There's Definitely Something Wrong With My Pokemon

Chapter 267 H162 Oh, this is so magical!

Chapter 267 H-162 Oh, this is so magical!

A long time ago, there was a wise king who led his kingdom to conquer all directions...

In just ten years, he swept the world and established his own dynasty...

It's a pity that disaster came from the sky. Hundreds of meteorites fell from the sky, destroying the prosperous dynasty. In the end, the wise king was unwilling to ask the sky why he wanted to destroy this prosperous age...

Heaven didn't answer him, it just accelerated the pace of destroying the world...

Later, the broken royal capital was covered and wrapped by the soul of the wise king, and finally came to this world and became the secret realm of Tianjian Mountain.

In the abyss, Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi were sitting on the edge of a small lake, and a white Gengar was making tea for them!

Yes, this is a white sparkling Gengar, and it can also make tea. Its tea-making skills are even better than Zhao Wanxi's who has gone to learn it!

About half an hour ago, Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi finally fell from the abyss to the bottom. Just when the two released their spirits and prepared to use their superpowers to control their bodies, a piece of telekinesis slowed down their fall one step ahead of time. offset.

When the two of them got their feet on the ground, they saw such a strange Gengar.

Fang Che subconsciously threw a piece of data power at Gengar, and the information he got made him raise his eyebrows.

Gengar Flash (male)

Level·99 (championship level)

Attributes: ghost, poison


Characteristics: Floating, Cursed Body

Special ability: Curse Master: The power of using curse skills is increased by 100%

Special ability: Eternal years: life span doubled


Moves: Shadow Complete, Hypnosis, Tongue Licking, Resentment, Black Gaze, Spell (150%), Dark Shadow, Raid, Strange Light, Tooth for Tooth, Shadow Ball, Dream Eater, Wave of Evil, Same Fate, Misfortunes never come alone, nightmare

Special moves·Fire fist, ice fist, thunder fist, immobilization, black mist, turbid mist, fearful face, final song, resentment, fright, mirror attribute, magic, attribute exchange, wonderful space, mind movement, Destructive death ray, thunder, poison, strong mind, sludge bomb, repay a favor, awakening power (dragon), pray for rain, sunny day, unreasonable trouble, shadow claw, magic sparkle

Intimacy · 100”

The super luxurious skill panel and the special ability that blinded Fang Che for all eternity!

This is the first time Fang Che has seen a special ability that has nothing to do with combat, and it is also the first time he has seen a special ability related to lifespan.

Elves like Gengar are special in themselves. If they are cultivated properly, it will be no problem for one Gengar to send away five generations of trainers. This Gengar's lifespan is actually twice as long, so wouldn't it be able to send away fifteen generations of trainers? ?

You know, it has only been a few generations since the elves appeared!

Originally, Fang Che thought that this Gengar would be an enemy of them, but he didn't expect that Gengar would have a great impression of them when they met for the first time.

Not only did he help them land and make tea for them, he even told them stories about the past, but this story sounded a little weird.

That's not right. In the history of Elf Star, there has been no special fluctuation in Tianjian Mountain, and there is no record of the wise king you mentioned.

At the tea table, Zhao Wanxi interrupted Geng Gui's story with some doubts. She was very confident in her memory. She knew a lot about the history of Elf Star. Unless it was some secrets of the alliance, she didn't know anything else. It’s impossible not to know.

It's very simple, little girl, the history you are reading now is the history of your planet, and what I am telling you is the glorious past of our Lord in another time and space.

Geng Gui had a constant smile on his face, and his words made Fang Che nod involuntarily.

Parallel worlds are no longer unusual. Whether it is the elves who suddenly come to the world, or the strange-looking secret realm, they all clearly tell the world that besides the elves, there are other alien planets or worlds with civilizations. .

Even ordinary people have subconsciously accepted this.

But that's not right. You said that your master was a wise king thousands of years ago, but it has only been five hundred years since the elves came to the Elf Star.

