There's Definitely Something Wrong With My Pokemon

Chapter 285 H180 It doesn’t matter if it doesn’t matter, what an idiot!

Chapter 285 H-180 It doesn’t matter if it doesn’t matter, what an idiot!

The bronze bell left as silently as it came.

Fang Che walked up to the Disha Xing. This king-level leader of the Disha Group had completely fainted. Without enough stimulation, he would not be able to wake up in a short time.


Fang Che suddenly sighed, Tell me, why do you have to pretend? If you attack me directly, I may not be able to react.

This sentence is true. Even if he has the Tyrant Territory, Fang Che may not be able to withstand the strong attack of three king-level elves, not to mention that the surrounding space is blocked by the Sun Rock.

This is the first time that Fang Che has encountered an opponent blocking the space. It seems that he will have to work harder in this direction in the future. In any case, he can no longer be as passive as he was today.

You can invite Bronze Bell once for the Bronze Secret Key, but you may not be able to invite it a second time. Today, Fang Che was quite heartbroken because he lost one of his trump cards because of the Earth Thief Star.



Two piercing sounds rang out around Fang Che, and along with anxious calls, Fang Tianyang and Fang Xuan appeared beside Fang Che. Following them were the elite training officers and other elite trainees from the Alliance stationed at Tianjian Mountain. division.

Ache, what happened!

Fang Tianyang grabbed Fang Che's shoulders and looked up and down. Fortunately, nothing happened to Fang Che, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

Fang Che collected all his elves the moment Fang Tianyang appeared. The alliance trainer who came later did not see Fang Che's elves.

This guy is a cadre of the Shadow Group. He wants to sneak attack me and steal my elves.

Fang Che kicked Thief Star, and the Bronze Bell was very reassuring in its work. The person it knocked unconscious still did not wake up even if he was kicked hard.

Or there is another possibility, that is, Di Thief Star noticed Fang Tianyang's arrival and felt that he would not be able to escape even if he woke up, so he simply pretended to be unconscious.

However, this is unlikely.

Shadow group!

The Alliance investigator who arrived frowned. He stared at the Earth Thief Star on the ground, and then shook his head in distress.

The actions of the cadres of the shadow group usually cover up their true appearance. For example, the Diwenxing whom Fang Che met was a guy who could change puppets as easily as he could change clothes.

The image of the Earth Thief Star recorded in the league is that of a fat, middle-aged uncle. The man in front of him, who has an unremarkable face and is similar to a passerby, is really hard to associate with the Earth Thief Star.

Three king-level elves, Ah Che, how did you knock them down?

Fang Xuan was a little confused. He saw through at a glance that Sun Rock and the two hidden dragons were all Heavenly King level elves. Although they had just broken through to the Heavenly King level, they were not something Fang Che could handle.

Fang Che's strongest ace at the moment is Bo Dang Shui. Even if he uses Tai Jinghua, he can only survive a few rounds in the hands of a king-level elf.

He quietly captured three king-level elves. Is his son already that strong?

A group of alliance investigators also pricked up their ears and began to listen carefully. They also wanted to know how Master Fang did it.

A new trainer who can do this is really unprecedented, and there will definitely be no one in the future!

It's very simple. I asked Bronze Bell to take action.

Fang Che shrugged and raised the bronze secret key in his hand, The Bronze Bell owes Mother Mini Dragon a favor, and I helped Mini Dragon. It just repaid the favor by the way.

Fang Tianyang and Fang Xuan suddenly realized that it would be right if Bronze Bell took action.

Just now, Fang Tianyang sensed the appearance of the champion-level elf and thought that Fang Che was training in the forest, so he rushed over with Fang Xuan in a hurry.

Fang Che briefly explained what happened, and a trace of cold sweat broke out on both Fang Tianyang and Fang Xuan's foreheads.

Just a little bit closer!

If this thief doesn't talk too much, or if his grandson doesn't have a trump card, Fang Tianyang and Fang Xuan will give away the white-haired man to the black-haired man!

Fang Tianyang secretly made up his mind that he would let his old friend guard Fang Che. Even if he would be criticized by others, he no longer wanted to bear this kind of worry.

Generally speaking, children from aristocratic families do take guardian elves with them when they go out, but few bring guardian elves above the quasi-heavenly king level. In the past, Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi also brought elves with them all at the quasi-heavenly king level.

However, considering Fang Che's troublemaking attribute, Fang Tianyang felt uneasy if he didn't have one or two champion-level players around his grandson!

