees in its mind.

Because the vegetation is too dense, it is not easy to guide Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi in the sky, but it does not hinder them. There are many ace translators in their team.

Whether it was Brother Lucario or Senior Variety Monster, they could describe the road map in his memory to Fang Che.

The steel-armored crow hovered in the sky for about five minutes before returning to the jungle. It began to gesture continuously, and the Variety Monster on Fang Che's left hand also blinked, and it transformed part of its skin into the appearance of Metagross. The other part of the skin was transformed into Lucario's appearance, so that it could use Metagross's super-computing power, and then use Lucario's waveguide to transmit information to Fang Che.

This way.

After the Variety Monster translated all the information provided by the Steel-Armored Crow, Fang Che chose a direction without hesitation, and Zhao Wanxi followed closely behind. She looked at Fang Che's hands, which were once again simulated as gloves. Feeling strange for a while.

No matter how many times he watched it, the strangest elf in Fang Che's hands still turned into hundreds of monsters!

With the route map provided by Steel Armored Crow, Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi arrived at a lake without even encountering an elf along the way. The scenery here is beautiful and the water is clear, making it a very good camping spot.

“The distribution of fruit trees ends here.”

Fang Che squinted his eyes and looked around. Although there was silence beside the lake, he could feel many prying eyes on them.

Now, in the surrounding jungle, there are many elves lurking and observing them.

The existence of these elves further confirmed Fang Che's previous guess that those fruit trees were used to guide them forward. Otherwise, it would be impossible for these elves to have no thoughts about the fruit trees so close at hand.

Let's take a rest first.

Zhao Wanxi released Harkeron, Gardevoir, and the doll. The doll began to help Zhao Wanxi prepare ingredients and picnic tools. Gardevoir took the still fresh ingredients to the lake to clean them. Harkeron said A breeze blew up, creating a better picnic environment for Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi.

Fang Che looked up at the sky. Half a day had passed since they came in, and it was now close to dusk. Although they were in a dense forest, the colorful clouds on the sky were still quite stunning.

To be honest, if he could only stay in the secret realm for half a month, he would have wanted to stay here with Zhao Wanxi for an extra month or two.

The world outside is getting a little cold now. Although Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi are protected by the elf force field, they are almost immune to the cold and heat, but the change in the environment will still have a certain impact on their mood.

At this time, it would be a great pleasure to have a vacation place with beautiful scenery and suitable temperature.

Dinner is ready~

Zhao Wanxi didn't use any fireworks. After all, this was in the wild, and the overly pungent smell would attract some uninvited guests. All she prepared were some semi-finished instant meals.

Of course, these fast meals were all prepared by her and Su Ya outside, and there was nothing to say about their taste or health.

Fang Che also released a group of his elves to rest. The aura emitted by the four elves, including Swampert, Boscodora, Bodangshui, and Lucario, drove away all the prying eyes around them. In the royal city, In the nearby jungle, there are no elves capable of attacking Che's main force!

Commander Pi Zhan was also released by Fang Che. Its food was provided by Fang Tianyang and was placed next to Zhao Wanxi.

Dinner time passed quickly, and after having a full meal, the baby took Gardevoir to clear away the dishes, while Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi started walking along the lakeside.

Hackron followed the two of them, swimming uncomfortably in the air.

It seems that the Harkerosaurus is about to shed its skin again.

Zhao Wanxi reached out and touched Ha Kelong's glorious body, and Ha Kelong also gently rubbed Zhao Wanxi's cheek with his head.

Fang Che was a little surprised, because if he remembered correctly, Hackron had just evolved, and was it about to shed its skin again?

Although there is the power of data, the shedding of Harkron's skin only takes a moment, and is completely painless and has no side effects, but even so, the most basic rules must be followed.

Has Harkron gained combat experience recently?

It seems that there is indeed one. When the clay giant was defeated before, Hackron also participated in the battle.

When fighting against the King's Guard, Hackron also used Rainy Day Amplification. The experience gained from these two waves seems to be enough to support its molting?

Don't worry, there is no danger in Harker Dragon shedding its skin.

Fang Che stretched out his hand and gently tapped Hackron's tail. Hackron wrapped its tail around Fang Che's hand with a smile. It also had a very good relationship with Fang Che. After all, it knew that Fang Che helped It addresses the dangers and pain of molting.

The smile on Zhao Wanxi's face did not diminish. She stretched. Then she looked at the calm lake and her tone became more relaxed. It feels good to take a rest like this once in a while.

Whether in the outside world or in other secret realms, Zhao Wanxi has always been busy.

Not only did she have to take care of herself and Fang Che's elves, but she also had to properly handle various logistical matters. Then she had to learn and refine her own way of cultivating a family.

Fang Che was busy fighting, and she was busy studying. This kind of leisure time in the busy schedule was really good.

The weather outside has gradually turned cooler now. If we have time, let's go to the southern sea to have a look. We have had a very fulfilling year. Let's take a good rest in the next time.

Fang Che let go of Hackron's tail, and he changed the topic to vacation travel.

He just became a trainer in the second half of this year, and is now a gym-level strongman. He has lived an extremely fulfilling few months, and at the same time, the non-stop exploration of the secret realm has made him feel a little tired. .

At this time, wouldn’t it be nice to go to the beach and have a good time with your loved one?

Zhao Wanxi rolled her eyes, Going to the South China Sea? You know that the Dragon Palace Secret Realm will be opened in the South China Sea next year, right?

As one of the people who knew Fang Che best, Zhao Wanxi could see through Fang Che's thoughts at a glance.

Going to the South China Sea is just a pretext. Fang Che’s real goal should be the secret realm of the Dragon Palace known as the “Trainer’s Hanging”, which is also one of the deepest foundations of the Eastern Alliance!

With Fang Che's talent, potential and family background, he will definitely have a place when the secret realm of Dragon Palace is opened.

The secret realm of the Dragon Palace is rotated every time it is opened. There is an entrance to each of the four seas: the eastern sea, the southern sea, the western sea, and the northern sea. These entrances open every four years, forming a cycle.

This year's Dragon Palace Secret Realm is in the eastern sea, but it is no longer accessible. Fang Che probably wants to take advantage of the beginning of next year to enter the Dragon Palace Secret Realm from the southern sea and explore it!

Haha, I was discovered.

Fang Che chuckled, he did have this idea, but the secret realm of the Dragon Palace, which seemed very precious to ordinary people, was just like that in Fang Che's opinion.

The previous adventure that Zhao Guodong's Nianmei Lulong had in the secret realm of the Dragon Palace was just that he learned a power exchange technique. In Fang Che's opinion, this kind of adventure was not worth mentioning at all.

Any treasure from Little Penguin Mall can beat Zhao Guodong's adventure.

He really wanted to take Zhao Wanxi to the beach. After all, welfare is something that happens for the first time and will be wanted countless times.


While Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi were walking, bursts of explosions suddenly came from the mountains in the distance. This sound caused the two people who were walking leisurely to immediately enter the security equipment!

It's a big explosion!

Fang Che keenly judged the source of the explosion, and Zhao Wanxi nodded with certainty, It's Longlong Rock!



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