Zhao Wanxi raised another doubt, to which Geng Gui also gave an answer, but this time it answered Zhao Wanxi with actions.

I saw Geng Gui taking out some tea leaves, then he skillfully flushed the water, made tea, and finally replaced Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi with new tea.

Fang Che looked at the tea in front of him thoughtfully, and Zhao Wanxi also fell into deep thought.

They drank tea, but tea didn't appear out of thin air.

You mean, before the elves officially came to our world, our world was already being transformed?

The Elf Star was not originally called the Elf Star, but it was renamed because of the arrival of the elves.

After the arrival of the elves, anthropologists were surprised to find that the elves could easily adapt to the environment of the Elf Star, which is amazing.

Is it possible that these elves come from a world with a similar environment to Elf Star?

The probability is too small.

Now it seems that it is not that the elves have adapted to the environment of the Elf Star, but that a certain force has changed the environment of the Elf Star, making the environment of the Elf Star more suitable for the elves and the coming of the secret realm!


Except for this great god, no other elf can do this, not even the legendary elf ancestor Meng Meng.

Fang Che was convinced that Arceus was the one who changed the environment of Elf Star.

However, why did Arceus spend nearly a thousand years changing the environment of the Elf Star, and then go to great lengths to bring the elves to this world?

In this, what exactly is Arceus planning?

It is a genuine God of Creation, an existence that is above the world. Even a projection of it can save the world, not to mention the power of its true form.

As early as more than a thousand years ago, our Lord brought his kingdom to Tianjian Mountain in this world. However, because this world is not suitable for elves to live, the secret realm of Tianjian Mountain has been sealed.

Gengar started to talk again, In order to avoid Tian's second destruction, our Lord exhausted the power of the kingdom to completely seal the secret realm from the inside out. Unless he has the key left behind, no one can open it. This is a secret place.”

The corner of Fang Che's mouth twitched slightly, and he took out a sword that looked quite simple and noble. It was the ancient royal sword that he had planned to give to the old man as a gift after taking it!

Well, the Power of Data and Little Penguin Mall’s evaluation of it is that it is useless except for viewing.

What a shame, this royal sword could be the key to this secret realm?

If he didn't bring the royal sword to Tianjian Mountain, would the secret realm of Tianjian Mountain be sealed forever?

Seeing the twitching look in Fang Che's eyes, Gengar chuckled, Don't worry, the seal of Tianjian Mountain's secret realm can only last for three thousand years. If no one brings the key to open the secret realm of Tianjian Mountain within three thousand years, then I will It will break the seal of the secret realm from the inside.

Three thousand years, these three words may sound very relaxing, but in fact they represent the life span of Gengar.

When the wise king died, he left his last words. When Gengar realizes that his lifespan is running out, he can rely on the bond between him and the wise king to forcefully open the seal. However, the Gengar will be completely dead by then, and there will be no more any trace.

Now, only a thousand years have passed, and Fang Che has come with the key. Gengar still has a thousand years to guard the secret realm or go out for fun. How can it not be close to Fang Che.


The conversation lasted for a long time. Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi asked a lot about the secret realm of Tianjian Mountain, and Geng Gui also told them everything they knew.

However, when Fang Che asked what secret treasures there were in this secret realm, Geng Gui suddenly fell silent and just smiled slightly.

Hey, are we not allowed to take away the secret treasure, or are there certain conditions for obtaining the secret treasure?

Fang Che sighed, he couldn't just get a treasure mountain in vain. This was a treasure left after the fall of a kingdom.

And according to Gengar's description, this secret realm is still a super-large secret realm that collects the wealth of several kingdoms. It can't be the size of this dark abyss.

Geng Gui grinned and said, You are the destined person who came in with the key. Logically speaking, the ownership of the secret realm should belong to you. However, there is a problem now...

Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi were both slightly stunned. They really didn't know that the ownership of the secret realm could be personal!

what is the problem?

Fang Che placed the ancient royal sword on the table. This key should be completely useless after entering the secret realm.