Go back first, take this guy back and interrogate him properly!

Fang Tianyang glanced at the Thief Star, and then he snorted coldly. The Metagross that originally brought him here opened his mouth, and a terrifying light of destruction and death fell directly on the unconscious Sun Rock.


Sunyan's body suddenly exploded, and in just a moment he fainted, was on the verge of death, and then died, completely losing his breath of life.

The alliance investigator on the side turned his head and pretended not to see it.

A king-level sun rock is not a bad resource in the alliance, but if Fang Tianyang wants to vent his anger on his grandson, the sun rock will naturally have no way to survive.

After all, if it weren't for Sun Rock, Fang Che would have had a chance to escape even if he faced the Earth Thief Star.

Everyone returned to the camp. Su Ya and Zhao Wanxi came forward with some worry. Fang Che briefly explained what happened. Zhao Wanxi's heart tightened, and then she took a long breath.

Fortunately nothing happened!

The Earth Thief Star was handed over to the Alliance investigators for interrogation. They had special methods to dig out many secrets from the Earth Thief Star.

As a cadre of the Disha Group, it is very unusual for Di Xing's strength to be at the Heavenly King level. Perhaps Di Xing knows a lot of things that the alliance is interested in.

If information beneficial to the alliance can be dug out from his mouth, Fang Che may even be credited with a meritorious deed.

Ache, let him stay with you from today on.

Back in the tent, Fang Tianyang directly placed a customized high-end ball on the table in front of Fang Che without waiting for Fang Che to speak.

Fang Xuan and Su Ya were stunned for a moment, then looked at Fang Tianyang in surprise.

The old man actually handed over the general who had been following him for many years to A Che?

This does not comply with the regulations of the alliance!

Hmph, the rules of the alliance are not dead. How much Ache has contributed to the alliance, and how much he can contribute to the alliance in the future, are we going to watch today's crisis happen again?

Fang Tianyang snorted coldly. If anyone wants to be held accountable, he should first weigh his contribution to the alliance. Is it as much as his grandson has done in half a year?

Steady the bronze bell, explore the paradoxical world, make friends with the first-level gods, and discover the super-large secret realm of Tianjian Mountain...

If all these achievements are implemented, Fang Che's current status will be at least no lower than that of Zhao Qiansun!

Fang Che looked at the elf ball in front of him curiously, and then took a breath of cold air with horrified eyes.

Commander Cleaver (male)

Level·92 (Championship Level)

Attribute·Steel, evil


Characteristics: Refusal to admit defeat, mental strength

Special ability·Power of Steel: The power of steel attribute moves is increased by 20%

Special ability·Sword Master: The power of slashing moves is increased by 50%

Special ability·Light body: speed increased by 10%

Props Sharp Claws (Perfect Level)

Moves·Extreme pincer, continuous chop, metal explosion, unreasonable trouble, iron head, surprise blow, fearful face, split, metal sound, seizure, iron wall, metal claw, secret attack, sword dance (100%), black Gaze, pursuit, revenge, mental blade, invisible rock, electromagnetic levitation, grafting, double splitting

Special moves·Sandstorm, bluff, awakened power (fire), sunny day, abyss thrust, poison, sleep, stand-in, guard, pray for rain, return swallow, rock grinding, wave of evil, cross scissors, shadow claw, sharp stone attack , tie grass knots, roar loudly

Intimacy · 105”

The championship-level Commander of Splitting and Slashing, this was one of the contributors to Fang Tianyang's success in winning the title of King of Steel!

Grandpa, if you give me Commander Pizhan, what will you do over there?

Fang Che was a little confused. Commander Cleaver was an elf that Fang Tianyang used very easily. Even though it seemed to be only level 92 and had just broken through to the championship level, in fact Commander Cleaver's combat power was not weaker than what he brought out from the Regirock domain. The Boscodora couple.

Haha, don't worry about me, old man. Have you forgotten about Boscado pulling them?

Fang Tianyang burst out laughing. Even if Commander Cleaver was placed next to Fang Che, his combat power would not be reduced. After all, Fang Che had brought him two championship-level Boss Cordora.

There are not many conflicts between the alliances now. Unless someone offends the divine beasts and causes world-class turmoil, the champion trainers will not move easily.

Previously, Fang Tianyang took the initiative to take action in the ultimate space because it concerned Fang Che. Otherwise, it would be enough to go to one or two king-level trainers.

After thinking about it for a while, Fang Che decided to keep Commander Pizhan by his side. Although this would make people criticize him for violating the rules of the alliance and eating his old age, in Fang Che's opinion, if the family has resources and does not use them, then that is called the behavior of a fool. .