Gengar stretched out his hand, and his short fingers stretched out, You have the mark of the gods on your body. Although it is not the god represented by the mark on your body that destroyed our Lord's Kingdom, it is definitely with the sky!

Fang Che watched Geng Gui suddenly make a deduction, and he suddenly felt that this scene was very un-eleven.

After all, they are from the Gengar clan. Their facial expressions and knowledge reserves are far beyond what other elves can match.

He does have the power of Taile Bagos, and this can actually be seen?

How did you know he had the mark of the gods on him?

Zhao Wanxi frowned. The mark of Taile Bagos on Fang Che's body was completely undetectable by human means, but the wild Overlord Elf could easily see it?

If that was the case, then they would probably have to stay away from those strange secret realms.

After all, no one knows whether a legendary elf with a grudge against Taile Bagos will suddenly pop out of the secret realm.

Geng Gui glanced at Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi in confusion, Can't you feel it?

This time, Gengar was a little confused. Could it be that the two people in front of him couldn't feel the mark on them?

What is going on in the outside world?

Seeing Geng Gui's sudden uneasy look, Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi also felt their hearts rise.

Can you tell me what the outside world is like?

Geng Gui asked, wanting to know some outside information from the introductions of Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi.

If the outside world has changed in a way that it cannot understand at all, then the secret realm may not be open to the outside world.

After thinking for a while, Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi informed Geng Gui of some simple information about Elf Star. Geng Gui was fascinated by what he heard. When push came to shove, he took out a small book and a small book from his mouth. The quill began to record.

Not long after, Gengar's little book was filled with information from the outside world.

Ahem, that's it. No wonder you can't notice the marks on your body.

After Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi finished explaining the basic situation of the Elf Star, Geng Gui coughed slightly and breathed a sigh of relief. The outside world was not much different from the world they originally lived in. At most, it was just some elves. The special method of using skills has been lost.

In other words, they are those secret realms where humans have not yet found the secrets of inherited skills.

It's easy to detect the marks on your bodies. You just need to be proficient in one of the three techniques: discernment, spells, and mind's eye.

Gengar raised three fingers, Seeing through and seeing through the mind is not only able to see through the opponent's physical flaws and moves when used against the enemy, but after practicing to a certain level, it can also see through confusion, and even see through the gods scattered in the world. mark.

As for spells, ghost-type elves can be keenly aware of the power related to spells after they are proficient in them. From the source, the mark of the gods is just a curse that favors good.

Listening to Geng Gui's story, Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi suddenly realized that no one on Elf Star seemed to have focused their elf training on these three skills.

Even ghost elves rarely practice spells. After all, there are too many alternatives to spells.

Everyone is sprinting towards a more powerful realm, how could the elves' potential be wasted on these three skills.

Regarding these auxiliary skills, the attitude of the trainers is that they can use them skillfully and focus on breakthroughs?


Fang Che glanced at Geng Gui again. The breakthrough direction of this big boss at the peak of the championship was spells. He even advanced the spells to a 150% breakthrough level. Only the metal monster in Fang Che's hands could compare with it.

Having said that, even Fang Che couldn't understand how to break through again after reaching 100% skill breakthrough?

So, do you want to cover up the mark of the god on yourself?

Suddenly, Gengar started to move, and its fingers kept rubbing, as if preparing some skills.

Fang Che could figure it out with just a quick thought. Gengar wanted to cast a spell on him!

Please wait!

Fang Che stood up instantly. This was a champion-level boss. If a spell were cast, he might die even if there was an elf force field connected to Boss Cordora.

Seeing Fang Che's face full of rejection, Gengar sighed. It really wanted to help Fang Che cover up the bright mark of the god.

Although a thousand years have passed, the power that destroyed the kingdom still hangs in Gengar's heart.

Now feeling a similar aura of a god, Geng Gui felt choked in his heart. If Fang Che hadn't been the destined person with the royal sword, he would have greeted him with a shadow ball, and he was still looking at tea?

Go drink the foot-washing water from Geng Gui!



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