It's like he can call the Bronze Bell, but the Earth Thief Star can't call anyone. If you have connections, you don't need them. Why are you waiting to go into the coffin with your connections to chat with Giratina?

Commander Splitting is still very friendly to Fang Che. After all, Fang Che is a child that he has watched grow up. Every year when Fang Che goes to play in the imperial capital, Fang Tianyang will let a few of his elves play with Fang Che for a long time.

After all, except for some insect-type elves, other elves generally have longer lifespans than humans, especially elves who have broken through the championship-level bottleneck and whose life levels have been sublimated.

What Fang Tianyang thinks is that if he takes a step ahead of his old friends, then the burden of protecting Fang Xuan, Fang Qian and Fang Che will fall on his old friends.

Let them establish a good relationship first, yes.

Seeing Fang Che put on the high-end ball and put it around his neck, Zhao Wanxi only felt a little headache.

She looked at Su Ya with a grimace, and prepared elf food and energy cubes for the champion elf. She couldn't do it yet!

Haha, Wanxi, don't worry, I will give you the food formula and energy cubes that Commander Pi Zhan needs every day.

Fang Tianyang saw the worries in Zhao Wanxi's heart, and he naturally thought of this.

Commander Pi Zhan's strength has exceeded the championship level and has reached the limit of its talent. It will be difficult to rise further. Therefore, its diet formula and energy cubes do not need to be changed for a long time. Zhao Wanxi just needs to copy the answer.

After hearing Fang Tianyang's words, Zhao Wanxi breathed a sigh of relief.

The improvement in the strength of combatants also poses a great challenge to logistics!

She didn't want to become a bastard or a vase next to Fang Che.

Dad, you should report this matter to President Dongfang first, otherwise I'm afraid someone will attack Ah Che because of this.

Fang Xuan frowned and suggested, Fang Che's reputation within the alliance is still very good now, and everyone wants to meet this strange genius who is about to turn the alliance upside down in the past six months.

If someone caught Fang Tianyang's actions and caused trouble, although it would not have any impact on Fang Tianyang, it would have a bad impact on Fang Che's growth.

As Fang Che's father, Fang Xuan felt that this must be nipped in the bud!

Fang Tianyang also nodded. He took out his contact device and dialed President Dongfang's number directly.

Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi immediately held their breaths and did not make any sound. Fang Xuan and Su Ya also held hands and took a step back.

Well, Fang Tianyang? What are you doing with me at this time?

Soon, the communicator was connected, and the strong voice of President Dongfang came from the other end. Along with President Dongfang's doubts, there were also the sounds of various explosions. It was obvious that President Dongfang was in the middle of a battle.

Um, President, is it convenient to answer the phone now?

Hearing the movement on the other end, Fang Tianyang also fell silent. He didn't know if he should talk about his own affairs at this time.

Haha, it's okay, it's just some young people.

President Dongfang smiled heartily, I remember you went to Tianjian Mountain, right? What, something happened there?

Well, Tianjian Mountain was invaded by a cadre of the Disha group from the Shadow Regiment. He owns three king-level elves, and has been captured and interrogated by the investigators.

A leader of the Disha group holding three king-level elves?

President Dongfang was also stunned. Although he didn't know much about the Shadow Group, a king-level trainer would be a giant wherever he was. With such strong strength, the Earth Thief Star didn't even think about rising up. ?

There must be a big secret in this man!

Very good, keep him under close guard and it's best to bring him back to the Imperial Capital.

The battle on President Dongfang's side seemed to have come to an end, and he told Fang Tianyang very calmly, If there is anything else, just for the Disha cadres of the Shadow Regiment, you wouldn't call me directly, right?

President, I will temporarily place my commander with my grandson.

Fang Tianyang explained the situation straightforwardly, which made President Dongfang confused.


President Dongfang was shocked by Fang Tianyang's words, Fang Tianyang, you haven't forgotten the alliance... Well, it seems there is no problem?

Although he was shocked at first, President Dongfang thought about it carefully and found that Fang Tianyang's behavior was really okay!

Who is Fang Che?

He is Fang Tianyang's grandson, but he is also a new generation rookie in the league!

Coupled with the fact that he is bound to an unfamiliar first-level god, he is destined to be the mainstay of the Eastern Alliance in the future.

Before he grew up, was there anything wrong with Fang Tianyang letting his main force protect him?

Nothing wrong!



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